Member Reviews

Southampton is in the grip of numerous random crimes and Detective Helen Grace has a heavy work load and problems in her own team. Truth of Dare is another thrilling read, it had me trying to figure out who was doing what to who and why! Now, with that ending, I can't wait for the next instalment.
Thanks to NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this book.

Another great read with Helen Grace as the focus of this book.
A series of murders which independently make no sense at all, and the internal feuds within the Police section make for another great read, can't wait for the next instalment

I’ve been a DI Helen Grace fan since the very first books so I was delighted to receive this review copy via Netgalley.
This was an “ unputadownable” read which I raced through in a few days and my only disappointment was reaching the end as I’ve now got to wait a long time for the next instalment.
In this book Helen and her team are investigating a series of seemingly unrelated murders which are escalating. There are few clues and none of the suspects seem to have a motive. As well as this problem, Helen is having difficulties with DS Hudson, her deputy, who has a grudge against her and is determined to undermine the investigation, planning to try and bring her down by leaking negative details to the press via Helen’s enemy reporter Emilia Garanita. Helen has few allies and seems increasingly isolated as the novel progresses.
The book was a compelling read, not only did I want to work out how the incredibly complex series of murders was connected but I also wanted to know if Hudson would succeed in his plan to get rid of DI Grace and take over the team.
Helen’s boss and mentor, Grace Simmons, does her best to help but she has her own problems and Charlie, her usual DS and dear friend is still on maternity leave. There is no one for her to turn to in a difficult situation and Helen can only rely on herself to solve the crimes and maintain her position.
This was an excellent read with many twists and turns which had me on the edge of my seat from the very first page. If you’ve read the earlier books you’ll love this and even if you haven’t this will work as a great stand alone too. However why not read the other books as you will be in for a real treat?
Thanks to the publishers for granting me advance access to Truth or Dare via NetGalley.

As always Arlidge managed to bring you back up to speed seamlessly and it was like I’d just finish the previous one in the series again.
The plot of this book is intricate, carefully planned and expertly executed. Another fantastic instalment in the series!
It’s less twisty than some of the others in this series have been that did not mean it was any less spectacular. It was still the writing style that fans have grown to love, the short sharp chapters, the multiple points of view, the clear cut storylines.
Ending on a mini-cliff hanger, I already need more Helen Grace in my life.

Excellent, fast paced and gritty. Southampton is in the grip of a disturbing crime wave and Helen Grace and her team are faced with the seemingly impossible task of solving the problem. Helen is under pressure like never before, she is being attacked in the media and there is insurrection in the ranks. Will this be her last case? Highly recommended.

Crime is accelerating in Southampton and Detective Inspector Helen Grace is struggling.
Carjacking, arson, murder and no clues, no motives. Can she find the answers when one of her team is actively working against her.
Are all these crimes connected ?
This is the latest in a series of books but worked well as a standalone.
I am now going to buy the rest.
A thrilling read that you won’t want to put down.
#Netgalley #Truth or Dare #M. J. Arlidge

