Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience

This was a fascinating story, it could almost be Sci Fi. Competition between government Secret Services, Psychics, murder and mayhem. These all come together in a story with an interesting cast of characters. Real life with a lot of imagination which i
I really enjoyed. An open ending, maybe more to come?

I delayed reading this for ages, it not being my normal choice of genre. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it when I got round to it. Enjoyed that it was set in the UK and a thoroughly interesting and not too long winded tale. Recommended

Firstly a massive apology to Anthony Mosawi and his team for somehow overlooking this stonkingly good read for over a year. I’m kicking myself that I didn’t see it earlier as I would have liked to encourage Mr Mosawi to get cracking on a second book - please. The characters are so well drawn and the pace of the story was heart thumping. I loved Sara Eden and her psychic ability which was just the right side of credible for me. The story wraps up well but leaves me wanting more - more of these flawed characters and more insight into the shadowy world of GCHQ, MI5 and MI6. I’m now off to buy a physical copy of this great book for my brother’s birthday as it right up his street too.

My thanks to NetGalley and publisher Penguin Michael Joseph, for the electronic copy.
Well, I've read the previous book, which I enjoyed and this one didn't disappoint - well-written, it's intriguing: the rivalries within the intelligence community, terrorist attacks at home and abroad, and an unconventional intelligence asset in the form of Sara Eden. A file opened in 1940 on Helen Duncan, Sara's great-grandmother, traces the family's extraordinary abilities down the years to Sara's mother who accepts financial support from MI5 in return for letting Sara hone her skills for use by the intelligence agencies. However, realising what that training actually meant forced her to hide Sara in the care system. NOW - Sara has made contact and wants to work for them.
The main players are Sir Charles Salt, former Operational Head of GCHQ and now the Chairman of the JIC; and Robert Waterman who was mentored by Salt and now leads GCHQ.
Salt is determined to have Sara as an asset and insists that Waterman become her handler. He's the only one Salt can trust. But Waterman is sceptical - a young woman who can purportedly "read" a person's connections to the past, present and future just by touching their skin or from a photograph - he doesn't believe it. But if she is real, the possibilities are endless.
After her first foray into undercover work at a Rave in London produces results, Sara is called upon to help GCHQ identify a terrorist and discover what the Serbian terrorist group the Black Dawn have planned. However, it's a race against time because Sara starts to learn that her "visions" don't always give all the facts.
Eventually Waterman can only admit there is something to Sara but he also feels like he's being set up for something, especially when he suspects Salt of all people of betraying his country. But he wouldn't, would he?
But Salt does have a secret, so too has the head of MI5.
This is fast-moving and full of action. My only criticism would be that I felt the narrative descriptions of close-quarter fighting which Sara gets involved in are a tad too lengthy and detailed.
Anyway, waiting eagerly for the next instalment!

A balance of political suspense, high octane intelligence thriller, and the supernatural draw the reader into a world of power, secrets and terror. My second encounter with Sara Eden finds her in the auspices of Robert Waterman, head of GCHQ and former protege of Salt. With contemporary terrorist themes, Sara has a personal agenda, but her unique psychic skills make her invaluable. The action is fast-paced and balanced with mystery and poignancy. The themes are not new, but Sara, Waterman and MI5 operative Ritz are complex characters with a believable dynamic, making this an addictive read.
I received a copy of this book from Penguin UK - Michael Joseph Publishing via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

An enjoyable book. This is a book about a terrorist plot with Sara, a psychic working for GCHQ added to the mix. The most interesting part of the story is Waterman, the head of GCHQ interaction with the heads of the other secret services. Sara's powers didn't add as much to the story as i expected Even if you can see people's past or future by touching them, can you actually change it?
Why do heroines in these type of books always have to be amazingly beautiful?
This is an honest review of a complementary ARC.

would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book
the second book in this series and it was nice to catch up with sarah and find out where she was at and how she was doing...
gchq and robert waterman dont need sarah but she is needed with her particular talents with imminent threats abound, sarah could help neutralize it
but robert is a sceptic and needs proof of sarah and when it comes...can he really believe it
a little slow in places and heavy going at times but on the whole if this series interests you then you will love it, i personally like sarah but when it comes to threats and terrorists i have a harder time but would read then next one in this series

Didn’t realise this was a follow on book but nonetheless was a good exciting read which although stretched the imagination to its fullest was very readable

I have read Trust No One, the first book about Sara Eden and thoroughly enjoyed it ,so I was delighted to be offered the chance to read the new book In Harm's Way and I wasn't disappointed .This is a story about Sara ,who has very special powers, who is recruited by the Secret Services as their secret weapon .The story was well written ,fast paced, gripping with espionage and terrorism ,everything you would want in a thriller .A fabulous read with a powerful ending ,I am hoping for more books in this series .Many thanks to the Publisher ,the Author and NetGalley for my free copy in return for an honest review .

