Member Reviews

Stella is married to successful property developer Rob. They have a beautiful home and luxurious lifestyle. It’s her fortieth birthday and he has booked a table at an expensive restaurant. Stella is expecting jewellery or some other luxury present. Instead, Rob drops a bombshell. He wants a divorce. He’s now ‘truly’ in love with Georgie’s twenty something home tutor. Not only that, his birthday ‘gift’’ to Stella are the keys to a new home. One where he now expects her to live alone. And if she doesn’t agree he is going to tell their daughter Georgie a secret Stella has been holding onto for a very long time. One which will ruin lives, including Georgie’s.
Well, this story began with a super shock. Rob is a thoroughly dislikeable character. Someone who has been conducting an affair behind his wife’s back and now plans to move his lover into the family home. Not only that, as he’s calling the shots, telling her he will only let her see Georgie at weekends. Stella fights back, aware Rob has the upper hand. On her own, she finds a strength she didn’t know she had. And maybe the way out of this is to risk everything by getting in touch with the person who could cause the most damage.
A great read, full of twists and turns with super villain Rob, a man who takes it as read that he can do exactly as he pleases while making it look as if he’s being generous to his soon to be ex-wife. A definite five star award for this book!
Many thanks to Ali Mercer, Bookouture and Netgalley for an ARC of The Marriage Lie

Rob and Stella Castle are having lunch at an expensive restaurant to celebrate her 40th birthday. Rob works in property development and Stella is a teacher. They are the parents of Georgie, age 14, who is currently on a school trip.
After lunch, Rob takes Stella to show her a remote home telling her that she will live there and Georgie will live with him. He plans to divorce her and she has nothing to say about it because she has a secret that he knows Stella does not want Georgie to find out about.
I really thought that this “secret” was going to be truly explosive, but it’s really not. Stella’s mother, stepfather and sister are all people I would want nothing to do with. Rod needs to be shot off into space somewhere. What a hateful, arrogant, conceited, and downright mean jerk. Stella needed to learn to stand up to bad people Why didn’t she head straight to a solicitor and file for divorce from Rod? Georgie is the only character with any class. I kept reading thinking there was going to be some big ending but it just didn’t happen. I’ve read two other books by this author but neither of them were what I would call spectacular. However, I am willing to try another of her books and hope that it is more appealing.
Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

First, I want to thank Ali Mercer, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.
OH SNAP!!! The Marriage Lie is the best written book with the most shocking storyline written by Ali Mercer!! Trust me I have been a fan of hers for a while and loved many of her books. However, this one had a different feel to it! Ohh it was so good and must be added to your must read list!!
Ali has you hooked right from the first chapter from then on it is completely fast paced!
Ohh right off the bat and into the story there was one character that I totally despised-Rob! Oh he was such an evil and heartless man to shock the heck out of his wife on her Birthday. She didn’t deserve to be blind sighted by any of that! Oh the more I learned about him in the book the more I hated him. Oh I know hate is a strong word.
My heart went out to so many characters in the losses that they suffered.
One of the things I loved about the book was there was a hidden secret: why Molly would have nothing to do with Georgie or the Mom. It intrigued me to know what happened.

The Marriage Lie is the story of Stella and the unexpected changes she faces in her life as her husband “surprises” her on her birthday with a new home and a pending divorce. The story looks backward and forward as we see some of how they got to this point and then forward as Stella deals with not only her marriage changes but also her extended family and their impact. At first it seemed like Stella and Rob were going to be caricatures but the author humanized them and allowed them some nuance which made the story more enjoyable for me. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review

The Marriage Lie by Ali Mercer is an interesting domestic thriller, that I enjoyed. Stella's husband, Rob, takes her out to lunch for her fortieth birthday. Afterwards he drops her at an isolated house informing her that this is where she now lives. He wants a divorce and full custody of their daughter, or he till expose her lie. Wow really? I was hooked, and had to know what happened. I will be looking for more books by this author. I highly recommend this book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

It’s Stella’s fortieth birthday and her husband Rob has the perfect day planned for them to celebrate. They go to the fancy restaurant with the white tablecloth covered table. At the pop of the champagne bottle Rob drops the bombshell on Stella. He wants a divorce and if Stella doesn’t divorce him and give him what he wants then he is sure to tell their fourteen year old daughter, Georgie everything. Stella is in quite the bind. Does she give Rob everything he wants or does she fight him and risk Georgie finding out the truth. So many mixed emotions and so many relationships in this story. The plot twists and turns will keep you on the edge of your seat. This riveting read is sure to capture your attention and keep you reading to the end. Thank you Ali Mercer for this engaging read.

