Member Reviews

My first title from this author, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My heart was in my mouth the whole read! If you are looking for a new thriller author, try this! definitly a good recommendation.

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I think my era of domestic/neighborhood thrillers is over. I felt like it took a long time to build everything up and then the ending wasn't really worth it.

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When things go awry at a street party in a fashionable London borough one summer evening, everyone has their own version of the story to tell. Following three women; Nella a rich, ex tv presenter with the perfect house, perfect life, perfect family, Ruby, widowed and trying her best to bring up son Zac on her own, and Melissa the yoga teacher and wife of the Assistant Head of the local comp the story looks at each of them and their views on what happened that night at the street party. With everyone questioning the truth it’s hard to know who to believe.

Sadly for me this was miss marketed, less psychological thriller, more domestic drama. There’s a lot of set up before we get to the actual “big event” which left me feeling like I needed more.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

The Street Party is a slow burn, and I’d describe it as more of a domestic/family drama than a thriller. The book is well written, but I didn’t like or connect with any of the characters, sadly. I found parts of the story ploddingly slow because of the pacing.

An OK read.

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A street party seemed like an excellent idea. It's the perfect occasion to bond with your neighbours and for the youngsters to enjoy themselves.

On the other hand, it might have been a better plan to keep your distance, because when you let people in, they also see things you might have liked to have kept locked inside your home and not for everybody to be noticed.

Secrets that have been hidden, now surface...

In the beginning, I found it all a bit confusing. I was introduced to a lot of characters and I was struggling a bit to remember who was connected to whom and I was happy it was a slow paced book. This gave me the time to gather my thoughts and dive into it when the action started.

The author asks three different female characters to tell the story from their point of view. They are written in the first person. I like this way of constructing a story, but I sometimes forget whose point of view I am reading about. I have to turn back the pages to look it up. I don't know whether it only happens to me, but maybe there is a way of printing on top of each page the name of the character or is this too much to ast? :)

Anyway, as soon as the action picked up, it was an enjoyable read. It might seem strange, but I actually quite liked Beau. He was one of the most honest characters although a bit weird. 4 stars

Thank you

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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Three very different women who all reside on or close to a very posh square in Kensington are the subjects of this psychological suspense novel. Bullying, infertility, keeping up with the Joneses, and the secrets people conceal to maintain appearances are just a few of the many contemporary topics the book explores engagingly. The plot is intriguing, keeps you guessing, and the characters are well-drawn.

It's advisable to read this amazing page-turner.

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Brilliant! I loved the anticipatory writing in this book. The lace was perfect as was the character development. I would highly recommend this

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. This book was okay but a little slow to get in to. I stuck with it and did enjoy it. The characters were a little unlikeable at times. I do like this author and plan to read more of her work.

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I was expecting this to be a bit more of a thriller but it was more of a domestic drama that was quite slow in places, there were also a lot of unlikeable characters. It was ok overall but nothing amazing

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A slow burner with very unlikable characters. So while the plot does have twists and suspense to keep you engaged. The characters make you interest.

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

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Thank you to Bookouture, Claire Seeber, and Netgalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

I know some people have enjoyed this book, but it wasn't for me. It was not what I was expecting at all. From the book blurb I was expecting a psychological thriller, instead I got a domestic drama. The story was slow and underwhelming. I kept waiting for something to happen. The so called "Party" of the title doesn't even happen until the last third of the book. I like the initial premise of the book and think it had a lot of potential.

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DNF - Did not finish. I did not connect with the writing style or plot and will not be finishing this title. Thank you, NetGalley and Publisher for the early copy!

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A Story of Haves and Have Nots in a London Square

This psychological thriller follows three very different women who all live on or near a very posh square in Kensington. The novel covers so many current issues in an interesting way-- bullying, infertility, keeping up with the Joneses, the secrets people keep up appearances.. The characters are richly drawn, the plot is compelling and it keeps you guessing.

This is a fantastic page turner that is highly recommended.

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I read this on ebook but then finished it on audiobook.

This was a great entertaining and intense story, enjoyed getting to know the characters and the lead up to finding out what really happened the night of the Street Party and then the ultimate fallout and developments that took place afterwards.

It was well written, with some great characters, some of whom you automatically like and some you just plain hate, knowing they are bad.

The narrators were good, great having numerous voices for a number of the characters, definitely gave something extra to the characters.

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An edgy, suspenseful, domestic drama, I thoroughly enjoyed, The Street Party will have you reading right through, to find out what really happened.
A story of secrets that threaten to spill out and people being pretentious - some showing off their wealth and others trying hard to fit in.

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This was a good book I enjoyed. It didn't fascinate me, but I'm sure it will find its readers. Thanks you #Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the copy in exchange of an honest review.

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This was a slow burner of a book and it took me a while to get into it but once it started to get going, it got a lot better and I actually quite enjoyed it. Told from three different perspectives, with lies and secrets slowly being revealed, it was an entertaining read.
More of a drama than a thriller but still a good read that held my interest.

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This is definately a slow burner. It is told by 3 different characters who attend a street party. It did take a while for the book to really pick up and this influenced my rating. I would have to say this is more of a domestic drama than a thriller.

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There were certain things that I liked about The Street Party. Having just come back from a trip to London, I was very aware of the gap between rich and poor there. This is a central theme to this book and one which is very interesting. The fact that the story is told from a number of perspectives also allows the reader to really see how the other side live. The book also touches on the themes of race, loss, and domestic abuse. This was enough to keep me interested.

Sadly, the story itself was too dragged out for me. Although it’s relatively obvious from the blurb what happens, nothing really kicks off until around the 70% mark. And when it does, it feels rather underwhelming and not at all as thrilling as I hoped. I also found it hard to connect to any of the characters so I didn’t have the added investment of wanting to find out how their story’s end.

Unfortunately, The Street Party was a disappointment for me.

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