Member Reviews

RomComs are the genre on reads with snacks and ready to have fun. That's what I did.

When I read the synopsis of this book, I was excited. A dear friend of mine started a book club, and I'm helping her out at the moment with the organization. She's a single mom, although her baby girl goes to the dad some days. Anyway, in some ways I could understand the characters' view of life thanks to that friend.

I'm not a mom, but I can understand having people depending on me, and sometimes needing a 'me time'. Reading definitely is that time by myself. And the book club is a perfect way to connect with others that love to read and that may be in the same situation as we are.

In that aspect the plot and the characters were realistic. They have struggles, loneliness, friendship, kids... Their lives are filled with ups and downs, like we all experience.

The three friends, Stephanie (our main character, one that I loved), Amanda and Janey, grow such a bound between them, it reminded me of my friends and me. I loved their interactions, I loved how they supported each other... I loved them.

And let's not forget romance. Of course, the book would have romance.

Edward was adorable. A vet that is also Steph's boss. He loves animals, he's kind, he's not your typical alpha male type of character, and I loved that about him.

The book talks about a lot. From motherhood, to friendship, divorce, falling in love again, dealing with all the obstacles in life, and find compassion and support in one another.

Overall, it was an amazing book with a good balance of emotion and humor.

[I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Victoria Cooke and HQ Digital for the eCopy of this book, via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.]

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I loved this book - the perfect, cozy read! If you are looking for something light hearted, funny, full of chaotic mommy moments and girlfriend time, then this is the book for you. Three women who are all dealing with their own heartaches/issues, find friendship together over books and wine. The main character's life is a mess - newly divorced with three small children, and she has to get a job to help make ends meet.... cue the handsome vet. She finds a job at his office and right from the start I love how Cooke develops these two. There is tension, want, romance, friendship, and so much more. Loved this book and it will make you want to cozy up in a tiny English town, drink wine with your friends, and dream about what a family is all about and how we all need love and friendship.

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This is one of those feel good, heart warming reads that you easily lose yourself within.

Steph is a brilliant Mum, but she does suffer with a huge case of ‘mum guilt’, something I am sure a lot of mothers out there can easily relate to. She is putting everything in to keeping her family happy and making sure things run smoothly, that she has certainly neglected herself and her own needs. She is rather isolated, and feels utterly alone – and following a chance encounter with some of her neighbours, she makes the life changing decision to start up a book club.

This is where we meet Janey and Amanda, the other members of the book club. As these women get together to share their thoughts on the books they are reading, a bond forms between them that changes Steph’s life for the better. Her confidence begins to grow with every encounter, and with the support of her new friends, Steph finds herself taking a huge step in her life as she takes on a job in the veterinary practice across town. Then we meet Edward, the rather awkward, yet charming Vet, who shows Steph that there are in fact some decent men out there, and shows her how capable she is as a person.

I loved everything about this book. Victoria Cooke always manages to combine the perfect mixture of humour and emotion in her novels, providing you with a story that really captures your heart. The characters in this book are so likeable, and at many points relatable. Steph is a strong woman with a big heart, who will do anything for those she cares for. The love and devotion she has for her children comes above everything else for her, and this made her all the more endearing.

The friendships that formed between Steph, Janey and Amanda was so lovely to follow. Each of these women had their own obstacles in life to overcome, but they supported one another throughout, and offered advice and compassion when needed too

A beautiful, humorous story that explored the importance of friendship and realising your own self worth. This was such a gorgeous story, I loved everything about this book.

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5 Word Review: Friendship, responsibility, toxicity, family, love.

This book is like a balm to the soul. It'll make you want to read even more, although it'll probably have you reaching for prosecco and doritos too. And you'll likely want to scoff some fish and chips by a river.

Steph is an excellent mum, although she does have a lot of mummy-guilt that she definitely hasn't earned. She is trying to hard to keep the family together and happy, and has definitely neglected herself. At the beginning of the book, she is so isolated and alone that it's difficult to see how she could meet anyone, let alone start a book club. Her journey as a character is amazing and uplifting, and a little bit heart-breaking. And seeing her find new friends? I loved it.

