Member Reviews

Battle of the Knights! Super cute and sweet and I adore the characters. Too cute for words, but I look forward to reading more.

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hank you NetGalley

This story was so cute! I laughed out loud so many times watching Ichinose and Mogami go back and forth. I will admit they felt more like they should’ve been 14-15 rather than 17 with how silly everything ended up being, but it was still fun. The prince vs princess thing was amazing. This was just a good time. I loved the two main characters and some of the side characters were even fun/funny.

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Thank you for the arc!!
The manga was really cute and easy to read. I love the plot and the characters were amazing!

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While the art style and the idea are very cute, this manga felt repetitive in generally just lacking to me.

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This is a cute start to a manga series with an awkward hero who is in denial about liking a girl in his class. The story was very cute and had a cute premise. I like the slice of life aspect and the budding romance between the two. I’m excited to see where it goes

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What an interesting begining. Falling for someone even more dashing?? How could you!

The artwork was so pretty. It was easy to look at each panel and be able to decipher what was going on/who was talking, which I appreciated. I'm curious to see how it continues in the next volume!

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3.5 stars. This manga was very cute, funny, and quick to read, but nothing about it was super memorable. If you like the damsel in distress trope and want to read something with a little twist on it then I think you would really enjoy this book.

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This was really cute!

Ichinose is a very popular student but he's sometimes outstaged by Yuki and I have to say that I adored them both. He starts denying about his feelings for her but he soon gets aware and flustered by them, and she's so unaware of the effect she has both on Mogami and the rest of the school, which is really fun to see. She's not the typical "she's beautiful but relatable" main character, her charm comes by her confidence and good-natured heart.

It is very entertainment to see them interact and Ichinose trying to charm her: first because he cannot accept she's more popular than him but later him triyng to get her attention and, possibly, affection. Not only it's very enjoyable, it is also a refreshing romance and a great take to see the boy fall in love first and pursue the girl in a shy and clumsy way instead of the other way around.

The art is really well done and cute. I will for sure continue with this series.

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The story was cute and adorable. It's not a manga where you're following a linear storyline. Rather, the story is presented in vignettes, with Mogami being cute and charming and Ichinose awkwardly trying his best to conceal his feelings. I usually prefer my manga with a linear storyline because I like it to have progression, but the vignettes did have some sort of story progression. The story also wholly focuses on Ichinose as it places Mogami on a pedestal, thus events are rarely seen from her point of view, even where there are frames that show that Mogami might also like Ichinose. It's because of this that the style of the storytelling worked. Nonetheless this volume delivered some laughs and cute moments.

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I really enjoyed this manga. I'm always up for a premise that turns normal dating tropes on it's head and this one did just that! Haruma Ichinose is the main character and he's super popular... until Yuki Mogami shows up. Things escalate quickly from their first meeting. Overall, a really cute manga that I'm excited to continue!

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This was a cute manga story of a high school  boy that has a crush on the new girl that is in his classroom. He does crazy things to get her to notice him. It was quite funny at times throughout the book.

I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. This is my honest unbiased opinion.

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This was super sweet the illustrations are comical and engaging.
I couldn’t stop reading it, the plot takes place in high school and is about “Ichinose” the popular guy in the school that has a crush over a girl “Mogami” a girl that has the characteristics that will make Him daydream she’s also popular and that makes all of them go thro funny situations I this this was lovely and I recommend this to any fa of graphic novels and mangas

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Ichinose is used to all the attention being on him; he's been praised for his good looks his whole life. When he meets his classmate Yuki, he is instantly jealous due to the attention she gets, plus even worse, she's taller than him! 

The first volume of She's My Knight does a good job of establishing the characters of Ichinose and Yuki and the dynamic between them. For characters who are both fawned over by their peers, that's pretty much where their similarities end. Whilst Ichinose is fully aware of how attractive he is and of his charms, Yuki is totally oblivious, which only adds to Ichinose's frustrations. 

I've talked before about how I prefer manga with a continuous plot and story, over one where each chapter is a different vignette in itself. She's My Knight is the latter, but actually, I think in this case it works. It's not to say there's no continuity throughout the manga, but each chapter is like a skit where Ichinose and Yuki are in a different situation, whether it's a class play, or getting stuck together in a supply closet. Seeing the pair navigate these different situations is really amusing and makes for a lot of comedic moments. 