Just beautiful. A stunning, astounding story that will stay with me. Written with heart. Wow. A book to savour. Just wonderful.

Stella has the perfect life. Hot husband. Beautiful daughter. Gorgeous home. Money. Only we quickly realize that she's hiding a massive secret. On her 40th birthday, her husband takes her out to a fancy lunch. And informs her that they're over. He's already bought her a new home and had her.things moved in. Oh, and if she questions any of this he'll tell her secret to their teenage daughter.
I'm on the edge of three and four stars with this book because I have such mixed feelings. The book as a whole was very well written. It kept me interested from beginning to end so that wasnt an issue. The characters were so well written as well. However, poor Stella had absolutely no backbone and it drove me up the wall. The story wouldn't have worked as well if she did I suppose, but the way she let Rob run all over her was admittedly awful. This is also in my opinion not a thriller. If you're picking this up for thrills you'll probably be disappointed. Women's fiction or domestic fiction yes, but thrilling she is not.
Granted, by the end Stella has found herself and genuinely become much more likeable. The ending did shock me a bit as honestly I was not expecting the turn it took towards the end. All in all, this is a genuinely good read. The growth of Stella was beautiful to see and the whole the truth shall set you free cliche definitely happened here.
Thank you to Bookouture, NetGalley, and Ali Mercer for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I’m left with mixed feelings about this book.
On the one hand it was a decent family drama that explored the secrets families keep from each other. It was also a good look at the many faces we wear: the front we put up for other people, what we share of ourselves with family members, and how each of those may differ from our true self.
It’s also a searing look at how lies can easily be compounded into untenable situations.
On the other hand, I found the characters to be weak and frankly unlikeable. Not weakly written, but their nature was weak.
Take Stella for example. The opening chapter hits hard. She’s celebrating her 40th birthday with her husband, and then…wham! Her life changes on a dime. And then she kind of continues to take it, at least up to a point. I didn’t quite understand that.
I hated Rob from the beginning. He was arrogant, obnoxious, supercilious, and just an all-around jerk. I mean, beyond any other bad characters, this guy really took the cake. It made all of the scenes he was in unenjoyable because he was just…icky.
There were quite a few twists in the story, and I guessed them early on. That’s not to say that it is a boring story or a suspense type of plot. It was evenly paced, and the story rolled out naturally.
In fact, maybe that’s why I have mixed feelings. It’s a beautifully crafted, well-written story with characters who are just not appealing, relatable, or even likable. Interesting.
Anyway, my favorite character, and the one I thought was the most developed, was Georgie. Not only was she a teenager with gravitas, but she handled the crazy adults who surrounded her with class.
I thought the second half of the book was smoother than the first. I guess in a way, that mirrors Stella’s experience.
As I said before, well-written book with an interesting plot but characters, who, for the most part, did nothing for me. I would still recommend it, because other readers may find themselves in Stella or Molly, and the writing is top-notch.

A beautiful lunch, just the two of them. Their daughter is away on a school trip for a couple of days. Stella is happy. Everything is going well in her life. Then her husband Rob takes her to show her a beautiful house in a gated community. But...wait. Rob has a plan and he is not about to compromise. In short. The marriage is over, and he is taking primary custody of their teen daughter Georgie. If Stella balks, Rob will share a secret she has been hiding for years. Blackmail, and not a gentle one by any stretch of the imagination.
Stella is reeling. While it is true that the secret that Stella is hiding will devastate Georgie, she looks for a way to get around Rob and his ideas. However, Stella is plagued with concern when she worries about Georgie discovering the secret she has been hiding. Will Stella accept a divorce from Rob and accept the conditions he is pressing on her?
What is this secret? What actually happened in Stella's past? What about now? What is more is that Stella has a strained relationship with her mother, stepfather, and especially her sister. Considering that her mother is Rob's #1 fan certainly doesn't make things any easier for Stella. Then, considering the fact that her stepfather is terminally ill doesn't make anything going on right now any easier. What about Stella's sister Molly? Will the two of them ever be able to deal with the incredible amount of tension and distance between them?
What a story! A domestic drama at its best. So many relationships in this book. All of them filled with tension beyond belief. Stella might have one person in her corner, and that is new neighbor Tony, but even that seems iffy. Then, faced with an unexpected loss, Stella hardly has anywhere to turn. Then when we factor in Rob's agenda and Stella is forced to take matters into her own hands. The Marriage Lie was an intriguing story and I enjoyed and watching things unfold as they led to a satisfying conclusion.
Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

This is a gripping story and the cover asks, how well do you really know the ones you love? Stella had to ask herself that question because on her 40th birthday her husband completely blindsided her. As the story unfolds, we learn all that happened to get to this point, and what Stella does to save herself and her daughter. We see Stella picking herself up off the kitchen floor to finding the strength within herself to fight for herself. Finding that strength also helped her find herself. Sometimes the worst thing that can ever happen to you can turn out to be the best thing that could happen to you.
I received an ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley.