Basically this book is me proclaiming JANEY, I LOVE YOU every time Janey pops up. She is an absolutely marvellous person, and her kindness and generosity made me want to cry, especially given how she's treated by her husband. Amanda is a delight as well - at first you think she's really refined and a bit uppity but then all is revealed. We meet a blast from the past in Emily, one of Steph's old friends who joins the fold. Even the side characters have phenomenal growth.

I want these ladies as my friends, please. I want them to feed me wine and ice cream when I need it, to be my shoulder to cry on.

I loved the book club shenanigans, and how they admit to watching the film or TV show rather than reading the books - I have done that a few times too when I just can't get in to a book. And I loved how discussions of the books quickly devolved into general discussions about life or feelings. I think this author book clubs because this is exactly my experiences of every book club ever.

When it comes to Mike, I wanted to call in Whole Man Disposal Services so that they can just take the whole man away. He is trash, personified. I hated him instantly, and the more I saw of him, the more my hackles went up. The entitled man child needs a boot up the arse. Then you get to just after a third of the way through and things take a turn, and eh I'm still not sure how I feel. He definitely grows up but he's still a trash person for how he's treated Stephanie.

Then Edward? Well, it's messy and that's exactly how it should be. He's an incredible guy, if a little bit too nice for his own good. I loved his openness and willingness to try, his kindness and generosity. He's almost too good to be true but it works so well and causes some issues in its own right.

Steph does have some PTSD due to an incident in her past and I thought it was explored excellently and the execution was very sensitive. I liked that we saw Steph's coping mechanisms and avoidance, and could feel her panic through the page. It was great to see the other characters help with this too - there is no "miracle cure" there is just care and understanding.

Something I really liked was the wide range of genres of books that were read and brought up by the characters. I do wish that the books had been more diverse, is that a weird thing to wish of a fictional book club? It was just a tiny thing that niggled for me, but they were very much book club picks like The Handmaid's Tale, Jane Eyre, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.

This book has a great epilogue, that left my heart bursting. The main character reminiscing on her past ideals for a family was *chefs kiss*.

This was a laugh out loud read, and empowering to boot. It left me with a smile on my face and had me thinking about my own self-worth and insecurities. I loved that the characters challenged themselves. The Single Mum's Book Club is a pretty emotional read, and I enjoyed every second.

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A wonderfully entertaining read that made me laugh at some of the antics the ‘book club’ members got up to as their confidence grew along with their independence.

When you first meet Stephanie, she is still trying to find her feet a year after divorcing her husband. He loves his children but pushes the boundaries if he wants a boys night out when he should have the kids. After a particularly bad day, Stephanie has a meltdown in the supermarket, and a neighbour comes to the rescue, offers an ear to listen and an excuse for a girly get together. The Single Mums Book Club is born.

The book club is far more than reading books, which doesn’t always happen, and more of a friendship group where they support each other emotionally and at times practically. The group grows to three and becomes entertaining in every sense as they seem to gain courage from each other to do stuff that they missed out on when they were younger and before they became parents themselves.

Each of the women has their unique problems with the story following them as they spread their wings in the workplace and with new relationships. I liked how down to earth the story was with normal parenting challenges that didn’t make me feel at any time of wondering why I couldn’t have been like that. They have off days, children that push too far and worries about how their children will cope with new people in their lives.

The best things about this book are you can relate to it. It felt at times like a tick list of things I had faced. It also made me laugh, and not quietly, I mean proper laugh.

I wish to thank the publisher and Net Galley for a copy of this book which I have read and reviewed honestly.

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Single Mum’s Book Club by Victoria Cooke ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Stephanie is a lonely, single mum of three dealing with the complications of coparenting, who after a chance encounter with a couple of neighbours decides to start a book club. Then with her new found confidence she gets herself a job at the local vets, queue dishy love interest!! 😉

I found parts of this book really relatable (but not the hot vet unfortunately😆) and pure escapism, if a little predictable. Would recommend this heartwarming romance to anyone who fancies a nice, funny and lighthearted read.

