Member Reviews

I will defiantly be recommending this book to my friends. if you love romance then this is the book for you. Rachael Lucas keeps you wanting to read one more chapter!!

Found this a little too clichéd and predictable, a little heavy and not breezy enough... It just didn't click, sadly. Would make a good pass0the-time read, but I wasn't in that kind of mood and wanted more, which this story didn't have for me, unfortunately

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

This was a delightful read with beautiful characters and a stunning location. Highly recommend to all romance readers, the perfect fit also for bookworms.

Lovely feel good book to read. It was a joy to read. Lovely characters. Great plot. The book was charming. Very well written. I’d definitely recommend this book

Anyone who loves books and the simple pleasure of walking through a bookshop will absolutely adore this book.
The writing flows beautifully, the small cosy and close-knit village setting is wonderful, Those who grew up in a similar place will, however, be familiar with the somewhat insular and gossipy mentality of the locals.
It's in a series, but I've not read the previous book so it reads well as a standalone.

This was a brilliant read and is being featured on my blog for my quick star reviews feature, which I have created on my blog so I can catch up with all the books I have read and therefore review.
See www.chellsandbooks.wordpress.com.

Wow this book was spectacularly wrote, and so engrossing I really love every second of it. A throughly complete page turning romance novel. Its just so heartwarming and will leave you with that happy ever after feeling. Yes the who she will end up with is rather predictable but the way this book is wrote it really pulls you in and gives you that warm hug we all love and need at times. There are plenty of unexpected issues that need to be overcome in this novel. There is a big of that edge of your seat drama we all love that sense of antisipation. I just adored the characters, you feel as if you really get to know them well and you become part of their lives and live that small village life along side them. I love the book cover it's so warm, so happy and with such beautiful colours. This book is perfect for any season. Its such a believable story-line and you get a real sense of community. You will go through a real set of emotions along with the characters reading this book.
So much praise to the author and publishers for bringing us such a fantastic read that will make us feel so happy and warm hearted. This is a really good author to watch out for new books coming out. You will want to buy them for yourself and other friends. And your friends will love you for buying them this book. review left same as above 11/11/21 on goodreads, waterstones, Google books, kobo and amazon also live on my blog https://ladyreading365.wixsite.com/website/post/the-village-green-bookshop-by-rachael-lucas-pan-macmillian-5-stars

Rachael Lucas has become one of my autobuy authors.
You know what you are getting from her books - and not in a roll your eyes predictable way.
Lucas' writing makes your heart hurt, it makes your heart soar and it makes you feel comfy cosy in the process of getting to know the characters.
This book was no better!
I LOVED revisiting the village and getting to know a whole new set of characters. Their characterisation was stunning and I loved them all - even the ones that you are not supposed to love... The setting, as always, was sublime and I would now like to move there...immediately.
A gorgeous story and I would love for there to be another book based the village! Roll on the next Rachael Lucas novel!

Typical village where nothing is a secret for long. A must for all booklovers. Romance set in a village that doesn''t like change, can it happen? Worth reading for the setting alone if you like the outdoors.

I loved this book and hadn't actually realised initially that it was a sequel or at least, a companion, to the Telephone box library.
This was a beautiful box with a return to the village of Little Maudley, with another person (Hannah) needing a new start. The characters are rich and you really feel a part of the village and its life, and want to cheer on and befriend everyone.
I loved how Ben and his situation was described, and how it turned around (especially the ending, thanks to the wonderful Jake and his influence). You also really felt for Jake and understood where he came from and how he responded to his past, and used it for his future.
The only letdown was I thought Sarah needed to be in a bit more, but wouldn't complain if this was the start of a third story,
So glad I read this and would recommend it to anyone, reading the first one helps with the background but isn't necessary.

I really loved this book. I loved being back in the village and meeting the new characters who the book was focused on. I completely adored the romantic story within the book too.

I absolutely love everything Rachael writes and this is no exception. In the Village Green Bookshop we return to Little Maudley (from The Telephone Box Library) Which returns us to favourite characters and introduces us to great new characters too. Hannah who puts her family first and adorable former footballer Jake were so good. The amazing story and the community of Little Maudley which I so want live in provides pure happiness and great escapism.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

Rachael Lucas is one of my favourite authors so to be able to read this early was a real treat. As usual the characters were engaging and I couldn’t put the book down. Any book centred around a library is a hit but this is one of my favourites.

I really enjoyed this book I read it in one sitting the writing just flowed and loved the storyline just a really feel good book loved the relationship between the characters shows if you put your mind to it anything is possible

This was a really good read. Easy story to follow, charming setting and great characters. Really enjoyed it.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, the sequel to The Telephone Box Library. Some of the same characters were in this one, and the new characters were very well drawn. A sweet and lovely story, with a fantastic sense of place too.
Many thanks to Netgalley, Pan Macmillan and Rachael Lucas for my copy.

I absolutely loved this book! The book is set on from The Telephone Box Library which I had read previously but you don’t have to have read it before reading this book. It follows Hannah a mum who has a teenage son Ben, her husband isn’t very helpful within the home or as a parent as he work long hour and is away from home a lot. When her cousin Beth gives her an opportunity to leave Manchester and take over the local shop Hannah takes a chance for the family to make a new start as Ben had fallen in with a bad crowd and wasn’t doing so well at school. Hannah moves with Ben and they begin their. Ee life with a view her husband will follow when he organises their family home being rented out. Once in the village she settles fairly well and has lots of ideas for the shop mainly the post office book shop. Ben joins the local football team which is about to be managed by an ex pro footballer Jake who comes across as a very caring person but is gorgeous and Hannah starts to fall for him, unbeknown to her he feels exactly the same! I won’t give too much away but things don’t go to plan for the new start as a family but Hannah makes new friends and life becomes a much more pleasant experience for her. Definitely read of after a year of the pandemic you just need a bit of romance and a happy ending!

Following on from Rachael’s earlier book, this has all the charm. I don’t think I’d necessarily have purchased this as was too similar from the previous one, but still thoroughly enjoyed it.

I don't think it's going to be much of a surprise to find out I loved this book. I loved The Telephone Box Library and am a fan of Rachael Lucas's books so chances are I'm going to enjoy what she writes. However, I'm always honest in my reviews and I'm not going to say I enjoyed something if I didn't. What I really like about this book and her others, are the characters. In this book we mainly have Hannah, Ben and Jake who are finding a new direction in their lives for various reasons, as well as adjusting to village life which is new to all three of them.
While the villagers are welcoming, they are also very interested in each others lives, some more than others admittedly. The uniqueness of knowing everyone where you live comes across really well, it sounds lovely when you live somewhere where you barely know anyone, but it's not always as idyllic as people imagine. Having said that Little Maudley seems to strike a good balance between being concerned and interested, and being nosy.
I loved watching Hannah settle into village life and develop as a character and do things she's always wanted to do but never been able to do before. It's more her story than anyone else's but it's equally nice to see Ben and Jake adjust and develop as well. I think I just connected with Hannah more because I've also had that experience of suddenly feeling free to do what you want because you want to do it, and no dissenting voices around.
This is a lovely, feel-good book that also addresses serious and little discussed issues with care and compassion. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a feel-good book, I think we all need them sometimes, especially in these uncertain times. If you've enjoyed Rachael Lucas's books before then I think you'll enjoy this one, if this is a new author to you then why not check her work out. It'll transport you somewhere else for a few hours, drop you into their lives and give you have some new experiences from the comfort of your sofa.