Member Reviews

Animal sounded great and I was glad to get an extract. It has an explosive, gripping beginning, well formed characters and the pace was amazing. I like Lisa¡s writing style. I was completely absorbed in Animal.
I want to know what is going to hppen and I can't waiit to find out.
Thanks to Lisa Taddeo and publusher for an eARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Lisa Taddo does it again.
Beautiful prose and shocking story that draws you in from the get go.
Leaves you wanting more and more, compulsively readable.

“I am depraved. I hope you like me.”
This novel had so much promise. In the beginning, I was intrigued by Joan’s past and believed this would be a heartfelt and redemptive story of females supporting females in the midst of patriarchy. However, this novel is anything but; females are pinned against each other, and Joan’s healing process (what would have been an integral part of the story) was completely lacking.
Joan herself is a unique narrator. She’s brutally honest about her life experiences, and crude in a way that’s often uncomfortable. As the novel progressed, I came to understand that Joan is a product of her past, but instead of channelling her trauma to create a more positive future, she becomes as terrible as the parents before her. She manipulates her elderly landlord with dementia (albeit, he was equally corrupt), and glamourised infidelity and sexual assault on several occasions. One of my prompt cards asked me to describe Joan in one word, but I pushed it to three - ‘major sociopathic tendencies.’
This novel was thoroughly problematic. There were an abundance of disgustingly uncomfortable scenes used purely for ‘shock factors’. They added nothing to the narrative, as they were left unresolved and without consequence; it worries me how damaging this could be for readers approaching this blind and unaware of the content warnings. I’m completely appalled by the unsettling nature of this novel, and won’t be recommending it in the future.

Lisa Taddeo can write exceptionally well with an incredible eye for detail. Animal is an incredibly well-written book but it didn't grip me as much as her former work.

I could not put down "Three Women" by Lisa Taddeo, a non-fiction account of the sex lives of three very different women, so I was very much looking forward to this extract of "Animal," the new novel by the same author.
It did not disappoint and I look forward to reading the entire novel now. Thank you for my review copy.

This extract definitely enhanced my curiosity and I cannot wait to read the book!
Thank you NetGalley for an exclusive early extract!

From the get go this is no holds barred, with content warnings for everything.
Excellent writing, but the content would not lead me to want to read more than this extract, but would encourage me to read other books by the author.
Not for me, but for someone.

I have just read this extract very quickly in one sitting. I am really intrigued and keen to read the rest, so I have added the book to my wishlist and will definitely purchase and buy it in the future.
I've never read anything by the author before but I'm already hooked. I have Three Women on my shelf which I'll be reading soon!
Thank you NetGalley for this extract which I should have read months ago...

Impatient to wait until the books was published, I was keen to read this extract having really enjoyed Three Women. And I wasn't disappointed - I now can't wait to read the book.

This extract has made me super excited to read this book! I loved Lisa Taddeo’s previous book so I know that this book will be just as good. I can only rate it 4 stars at the moment based on the small amount I read, however by the sounds of it, once I’ve read the whole book it will be a 4/5 star read! Can’t wait to read it all!

Lisa Taddeo has a gift for writing books that needs to be written for an audience that needs to read them. She is so reminiscent of McCarthy and Palanuik but a feminine voice and deeply acknowledged feminine characterisation makes her completely refreshing (in the type of way that you willl see the world differently after you’ve read her.) Cannot wait for the full book.

I enjoyed the extract I read that I got the full book. It was great!
I liked the characters and the plot.

An intriguing and well written extract that promises to deliver. Dark, gritty and promising. Five stars.

Thanks for this exclusive early extract of Animals. I can't wait for the book to be fully realised so I can spend a rainy afternoon reading it :)

I loved Taddeo's extremely powerful first book, Three Women and am extremely excited to read this debut novel. Joan is depraved, deeply damaged and darkly alluring. Joan is a woman. I've seen the positive reviews pouring in already so I'm very glad to have had this taster extract and understand the hype!

This book was electric! I loved every second of it and felt totally drawn in my Joan. Her dark and twisted nature was enticing and thrilling and I wanted to know more!

A very interesting read. I enjoyed reading this extract and I will certainly be picking up this book soon.

I have read this book and I have to say I did find it strange at times I got completely lost and couldn't quite work.out what was going on at times but I had to keep reading to the end. She is very disturbed and the discription of herself is very accurate.

A great read! I read the small extract and really enjoyed it. A gripping start to the book, I'm really looking to reading the whole book.

I’m hooked. This extract has got me wanting to read on and I can’t wait to read the whole book! I love the writing style and i felt I was in it before I knew where I was .