Absolutely fab thriller. One of those where I constantly found myself saying "just one more chapter" Some very well flexed out characters that I bought into right away and a cleverly plotted story arc that kept me hooked in till the bitter end. Would definitely recommend.

Sarah Eden is a secret weapon to the secret services, she can predict what will happen by seeing into the future. Sarah’s unique ability to foresee major catastrophic terrorist events means she is a valuable resource to the secret services and can prevent disastrous atrocities from happening.
A fast-paced thriller from Anthony Mosawi which I really enjoyed. I hope there will be a follow up novel featuring Sarah Eden.

A very British thriller centred around the UK security services as they strive to prevent a terrorist attack. This story is about about the conflict between the centuries old ways of spying , the modern technology-driven world of surveillance and something very new. It is sparely-written in a way which only adds to the tension and almost cinematic style, making for a very compelling read.
Into this world of espionage, steps the new chief of GCHQ -a man grounded in technical know-how faced, who is faced with a very singular character in Sarah Eden. Could her claimed abilities help protect the country from harm? A unique and intriguing pairing of characters is formed under the most demanding circumstances. Sarah is an strange protagonist, whose unique gifts we come to understand as the story progresses and her GCHQ partner is a humble and believable character.
A compelling high tension, high stakes story and maybe the start of an exciting new partnership. I loved this.

I was delighted to receive an ARC of this book, and I loved it!
I felt it started at a great pace, slowed a little and then ramped up to a powerful climax.
I loved the central character, Sara Eden. An unusual agent with very different powers, the story and its characters, twists and turns kept me hooked to the final page.
This is a fast-moving thriller, with strong overtones of espionage and terrorism and, though cliched, a race to beat the clock.
For all that, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and would highly recommend it. I look forward to reading more in the series.

Very enjoyable spy thriller with a central character who holds “special powers”. There’s a refreshing lack of attempt to address exactly how these powers work and instead just crack on with telling a story - balancing the new maverick agent with the most senior staff at GCHQ and MI5.
Great mix of characters, action and suspense from the start - and whilst this is the second book to feature Sarah Eden I was happily unaware of this until after I’d finished - I don’t think it affected my ability to engage and there’s certainly some interesting deep dives into the back story.
Hoping the next book combines the same mix of intrigue and culture clash

I don't read many espionage thrillers but this one piqued my interest. However, I have to admit I wish I hadn't bothered - a woman with supernatural skills and lots of shadowy men from GCHQ and various spies just wasn't for me
Thank you to netgalley and penguin books for an advance copy of this book

In Harm’s Way is the first book that I have read by Anthony Mosawi and other than an ending that I felt would have benefitted from being slightly longer and thereby not curtailed it was very enjoyable and entertaining read

This is my second encounter with Mosawi’s unusual lead character, Sara Eden, having first met her in ‘Trust No-One’. On that occasion the author’s writing skills impressed, particularly in respect of the way in which action scenes were described so apparently effortlessly on Mosaw’s part whilst leaving the reader breathless with anticipation. Prospective readers of ‘In Harm’s Way’ will doubtless be relieved to know that the time since ‘Trust No-One’ landed in bookstores has not been wasted by the author. The way in which tension is steadily ratcheted up is quite exemplary, whilst the descriptive prose is so good that readers almost feel like they are themselves witnesses to the events being described.
The basic premise of Sara Eden’s talents is an important feature of the book and, without too much of a spoiler here, it is fair to say that it does require some suspension of disbelief. For this reader, too, the plot device that relies on secret conspiracies on the part of some shadowy corner of government runs the increasing risk of standing out as a tired cliche. However, these minor reservations were nowhere near enough to spoil my enjoyment of a book read in something approaching record time. Perversely, my reservations were probably given more prominence by the otherwise quite exceptional qualities of the author’s skill in storytelling.

This book has elements of a dystopian type world, futurism and a sense of supernatural in our main character. The gift she has some might not actually call a ‘gift’ but a curse. You decide.
A fascinating and compelling read with a different way of telling a story of terrorism. I had a couple of very late nights because I couldn’t put the book down.

I enjoyed In Harm's Way. I thought it would be a straightforward political thriller but it was an interesting take on it. Sara is helping to catch a serial killer but using a very unconventional method - her psychic powers. It could have been quite cheesy but was actually a very good read. The characters were well written and felt real, the plot was tight and the action was page turning. A good read.