Member Reviews
A good read for when you want to relax and escape a bit. The main character is trying to find out what she really wants in life, after the perfect life she is enjoying changes dramatically due to a sudden and devastating event. What route does she take to rebuild a fulfilling life and what are her priorities? Maybe different from what she thought? Will she be true to herself or will she settle for what seems the safe option and keep other people happy?
Having read books by this author before, I was very excited to read an advance copy of this.
Delphine is a strong independent woman, who has a successful career and all the perks that go with it. Although she had struggled to maintain a long term relationship, she continued to thrive in her professional life, until there is a shocking incident that completely turns Delphine's world up side down.
Embarking on a personal journey that makes her rethink her priorities and exactly what she wants in her life, this book is not short of twists and turns along the way. One of the most refreshing things about this was that the ending was not the traditional happy ever after, that as a reader you'd come to expect.
Unfortunately, I felt like this was missing something for me. It wasn't an outright disaster, as it kept me engaged and the plot moved at a decent pace. However, it didn't have that wow factor for me. I would love to discuss this with anyone who has read this, or reads it in the future. What did you think of this? Would you have preferred a different outcome for Delphine?
Thoroughly enjoyed reading about Delphie her love life and career.An exceptionally well written book which had me drawn to the characters from start to finish. Delphie’s career journey was just as exciting as her love life and I would like to thank Sheila for making this title available on Netgalley. Looking forward to reading more books by Sheila.
I usually really get into Sheila O'Flanagan books, but this one - not so much. It had enough to keep my attention, but my emotions weren't engaged. I got to end and thought, so what? I suppose the main problem was that I couldn't emphathise with the heroine, Delphie, and I didn't agree with some of her choices. With thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I loved this book following the life of career minded Delphie. As the title says, the story is placed around 3 weddings that Delphie attends. There's a few surprises on the way as the path to true love never runs smooth.
Join Delphie as she navigates her way through life changing decisions, deciding on whether she wants a career, a romance or the best of both worlds. She is a strong character who is well portrayed as s modern woman.
I absolutely loved this book. It was s great page turner that I would highly recommend.
#threeweddingsandaproposal # sheilaoflanagan #escapism #thoughtprovoking #modernwoman
I love all Sheila’s books I have read & this was no exception. I really enjoyed it. Thanks to the publishers for the chance to read and review this book.
A nice gentle novel with a few themes that many will identify with. Delphie, a single successful woman flies around the world working a glam job, has her own cottage and a huge irish family. they're worried she is on her own. She heads to Mallorca on business and meets her ex....
When life changes dramatically for Delphie, she wonders if this man from her past could be her future.
You can always rely on Sheila Flanagan to write a family drama full of heart
I’ve read previous books by this author and this did not disappoint. It took me a little while to warm to the main character but I really enjoyed getting to know Delphie and how she developed through this story. While some of the loose ends were tied up a little too neatly I really enjoyed losing myself in this story
Delphie is a single woman with a loving extended family, a great group of friends and a job she adores. When tragedy strikes, she is forced to re-evaluate and decide how to move her life forwards.
Despite the weddings and proposal mentioned in the title, this book isn’t really a love story and I liked that. It’s a story of a woman living a life she loves, constantly defending her choices to those around her. It’s not a perfect book and our heroine is most definitely flawed, but at heart she’s a good, strong character and I admired her determination and courage.
I enjoyed the descriptive writing, especially in scene setting and could clearly imagine the surroundings. I’ve read other books by this author and this one is equally well written and paced as those I’ve previously enjoyed. It’s a solid holiday book for me, perfect for relaxing with. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for my copy of this book.
I was very excited to be granted access to a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, since I am a big fan of Sheila O'Flanagan's other novels.
Although this wasn't my favourite of her books, it was still an entertaining read which helped me to indulge in my love of armchair travel, taking me from Mallorca to Ireland via luxury spa retreats. I really appreciated this escapism.
I was rooting for the main character all the way through. She was authentic and relatable and I enjoyed how her story arc was concluded.
Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. This is one of my favourite authors and this did not disappoint at all. Great storyline and great characters. Loved it
Three and a half stars.
