Member Reviews

Dinosaurs, sounds and Twinkle Twinkle.
An interesting one. Sharratt does his usual marvellous job of illustrating the book, with spotty, bright and colourful dinos on every page. Excellent stuff.
It's a rather educational sing-song story, Twinkle Twinkle on repeat. We get the names of dinosaurs (I know now a kronosaurus!), we get features and even see that some eat other creatures (just a fish - no graphic death scenes here!). Lots of lovely vocabulary too, with adjectives and movement, sounds and nice noisy words to copy and put into action.
Some varied scenes too, from forests to volcanoes, mountains to underwater, it gives a good scope in just a few pages for the range of creatures and habitats.
The rhymes work, we get a 'she' T-Rex, and a continued Pterodactyl story over the front and endpages.
Young children will love this. For ages 2-5.
With thanks to Netgalley for providing a sample reading copy.

I love the idea of this book, unfortunately my two year old son got bored with it quite quickly, I think with the repetition of the tune on each page. He already knows a lot of dinosaur names so it didn’t seem to capture his interest, although for a different child I can see that it would be a great addition to the bookshelf.

A brilliant romp of a book perfect for everyone who loves a good rhyming book and especially those who love dinosaurs. Nick Sharratt's classic designs are so appealing to young readers and Katrina Charman has such enticing word choices for children to enjoy. The repeated refrains are perfect for joining in together as you read the words alongside the tune to Twinkle, Twinkle - such a clever idea. My daughter loved incorporating the actions for each dinosaurs as we read through the story.
Floss (age 4) - I love the velociraptors when they hide and then they pounce. I love the word pounce. I'm going to pounce like a velociraptor.
Thank you to #Bloomsbury and #NetGalley for the electronic ARC for review. #RumbleRumbleDinosaur

I really enjoyed reading this book.
We read this book as a family and all got involved! It was fun, interesting and educational.
The illustrations were colourful and fun and visually stimulating.
The way in which you are supposed to read it is such fun, and we all loved it!
I would definitely recommend this and will certainly look out for similar books by this author.
Many thanks for this arc in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

Fab! My favourite thing about this book was how cleverly the author included dinosaur information without making the book inaccessible to the children it is aimed at. The book features several dinosaurs, using their correct names and some characteristics but doesn't overload the reader with so much that the book becomes less fun or engaging.
My only slight gripe was the non-rhyme used at the start and end of the book - dinosaur/far, which I found really irritating as everything within the book is so much better!

My daughter absolutely loves this book. The pictures are bright and colourful and you sing to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star. A big hit in our household. I would highly recommend.

A bright, bold and stunning sing along book which is just perfect for the young Dino enthusiast!
Readers young ando,d will love sharing this book and it will soon be one a form favourite.

Rumble Rumble Dinosaur by Katrina Charman and Nick Sharratt is a really sweet little rhyming book. Set to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star this features lots of different dinosaurs doing different things. The illustrations are colourful and eye catching too.

I was given a Advanced Readers Copy of this book to read and give an honest review on. These are my thoughts:
As an Early Years Educator I am always interested in finding new books and page turners that my little peeps will enjoy and can learn from. I work with children aged under 5 and this book is perfect for them.
The story within the book is read along to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which is a popular nursery rhyme that pretty much most children under 5 will recognise. With it being along to the familiar tune, That will help to gain their attention. On top of that, the book is filled with lovely illustrations of dinosaurs. This are bright, bold, colourful, and child-friendly and also fun to look at. They are easily distinguishable for the children if they have knowledge of some of the different types of dinosaurs, they shouldn’t have much difficulty recognising which is which. The story it’s self has a nice, easy rhythm and rhyme as you get going along to the twinkle twinkle tune (although some of the dinosaur names took me a moment to remember how to pronounce). I enjoyed the use of adjectives, adverbs and onomatopoeia throughout, and how these wordings tended to begin with the same letter or similar sounds, such as “munch and crunch”, “splish and splash”. These will support the children developmentally, particularly in the area of speech and language, and also learning opportunities to encourage counting, colour recognition, size and prepositions, etc.
For me, and the children I work with, I think this book would be fab and well received from the little peeps. In fact, I have already ordered a copy for my setting, knowing it will be well loved and meet the children’s interests surrounding dinosaurs. I can see this becoming a popular choice during story time!! :)

What a great book for little dino lovers. My son aged 4 loved this book and was telling me the names of the dinosaurs on each page. Great rhyming too. We loved it.

Having read one previous book in this series myself and my 4 year old son were very excited to read Rumble, Rumble, Dinosaur and we loved it. My son loves dinosaurs so it was an instant hit and we both love how the writing flows so effortlessly.
We would definitely recommend this book and my son would like to give it a rating of 1000 out of 5 as he loved it that much.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for our ARC.

We absolutely love this series of books so I was so excited to find there was a new one being released. This is a brilliant rhyming story about dinosaurs. The best thing is the whole book can he sung to the tune of 'Twinkle Twinkle.' The story features all the well known dinosaurs from the start of the day until they go to sleep. As always there are stunning illustrations by Nick Sharatt. I would definitely use this in an Early Years classroom. We used to do a whole half term topic on dinosaurs and this would be perfect to teach the class and it would be great to perform in an assembly. They would love it! I would highly recommend this book and the whole series. Thank you to NetGalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for this advance copy.

This is a lovely rhyming book that my twin grandaughters loved not just because they could use the twinkle twinkle tune to read it but because what child doesn't love dinosaurs too? Beautifully illustrated by Nick Sharratt. A must buy book!

We’ve spent the last lockdown year reading our daughter the 3 other books by Charman and Sharratt, she adores them, but thank god there’s a new one!!
And what a brilliant book! She’s going to love this! Yet again it’s a great, easy to follow rhyme. The Rhythm flows at a quick pace, it’s funny and informative, and the illustrations and just so good.
These are just amazing kids books!

Rumble, Rumble, Dinosaur is bright, bold, and brilliant!
Set to the tune of 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star', the book is super fun and enjoyable for toddlers as they learn the words and join in with the story.
Following a day in the life of a group of dinosaurs, we see them wake up and go about their day, having fun together, and we learn a few facts along the way too.
Alongside Nick Sharratt's epic illustrations this is sure to be a hit with all little ones!
Having worked in a nursery I can see this book being read together in groups with the children joining in, even acting out parts as the different types of dinosaur.
I will definitely be buying this for my dinosaur-loving son!
Thank you to Bloomsbury Children's Books and Netgalley for the e-arc to review.