Member Reviews

This novel almost finished me off! An absolute heartwarming delight delivered with Paige's trademark warmth. The wonderful cast of characters will stay with you long after you've reached the final page.'

I am a huge fan of Paige's previous books. This was a perfect introduction to her latest one, and am very excited to read the rest of it once it's out!

Thank you so much for the 3 chapter sample but now guess what.... you got me wanting more!
Love Paige Toon books and can already tell from just the first 3 chapters this is going to be another amazing read. Put it on my wish list as so many questions now need answering and this little taster has got me wanting more.....
At fifteen, George is the foster brother Leah never asked for. As the angry, troubled boy struggles to come to terms with his circumstances, Leah finds herself getting drawn closer to him.
Theo’s wealthy family have mysteriously pulled him out of boarding school and he’s now enrolled at the local state school with Leah and George. When their worlds collide that summer, the three teenagers form a bond they believe will be unbreakable. But life doesn’t always go to plan...
Shocking news brings Leah back to Yorkshire, baby daughter in tow. But Emilie’s father Theo isn’t with them, and George has unexpectedly returned. After half a lifetime, have they healed the scars of their pasts? Will coming back home set their hearts in a different direction?

I love this author so was excited to read the first few pages of this book. We meet Leah and her story begins to unravel, switching from present day to Leah's teenage years. Despite it only being a sampler, I found myself hooked into the story, so much so that I forgot I wouldn't get long in the book and was genuinely disappointed when I came to the end of the sampler! Only a few chapters and yet I was left with so many whys and whats, and I can't wait to pick up again to find out how it will continue. You just know this is going to be an emotional roller coaster of a read!

So, yesterday I got the email I kept checking for over and over again! @netgalley sent me the approval for the first few chapters of @paigetoonauthor new release coming in June, 'Someone I Used To Know'
@paigetoonauthor has a way of writing that makes you feel like you're talking to your friend. I already truly care about Leah, her life and her future.
In 40 pages, I found out so much and yet still have so many questions and I can't wait to find out the answers come June!
Another fantastic read from a fantastic author

A massive thank you to Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for the preview of this book. I am a massive fan and have read every book of hers more than once. Once again right from the start I am heavily invested in the book and the characters. It alternates between past and present and is already showing complicated relationships. Straight away your surprised by the direction of the story and that it didn’t follow the typical route like you may have expected it to. I can already tell it’s going to be another amazing book. I cannot wait to finish the rest of the book. I can never put Paige Toon’s books down and this will be no different.

Such a great chapter sample but now I’m left wanting so much more. Looks like it will be another fabulous Story from Paige Toon

Oh Paige, what have you done to me ?!
Loved the first 3 chapters and I can't wait for the book to come out. I need to know more

Just finished the first 3 chapters I was kindly given by NetGalley/Simon & Schuster for an honest review.
I can honestly say, I can’t wait to read it all! I’m already very excited to find out more about Leah, Theo & George. The glimpse of their younger lives is already telling us it’s going to be such an interesting story of how they’re intertwined & I’m intrigued to see what caused them to go their separate ways 15 years ago!

I was gifted a sample of the first three chapters in return for an honest review. I’m so gutted that I have only read three chapters, I want more and I want them NOW. I was introduced to the character Leah, her little girl Emilie and husband Theo. It started at her parents party, they were foster carers to many children over the years and some were at the party helping them celebrate.
This sample left me wanting more...

Great opening chapters. So many questions! What happened between Leah and George? Would love to read and review the rest of this

I can always guarantee that a book by Paige Toon won’t disappoint and judging from the first few chapters of Someone I Used to Know, this one will be no different. I’m already so invested in Leah’s world and need to know more. I was already surprised with that amazing prologue, the result of that introduction wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, it was so much better! And George seems such a mysterious character, I can’t wait to find out what happened with him and Leah to make for such a frosty reunion between the two.
I loved getting a sneak peek into Paige’s next novel, the only thing is now, I don’t want to wait to read the rest! Can’t wait for June!!

A great sampler!
I can’t remember the last Paige Toon book I read but every book of hers I’ve read just grabs you right in and this one is no exception!
I can’t wait for the full book to find out the relationships, what happened that night?
It will be another page turner of a book.
Thanks Netgalley for the chapter sample

Thank you for approving this Chapter Sampler! Wow, I loved every bit about this and it has only made me more excited for the whole book to be released!
You can tell there’s going to be twists and turns in this book that you just aren’t expecting, I’m so excited for this film thing to be released I’ll definitely be purchasing!!

Thank you so much NetGalley for this little teaser. I absolutely adore Paige Toon, and this has just sparked the excitement for her next release, I cannot wait!! I always feel a great connection to the characters within her books and this seems as though it will be just the same, what a great start!

Love Paige Toon, there hasn’t been a book of hers that I haven’t liked. This sampler has done a good job of getting me excited to read the full book. Now I just have to wait patiently for it to be released.

The first few chapters of this book have really done a good job of getting me excited to read the rest of the story. A great start and look forward to seeing where this goes.

Back when Five Years From Now was released I read a sampler of that and was left with many tears and eager for more. So because of that I wasn’t sure if I would read this sampler, but when it popped up on Netgalley my fingers had a mind of their own and I’d requested to read it.
I had initially said to myself it would be a morning treat but it seemed to allude me. Following a book hangover of epic proportions it felt right to then read some Paige.
Someone I Used To Know has intrigued me since I’d first heard about it, and then in hearing snippets of information my interest was well and truly piqued. In seeing Paige share a number of pictures of her sobbing I knew this had me written all over it.
So today I’m talking about a very small snippet of this book that will hopefully wet your appetite into pre-ordering this beauty that is out in June. I already want more as I knew I would. So in the opening snippet we are treated to the Then and Now of Leah, Theo and George. Although there are elements to Theo that shocked me and I had instantly thought the worst possible scenario, granted the scenario we are given isn’t that much better. I shan’t say anymore on that, I will be intrigued to see if anyone else has the same thoughts.
Usually with a Paige Toon read I have a definite male choice, but I’m here to say for the first time I’m left torn. The backstory of both boys so far has intrigued me, there is a slight pull but only because there is less said in regards to George. I must say I know I will fly through this read when I’m able to do so.
Someone I Used To Know has a feel like Five Years From Now although as I say there isn’t a clear boy choice at present. It’s given me so much to ponder in such a short extract. Paige Toon just gets better and better, I’m interested in the foster system and I’ve already wholeheartedly fell in love with Leah’s parents.
Someone I Used To Know will sucker punch you right from the off. In a few chapters so much happens that tests the family to the limit. I’m eager to see where the story goes and how many twists and turns there are along the way. I haven’t shed a tear just yet but from Paige’s pictures and from the premise of what could happen I expect there will be tears.

It took me a while to get into the flow of things, however I enjoyed the now and then moments and discovering the relationships between some of the main characters.
I can't wait to read more of this book when the chance arises.
So far we have had love, regret, wonder, sadness, loss and the characters seem fresh, hurt, loved and interesting. How they weave together and interconnect is what really intrigues me.
Definitely on my to be read list.
Thank you Netgally.

Thank you NetGalley for my chapter sampler if this book. It sounds fantastic, I’m so excited to read it! I love Paige’s books and this looks like it won’t disappoint. Disappointed I can’t read it already!!