Member Reviews

I loved this authors first book in the series, Dead Girl Walking so seeing this on NetGalley I requested it straight away.

Unfortunately it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. I don’t like giving negative feedback so I’m hoping this comes across as positive criticism.

I felt some of the dialogue was a little clumsy as character names were used a lot during the conversations causing interruption to the flow, which took my focus away of what was being said which to me isn’t true to real life. It felt a little forced.

Working with police in a homecide unit, and two separate characters leaking elements of the case was a huge break of confidentiality which for me was unbelievable. Having read so many police procedural, thrillers and crime novels, I have plenty to compare to which I feel is why I picked up on some of these elements.

Now to what I loved. The second parallel storyline with the woman Jessie meets in the first third of the book. This had important elements to move the series forward. These were well written, emotional and relevant and I did enjoy these parts. I’m looking forward to seeing how this moves forward.

The overall storyline was great! The element with the main character being a nurse helping the police is certainly unique and is one of the things I love about the series.

I liked how the case evolved. Thr ending didn’t quite go the way I expected so that was a welcome surprise.

This certainly was a good novel, but for me a little too slack in terms of how I perceive police investigations to be done. If you’ve read book one you are likely to enjoy this too. Even though there were elements I didn’t enjoy, I am still looking forward to reading book three to see how character relationships grow.

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Good suspense read! I enjoy police-procedural books! They intrigue me and keep me entertained!
And this was like no other!
I will say I have to go back and read book one!
I don't like reading out of order! (I'm weird) lol
But overall this was a great quick book.with twist and turns I never seen coming!

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I have not read the first part of this series yet, but I had no problem in getting the feel of the atmosphere.
I like books where the police team is in the picture, but I also like it when the police works together with a civilian such as a psychologist or a doctor. The author chose a nurse working in ER, Jessie Novak.
They are working closely together, but they don’t always see eye to eye. The police follows one thread. Jessie is convinced that’s not the way to go. Who is right? Who cracks the case open?
Jessie is a great character. She has a big heart and everybody likes her. Except for the bad guys of course when they believe she is on to them. She is not easily scared and if she is, she does not show it. She has one goal and one goal only: putting the baddies where they belong for a very long time.
Jessie’s head is not only filled with the case, but her private life is keeping her busy too. Is she dealing with someone genuine or with a fraud?
I enjoyed this story a lot. There was someone I did not quite trust from the moment I met them, but was my feeling spot on this time or was I wrong once again?
Looking forward to see what happens next. 5 stars

Thank you

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Another gripping mystery in the Jessie Novak series. Set in Boston, Jessie is an ER nurse who also helps the homicide division with murder investigations. There's even the promise of romance in Jessie's future. As the author is a nurse, the hospital scenes are authentic and immersive. This second instalment is compulsively readable with a white-knuckle ending. Roberta Gately has fast become one of my must-read authors.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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What an intriguing premise. I have to google now if there is such a position in the real world. Boom - right out of the gate we have action. Twists, turns, mystery, intrigue. Loved it all. The reason it wasn't a 5 is Kate. Just so beyond the norm - she didn't fit, stood out, and you knew than something was off. The rest was great. I love seeing how Jessies brain works. As this book is from Jessies point of view you are seeing the clues and putting the pieces together with her. My heart broke with the loss of someone. Sam our detective shows some charming vulnerability and Rufus just knocked it out of the park. Some interesting info come to light that really turns Jessies world upside down and opens so many new possibilities. I did not read book 1 and was still able to enjoy The Frozen Girl without feeling lost. I am definitely curious to see where we go from here. Thank you Bookouture for allowing NetGalley to share this arc with me. I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions.

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This was a really easy and enjoyable read. I like the main character of Jessie and the dynamics between her and Sam, a detective. Characterisation is good and there's a nice relationship brewing there! An interesting plot for this one and a good steady pace throughout. Jessie does get very involved in the cases with the ME and Homicide but this one is a bit too close to home. Overall, a good rad and I look forward to the follow up. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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The second book in a series, The Frozen Girl by Roberta Gately was a cop procedural with an interesting premise.

27-year old ER nurse Jessie Novak who also doubles as a liaison for the Boston police department comes across a new case when the body of the missing nurse manager at her ER is found in the lake. Jessie, along with detectives Sam and Ralph try to find out the killer as the bodies pile up.

The story didn't hold my interest despite the steady pace and the suspense. This could be because much of the book was about Jessie's personal musings and thoughts regarding different characters, especially Sam, whose 'sparkling' and 'shimmering' eyes have been referenced to, so many times. There was a bit of information repetition at several points. And even at 50% there wasn't any solid information about the second victim.

Maybe I am judging too harshly (and I haven't read Book 1 in this series, so I can't say for sure), but I don't understand the logic behind Jessie being hailed as a hero by the cops throughout the book. For eg:  She wasn't even part of the surgical team that operated on Danny Coyle and yet she got all the praise.

Also, maybe I don't understand the job requirement, but why are Jessie's thoughts relevant when a potential suspect is being interrogated considering it's a detective's job and she is a nurse; the matter in question wasn't even medical in nature.
Clearly she is the wrong person to be a liaison because not only was she interfering in an active investigation, she also relayed confidential matters of the case to her co-workers.

The blurb and the prologue really drew me in and while I had great expectations of this book, it was a let down as I could not connect with the main character. The writing also seemed all over the place.

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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My thoughts
Rating: 5
Series:Jessie Novak #2
Would I recommend it? Yes
Would I read more of this series? Yes, in fact I have the first book to read .
Would I read more by this author? Yes
First off I want to say a huge thank you to the publisher Bookouture , the author Roberta Gately , and to NetGalley for inviting me to join the blog tour for this book as well as letting me read and review it. This was my first time reading anything by this book and all I can say is way did it take me this long to read anything by her I'll never understand it , especially since I have the first book to read. at the time I start this I had plain to read a few pages then go back to the other book I was read but nope that didn't happen at all in fact I ended up finishing it the same day I started it, just couldn't put it down at all. Plus other thing I loved was the dynamic between Jessie and Sam , and the interaction they had with each other as well as with the other characters though out the story . Can't wait to read more of this series and see what happens next.

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I read the first book in this new series and instantly felt a strong liking for Jessie. She has some courage that is for sure. And she certainly seems to get herself tangled in a case even if she shouldn't.

I love the dynamic between Jessie and Sam, it such a lovely budding friendship and I cant wait to see what else they overcome individually and together.

The case that Jessie faces this time, after becoming fully involved with Homicide and the ME office, is one that was a little bit close to home for Jessie. So it was lovely to see another side of her rather than the tough exterior.

I am really looking forward to reading more in this series, and cant wait to find out more about the characters, especially Sam!

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Jessie Novak is a nurse working between ED and the police in Boston.
Contains Spoilers.
The Frozen girl is not a girl but an older woman and ex manager of Jessie.
Jessie is working with Boston detective Sam Dallas.
Jessie is a loose cannon - reading/printing off emails which she then loses in a bar. She goes after a dangerous criminal without any regard for her police colleagues. Can’t imagine why they keep her in the job.
Having worked in hospital ED’s myself it was obvious to me that Kate was not a qualified nurse and how this wasn’t discovered until the end was unbelievable.
Also can’t imagine how Shiela managed to get thousands paid to a fake account from her hospital budget. Most hospital depts have an annual budget so unlikely that thousands would’ve paid out to an unknown company without some checks.
Storyline didn’t ring true to me.
Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in return for a fair review.
3 stars ⭐️

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