Member Reviews

Daughters of the Resistance is the story of Lisa Smirnova and Irina Antonova two different lives that eventually will come together in the most terrible circumstances.
The Nazis are everywhere there is no place to hide, Lisa found herself saved by the partisans who offer her a place to stay and hide, she doesn't really know what to do, just to help in any way she could.
Irina is living in hell, she feels very alone and judges under the constant criticism of her mother-in-law, she doesn't have any other option than to hold herself and resist as things are pretty bad on the street there is no place to really feel safe so she has to stay behind waiting for the love of her life who is putting his life on the line to be able to secure his family and country all at once.
For me Daughters of the Resistance was more of a novel than a WWll book, the story is more focused on the love life of the two main characters of this book, it is not as heavy as other WWll stories, as I said is more on the dramatic side of relationships, family, and team problems.
I didn't know there was a previous book before this one, where we get to meet Lisa's story for the first time but this book can be read as a standalone.
I kind of miss the WWll element, the drama in the family and the childish behavior of Lisa kind of turned me off a lot.
Overall it was a good book. it was not entirely my taste as I was looking for more on the WWll side rather than a novel but I suggest you read it and make your own conclusion.

This book took me on a roller-coaster of emotions. After some specific events, I really just needed to put my phone down and clear my mind. Now, this isn't a negative thing at all, because this book was very enjoyable, but it made me have a lot of emotions at the same time - I would be crying, then right after I'd be laughing/smiling, or I would just be cringing (not naming names or spoiling but Lisa this is aimed at you.) But at the same time, even with all the emotion I felt, I just adored this book and everything about it so much.

I found myself reaching for tissues often while I read this book because it was such an emotional, heart-wrenching read.

On a train from Ukraine to Germany, Lisa Smirnova is terrified for her life. The train is under Nazi command, heading for one of Hitler’s rumoured labour camps. As she is taken away from everything she holds dear, Lisa wonders if she will ever see her family again.
In Nazi-occupied Kiev, Irina Antonova knows she could be arrested at any moment. Trapped in a job registering the endless deaths of the people of Kiev, she risks her life every day by secretly helping her neighbours, while her husband has joined the Soviet partisans, who are carrying out life-threatening work to frustrate the German efforts.
When Lisa’s train is intercepted by the partisans, Irina’s husband among them, these women’s lives will take an unimaginable turn. As Irina fights to protect her family and Lisa is forced to confront the horrors of war, together they must make an impossible decision: what would they be willing to lose to save the people they love?
Exciting, engrossing, page turner. Keeps you involved even if you know it's fiction.

This was a book about the partisans in the war. It was exciting and full of surprises some nice and some horrible that you would expect in the war. The characters were interesting and the plot kept me wanting to know more.I thoroughly enjoyed the book and recommend it ,

I found the topic of this book interesting.. the partisan's living in the woods... however, I felt this book would never end... The struggles in the book were very believable, and I did feel for the main characters, but did feel as though the story was dragging at times.

A well researched WW2 historical fiction novel with a beautiful love story through it.
Daughters of the Resistance is everything I enjoy about historical fiction. It has clearly been well researched, the characters are well developed and the plot is great.
Set in Kiev the story is set around the Soviet partisans and their families.
I loved all of the characters and found myself really routing for Lisa and Irina, who are both brilliant heroines. I enjoyed that the book follows both women equally and didn't find the jumping between their two stories confusing or out of place. I really love both of their endings and found it a really fitting conclusion.
Although it is (obviously) a harrowing, poignant and desperate time and setting the strength of people and the strength of love really shines through.

Well, I got about half way through the book before I realized there was a first book, but I will say, this novel stands on its own. There are a few mentions of Lisa’s past that, had I read the first book would have helped me further understand her character, but her thoughts and actions in this novel are enough to make her real for the reader.
Speaking of, Lisa is running from her past and ends up on a dreaded train to Germany, when partisans free her along with everyone else in her car. She along with her new found friend Masha end up staying with the partisans and fighting the Nazis in the woods outside of Kiev. The group does their part to sabotage the Nazi’s plans by blowing up rail lines and disrupting deliveries. Masha, a nurse proves to be particularly helpful to the partisans as their work is often dangerous.
Maxim is beloved by all in the partisan group for not only his unparalleled marksmanship, but his natural and calm leadership. He quickly captivates young Lisa, who follows his every instruction and becomes somewhat of a sharpshooter herself. Though he has the adoration of young Lisa, her affection is one-sided as his heart belongs solely to his wife Irina and their young daughter.
Irina is focused on keeping her daughter fed, worrying about her partisan husband Maxim, and doing what she can in a records office to thwart the Nazis plans to send many young Ukrainians to Germany. Her insistence to not only survive, but weaken the Nazis plans through her work make her humanity shine through.
Though it was called the Daughters of Resistance, I will say that Maxim’s character was very compelling as well. I love WWII historical fiction, but this is the first I’ve read from the Ukrainian perspective. This book pulls you in from the start and was a quick read!