My only real criticism would be the inclusion of Stephanie’s traumatic childhood, I know that some authors of ‘chick lit’ feel the need to add a bit more depth to their stories and many do it very well (as did this author) but sometimes I feel it’s a bit unnecessary when I’m just after an easy going read 🤷‍♀️ What are your thoughts?

Thanks very much to @netg for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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First, I would like to thank Victoria Cooke, HQ Digital, NetGalley and Rachel’s Random Resources for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review!

OMG!! Ohh Victoria Cooke you have no idea how much I needed this The Single’s Mum’s Book Club this week! So many times you threw me off guard and I. Could. Not. Stop. Laughing.

The Single Mum’s Book Club is dedicated to Victoria’s children, Scarlett and Amelie, who were not utter horrors during the lockdown of 2020.

How adorable was the cover design for this book?! So cute! Books placed all around a stroller! Perfect graphic for this book!! Great job to the Graphics Department.

Victoria wins the award for best scene ever in a comedic book. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing my booty off during this once scene!! The set up was priceless. I have always wondered what would happen if I got locked into a library! Well knowing me I would have a field day curled up in my fave genre sections and just binge read. However, ohh she shares what really happens. Needless to say this is an unforgettable scene in the book!! Well done Victoria!!

Mike was well not my favorite character in the book and a jerk in my eyes.

The unsuspecting friendship between Janey and Stephanie was refreshing in how much they were alike. Seemed like fate brought them together when they both needed someone in their lives to fill a void.

It did rub me the wrong way that Janey made fun of Amanda’s Dog for having difficulties walking and using a special dog pushchair. People shouldn’t judge humans or pets before getting to know them.

Little Big Lies the tv series and the book are both mentioned in this book. I totally binged watched the heck out of that show and loved it. Sadly, I didn’t hear about the book til afterwards. But WOW was it good!

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mugging and murder

Steph is having a tough time in love and life and her neighbour Janey suggests a trip to the pub after they meet in an original way.

Steph hasn't been out to the pub for some time so accepts. Janey suggests setting up a book club. I liked the setting and spontaneity for this idea and how keen Janey was, both about her idea and to listen to Steph and cheer her up. I was keen to know what they were going to read.

The other woman in the book club is Amanda. I felt I knew more about Steph than Janey and Amanda, but they all seemed real and likeable. the Single Mum's Book Club is more than a book club. it's a place where the women can really chat and support each other.

I would have liked to have seen more about the books than was in the plot, but the whole novel is original.

The small village setting and the mention of the pub in quick succession won me over and that made the setting a hit for me.

I was eagerly awaiting what the women might talk about. I felt that the novel was true-to-life and realistic. I felt also that the characters were people I would like to know.

The Single Mum's Book Club is cosy, fun funny in parts and a relaxing novel.

Thanks to Victoria Cooke, HQ and Rachel's Random Resources for my ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

4 stars

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received this book for an honest review from netgalley #netgalley

Just what I was looking for! I fun light book to take to the beach ⛱️❤️🏖️ ❤️⛱️

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A laugh out loud, feel good and modern read. I really enjoyed the way the women bonded through a book club ( and wine & Doritos lol ). Stephanie’s character was well thought out and very real. Janey was the perfect friend. I loved that Victoria Cooke touched on childhood trauma and the long lasting effects it could have if no help is sought. Definitely recommend for a easy, funny and touching story.

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A great, feel good, laugh out loud read. It deals with issues like loneliness and childhood trauma which gave the book great depth. I loved the relationship bwtween, Stephanie, Janey and Amanda and it goes to show you how one person can make a difference in your life. Janey came into Stephanie's life when she was at a low point and Stephanie came into Amanda's life when she was lonely and needed a friend. Each one of them saved each other and it was so heartwarming. Edward was the ideal man. A man who loves animals that much will always have my heart. He was a sweetheart. A great summer read and I'll look forward to reading more from Victoria Cooke in the future.

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A fun read about three moms and a book club. They've bonded over loss or other issues with a man. It's not only a book club but emotional support, as well. It might a touch predictable it can still be enjoyable.

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Thank you very much to Netgalley and the publisher HQ Digital for sending me an ARC of this book!