Delphie is living her best life, executive assistant to one of Ireland's wealthiest men she travels the world doing everything from buying an antique bracelet for his girlfriend to reviewing business plans and managing the company's charitable foundation. She's single with her own beautiful cottage by the sea but the rest of her large Irish family won't stop feeling sorry for her just because she's alone. The last straw comes when she is being harangued from all sides because she hasn't named a plus one for her brother's imminent wedding (because they need to write the placecards for the reception FFS). Then a quick trip to Mallorca to hand over said bracelet to her boss brings great news, he wants to appoint her to the Board. Then on the flight home she sits next to her ex, Ed, who left her to work in Dubai.
Then tragedy strikes and Delphie's wonderful life collapses around her shoulders. Could reconnecting with the only boyfriend she ever really loved change everything?
I did really enjoy this story although I felt that the two major plot lines were too obviously telegraphed, or maybe I'm just that good at reading people, or maybe I've just read a scary number of contemporary romances? It was nice to have a 'career woman' who genuinely loves her career and doesn't suddenly decide to settle for something slower-paced, or using a softer, more feminine skill (like opening a cup-cake shop). I liked Delphie and I wanted to be her friend. I don't think I've read any other books by Sheila O'Flanagan but i like her writing and will definitely look out for more from her.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
I received this as an ARC from Netgalley in return for an honest review.
I have read loads of this author’s books and really enjoyed them,. Sadly, this one disappointed me. It’s hard to put my finger on the problem. Neat premise, well executed, flowing prose, realistic dialogue. So what was it? I think I failed to engage with the characters - they were predictable, boring and at times really annoying. I couldn’t empathise with the heroine - and that’s a real problem for me. I didn’t like the way she treated other characters and I struggled to understand her. Perhaps my biggest disappointment was the lack of a traditional happy ending. I can see what the author was trying to show in her ending but I’m afraid it left me cold.
This is not a bad book - far from it. My opinions are clearly not shared by other reviewers, so I’ll just put it down as ‘not my cup of tea’.
If you're a fan of Sheila O'Flanagan, this is another must-read book to add to your Sheila collection! You'll laugh, you'll hurt, you'll question and you'll travel the story alongside Delphie....
I really enjoyed this. Nothing ground breaking or shocking just a good relatable story. It was very current as the pandemic was mentioned. Highly recommend.
Having read and enjoyed this author’s previous books I was looking forward to reading this one and it doesn’t disappoint.
Delphie Martens is a strong independent woman. She owns her own house, has a job she loves and great friends. So what more does she need? According to her family she needs someone to share her life with. But Delphie’s OK on her own until an unexpected tragedy has her taking stock of the choices she has made. When an old flame walks back into her life, she wonders if this is the time to reassess what she really wants.
A great book which was enjoyable and entertaining to read.
I normally love this author's books and whilst I did enjoy the story line, I just couldn't warm to the main character, she seems inordinately involved in the lives of her boss, his estranged wife and his mistress and seems to let them treat her like a bit of a doormat if I'm honest. She makes a huge point of justifying her choices to her family, explaining she is happily single and doesn't need marriage to define her which is completely correct but she seems to need her job and the approval of the women in her bosses life to define her and doesn't seem to have much else in her life.
Not my favourite I'm afraid
An enjoyable read, with a different and pleasing ending. I would also like to thank Sheila O’Flanagan for writing a book during a pandemic but only mentioning it briefly - for me it’s too soon to read books about the nightmare that we are currently in - and for this reason I found it a refreshing read from real life and the news. Likeable characters, well written and easy to read. The female characters in particular are strong, likeable, independent women. Fabulous!
I very much enjoyed this tender family drama, as we’ve come to expect from this wonderful author. Beautiful and insightful!
This book is an ideal holiday read. It’s light hearted and you find yourself rooting for Delphie and her friends.
I like the fact that the story acknowledges that the pandemic has happened and the emotional impact that lockdowns can have on individuals, especially those living alone but as it takes place in a post pandemic world it doesn’t impact the story in any material way. I think we have all seen enough of everything in the news over the last year that it is nice to escape to a world where big weddings in castles and international flights are a common occurrence again.
There is nothing ground breaking about the story but I really enjoyed the read none the less and would recommend it.