Member Reviews

This book reminded me much more of middle grade fiction rather then YA. Just as this books secondary focus is Will's growth as a person and learning his own self worth.
This was an amazingly immersive story. With so much lore and world building that this book feels like this just barely brushes the service.
I also found the artstyle to be gorgeous. It felt sufficiently spooky for the story being told.
If you like spooky fun fantasy stories, you will like this for sure.
Also I just learned it is a spin off series so I will definitely be looking into the original to learn more about this world.

I loved everything about this book, the graphics, the story line, the layout which was so easy to follow. I was a little confused at first as it took a while to get started however once it did I couldn’t put it down, plus being the first book it is more of a opening to the series which allows you to get to know a bit about the characters (which by the way I loved).
I can imagine the following books will hold more adventure overall and I’m definitely looking to read them all!

In this second series, Ted Naifeh shifts the focus from Courtney to Will Crumrin (he's Courtney's great-uncle, used to be a wolf living in fairyland and is now a teenage boy). When Will stands up to a bully at school, it brings the attention of an ancient vampire who now wants Courtney as his sorceress pet - Can Will and his friend Tucker save Courtney?
I was so very pleased with the continuation of this series - Naifeh brings the same gothic style to a new story with different characters that explores themes of identity and acceptance. I look forward to the next book.

I’m glad in a way that I didn’t read the original Crumin books until very recently. You could read and enjoy this book without having read all the Courtney Crumin books first but reading it with the first series fresh in my mind made it all the more enjoyable. It was just more of a good thing to be able to continue on with an enjoyable world and to see what happens next. If you remember your inner angst as a suitable alienated teen or are currently a suitably alienated teen this is a fun read from an author that understands disturbingly well (and you should read the first series too if you haven’t).

Full review to be posted soonish.
I would like to thank the publisher and netgalley for providing me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I haven't previously read the series that this is a spin off from, so I'm not sure if that would add more to this story or not. That being said I really enjoyed this first volume and felt like for the most part the setup was done well. I did wish that a little more was revealed about Courtney's background earlier on, because I was unsure at first how she factored into the story/characters. Still, if there are further adventures ahead for Will and Courtney in the future, I did feel it was a good set up for him and their interactions. It was also a great journey for Will to come to a number of realizations about himself, people and magic. The art style was dynamic and kept the story moving, and I felt the color saturation and tones suited the story really well as well.

You definitely need to be caught up on all the books to fully understand the storyline. Illustrations are very nice and suit the book.

I saw this through Netgalley, and was given the opportunity to review this in exchange for access.
The cover instantly drew me in.
I loved the art style through out the novel. Each character had their own unique style. I adored the color palette that were used through out.
Onto the Story!
I have never read any of the Crumrin series before, or even have heard of it, upon reading the synopsis I was curious. As was I was reading I was a little confused at the beginning but as I kept reading more of it started falling into place. I loved where the story took the characters and the different sides and growth of the characters.
***I hate Ross, which means they wrote and depiction this bully type character was on par***
***Love Tucker***
***Courtney Gave me all the right vibes***
Overall I really enjoyed this novel and I would recommend. I will be looking more into the Crumrin series.

Review to come June 10th to blog/goodreads.
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
So, I am not sure if I had fun with this book. I mean, at times it felt awesome (vampires, sorceress, magic, mysterious things to do with fairies and such) but at other times I just wasn't having fun (tons of bullying, weird family stuff, not really getting to know the characters, confusing scenarios, sudden vampires). I do know that at times I just wanted to stop reading. but I kept going, especially when the vampire came to stage. While it was a bit odd especially when a whole revenge thing was mentioned and that made it confusing again, I do love the excitement that the vampire brought.
I just couldn't get a reading on Will. I don't understand why his grand niece Courtney gave him a necklace instead of just helping out with clothes/language/etc., I am guessing Courtney, being a sorceress, doesn't know much about the modern world either. I found Will a bit wishywashy. How he deals with the bullies, how he sees that things go wrong at the party and yet he doesn't stand up much. He did have some good moments though, but he still wasn't my favourite character.
I really loved the characters Cinnamon and Courtney. Cinnamon was just so cool.
Could we please have a trigger warning for peanut allergies or maybe more specific bullies forcing a person with a deadly allergy to eat something they would die of? Because I was heavily triggered by those parts. Tucker at the party is almost forced to eat nuts by the bullies, then later it is in her food and she has to take her epipen because it is all wrong and she is dying. I was just feeling sick and it hurt. I have been thinking of just throwing my phone away (reading it on there) because of this.
Also after having seen the sketches of Tucker and how she could look, I am sad they went with this look. Haha. I would have definitely liked Tucker with her hair shaved off on the sides. That looks so cool! I do like the commentary on the sketches, but still, wish Tucker would have done it in the story to show how cool she was.
Another thing, I thought the solution to defeating the vampire AND the bully was just too simplistic. I guess it worked, but really? Are you going to do this with everyone? I mean eventually [spoiler] they may come out... you cannot run forever[/spoiler].
The art was... OK-ish I guess.
All in all, I am a bit confused on the book. The story could have been worked out better (instead of muddle this one at times was). The characters get some more backstory (and not oh yeah he lived with the fairies for 100 years and this is his new chance and oh yes he talks like a gentleman from the UK). But there were also good parts. I love the magic. I love that fairies exist in this world. I love second chances. I love all the books (though maybe not the one that eats you). 2.5 stars sounds right.