This book was such a joy to read from start to finish. I've always dreamed of being in a book club and this was such a cute insight into how I could imagine it being. I could really relate to Stephanie as divorced mom with kids myself. The book touches on so many topics of love, divorce and friendship. There is something for everyone to enjoy in this fast paced book. I love the interesection of the lives and different viewpoints as they enhanced each characters story. This was my first time reaing a Victoria Cooke book and I quiet enjoyed it.

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Aw, this was so much fun. I loved reading about the vet’s practice (and the vet himself!), and the friendship between the book club members was a joy. Stephanie is a relatively newly-single mum of three and the juggling she has to do simply to get through the day is so relatable for mum’s everywhere whether they are going it alone or not I loved her determination and her fallibility, her kindness and her weaknesses, and her sheer zest for life.
It was a lovely book to get lost in for a few hours.

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I really enjoyed The Single Mums Book Club. It’s a great feel good kinda book with a relatable main character and a group of ladies you wish you had as friends.

It’s funny in parts, has a few little twists and is easy to get drawn into and not be able to put it down. I loved the idea of the characters coming together for book club. They have all lost a husband or are having problems with the men in one way or another and the book club is like a little support group for them all.

This is a great, easy going, fairly predictable read about love, friendship and moving on.

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I love reading books like this one between fantasy and mystery stories because they always pull me back to reality. The Single Mum’s Book Club is really your usual love story with lovable characters and realistic backstory.

It was fun and I loved watching Stephanie and her friends stumble through their everyday life. Her friendship with Janey and Amanda is enviable and I would join their bookclub if I could.

This is a romance story so yes, there is romance too. Heart-warming, exciting love which makes your heart beat faster.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy. I received a free copy and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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My thanks to #NetGalley and #HarperCollins publishing for allowing me to review this book.

I absolutely loved this book, lighthearted, humorous and cosy reading. Beautifully written about people you can relate to and happy endings. What more can you ask for.

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A fun and entertaining read. It may not stick with me forever, hence the rating, but I enjoyed my time with it and it was a pleasant experience.

I have never been in a proper book club, but it's something I'd like to try some day and the first thing that attracted me towards this book. However, although I wouldn't exactly say I'm disappointed, I did expect more book club stuff. Instead of reading, the book club is more about chatting, friendship and mutual support, which is okay and it's definitely something our main character needed. I love the relationship developed between these three women, the support system everyone deserves.

And our main character, Steph, is in real need of support and encouragement. She's a recently divorced mum with three kids, some quarrels with her ex and the need to find a job after years of not working because she was taking care of her kids and her husband. I found Steph to have an impressive inner force, which is not to say she didn't have her meltdowns, but she always kept moving forward. To me, it felt quite real her adjustment to a new life, new relationships, her struggle with what to prioritize (herself or her kids), etc. I also was rooting for her and her love interest throughout the whole story (a slow-burn adorable romance for sure) and I'm quite satisfied with how things wrapped up in the end: family-wise and love-wise.

Chapters are short, which makes for a fast-paced story (I read it in a day and a half), and there's quite some humor and fun punch-lines. However, I missed some more depth to the secondary characters: Janey and Amanda, the two other mums in the book club. I didn't really get to know them well and it's a pity.

This book touches on so many topics: love, friendship, divorce, kids adjustment to divorce, co-parenting, how to overcome some childhood traumas, growing to love yourself and put yourself first. There's something in there for everyone I think. Plus, I don't have any experience with divorces or being a single mum, but I'm quite sure people who have experience them will be able to identify a lot more with Steph's story.

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This book felt like my old weekend nights chilling in sweatpants and watching cozy shows. It was laugh out loud funny in several occasions as well. Sometimes I need a book that is charming and this was just the ticket. I will definitely be seeking out more titles by Victoria Cooke!

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and #netgalley for the ARC which did not influence my review.

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What an absolutely lovely read.

There is nothing particularly shocking or new here, but it is lighthearted and full of tremendous characters who are believable and skip off the page. An easy read which I tore through in half a day - a very definition of a summer read.

A total joy.

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