Member Reviews

This was quite an interesting book. Very different to what I expected. It would not be a book I would usually read. I was not aware of the
Author and rarely pick a book by Authors I do not know, so this was unexpected. I don't feel that I would read another of her books due to the fact I read Horror, Thriller, Ghost, Mystery style books and this was not in that category. As an older person I felt this was not my choice.

This is a fast paced and intriguing dystopian thriller which is set apart from so many others because its set in the past.
In theory this shouldn't work as its a world we know so well adjusted and changed dramatically by the ability for mothers to create babies alone...but it does work and it's completely brilliant.
I could not put this book down. Its such an amazing premise and yet everything makes sense.
The characters are wonderful. Absolutely adored Girl One Josephine and new characters we met along the way...I loved some of them even more (don't want to mention names because no spoilers)
The whole book is completely unrelenting...so much happens and there are no wasted chapters. The editing is absolutely spot on throughout.
Don't want to say too much more as its really a book to read and enjoy without knowing too much going in..
But completely loved it.
I really wanted an extra chapter at the end and one thing differently with one character but those are just personal and didn't deter from my enjoyment overall.
Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

Having read and loved books similar in genre to this beforehand, I was more than eager to dive into Girl One!
What an interesting and unique plot Murphy presents to us dystopian fans.
Having six sisters myself, this was such a strong sisterhood tale. It's powerful yet loving and really imaginative of the author.
I had mixed feelings throughout, as it can be a slow burner. However, I came away with feeling satisfied and loved this thought provoking thriller.

"Your birthday will be remembered as the anniversary of humanity's greatest scientific breakthrough"
Josephine is one of nine 'miracle babies' born on a commune in Rural America. She is 'Girl One', the first of 'The Homestead Girls' and has grownn up in the media spotlight. She is away studying medicine when she discoveres her mother is missing. Jospephine's relationship with her mother has been strained in the past but she can't help but set out in search of her.
I was gripped by Girl One from the beginning and couldn't put the book down. Easily one of the best books I have read for a long time.
"Since first grade, I could recite my personal history on command and often did for anybody who'd listen.
In the year 1970, the shiny start of a new decade, a visionary named Joseph Bellanger put out the call for young women to become part of a risky reproductive experiment. Between 1971 and 1975, nine women gave birth to baby girls. There were no fathers. Not genetically, not biologically. Only eggs dividing impossibly, without the influence of spermatazoa.
The nine of us, swiftly dubbed the "Miracle Babies," launched from Bellanger from crackpot obscurity to global fame."
Bellanger's scientific advances had eventually led to a backlash and The Homestead being burnt to the ground.
Her mother's refusal to talk about their time at The Homestead and interact with the other girls had led to their estrangement. Now Josephine has discovered her mother had been secretly researching the other girls.
Josephine's search leads her to discover that someone is picking off the girls one by one. Can she stop them and find her mother before it is too late?
Girl One is relevent right now with the events occurring across the globe and men wanting to control women's reproduction.
If I was going to sum this book up in one word it would be 'wow', in more words Girl One is an example of speculative fiction at its best.

I absolutely adored this book. I even bought a hardback copy to make sure that I would always have an edition with me. This novel transcends through a couple of different genres but is absolutely fantastic for anyone who enjoys speculative fiction and reading about the psychology of cults. Perfect for fans of Margaret Atwood with a mixing of sci-fi dystopian themes

This book has an unusual premise. Josie is one of 9 daughters conceived without male DNA. She was raised in an experimental commune with the other mothers and daughters, until a suspicious fire killed 2 and left the others too scared to stay. Josie's mother disappears and Josie has to work out what happened.
I loved the premise of this book- children born without the need for male DNA but the book was a real slow burner with some unnecessary "love interest moments" that for me were not needed. The story could have been told much more succinctly and felt drawn out at times. There are a few twists and turns and the pace did pick up eventually but not as great a read as I anticipated.

Started off really well and a very clever premis. But sadly didn’t live up to its expectations. I finished it but would t bother reading anything else by her.

I was really interested in the plot of this book and the world of Girl One. However, the pace was so slow and because the chapters were rather long I struggled to keep up momentum reading which ultimately spoiled my enjoyment of the book.
Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and author for a chance to read and review this book.

I really enjoyed this book, though felt it could've been a little faster paced! The writing was really good though, and I loved the characters - they felt so real! Would definitely recommend this to those looking for something new and intriguing to read. It's a great book.

