Member Reviews

I loved this series I was so pleased with its conclusion and really enjoyed being back with the characters. I love Bex Hogan and will read anything she writes.

This series has such a great cover, I loved the dark green, and I loved the atmosphere of this book. The depth is amazing and I just loved it!

This book was the perfect ending for this trilogy.
It’s always great to see it all come together.

This review is going to be a little bit different. While I will be going into the individual wonders of Vulture, this is also going to be my love letter to the thrilling, twisty and always fantastic series that is the Isles of Storm and Sorrow series by Bex Hogan.
For me, this was one of those series that reminded me just why I love reading YA so much.
I am constantly recommending it to other people and it’s helped get a couple of reluctant readers to start turning the pages once again. Hogan just has this sparkle and wit to her writing that keeps you utterly swept up in this creative, but brutal world she’s created. It’s like the glint in your eye as you start an adventure. There’s just this nameless, intangible quality to her work that you cannot help but fall in love with.
A major highlight of this series for me has to be these nuanced, three-dimensional and far too relatable characters. Marianne is one of my favourite YA fantasy heroines. She is resilient, empathetic and loving beyond comparison, but she is also fragile and vulnerable. Her strength comes entirely from her acceptance of herself and her history, being able to overcome her trauma and instead build herself a new family and community. Found family is one of my comfort tropes and seeing such a wonderful cast of characters fills my heart with joy. I love how distinctive and unique they all are and how within the space of a few pages, Hogan has you rooting for them. Yet again, be careful who you get attached to as Hogan is not afraid to brutally kill off her darlings.
There are always real stakes and consequences for actions in this bloody, vicious world. I love how Hogan isn’t afraid to go there. That keeps the sense of danger constant and an actual threat to these characters we love. As ever, Vulture keeps this intensity and passion high, with a clever payoff to that cliffhanger from Venom (Bex, you evil genius you). Right from that immensely strong opening, she had me in the palm of her hand. The writing style is so vivid and engaging, as well as being packed full of well executed plot twists and turns. I also love how dark and menacing the villains in this series are. They are despicable and encompass abuses of power through many different forms. All of this builds to an exceptional conclusion that managed the rare feat of actually being satisfying.
Vulture is a superb ending to what has been an amazing and highly engaging trilogy. Hogan really breaks your heart time and time again, so don’t expect to leave this series unscathed.

Thank you to the publisher for my eARC copy of this book. Unfortunately I didn’t love this book and therefore didn’t finish, I just didn’t connect with this one. Not for me, sorry.

I can’t believe its all over. I have adored every second of this trilogy and I already can’t wait to re-read it.
I loved being back with Marianne and crew, sailing between the twelve isles and finding all the mysteries. I also found the particular twists and turns of the finale fantastic. There was so much to take in from the very start! In fact the end of book 2 is punishing, and I’m glad my theories about that worked out, but I particularly liked seeing the impacts of that on my favourite characters. There is so much trauma, but that’s so accurate to everything they have gone through.
The relationship between Marianne and Bronn really is just fantastic, but i also adore her friendships - especially with the prince. It also really gives weight to all the reveals and betrayals as we go along.
There were two moments in this that I wont go into because of spoilers, but OMG the PAIN. I am pretty sure I send Bex hate tweets as I read this though - she does love to punish us! I can’t wait to read whatever she writes next.

I read book 1 in this series back in 2018 and really enjoyed it, but I hadn't expected to remember it as vividly 3 years later. But I did and when I sat down to reread it and finally read book 2 and 3, I just had an incredible time. This has been such an enjoyable series, and I love how action-packed and full of plot twists it is - it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

After the devastating cliffhanger at the end of book 2, I could not wait to get my hands on the final book of the Isles of Storm and Sorrow trilogy. It has taken me quite a while to be able to get my thoughts straight after! Bex Hogan is such an amazing writer, this book hooked me right from the start and had me craving more whenever I had to (very reluctantly) stop reading. I am very happy to finally have the conclusion but at the same time kind of sad that it's all over!

