Member Reviews

I'm very excited about the book coming out, I was a bit let down by the opening as it seemed a bit flat, at least until the end of chapter 1. The style seems to be very similar to Three Women (which I loved) and even the themes are on the same line, so for anyone that loved her previous work, this seems to be a promising one!

I was completely gripped by this excerpt. Taddeo has created an extremely compelling narrator who, from the very first sentence, makes you want to know more about her. This excerpt was both literary and totally thrilling (a great combination, especially with the glut of subpar thrillers in the market of late) and the complicated protagonist's voice is totally unique as she describes watching a death, having sex with a man she isn't attracted to, and all kinds of other things that should be repulsive but, through Taddeo's writing and this character's voice, become riveting. I would love to read this entire book. I was very disappointed when the excerpt ended! (I read and enjoyed Three Women and this book is very different - in a good way!)
Thanks to Bloombury Publishing, NetGalley and the author for the intriguing preview.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this extract.
Punchy and engaging opening chapters written in first person, addressing a mysterious “you”. The main character seems to have a story to tell and I look forward to seeing how she develops.
I have added this to my must reads!

Taddeo is one of those writers who uses their voice incredibly well. The language is sharp and honest, the plot leaves you intrigued over why did her lover kill themselves? Who is the “you” that the narrator is addressing? I’m blown away by this extract alone, so I can’t imagine how explosive the rest of the novel is!

This is the first book I’ve read from Taddeo, I haven’t read her Three Women nonfiction book but I’ve seen the high praise it receives. I was intrigued by the blurb, so thought I’d give this extract a whirl.
Taddeo definitely has a voice, however the writing is overly descriptive and it feels like every thought is on the page. The narrator Joan isn’t likeable, but I’m guessing this is the idea as she’s described as being a sociopath.
I’m not sure if I would pick up the book based on the extract, it seems like Joan is suuuuuper pretty, everyone fancies her and she’s one of these women that tears down other women. I just didn’t gel with her at all unfortunately.
I would definitely recommend this book to fans of ‘Eileen’ and ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine’.

This extract was interesting to read! First person narrated and telling a story after the fact, so it felt a bit like a gumshoe detective type story. There was also a bit of a revenge story, where a woman is describing killing someone (or not) and why it happened. Unreliable narrators are one of my favourite plot devices, so I'll be looking out for the full version of this later this year. Thanks for the extract!

I'm familiar with Lisa's raw writing from her previous work (if you haven't check out Three Women). I didn't know she had a new book coming up. This extract gives you just a taste and leave you wanting more! Be sure to mark your calendars and get this one!

This extract starts with a bang, and I can’t wait to read the rest! There’s lots to grip you - the narrator’s lover has just shot himself in a restaurant and she talks about killing someone herself - but I was most intrigued by the unnamed “you” that the first person narrator is speaking to. I need to know more!

Thanks to Netgalley for an early preview of Lisa Taddeo’s new book - Animal.
This is Lisa’s first novel. I was disappointed to get to the end of this preview; I wanted to read more. The story starts out with the main protagonist recalling how a man she had been involved with, shot and killed himself. She doesn’t seem to be affected by this, or even like him very much... there’s reference to a backstory regarding the protagonist and “sociopathic tendencies” later in the book.
I can’t wait to read the book in full. This is a most anticipated read.

This extract was quite shocking and surprising so I will definitely buy the book when it is published.

What an opener! Strange as it may be, I already love this girl and want to know what is going to happen to her. Who is Alice? Who is this John Ford? I need to know more!! Hoping the rest of this book is as good as the beginning!

Ok, I need the full version for sure. I'm very intrigued already after reading just two chapters. I really enjoy self-admitted "depraved" characters and after reading Taddeo's Three Women I think this will be equally enjoyable. I am anticipating its release.

Having read Three Women, I was really looking forward to reading this book.
This extract didn't disappoint, from the opening lines this captured my attention as it was dark, raw, brutal and left me wanting more. This was such a brilliant teaser and I cannot wait to read the full book.
Thanks again to Netgalley and Bloomsbury for the sneak preview.

Having loved Three Women, requesting an early sneak peek at Animal was a no-brainer!
If the opening of the novel is anything to go by, this is going to be a wild ride: we meet Joan, a woman who appears to have had some bad experiences with men (with one recently shooting himself in front of her) and is escaping New York to find a mysterious woman called Alice. She arrives in the sweltering outskirts of LA to a place she has rented, meeting a rapper, Kevin, who lives downstairs.
The tone of this first chapter is oppressive and ominous, but in a way where I was intrigued to see how the rest of the book would play out. I hope to get a full copy so I can find out exactly what happens to Joan!

Wow, this really had me enthralled and desperate to read on. I mean, I usually enjoy samples/excerpts but certainly not where I am this eager to get my hands on the rest of the book. Beautifully written, scintillating and the very definition of unputdownable, it's no wonder there is so much hype surrounding its release. It's a delight to get a sneak peek of a book that actually surpasses the hype and exceeds everyone's expectations! Amazing.

I've been very much anticipating this novel and the first chapters do not disappoint. Taddeo's voice is powerful and self assured putting us within our narrators world with such immediacy. Opening with a shooting and our narrator's almost blase take on the events and her less than complimentary description of both the man and the events sets up her character perfectly. It is entirely intriguing to see just where this novel will take us.

After reading Three Women, I jumped at the chance when NetGalley offered this preview of Lisa Taddeo's next book, Animal.
We are immediately drawn into the narrative of Joan and her no nonense view of anything she wants, she will get, no matter who or what gets in the way or tries to stop her!
Can not wait to read the rest of this novel.

This teaser was brilliant. Wonderfully written. Creepy, atmospheric and uncomfortable but in alk the best ways! I can't wait to read the entire thing!

Joan has spent a lifetime enduring the cruel acts of men. But when one of them commits a shocking act of violence in front of her, she flees New York City in search of Alice, the only person alive who can help her make sense of her past.
I went in this blind, not reading anything but the description and not reading other reviews. The author keeps you guessing and intrigued right until the end, you find yourself turning page after page in search of the answers. You want to learn more and as much as possible while being on this journey. This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

This was a gripping extract, and I am very curious and excited to learn more about the main character, Joan. Taddeo's writing is as rich here as in Three Women, and I am keen to read the rest of this book when it's published!