The dynamic between Ichinose and Yuki is really fun, and commented on many times as Ichinose being the shoujou heroine and Yuki being the shoujou hero. It's a fun, subverted story which has some really cute moments between its protagonists.  

Whilst Ichinose and Yuki are entertaining and interesting characters, the same can't be said for the supporting cast who are largely forgettable and add nothing to the stories. It's a shame as the manga feels like it could really do with some more fleshed out characters to give it some depth and an extra layer, rather than the sole focus being on Ichinose and Yuki and their attractiveness. 

She's My Knight has a lot of promise and it will be interesting to see where it goes. I'd hope that there'll be less uncertainty about the future of Ichinose and Yuki as a couple and more focus on them actually as an established couple, but we all know that 'will they won't they' is a popular trope, so I won't hold my breath!

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She's My Knight is about a charismatic and popular high school boy Ichinose falling for a even more charismatic and popular girl Mogami. This manga has the tall girl-short boy trope which is one of my favorites. One thing that bothered me was the high school teacher acting as if he has a crush on Mogami. This scene is played for laughs but it's not my cup of tea. If you're a lover of shoujo manga and the teacher-student crush thing does not bother you, go ahead and pick up a copy!

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance copy of this adorable and hilarious manga starring two characters who slowly grow to like each through several misunderstandings.

Haruma considers himself to be the most handsome student in school, however he finds himself upstaged when six foot girl in his class, Yuki becomes the center of attention. Although she is female and 4inches taller than Haruma, her kindness seems to match her growing popularity. While Haruma tries to do everything he can think of to outshine Yuki, his constant antics backfire one after another causing him to be more embarrassed than seen as cool or a "prince".

I love the little moments in-between while Haruma contemplates telling Yuki that he likes her, only for her to misunderstand and treat him as a lonely boy wanting attention or someone to play with. The artwork is great and I love the where the story is going with both of them slowly wondering what's changing in their friendship. Looking forward to the next volume!

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She's My Knight is essentially your typical cliché shoujo manga with the gender roles reversed. What makes the story an enjoyable 8 out 10 however, is the natural dynamic between our main protaganists. Ichinose is a young man whose charms work on half of the student female population. His charms stop dead on our heroine Mogami, as for once, he's the one being charmed! Mogami is more of a prince charming than he is and half a foot taller than him to boot. The situations these two get into are hilarious and charming and leaves you routing and excited to see how their relationship blossoms.

I enjoyed this manga and recommend it to anyone wanting to read a funny shoujo manga.

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We begin with the main character, Haruma Ichinose entering school and immediately starts to blush at how suave Yuki Mogami comes in. She gets close up and personal to Ichinose when he does not say much in her presence. This changes his behavior from cool and collected to shy and embarrassed. You can immediately tell that they both like each other and through the entire volume, you can see how they both develop their feelings more and ways of communicating with one another. While you were routing the main couple, it was also great to see the two side characters who are friends of Mogami and Ichinose, routing for these two to be together.

The storyline and characters had me hooked from the first page and I could not put this down until I finished it. It was a nice change to see a shy male lead and a confident, popular girl as the pairing and they had me routing for them the entire time with each situation they were put in. My favorite parts were the scenes where Haruma Ichinose would image himself hitting on Mogami, but when he tries to execute it turns out the complete opposite. There were plenty of scenes that had me swooning after Mogami and the way their relationship developed throughout this first novel has me extremely excited and waiting for the second one to be released. This is my favorite manga this year so far, and I doubt I will read anything that tops this one.

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She's My Knight is a manga about a popular boy and girl. The twist is that she is taller than him and acts more like a hero in a shojo manga. He on the other hand acts like a typical shojo heroine.
The humour of the book is primarily based on this dynamic that both of them have. The scenes of him fantasizing about what he originally wanted to do vs. what he actually did are hilarious.
For a first volume this is a good introduction into the series.
I would give it 3.5/5

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Cute shojo romance playing with gender roles (the heroine is a charming heartthrob, the hero initially wants to see her as a rival for girls' attention) but it doesn't really come across as sincere, or have the depth of feeling that e.g. Otomen does underneath the humor. Why on earth would this girl be interested in a boy who acts like this toward her? And if I wanted a straight parody I'd just read Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. (Visually, the romantic leads are VERY similar to Kashima and Hori.)

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I did not have time to read this book before my time expired. I will try to read it when it comes out.

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