I enjoy volume one of the Crumrin Chronicles. Things were explained very quickly but in a way that you were able to understand everything that was happening. The magic system hasn't been fully explained yet, but it was explained enough that there weren't any questions about how the magic works. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

The Crumrin Chronicles felt like it should've been fun and fresh and a good spinoff to its original, Courtney Crumrin. However, this story had bad beginnings. It was disjointed and difficult to understand, often skipping over scenes and conversations with little care for the reader who has no background from the previous series. Though it got better, I felt the messy beginning tainted the later story for me.
If you can push through the start you'll find a story of two siblings who care deeply for one another, which is a relationship I think we can all agree needs to be better represented in mainstream lit.

Is it better to have 100 friends who don;'t know you, or one friend who knows everything?
This is such a great concept and I adore all the fantasy layering around the simplest premise of loneliness and not fitting in.
Vampires, Fairies, Sorceresses, Magic.... what more could you ask for in a story.
The illustrations are gorgeous!

This was a nice, fast read.
I really liked the way the colors in this graphic novel set the mood for the story. The art really fit the vibe of the plot and I appreciate that.
The story was pretty entertaining and the world-building/setup of this first volume has me intrigued for the next one.
Although some parts were a bit confusing and rushed, I really liked the friendship aspect of the story.
My favorite character was definitely Will’s sister and I’d love to see more of her in the next volume.
Overall, this was an enjoyable read.

Thank you to Oni Press and Netgalley for providing me an E-ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review.
I remember the world of Courtney Crumrin from when I was younger and although the details haven't stuck, that didn't prevent me from enjoying a spin-off. Although the main focus is Courtney's brother, readers do see a lot of Courtney herself, which is much appreciated! There's something creepy and gorgeous about the illustrations that make up for shortcomings in terms of plot.

Big thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this graphic novel!
Surprisingly, I had no trouble following the story, despite it being a spin-off of something I haven't read yet. I did struggle getting into it, but the plot became very clear to me! It also made me incredibly curious, because now I really want to pick up the original series.
Now, let me start about the artwork. Because IT IS STUNNING. The color scheme, the facial expressions, I just loved it. It made the reading experience a lot more fun!
I loved the characters and their growth. Their priorities shifted and I haven't seen that happening very often in graphic novels, but that might just be me picking up the wrong graphic novels, who knows. 😂 I can't wait to read more books about this world!

Thank you NetGalley for giving me access to this story and a big thank you to Ted Naifeh and his publisher who provided me with a copy ekectronically.
The first thing I want to say is that I really love the plot, it was really interesting and kept me hooked until the end, I actually read it in one go. The characters in the story were 'really interesting and I loved how it explored friendships and what it means to have them-that being popular does not always mean you have friend'. It also explored family and the difference between the ones who truly love you and are willing to help you whenever you need it and the ones who just use you (as seen with their parents). I found the world building was really interesting and I definitely want to read more.
I do feel that in some areas it was a bit rushed, especially in regards to the main characters backstory which felt a bit confusing in places. I will say that I really loved the art style of, it was really cool and detailed, with the colour scheme throughout the story really suiting the plot and the artwork, which made reading it enjoyable. Fans of supernatural and magic will love this series!

Despite a bit of confusion on the beginning, I ended loving characters and story. I loved that mixed atmosphere between faerie and gothic worlds.
Everyone likes Will, thanks to a charm of her sister, gifted with magical powers. This inevitably take Will to misunderstand people around him. Are his friends sincere or is it everything fake? Without being able to see the true nature of somebody, it's easy mistaking signals and make everything worse.
In the meantime an enemy is coming for Crumrin siblings and only friendship and bravery can save the day.
I'm so hooked by this adventure that I can't see forward reading the next installments in this series.

Courtney Crumrin is an engaging protagonist — the art in this book was amazing, and the supernatural story is perfect for fans of the young adult/science fiction story. A lovely and enjoyable graphic novel.

A really magical and really dark story! The art looks really nice but I'm a bit worried about the fact that the main characters sister has no nose!

the story was very easy to read and entertaining even tho i feel like i needed something more of the story. more depth and planning of each dialogue. the illustrations were a 10/10