This is the first time I've read.this author and I wasn't disappointed.
Stella and Rob are married but Rob ends.the marriage in the most surprising and cruel way that you'll be feeling disbelief and shock.
The story has twists and turns and it will keep you hooked from the first page.
The story flows very well and it will leave you speechless in some parts.
I will be reading more of Ali Mercer in the future.

This was a riveting and emotional family drama with a bit of a mystery. The story starts out with a cruel plot twist and I could not stop reading till the last page to see how it all worked out. I will be checking out Ali Mercer’s backlist for sure, she writes a compelling story and creates characters that you can’t help but love...or hate. Thank you to Netgalley, Bookouture Publishing, and Ali Mercer for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. This book is available for purchase May 28, 2021

Review for 'The Marriage Lie' by Ali Mercer.
Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Ali Mercer, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous
Publication date 28th May 2021.
This is the first book I have read by this author.
I was originally drawn to this book by its eye catching beaitiful cover and its intriguing synopsis and title. The synopsis stated 'Fans of Amanda Prowse, Kate Hewitt and Susan Lewis will be gripped by this emotional family drama from the very first page'. I am a huge fan of Kate Hewitt so am looking forward to seeing if this lives up to this statement. I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Bookouture. I have yet to read a book published by Bookouture that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).
This novel consists of 33 chapters and an Afterword. The chapters are short to medium in length so possible to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!
This book is based in Oxfordshire, UK 🇬🇧. The bonus for me of books that are partly or fully based in the UK is that I live in the UK and have sometimes visited places mentioned in the book which makes it easier to picture. I have actually visited Oxfordshire on several occasions so am looking forward to see if I recognise anywhere.
This book is written in first person perspective and the main protagonist is Stella. The benefits of books written in first person perspective are as long as they are well written it makes you feel that you are being spoken to by the protagonist and it can create more of a bond between yourselves and them.
It is set over multiple time lines. When books show what has happened in the past and what is happening in the present I find it really helps the reader (if it is well done) understand why things are happening and what has lead to the present activities and decisions. It also shows the bigger picture.
This book is very well written and the insights into the past let's the reader piece together what is going on. The descriptiona are vivid and help to set the scene. The cover and synopsis worked well with the storyline.
The storyline itself is intriguing and keeps the reader guessing what the big secret is. Unfortunately I managed to work it out pretty quickly but I was thrown by the explosive revelation which I was not expecting. Although I worked it out please don't let this out you off as I read loads of psychological thrillers and it's getting harder and harder to be surprised. It definitely shows how quickly things can change when you least expecting it. Although I had figured out what the big secret was it was still an enjoyable read which had me on the edge of my seat on a few occasions. The storyline was filled with deceit, lies and secrets.
The characters are strong and realistic. Unfortunately I just didn't click with any of the characters. I felt like screaming at Stella on several occasions and just felt that she was very weak but she did pull through in the end and I am glad how it ended. I couldn't stand Rob from the start no idea what she saw in him and her mother absolutely disgusted me with her attitude. On several occasions I did feel sorry for Stella. I did like Tony and would have liked to see more of him. I also really liked George and thought she was very mature for her age and a very likable character.
Overall a suspense filled novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat guessing.
Genres covered in this book include Saga and Psychological Fiction amongst others.
364 pages.
This book is just £1.99 to purchase on kindle via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!
Rated 4 /5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
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"Every dysfunctional family is dysfunctional in its own way." Ali Mercer's latest, The Marriage Lie, exposes all that is wrong within this particular marriage and family. It takes a bit to flesh out how all the characters fit and why the husband has taken the position he has. As we go along we understand the intricacies of this family's particular type of dysfunction. But once the spell is broken all can heal in their own way. A solid read!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