Girl One is a good, solid novel. I enjoyed the intrigue and fast-paced writing. The idea behind this book is great, and Murphy's writing is very well done.
Thanks to Sara Flannery Murphy, NetGalley, and Raven Books for this copy.

I'm afraid I didn't finish this one. The concept is really interesting send it gets off to a great start them the plot kind of grins to a halt and gets repetitive. There are too many good books out there waiting......

What a powerful and I interesting story this is! I absolutely love books with a dystopian theme and this did not disappoint. It’s a meaty book and took me a week to read it as I just wanted to really digest and think about the storyline and what it meant. I was totally fascinated by the concept of this book.
It was a combination of mystery, adventure, and sisterhood all themed around women being able to create life on their own without men. Certainly raises the question about ethics and fertility treatments. I loved the characters, especially Girl One and the friendships and relationships they had with each other. The special abilities the sisters had and how they developed them throughout the story made the story even more fascinating and I hope there is more to this adventure as I think a follow up book to see what happens next would be amazing.
Intelligently written story and first class writing from Sara Flannery Murphy, will certainly be reading her next book!
Published 5th August 2021, so it is out now. Go and buy a copy you won’t be disappointed.
Thanks to Laura Meyer at @bloomsburypublishing for my gifted copy.

I saw this book described as 'Orphan Black meets Margaret Atwood in this twisty supernatural thriller about female power and the bonds of sisterhood' before I read it, and it instantly grabbed my interest. I was not disappointed and was hooked throughout. There were so many plot twists, but they were portrayed in a way that made the story interesting, rather than wanting to quickly finish it to find out the ending. With multiple questions and answers needed it was hard to put this book down. Would 100% recommend it!

There was a lot of potential in this book but personally it didn't quite deliver for me. I found the story quite long and meandering to get to the crux. Part sci-fi, part thriller - there were some details I would have like to read more information on and it definitely feels like there could be another book to come?

3.5* rounded to 4
It's a mix of different genres (speculative fiction and thriller) and somehow the author made them work together creating this feminist novel.
It's thought provoking and well written.
Something in the blurb made me think of the Umbrella Academy but I discovered that the similarities were only apparent.
It's a good idea, there's plenty of potential but the book is very slow and sometimes I struggled even if there' a lot going on.
The characters are well developed and fleshed out.
I'm on the fence but I think a lot of people will love it.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

I really enjoyed this novel - it was unlike anything I have read and was a mix of genres, which made it unique.
The characters were interesting and I found it hard to put down.

I will admit that I wasn’t too sure what to expect going into this book, the blurb giving an impression that it was part thriller, part sci-fi, and part coming-of-age. That certainly felt like a lot of genres to fit into one book, but Sara Flannery Murphy has somehow managed it.
Girl One tells the story of Josie, a young woman born as a result of a science experiment, as she searches for her mother, and the truth about a series of events that happened when she was a child. The story is interspersed with news articles from the Girls’ childhood and the birthday letters sent to Josie by her “father” Bellanger until he died, and this style had me on edge within a few sentences as it was clear from the outset that there had to be more going on than met the eye, secrets that Josie didn’t know. As Josie reconnects with the other Girls and each shocking revelation about the Homestead and the Girls comes out, life as she knew it unravels around her in ways that I never expected.
The only downside to this book, if you can call it that, is that I wanted more time to get to know each of the girls after their discovery of the truth surrounding their shared history, to see how this changed them, and learn what happened to each of them next. Can it really be a downside to say a book isn’t long enough though? That said, as much as I would love to know more, I suspect a sequel would not work, so perhaps some things are better left to our imaginations.
Girl One is a thought-provoking book examining the power of women, and the increased strength when they come together to support each other and lift each other up. I found the science absolutely fascinating, but it was really the depth of emotion and the ties that bound the Girls together that really drew me into this book.

I was really intrigued to read this, having seen the comparisons to The Power and similar reads that I had enjoyed. Girl One is the first of a number of girls to be made as an exact clone of her mother- conceived with no male necessary. Growing up in a farm with the other girls and their mothers they of course attract controversy and criticism- this escalates which moves the story forward quickly, and dramatically. A very interesting concept, I enjoyed this fast paced read.

Nine girls conceived without male DNA - virgin births - is this the end of patriarchal society? This is readable, thought-provoking science fiction, a genre that doesn't usually appeal to me. I liked the way this book developed. It kept me thinking, puzzling things through and asking questions throughout. It would make a great book club book because it raises more questions than it answers and would no doubt spark some lively discussions.