A new book by M J Arlidge is always a cause for celebration and this one - the tenth in the excellent police procedural series to feature Detective Inspector Helen Grace - is no exception.
In this instalment, DI Grace and her team in Southampton are faced with a crime wave - they have a high number of murders, thefts and criminal acts on their hands but no idea why. There seem to be no connections between the cases and DI Grace is also facing insubordination from within her own team. The local newspaper is keen to highlight the failings of Hampshire Police and the situation is dire - until a disturbing pattern emerges in the killings.
It is hard to write about this book without giving major spoilers - not my style - and so I'll just reassure Arlidge's many fans that this features exactly the tight plotting and fiendish twists you have come to expect. There is tension aplenty, a high body count and lots of action to keep you invested in the story.
As usual, DI Helen Grace is the main character and she is rather a maverick, solitary figure - her team do slightly blend together in the background for the most part. However, she is a strong and interesting figure so this doesn't detract from the story - although it would be nice to have DS Charlie Brooks back from maternity leave for the next novel as she is a supportive ally for Grace. Aside from that, I just feel like I should say boo to DS Hudson for reasons that will become obvious when you pick up the book!
Although this is part of a series, I think it would work effectively as a stand alone - anything relevant in the back-story is explained in this novel. If you haven't read the other books though, you're missing a treat. And this book does seem to be leading into something else, - so even if you start the series with this book then I think you will be holding out for book 11!
Overall, this is an enjoyable and clever police procedural. Those new to DI Grace and Southampton Central will find plenty to enjoy, while established fans of the series will love the twisted new plotline from this most creative of murder mystery writers. Pick up a copy and clear the diary - you'll not want to put this book down.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A crimewave sweeps through the city and no one is safe. A murderous arson attack at the docks. A brutal carjacking in a deserted car park. A fatal hammer attack in a lonely country park. Crimes without motive, without suspects, without leads. Each crime is a piece of a puzzle - with many more pieces still to come. And as they gradually fall into place, Detective Inspector Helen Grace comes to realise just how twisted and devious this web of crime is - and how impossible it will be to stop it.
Well this felt like a book of two halves. To begin with, I was disappointed with this latest read in the Helen Grace series, it was lacking energy, excitement and Arlidge's clever tricks initially. However, this was soon rectified and the latter half of the book was like a different read. Arlidge spent a great deal of time drawing me in until I was immersed in this dark world. The first half felt lost and confusing but this proved to be a reflection of the characters. The second half was stunning; full of danger, excitement and energy. The adrenaline really got going and once again, Arlidge weaves a meticulous, complex plot and draws everything together perfectly.
With a series, one of the joys is catching up with established and well-loved characters and this was certainly the case for this read. We see Helen Grace in a bit of a different situation in this book and as a result we get more development for the character and intrigue for the reader. Arlidge ensures the series and its characters never feel stale and long may it continue.
Fans of Arlidge will love 'Truth or Dare'. Give it time if it does not immediately hook you as the second half of the book more than makes up for it. I cannot wait for the next instalment.
Thank you to NetGalley and Orion for an advance copy.

Another brilliant read from M J Arlidge.
A welcome return to Helen Grace sees her battling foes on both sides of the law and a loss of a long term confidante shakes her to the core. However, there is not much that can keep the inspector from fighting for what she believes in and trusting herself is never more important.
As random murders are reported across Southampton the police need to find out whether the heatwave and Covid-19 restrictions have unsettled the district’s inhabitants or whether there is something or someone orchestrating events.
A multi stranded story with characters galore. Their stories start to interconnect but can this nightmare actually be real?? It has DI Grace lost her grip??

Incredibly lucky & grateful to receive this early copy prior to publication, thanks to Netgalley, I am an avid fan of M. J. Arlidge and this thoroughly entertaining series & I am very happy to report that this latest instalment doesn't falter in the slightest.
Oddly, the cadence works as well as ever, with a frantic opening and a slower middle, before the book races to a thrilling and highly enjoyable ending. True to form, you won't be able to turn the pages quick enough towards to the end, as the book compels you to savour the twists & turns and the surprises along the way.
I don't honestly believe that this author can write a poor book as some are better than others, but this a prime example of fiction simply told exceptionally well. A taut and vibrant story jammed full of new and old characters that just leap of the page in realism and depth. Great reading, heartily recommended.

DI Helen Grace is BACK and MJ Arlidge has delivered yet another brilliant addition to the series.
Compared with the other books in this fabulous series prepare to meet a much more sophisticated and finely tuned DI Grace. Confident, self assured and finally enjoying a bit more of a ‘peaceful’ if not non-existent home-life. On reflection I am sad that Helen, her team and all her original backstory is no more but the essence of what makes her so compelling to read is definitely still there.
The storyline is really well written, it’s not totally original having read other books with similar premise but this doesn’t deter from the fast paced way in which it unravels. Sadly because of the plots similarities to others I did figure this one out ahead of reveal but needless to say I was totally hooked all the way!
Get ready for a real mystery of a case(s), heightened tension within the Southampton team, mounting pressure on DI Grace to place a conviction and thrilling car chases. This book really does have it all and will keep you reading until the small hours!
Thank you NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

