Member Reviews

Briseis is just your advantage teenage girl. But she can also grow plants from tiny seeds to rich blooms with a single touch.

Briseis's aunt dies and leaves her a huge estate on the outskirts New York. Bri and her parents decide to leave Brooklyn behind for the summer. Hopefully there, surrounded by plants and flowers, Bri will finally learn to control her gift.

Their new home comes with a specific set of instructions from the aunt, an old apothecary, and a walled garden filled with the deadliest botanicals in the world that can only be entered by those who share Bri's unique family lineage.

When strangers begin to arrive on their doorstep, asking for tinctures and elixirs, Bri learns she has a surprising talent for creating them. There is more to Bri's sudden inheritance than she could have imagined, and she is determined to uncover it... Until a group comes after her in search of a rare and dangerous immortality elixir. Bri must harness her gift to protect herself and her family.

Brilliantly written and amazing LGBTQ+ representation, own voice perspective. Slow beginning but once it gets going you're instantly hooked. I loved diacovering more about Bri's abilities and seeing her push herself.

Might be biased but I loved it even more for referencing to my 2 favourite musicals Hadestown and Hamilton! I'm also a sucker for Greek mythology so references to Medea and Hecate as a source to Bri's powers was just 🤌❤ *chef's kiss* . Loved that the aunt was called Circe ( ironic too as in the original greek mythological tale, Medea was Circe's niece).

The ending was incredible and left me wanting so much more! Can't wait for the next one!

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Ok so this book drew me in almost instantly. The characters are relatable and likeable and the story developed slowly but at a pace that I enjoyed. I finished this book in one sitting and it’s an awesome new addition to this author’s previous work. Would 100% recommend.
I can’t think of a single negative.

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I’ve recently been wrapped up in the pages of This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron.

Briseis lives in Brooklyn with her adoptive moms who love everything about her,
but growing up around the family’s struggling flower shop while hiding magical plant powers has been tough.

When an estate lawyer arrives with news of the inheritance left to Briseis by her birth family, it seems to be too good to be true. With the financial struggles hanging over the flower shop, a fully paid for home may be the answer they all need. As a bonus, the property offers enough privacy to allow Briseis a break from hiding her talents. They all agree to take the summer to visit the house before making any long-term decisions.

They were not expecting the creepy strangers lurking outside the house, the large, fully stocked apothecary or the mysterious letters that leave Briseis with more questions than answers. There are also the secret rooms, special gardens, unexplained deaths, and more. However, Briseis soon finds friends, something she didn’t have back in Brooklyn. There are also the community members who seem delighted she has reopened the apothecary. Best of all, she can relax and embrace her talents, rather than fearing them.

Briseis then realises that someone has not been being honest with her. Who is it, and how dangerous are they? Also, what is the real reason behind her family leaving her this inheritance?

The worst thing about this book is the wait to find out what happens next, because there HAS to be another book after this one.

Releasing the 29th of June 2021, please don’t make the mistake of missing out on This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron.

4.5/5 🌟

Thank you to Netgalley and Bloomsbury YA for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my impartial review. All opinions stated in this review are my own.

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**Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this title in exchange for a fair and honest review**

A teenage girl with mysterious power over plants is a great premise. I enjoyed seeing her character grow from someone who was terrified of her powers to someone who embraced them. Lots of twists along the way too. I'm not a huge fan of Greek mythology and found the increased reference to the gods / goddesses and myths increasingly confusing but I'm sure this will make more sense in the following books.

I'll look out for the next book, I have lots of questions that need to be answered!

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Note: Thank you to Netgalley for letting me read a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Right of the bat I loved book. The characters were lovely and the plot kept me intrigued throughout. The middle slowed down a bit too much but the ending made up for it with the sudden pick up in pace.

I love Briseis and her mums, how they are shown as supportive and caring of their daughter’s Happiness. Also refreshing to see adoption shown in a positive light.

Sometimes I find first person narration annoying, feeling repetitive and telling rather than showing events. While a few parts nearly put me off, it never lost me as some novels have. Briseiss’ is interesting to be with so I enjoyed her interpretation of events overall.

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What a beautiful novel! After reading Kalynn's first debut novel Cinderella is Dead, I was already excited for this book, but as soon as I picked up the first page I was hooked!

I really enjoyed how the story was told in quite a light way, but with drama and developing the interesting story quickly. It was like unlike anything I've read in the past. Based around Brises who has such a gift with plants, all bowing to her touch. With the mixture of Greek mythology throughout retelling and developing the story around Medea. For someone who doesn't know much about Greek mythology it didn't put me of or stop me from enjoying this!

I can't wait for the second in this series!

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Living in Brooklyn with her adoptive mothers, Briseis has been aware from an early age that she has a gift with plants. Facing financial troubles, the family’s worries seem to be answered when Briseis learns that she has inherited her aunt’s house and estate in rural, up-state New York. The house comes with a poison garden, and Briseis develops and learns more about her powers over plants, however as more people become aware of her moving into the house, life starts to become more dangerous. There are lots of twists and turns in this story, and its roots in Greek mythology make for a dark, fascinating read.

