Member Reviews

This was a very fun manga with a crazy premise, about building the world's greatest soccer team through a series of cutthroat competition. If you can ignore the unrealistic premise, this has all the fun things of a sports anime/manga, with excellent character development, great action, and teambuilding.

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It’s as if the Hunger Games were about football (and strikers more specifically), and that the stakes were being banned from the national team if you lost. It’s a quite exciting sports manga, that gets more intense and dramatic than I’d thought it would. If you’re really into sports manga, and like the idea of individual strikers competing against each other with no regards to football being a team sport, this would be a great read. Though I found it engaging, I’m not sure I’m interested enough to continue on with the series.

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Sorry for the late review, but the first volume of Blue Lock indeed captivated me! The intense plot (and i dont even consider myself as a huge fan of soccer,) had me hooked from start to finish. The characters brings such distinct personalities and motivations to the table. I’ll definitely keep reading!

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As a huge fan of manga but someone who knows nothing about soccer, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Blue Lock, but I’m glad I gave it a shot. The story, while centered on soccer, focuses more on the intense, high-stakes competition and the psychological drive of the characters, which kept me hooked throughout. The premise of creating the best striker for Japan’s national team was unique and gave the sports genre a fresh, exciting twist.

Even though I’m not familiar with the intricacies of the sport, the story is accessible and easy to follow for newcomers. The characters’ personal ambitions and rivalries are really what makes it compelling. The art by Yusuke Nomura is bold, dynamic, and perfectly captures the intensity of the matches, which made the action scenes really stand out.

Overall, even if you’re not a soccer fan, this is a solid read with great pacing and strong visuals. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing where the series goes!

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Blue Lock is survivor-esque soccer between high schoolers who have abandoned their teams (and even nationals) for the chance to represent Japan on their U-20 national team. The winner will be the striker with the most ego.

With such an interesting premise, they explained the reasoning for this program well - Japan's strong teamwork is doing them a disservice when the goal of soccer is to score more goals than your opponent. They back this up by opening on our main character, Isagi, losing out on regionals by passing the ball instead of taking the shot himself.

It gives dystopian vibes and is a bit insane, but I enjoy an emphasis on "villain-like" behaviors being lauded. The egoism and monster inside these players will definitely be developed in the competition and I'm excited to read it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars

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This manga is a surprising blend of dystopian horror and sports, focusing on training teenage soccer talents to be ruthless and ego-driven. It raises questions about sacrificing humanity for greatness, which is intriguing, especially in today's evolving soccer tactics. The art is impressive, with a coach character who's both cartoonishly horrifying and captivating. It's a promising start to a series that makes you think about the darker side of sports training.

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A big thank you goes to NetGalley and Kodansha for the opportunity to review this title.

I have seen clips of its anime adaptation, but I haven’t had an opportunity to read the manga series it was based on until recently. Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomira’s Blue Lock was a title that flew under my radar but after giving it a read thanks to both companies (and catching up on Kodansha’s KManga app), I can see why Blue Lock is getting so much praise in both in sports and in the nerd community.

The story begins with Japan’s National Team finishing in 16th place in the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Japan Football League hires the football enigma, Ego Jinpachi, who has a master plan to lead Japan to stardom with a new program called Blue Lock. Blue Lock consists of a strict training regimen to create the world’s greatest egoist striker, those who fail in the program will never represent Japan. A high school student named Yoichi Isagi is conflicted about the way he plays the sport, Isagi decides to take part in Blue Lock to become the best striker in the world.

It’s an interesting premise, a football program consisting of 300 players in one of the most grueling sports programs to create an egoist striker sounds so Dystopian, I could say it is similar to the Hunger Games, but there have been many that have said the same thing, so I’ll pass on that description. While most manga titles focus on the three pillars of Shonen: Friendship, Trying your best, and Being Selfless, Blue Lock throws that out the window and gives us a different approach to what others have seen when training in other countries, sacrificing friendships and personal lives for the sake of the game. Not really the best thing to teach the younger generation, but that’s why it is fiction. Aside from all of that, the story pulls you in for an all-out brawl (on the field) packed with thrills and suspense, proving to be one of Kodansha’s strongest sports titles of the modern era.

Let’s discuss the artwork that was featured, Yusuke Nomura is one of the best artists in the Manga Industry, you may call me crazy on it, but hear me out. When you’re drawing either a sports, shonen or a certain genre of manga that requires action or drama, then you need to get the tone of the moment and the dynamic movement involved for it. Nomura clinched this notion with ease. Either with exaggerated facial expressions whenever it is from Ego Jinpachi, Yoichi, or the other Blue Lock players when they reach their highest point of Egotism, or perhaps how it looks more like a battle manga than a Soccer-themed title. Hell, even when Team Z was in the most intense game of Tag in the beginning, it was drawn out to be a battle royale, and that emotional aura it gave in each panel was something that worked well for this first volume.

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I enjoyed the story. It was silly, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. A group of strikers are locked together to find the best. It is like a weird Highlander "there can be only one" feel. I enjoyed it, It is a fun twist on a sports manga.

