Member Reviews

The Smidgens live hidden away from the 'Big Folk' and the Sprout family live alone - are there anymore Smidgens out there?

Gafferty finds a map of the tangle where she lives which leads her to adventure. Gafferty and her brother Gob visit a new area of the Tangle and that is where the problems start.

Gob is kidnapped by a a women looking for a mirror - whose location is known by the Smidgens, will Gafferty and her new friends be able to rescue him?

A good adventure book for ages 7+

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Gaffrey Sprout is a Smidgen, living alone with her family, taking what they need from the world of the big people. There are clear echoes of the Borrowers and Arriety in the set-up of this world. The book differs in it's adventure and magic, with Gaffrey on her first solo journey with a younger brother quickly finding danger with ghosts and an adult seeking a magical item.

For 7-8 years +, the book quickly appeals with sibling arguments, slime and adventure. As Gaffrey finds out more about her history and world and its past Smidgen tribes, it becomes a fast-moving good-humoured mix of exploration and adventure. Are they the only ones of their kind? Can they fight off the ghosts?

Well-written and paces with good illustrations to match.

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This story reminded me of a modern day 'Borrowers' with lots of adventure, magic and mysterious scary creatures thrown in!
The Smidgens are tiny little people and the Sprout family believe they could be the last of their kind. The adventure starts with the youngest Smidgens trying to steal a chip for their tea and discovering a map of the hidden tribes of their people. Gafferty, the young Smidgen is determined to follow the map as she would love to make some friends. With her younger brother in tow she sets out on a mission to find other Smidgens but there is an evil adversary and 3 ghostly apparitions trying to catch them.
This book was captivating, full of fun with a humorous and exciting storyline. The illustrations were stunning and really brought the story to life. The ghosts made the story more interesting as they were such unusual characters.
I can't wait to read this to my daughter. I know she will especially enjoy the magical element of the story (with the mirror.)
This would be a perfect book to read to a KS1 class and I would recommend it for readers aged 7+
We will be patiently awaiting more books in this fabulous series!
Thank you to NetGalley and Bloomsbury Children's Books for this advance reading copy.

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The Smidgens are tiny little creatures, a bit like the Borrowers, who look like humans. Gafferty Sprout and her family are Smidgens and this book follows Gafferty's adventures as she looks for the lost tribes of Smidgens.
This is an entertaining and well-written book, with lots of comical touches e.g. the opening where Gafferty takes her younger brother hunting - for chips! I love the way they disguise themselves as insects as a kind of camouflage so the real humans don't spot them.
Ultimately though, this wasn't the kind of children's book that I enjoy reading. A bit too much fantasy and not quite enough truth. I didn't feel like I could quite get into the characters' shoes and that was an obstacle to my enjoyment.

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