I have followed the Helen Grace series from the very start and enjoyed everyone of them so I was really looking forward to this one. A fast paced novel and a real page turner make this a quick read.
There is a crimewave hitting Southampton, lots of apparently unconnected random crimes wreaking havoc in the city. It’s up to Helen Grace and her team to try and solve this situation and bring back some normality to the area.
Edge of the seat suspense, fast paced and clever plot make this a good read.
I would like to thank both Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

AMAZING! I absolutely devoured this book. Helen Grace is back and God, I have missed her. Full of action, shocks and the occasional bit of fear. M J Arlidge is my favourite writer and this book did not disappoint. The ending is left on a bit of a cliffhanger and I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

Having read all the previous Helen Grace books I was delighted to have the opportunity to read this book and thankfully it did not disappointed. This book is as well written, and "twisted" as all the previous ones in the series, with an extra layer of complexity for Helen to deal with within her own team. If you have enjoyed the previous ones then you will enjoy this one and for other people I would recommend starting with the first in the series as I think this is one series that benefits from reading in order.

This is a story that's been done before,but I feel this was done so very well.
Partly due to the fact I'm invested in the characters having been through so much with them.
Some shocking moments,and real tension,had me finishing this one way past bedtime.
Good to be back with Helen.

What is going on in Southampton? There are so many murders the local police would be forgiven for thinking their city had been twinned with Gotham. Unfortunately they can't call on Batman for help, it is up to Helen Grace and her team to figure out what is going on. But when someone on that team is doing everything possible to bring Helen down will she be able to concentrate hard enough to solve these murders.
There are so many suspects here that it is almost impossible to guess how this book will end, just how I like it. Definitely worthy of 5 stars.

I couldn’t wait to read the new Detective Inspector Helen Grace crime drama and when it dropped, I dropped everything to do so. Not only does Helen have to withstand the issues in her department – caused by the souring of a long over relationship with a colleague – but she has a series of crimes to negotiate. From a brutal arson attack to a carjacking to a hammer incident, each crime seems distinct but somehow linked to what else is going on. While her team may differ on who could be responsible, it’s almost impossible to find common ground. This is a crime with multiple parts, like a jigsaw with a never ending amount of pieces, but each piece links to another, and another. Helen realises that the person behind all the goings on is going to be a lot more difficult to find – and catch – then even she expected. I love how the personal relationships have an impact on the professional relationships, it makes the novel read more realistically. I’ve read all the Helen Grace books and cannot wait for the next, given that the conclusion to Truth or Dare scream for another instalment.

I got to the end of the book and actually cried out ‘oh no you can’t leave it there’!!
But then it was a blooming fantastic place to end it. I want more. My goodness what a book. It’s lovely to catch up with Helen again and nice to see she hasn’t changed one little bit. Without her mate Charlie there she seemed a bit vulnerable but not that she lets it show. What a fantastic weaving of a story, How on earth can some one dream up these scenarios. But I’m glad they do. They just keep getting better and better. More please and soon I need to know where he’s gone and what he’s going to do next (don’t want to give any spoilers away!) Thank you

Southampton is being plagued by random deaths - a former police officer is the victim of an arson attack, a schoolgirl is beaten to death, an attempted carjacking turns fatal. As the deaths start mounting up, so does the pressure on DI Helen Grace. But forces from within are jeopardising her position, and what they want is her livelihood...
This is a fantastic book - brilliantly-written and paced with breakneck speed. Even though it is 460 pages, I was easily able to rattle through it and thoroughly enjoyed it. You're really left guessing as to whether certain plans will succeed and I was just allowing myself to read one chapter more!

The Grace novels are always a good read and this book is no exception but Charlie is missed. Grace and the team face a particularly bizarre series of crimes made more difficult by Joseph and his ego, when will people learn not to mess with Helen?!