I'm not sure how to categorise Ali Mercer...it's not thriller but it's not just contemporary fiction either. It's a bit of domestic drama, a bit of suspense and plenty of surprises. I found it slow to begin with but that just could have been me because I was dealing with my senior dog, who has a bit of dementia, getting up every two minutes in the middle of the night whilst trying to read. Once she finally settled after a couple of hours I also settled more into the book.
The story begins with Stella, excited for her 40th birthday her husband Rob is taking her on. Then he drives her to an isolated house at the end of a lane and she wonders what are they doing here? He assured her it would only take a minute to have a look around as he was eager for her feedback on the place. Rob is a kind of property developer, buying houses and doing them up and then selling them for a profit. He doesn't normally share them with her so she was surprised he wanted her feedback on this one. As soon as she walks in she is hit with traces of Rob all over. The interior is stark white with a minimalist touch throughout. It was sparsely furnished with just a small table and two chairs in the kitchen, a sofa and flat screen TV in the sitting room and although there were three bedrooms upstairs there was a single bed in only one of them.
When he had finished showing her around, he asked what did she think. Stella was at a loss for words...what could she say that wouldn't offend him and spark a row? He assured her he could take her criticism. When she said that she was sure it would be someone's dream home but it wasn't her's, he answered her with "I'm sure you'll get used to it" and placed a set of keys in her hand. She looked at them and asked what was going on? He informed her that this was her birthday surprise, that he wanted a divorce and she would comply...or else he would reveal her biggest secret. Thus losing the greatest love of her life - her daughter Georgie - who he apparently would allow her to have on weekends though she would live with him throughout the week. And she would agree to his terms. If she didn't, she would be sorry.
Without a backward glance, Rob leaves Stella standing dumbfounded in her new house with instructions that she would be at the mediator's the following morning to begin the process of their divorce. Almost at once I thought how the hell did he expect her to get there when she was in the middle of nowhere with no car, since he drove her and left her there? But Stella was nothing if nor resourceful. She began trudging down the lane looking for a bus stop to take her back to Kettlebridge and their house in an affluent neighbourhood. However she was in heels that weren't made for walking and after taking a tumble, her kindly neighbour called her a taxi which took her back home. And there, she got another nasty surprise. Suddenly it was clear why Rob wanted this divorce.
Her world crumbling around her, Stella needed a voice of reason as well as comfort so she went to the only other person she could turn to - her mother. Unfortunately, her mother was a fully paid up member of the Rob Castle fan club and in her eyes he could do no wrong. She told her what had happened and as expected her mum really had no sympathy and pretty much hustled her out the door as soon as her terminally ill husband awoke from his nap. She had one other person to call...who she hadn't seen in years and who had turned their back on not only her, but all of them. Her younger sister Molly. But the reception she received was cold and dispassionate.
Stella suddenly realised she was in this on her own and if she was to get through this she could only rely on herself. After spending the first 30% feeling a little sorry for herself, Stella finally got her bitch face on and started to fight back and when she walked into that mediator's office the next morning, Rob didn't know what hit him. Yes, Stella knew there was no going back for them but they had a daughter whom they both adored and for her they needed to do this amicably with as little fallout as possible. But on one thing she was clear - Georgie was living with her and he could see her weekends.
But when they were in the midst of a war of words at the mediator's Stella's phone rang, her mum's name flashing on the screen. She took the call and everything changed. Even Rob sat up and asked if everything was alright. No, it wasn't. Her mother was dead. I have to hand it to Rob. As dastardly as he was, he showed some compassion for the woman he was tearing apart by jumping up and being with her through the difficult time. But when she mentioned contacting Molly to let her know, he became agitated and tried to dissuade her. But Molly had a right to know her mother had died. As her phone calls were going unanswered, Stella had only one option left - to go to London and tell Molly in person. And the reception she received upon arrival was anything but warm. She thanked her for letting her know and asked her to leave.
She wasn't surprised by Molly's coldness but Stella had other things to worry about...like how she was going to break the news to Georgie when she returned from her school trip the following morning. At least she had convinced Rob to allow her to stay at the house while they worked out how to tell their daughter they were separating. But Georgie was more perceptive than they gave her credit for.
And yet the secret of Stella's past still haunted her. The one that Rob had dangled in front of her that if Georgie were to find out she would hate her. But Stella reminded Rob that he was just as complicit as she though she had to agree...she could lose her daughter if the truth ever came out.
Throughout the book, readers are teased with "the secret" that threatened to tear Stella's world apart should people, particularly Georgie, were to find out. Which has everyone guessing as to what it possibly was. I figured out fairly early on what I thought it was, and I was proved correct, but the manner in which it happened wasn't really any great drama I thought. As it was hinted as being something so terrible, I had envisioned a much darker playout. But I was hoodwinked by one aspect that I never saw coming...and that made everything else fall into place and why the family was so estranged.
THE MARRIAGE LIE is a domestic drama filled with suspense but it is not a thriller. It pulls you in from the beginning as you turn the pages wanting to uncover Stella's dirty little secret and why she should be so ashamed. The family dynamics between them all are strange to say the least. And then I had to laugh...Rob got what he wanted and when he did, he realised it wasn't what he wanted after all. But by then it was too late.
The characters weren't all that likeable honestly. Stella drove me nuts at times and Rob was a complete jerk from the beginning. His arrogance was astounding that I was surprised Stella fell for it at all. He is manipulative, controlling and pretentious. I don't know what any woman saw in him, to be honest.
The story is told solely from Stella's perspective, mainly in the present but also with flashbacks to the past. And through her narrative we see her grow from strength to strength as she fights to keep her equilibrium and her some of comebacks had me chuckling and wishing I had her balls.
THE MARRIAGE LIE is not a fast paced tale but it's not a slow one either. Still it's not as fast as I like my stories but I enjoyed it just the same. I do recommend it for those who like family dramas and contemporary fiction with a little bit of suspense thrown in.
I would like to thank #AliMercer, #NetGalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #TheMarriageLie in exchange for an honest review.