Historical fiction is definitely my favourite genre and this novel is based on the resistance in the Ukraine. It is a moving storyline based on 2 very strong woman and the book switches between the 2 very different lives.
Thanks to#NetGalley for the advance copy in return for an honest review

Unfortunately i was quite disappointed in this novel and was a DNF for me. I found the first three chapters so unbelievable that i just couldnt motivate myself to read more.
For example - spoiler, but first few chapters- the russians save one of the protagonist from a cattle cart on its way to a camp, but during rescue the rest of the people on board quickly returned to the city they had just come from, leaving behind the protagonist and a new acquaintance. Instantly the russians take back the two to their camp, reveal their nembers, location and aims, which ultimately would not happen. Any resistance during the time would be very secretive and wouldnt not be willing to risk exposure.
This continued with the second protagonist and a situation with a neighbour in the work place - again the scenario was just not realistic.
I thought the the storyline had potential but unfortunately didn't deliver for me

Wow, what a book! I'm a huge fan of historical fiction, especially that which is set during WW2, and so I was really excited to read this book, particularly as it focuses on the partisans, something I've not really read much about before. And I wasn't disappointed! The writing was fantastic, the characterisation was skilful beyond belief, and the plot was heartbreaking and beautiful and moving and so many other words that I can't think of right now! All in all, a really great example of how to write first class historical fiction, by an author whose work I will definitely be adding to my TBR pile in future!
Disclaimer - I was fortunate enough to be provided with an advance reading copy of this book by NetGalley. This has not affected my review in any way, and all opinions are my own.

Thanks netgalley for this book, and Lana Kortchik.
I have never read very much about the partisans in the war, so it was interesting to read about them,and the terrible conditions they lived in. The partisans hid out in the forest, and their aim was to foil attacks by the Germans and cause them lots of problems.
This is also a story about love and fighting for what you believe in. The

Daughters of the resistance
By Lana Kortchik
The Nazi occupation and exploitation of its neighboring countries. The wars tragedies come to personal reality of this book both in individual ways and historical. The book looks at those affected directly by the political and war time endeavors of the Nazi regime. It's a dark look at human greed and violence.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Daughters of the Resistance. I'm so sad that I didn't like this book. The synopsis sounded so good, and I was very disappointed. I think the storyline was interesting enough, and was a nice change with the story being in the Ukraine. I just couldn't bring myself to care about the characters, especially Lisa. I thought she was selfish and annoying and just couldn't handle her chapters.
My star rating is based only on the first half of the book, as I have decided to dnf the book. I think that there are a lot of people who would absolutely love this story!

Thanks to Netgallery and HQ Digital for a gifted copy of this!
This story takes place in Ukraine during the World War II and is told from two points of view. Two strong, brave, courageous, and heroic woman that live two different lives-Lisa & Irina. Both of these women’s stories are interesting and made me emotional. In the end, their stories eventually tie together because of one man that brings them together-Maxim.
You will experience many emotions while reading this beautifully written story, I know that I did. I loved the writing, the history, the suspense, as well as the story of love and loss.
I am a huge fan of historical fiction that is based on World War II events-which is what attracted me to this book to begin with. You definitely do not have to be a fan of historical fiction to read this book-it is overall an amazing book that keeps you wanting to then the pages.

I love reading historical fiction based on WWII. After reading three books in a row based in France, it was refreshing and enlightening to read Daughters of the Resistance, based in the Ukraine. The author heard her Grandmother tell about life in Ukraine during the war and has harvested this information to write this absolutely stunning story. My husband's family was from this area and were greatly affected by WWII, but unfortunately there was no one much left to tell the stories, so I got special pleasure from the insight gained here.
The book switches between two points of view, both strong women facing different aspects of the Nazi invasion of Kiev. Lisa Smirnova is on a train heading to Germany, to be forced against her will to work in factories after being snatched from her home in Kiev. Suddenly the train halts, there is gunfire, then the prisoners are freed by Ukraine partisan forces fighting against the Nazis. Lisa is enamored by .her strong and handsome rescuer, Maxim, and decides to make her way with the partisan forces.
Meanwhile back in Kiev, Maxim's wife and daughter, Irina and Sonya, live somewhat uncomfortably with Maxim's parents. Irina works for the Germans, but tries to use the powers of her job to help her neighbors. She lives for the quick visits her husband is able to make to be with her and their daughter.
The author did a beautiful job of making both characters and both realities; the partisans camping in the woods and the people left in Kiev, very vivid. We were able to imagine the dangers they both faced every day and the hunger they felt with hardly enough food to stay alive. Sometimes when there are two story lines you become more invested in one, and are impatient for the story to return to this aspect. Both story lines were equally interesting and ultimately were drawn together in the end. I especially enjoyed watching Lisa's character grow and develop in a very believable manner.
I cannot recommend this book enough, and I will be going to seek out the author's first book. Thanks to NetGalley, HQStories @HarperCollins UK and the author for allowing me to preview this ARC.