A cracking finale to an incredible series!
I already can't wait to reread this trilogy - it was wonderful. I loved the adventure, Bex manages to keep us scared and excited through the previous two books and this one was no different. There are plenty of twists and turns and your heart will be mended and shattered continuously. There was SO much plot to these books - yet Character development also came in spades - it was truly phenomenal.
A series I will continue to recommend - A MUST READ

Venom ended with Marianne laying dying at the hands of Bronn, which was absolutely not okay. Clearly she isn't dead because she's starring in another book and it says right there in the blurb. She and Bronn are having some real issues with the whole stabbing her to death thing, which seems reasonable; I was furious with him and he didn't even breathe near me. Both are so angry and hurt. Marianne knows she asked a lot of Bronn, but she still resents him for actually killing her, and he resents her for making him. Our Bronn is very good at sticking his head in the sand and being uncommunicative (and at times incredibly hurtful) and it took me a long time to stop wanting to throttle him every time he appeared.
Marianne is going through a lot. There's the recovering from death thing but also her magic. Coming back from death has changed her, and her magic is different and darker. She's starting to feel like she is losing herself to it. Don't get me wrong, I loved vengeful Marianne stomping around the isles finishing off those who wronged her (coin guy was a personal favourite), but she's definitely not herself. She's losing her way when everyone is looking to her for guidance and leadership, and it's quite unsettling. Watching Marianne fight her way through those whilst pulling herself together was one of the things I loved most about this book; her strength is phenomenal.
There is so much more to love about this book. We see Raoul again; he's a great character and he really brings a lot to this story. I adored Harley for the choices she makes, her unwavering loyalty and just the person she is. So many times she made me laugh (of course the aforementioned author then made me almost immediately cry to balance it out). Talon is back - who doesn't love Talon. Gaius is also back, but he's still a bastard and the least said about him the better. He infuriated me more than Bronn, which I didn't think was possible. Sharpe and Torin are couple goals. I love how quietly affectionate and utterly in love they are; the don't have the fiery drama that Marianne and Bronn have, but I ship them and I want only happy things for their future together. Torin really grows in this book: the scenes with his father and Marianne gave me life.
Vulture has some truly horrific moments. There are moments I gasped, put the book down, and even cried. I also spent most of the time messaging Bex my fury and feelings. There are brilliant twists, lots of magic, and one of the biggest betrayals I think I've ever read.
In short, Bex is a brilliant writer, Vulture is fantastic, and if you've not jumped aboard the Viper yet you should do that immediately.

This was an amazing end to the trilogy and Bex has really outdone herself this time. Plot and characters were perfection, and I am honestly so sad to see it come to an end.

After the ending of book 2 I did wonder what was going to happen here......this read was certainly a ride....for my emotions!
Marianne has been a shining light for me as a main character. Sometimes I do go off the leads in a story but my love for Marianne has remained constant. I just want to mummy cuddle her!
So I loved it! I don't really want to say much about the plot apart from 2 things.....1) there was a bit where my mouth hung open at the injustice of it and 2) I was glad to see Torin again!
I have really enjoyed this trilogy and can't wait to see what Bex Hogan writes next!

The grand finale in Hogan’s epic sea faring adventure series sees Marianne – who has gone on hell of a character journey – striving to control the darkness within herself. This was fast paced pirate centric fantasy; a gut wrenching and very satisfying conclusion to the series.

Phenomenal ending to a phenomenal series.
Bex Hogan has woven such an intricate, powerful world full of characters that you really find yourself rooting for.
The last instalment in the Isles of Storm and Sorrow series will have you reaching for the tissues on more than one occasion!
Absolutely brilliant book. So much depth and action packed!