4 stars

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A most heartfelt thank you to Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for giving me the oppurtunity to read Blue Lock vol.1 .

Reading the first volume in any manga, really gives the reader a first look into what the story is about and usually is what "hooks" a reader into continuing the story and purchasing the manga or even watching the anime adaptation when available.
Sometimes, even the opposite happens, meaning watching the anime makes someone love the storyline so much, they just have to read the manga.
This is exactly what happened in the case of Blue Lock for me. And I have to say reading the first volume, gave me the chills and even gave back to the anime adaptation (which I then had to rewatch because the manga made me wanna relive the entire thing from the beginning) and showed how much greater gravitas is given to each panel.
The idea alone to highlight a player's ego in a sport that is build up in the essence of team-building was so fresh and interesting to explore, that had me wanting more and more from not only Isagi but from all major characters.

I'm now in love with Blue Lock's storyline and it's established its place in my top three sports manga, right along the infamous Kuroko no Basuke and Haikyu!!
I will forever and always recommend it

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I’m going to start off with I don’t even like soccer but I’m a sucker for sports manga. This surprised me I really think it might make me like soccer.

The beginning is explaining how Japan wants to make the best soccer team in the world due to losing so much. They basically hunger games style these kids (not killing but killing their dreams so close enough?) In true manga/anime fashion they main character starts out in the lowest group. In the first round they play a simple game of what I would say it hot potato with the ball and if you get caught at the end last person to touch the ball you are out.

I really like the premise of this where they will have to continue to get better and better throughout their time there to move up and make it to become the championship team. I really want to know what happens next so hopefully the next book is also on netgalley.

You also meet other characters and its very much of oh I’m the best on my team but there is always someone better then you and a lot of the ones you meet in the lower teams are shocked they are on the bottom rung. I think that is going to create an interesting dynamic as well.

If you are a fan of soccer or like me, a sucker for sports manga this is for you for sure.

Arc given by Netgalley.

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This was a fun read, even as someone who doesn't even like football haha! I am a sucker for a sports manga, and thought I would give this a try. While I thought the story was interesting enough, I didn't like the almost chaotic art style and found it hard to recognise who was who, especially during scenes where there was a lot of action (which being a sport manga, was a lot). So while I did enjoy the premise, I wasn;t so sold on the execution. I will give the anime a try as I feel I may prefer it in this format.

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falou de esporte eu ja to lendo adorei o manga, simplesmente perfeito, tanto a arte como a historia, irei começar a ver o anime em breve. me lembra um pouco haikuu.

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Cool, fun sport manga! I definitely like it and look forward to read next volumes. At this point football looks even more interesting as it in the real life.

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Bluelock is a manga series about a new experiment being undertaken by the Japanese Football Association to find the country's best striker in an attempt to rebuild the National Football Team and win the next World Cup.

It felt to be like a football version of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. 300 of the nations best teenage strikers are together in "Bluelock" a facility built just for this experiment. They are separated into groups where they need to learn to work as a team to win matches against the other groups to avoid elimination.

I really enjoyed this introductory volume. The story is very engaging and I love the art style; it showcases the fast past action of a match really well.

This is a series I will definitely be continuing; I'm intrigued on how the rest of the series will develop.

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Blue Lock is a sports manga that takes a different take on teamwork. Instead of working as a team they have to rely on themselves. We follow the protagonist Isagi as he is invited to program that is looking for the best football players.

I liked the manga because of how different it is to other sports manga. I was able to feel the intense atmosphere that was surrounding the characters. I can't wait to read the next volume.

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Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics, for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts are my own and left voluntarily.

Actual rating 3.5 stars.

Even though I have seen all available Blue Lock episodes on Crunchyroll - I also wanted to start manga at some point. In my opinion, Blue Lock is somewhat psychological sports story, where instead of strengthening overall teamwork, the main focus is on individual character development. Be selfish, be hungry! This manga serves as a great introduction for those unfamiliar with Japanese manga or the sport it portrays, as author explains the concept in a straightforward manner, ensuring readers don’t feel overwhelmed or confused. Some cringy dialogues aside, even if you are not a hardcore sports fan - I think everyone will enjoy this quite unrealistic but eye catching manga series. Also, Isagi is so relatable in regards of overthinking and semi-spacing out haha

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Knowing that it is one of the mangas that made the Japanese more enthusiastic about soccer... I had to read it.

Clearly this is just the beginning of a great story and I was able to enjoy it. I don't know how many volumes there are but there must be many.

Clearly sports mangas and animes are works of art from another planet. I think there is no one better than the Japanese to tell us sports stories.

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Definitely a super particular manga.
The story is not the usual narration of sports manga, here everyone is a little crazy and obsessed with the victory of Japan who hasn't won the soccers' national for many years.
So this selection is created which involves absurd training sessions in which only one will become the strongest player.

It's a nice story, it intrigues you and above all thanks to the anime, it had an incredible success.

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Great start to the series that was incredibly engaging. I can’t wait to see how this story progresses, definitely picking up the rest of the volumes.

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I have been interested in this book for a while and I will be honest I would not be continuing the series. It’s a subject that I am not interested in. #BlueLock1 #NetGalley

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