I’d like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Marriage Lie’ by Ali Mercer in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
It’s Stella’s 40th birthday and her husband Rob has taken her to an expensive restaurant for lunch. Rob’s promised to give her a surprise birthday present and drives her to a secluded cottage where he shows her around then says it’s where she’s going to be living. If she doesn’t agree to the terms of a divorce he’ll get custody of their fourteen-year-old daughter Georgie and tell her the secret Stella’s been keeping from her all these years.
‘The Marriage Lie’ is the story of a family and their secrets and moves smoothly between the events of sixteen years ago to the present time. It’s a well-written drama an engaging plot and I got so involved with the characters I wanted to tell Stella to stop being so nice to Rob, which he definitely didn’t deserve, and tell him to get lost. Although there were no major surprises as I’d worked out the secret between Stella and her sister Molly well before we were told, it’s still a good solid novel that’s kept me engrossed as I needed to know what was going to happen. I like Ali Mercer’s style of writing which I find easy to read and become absorbed in and I’m more than happy to recommend this novel which I thoroughly enjoyed.

The Marruage Lie by Ali Mercer is a compelling domestic drama that kept me fully engaged for the duration. Once again, Ms Mercer has crafted a tale of familial secrets, lies, and deceptions, and even manages to insert a few jaw-dropping revelations into the mix. This is storytelling at its finest.
Stella is celebrating her fortieth birthday with her husband, but his gift is not at all what she expects. Rob has purchased a house in a remote area for Stella to live in, alone, and he wants a separation, effective immediately. While Stella grapples with this startling turn of events, the secrets from her past and a complicated relationship with her birth family threaten to unravel the perfectly ordered life that she has worked so hard to achieve. Suddenly, Rob's decision to sever the marriage seems to be the very least of her concerns.
This is a family drama that will ensnare you from the very first page, and it will continue to draw you into its labyrinth of secrets.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC.

On her 40th birthday her husband puts her up in a remote house and demands a divorce. He demands she agree or he will share the secret they have been keeping for years.
Unfortunately for her husband Stella is not going to go quietly. I love her strength and comebacks as she finds out things about her husband. I’ve read the author’s books before but was not as impressed with this one. It was a quick read with plenty of surprises but if fell a little flat for me. I think it was the way the lie turned out. I won’t spoil it by sharing what it is. Overall a worthwhile book to read.

Celebrating her 40th in a fancy restaurant with her handsome husband, didn’t end up how Stella had imagined. Driving to a strange house, instead of a surprise cheesecake, her husband announces he wants a divorce and hands her a set of keys.
Stunned and shocked, Stella listens to his list of conditions and demands. Realization takes some time to dawn on Stella but the one thing that is clear immediately is how she is being threatened to stay away from their daughter, Georgie. And if she doesn’t, he’s going to rip the lid off her secret.
Stella slowly finds her voice and her way around the mess she finds her life in.
A fundamental loose thread is introduced by way of Stella and her dissolving marriage, but once that thread starts to unravel, you find an intriguing, compelling story of a broken family riddled with years of dysfunctional relationships and damaging secrecy.
Another remarkable, must-read from the extraordinary Ali Mercer.
Highly recommend The Marriage Lie.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the read of Ali Mercer’s, The Marriage Lie.
Opinions expressed are my own.