This book took me on a roller-coaster of emotions. After some specific events, I really just needed to put my phone down and clear my mind. Now, this isn't a negative thing at all, because this book was very enjoyable, but it made me have a lot of emotions at the same time - I would be crying, then right after I'd be laughing/smiling, or I would just be cringing (not naming names or spoiling but Lisa this is aimed at you.) But at the same time, even with all the emotion I felt, I just adored this book and everything about it so much.
It's set in Ukraine during WW2 and it switches between two different lives each chapter - one in a partisan battalion, which follows mainly Lisa and Masha, and the other in Kiev, which follows Irina. This is an aspect that I highly enjoyed from this book, because it gave two different sides of the war (which are still very similar but interesting). With the last five chapters, this changes and it shows how the characters are all connected, such as with Irina's husband Maxim. I was looking for more books to do with the war, and this was perfect for me as it taught me a lot about it, especially having the switch between the characters. Not only that, but this novel was written really well and I loved how vivid it was - being young and never experiencing something like this, I still felt so much emotion, even feeling scared for the characters and what would happen to them. Even though it sounds cliché, it felt like I was in their shoes sometimes when the descriptions of the impact of the war flooded in.
Although, I could never be fully in their shoes, nor would I be as strong as them. Irina has a daughter and she does her best to provide her what she needs while working, going through problems with Maxim's family, and of course, being in the war which makes practically no food or anything available to her - she constantly has to live with the fear of something happening with Maxim too. Even Lisa herself tries so hard, even though she thought of giving up, when she arrives at the Battalion after being rescued from a train that was literally going to her and Masha's death. The characters really made the story, and even though I would be shocked at what some of them would do, I still admired them.
I would also like to mention how intriguing this novel was - not only because it's about the war which is something I want to learn more about, but also because unexpected things would happen sometimes. It would throw me off guard completely, but just made me want to read more and see how things would work out.
Overall, this is a book that will probably be in my mind for a few days - it's just so good, captivating, and thought-provoking.

This book was well written, full of beautiful description, enough dialogue to keep the pace of the story but also filled with twists and turns!
I enjoyed reading and actually learning more from this time!I think honestly that's why I enjoy HF due to the history!

In Ukraine, 1943, Lisa is on a Nazi-controlled train, heading for Germany and almost certain death. However the train is intercepted by Soviet partisans and the innocent men, woman and children are freed. Lisa is rescued by Maxim, one of the brave partisans. Meanwhile back in Nazi-occupied Kiev, Maxim's wife Irina is terrified. Through her work she risks her life every day by secretly helping her neighbours. She knows she could be caught, arrested and executed at any time. She fears for her own life, and for the lives of her husband and young daughter.
I found it really interesting to read about Kiev and the way of life within the city prior to the war, compared to hardships locals experienced during occupation. I also found the lives of the partisans and their day to day struggles both fascinating and heartbreaking. Lana Kortchik brilliantly conveyed the hunger and freezing cold that became part of their daily lives.
I loved Irina's character and the way she juggled being part of the resistance with trying to be a good mother. I enjoyed the character development of Lisa. I could relate to her uncertainty and her struggle to find her place in the partisan camp and the world. Not everyone is a natural cook, nurse or fighter and I thought her search for inner strength was really well done.
I really enjoyed the story and the focus on female strength and friendship. I would definitely read more books by Lana Kortchik.
You can read my full review at https://mmbbookblog.com/daughters-of-the-resistance-by-lana-kortchik/

Heart breaking tale of loss, courage and love. A unique twist on world war two books.
This book is harrowing in parts and so well written that you feel a part of the scenes. You feel the cold, the danger, the unrelenting hunger. It is terrifying to witness such atrocities but there is real beauty here too. Courage in human hope and kindness.
I haven't read a book from this perspective before and it was fascinating to experience the perspectives of the Partisans. I felt so immersed in their lives and the horrors around them. Their fight to survive and stop the Nazis.
But we also get to see the daily lives in war torn Kiev, how life was for them and the sacrifices they made. How families and friends were ripped apart.
Lisa and Irina are such strong female characters. I rooted for them throughout the narrative. Such brave women and I thought it fantastic that the women that played their part on a daily basis were given a voice in this book. How many others died silently?
When they both to come together for a specific act the tension is palpable and you feel anxious and afraid of how everything will end. Lana Kortchiks's writing is intelligent and gorgeous. she knows just what to do to get your heart pounding.
Highly Recommended for lovers of historical fiction.