This is the third and final book in the ‘Isles od Storm and Sorrow’ series and starts from where Venom ends. It is going to be really hard not to give anything away in this review especially for those of you who maybe only just starting on this fabulous journey and haven’t yet read Viper and Venom. Therefore, I am going to talk more about how the book made me feel that what actually happens in the plot.
Vulture will have you experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions throughout. You want certain things to happen in the story and with the characters and boy does Bex Hogan break some hearts…. I can’t believe this journey with Marianne is over but wow what an ending! I can’t remember who recommended this series to me but I assume it was @eenaol and I am so grateful that she did as this is a reading journey and trilogy that I will treasure for ever. Come on, everyone knows I am a sucker for a book with a fabulous map…. There are so many twists and turns throughout that it was very hard to put this book down. I had no idea which way this book would go after the finale of Venom but I don’t think any reader will be left disappointed as it is very hard not to love this world and feel like you are on the journey with them.
My favourite character has to be Marianne. I adore her. She is brave, courageous and fights for everyone she loves, what she believes in and what she thinks is right. Her magic is so powerful and exciting and well done to Bex Hogan for creating a powerful woman along with other amazing and likeable characters. I cannot recommend this series enough!
This book is perfect for any YA fantasy adventure fans and those who love the Pirates of the Caribbean films

I really loved the conclusion of this trilogy even though it was heartbreaking too. We are kept on the edge of our seats throughout this trilogy and these characters go through so much but i also loved seeing their development over the trilogy.

I knew that this book would send me on a rollercoaster of emotions and it did. I laughed, I cried and I felt content. It was heartbreakingly beautiful and this series is one of my all time favourites. It is one I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Being the final book in a trilogy I feel like there is always so much pressure to get it perfect but Bex Hogan nailed it on the head and whilst I'm so sad that the series is over, I am so happy to have gone on this adventure with these characters. I ended up devouring this book in just over 4 hours! This book was perfect in every way. From the plot, the character development and the twists and turns, this book was everything I needed and more.
Marianne has grown so much as a character and I loved going on her journey with her. I laughed when she laughed, I cried when she cried and I became so attached to her that I could read another whole series with just her.
I could go on and on about this book and series but I don't want to spoil anything so go read it! Bex Hogan is one of my all time favourite authors! She's so lovely and sweet, not to mention her writing is just beautiful and mesmerising. I cannot wait to see what she writes next!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This is a very satisfying conclusion to a trilogy that I enjoyed immensely as it had a lot of my favourite things in it- dark and difficult magic, pirates (of sorts), romance in the midst of peril, magical creatures and just the occasional zombie. The action is relentless but that's what I want out of this kind of adventure story and if you have read the other two books in the series then you know what to expect!
I particularly enjoyed the relationship between Marianne and the two men in her life, the quite charming Prince Torin and her soul-mate pirate assassin pal Bronn. Both lads managed to protect and support her when she needed it without ever patronising her or lessening her power or agency and this felt fresh and new within the genre. I really did read this book in one long session as I couldn't put it down, despite it only being available on my tiny phone's NetGalley app rather than my eye-friendly Paperwhite.

If you haven't read Viper or Venom by Bex Hogan yet you are seriously missing out! The release of Vulture provides the perfect opportunity to read this trilogy without the agony of waiting for the final instalment so go and read them...now!
On to the highly anticipated Vulture...OH. MY.
Bex has done it again! A fast-paced book filled with pirates, assassins and magic and everything and anything in between, Vulture does exactly what readers have come to love from Bex's writing; you're hooked from the beginning and sent on an emotional rollercoaster! I honestly had no idea where Bex was going to take the characters or the story after the ending of Venom with that insane ending (good...but talk about a cliffhanger!) but I found it so easy to engage again with the characters and their story after the wait and was kept guessing throughout with every twist and turn!
The main thing that I've taken away from the series is the sheer exhilaration of this adventure and the passion that a reader can feel for a book and its characters! I've loved the sense of community its brought on social media with readers uniting with all the emotions that this series produces and at its heart is Bex who revels in our torture!
I can't recommend the whole series enough, with Vulture being the perfect conclusion to an epic trilogy.

Fantastic ending to the Isle of storm and sorrow series! I've had such a fab time reading these books. I loved every fight, character and heartbreak. This was the most amazing swashbuckling adventure.