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This book had me asking questions right up until the end. I loved the plot, the characters were PHENOMENAL and I loved the pop culture references dotted throughout. The negatives I’d like to point out are that at the end, lots of things were revealed but they often felt like more of an afterthought, the pacing was often off too - the way certain relationships developed felt too rushed in places. There were few indicators of time and place and often I would be wondering what period of time this was happening over, what time of the day things were happening etc. Overall this was an enjoyable read and my interest is peaked for a sequel!

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I read this book in one sitting, because it was just so good. The writing flowed so really well, the story was gripping and I adored the characters. This book has everything I love; magic, mystery, supportive family, and a brilliant main character.

The only downside, is that now I have to wait for the second book!!Thank you to Netgalley and Bloomsbury YA for the advance copy

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Bayron brings us another fanatical story with a wonderful strong female at the front and centre:.

The imagery in this book is what stands out to me - the flowers and whole world that Bayron has created for Brisis to inhabit is beautiful.

A very strong follow up to Cinderella Is Dead.

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Just like her debut, I was utterly enthralled and captivated by the new story from Kalynn Bayron. A completely immersive read that I totally devoured.

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I loved Cinderella was Dead so when I saw the author had another book out I had to read it. I have to say I loved this more than I expected and my expectations were high.
The writing was so so good and I found it a really nice read. The story captivated me and it wrapped me up in vines until I finished it. I loved the story of a girl who was adopted and she has powers then she finds out where those powers came from. I am a sucker for the whole person inherits a big house and there’s a mystery to it. I really enjoyed the powers, it reminded me of poison ivy. I also enjoyed the mystery of what happened to the family and finding out things with the main character was fun. I also really enjoyed the whole poison garden thing and seeing what our main character could do with plants.
I enjoyed the links to Greek mythology and the family links to Medea. I do enjoy Medea as a figure and I liked the links of Medea and the family. I also enjoyed the few modern references in the book for example Hadestown.

I adored the adopted parents and I found their family dynamic so wholesome and good. I liked that they loved their adopted daughter and was so supportive of her and her powers. Also the parents dynamic routinely made me smile. I enjoyed the other side characters too and I was shocked by a few revelations about a couple of the side characters. The representation in this is also great, there’s black main characters, a lesbian couple, the main character is bisexual and there’s more lgbt people in the book.

Overall this was such a captivating and wonderful read. I have already told my friends to buy it. I will be reading the next book and I’m so excited to read the next one.

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A gripping story from the start. When Briseis discovers she has inherited a large house from an aunt she has never met it looks set to be a solution to all their financial problems.
Briseis and her mum’s move on to the house and soon begin to discover it is not all it seems. Clues are left that lead Briseis to a secret garden, here she learns more about the powers she has tried to hide for so long.
Briseis has a gift or a curse and she needs to find out which. She also needs answers to why she has these powers and where they came from.

This story introduces a little known greek myth on a way that interweaves it with current lives, yet past disputes between relatives still exist even in the modern world.
With romance and betrayal, this has all the makings of a great YA read. With refreshing characters, and normalising of single gender relationships and parenting this will soon become a favourite for those who don’t want to read more boy meets girl romance. It is also refreshing to see the issues of moving to a small town and being judged being addresses in this book. Briseis initial fear when moving is that it is going to become like ‘Get Out’ little does she know that it is her powers that put her in the most danger.
A great strong female lead character who doesn’t rely on others but instead makes her own decisions.

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This Poison Heart follows our heroine Brisies in a Greek mythology retelling, intertwined with plant magic, witchcraft, mystery, familial history and a dash of romance. It has it all. The formulation of fantastic YA novel and it doesn't miss. Through Briseis we are given the Black protagonist that we want, and need, with a fully developed, excellently written character who can control plants! I adored how the story was so well woven together, and the racial commentary that just enough. Not too much, but just enough to be authentic; the to long twist out, leaving Brooklyn to spend the Summer in the suburbs with no idea if it would like 'Get Out', everything you would expect a Black teenager to think about and I think that so many readers will relate to her. As will as being such an intelligent story, this Poison Heart has wonderful Black and LGBTQ+ representation.

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An absolutely fantastic story! This Poison Heart has just moved to the top of my 'to buy' list for the school library. Briseis has the curious ability to help plants grow, not in a 'she's good at gardening way' but in a magical 'seed to mature plant in seconds' kinda way. Adopted by her mums, she helps them in their flower shop until she is contacted by a lawyer saying that she has inherited an estate from her birth mother's sister. Curious of this link to Briseis's birth family and it's potential for answers about her ability, they decide to spend the summer there. Cue hidden doorways, family secrets, sinister men with machetes and a village of very interested people determined to know if the house is again 'open for business'. Cue romance, friendships, betrayal, loss and heartbreak. Prepare to sink into this book as you won’t be able to let it go until all it’s secrets have been revealed...

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I'm stunned! I knew i was going to love this book from the start and it didn't disappoint. Although i must admit i wasn't aware it was going to be the start of series when originally requested/started the read, but i am so happy it is! Can't wait to see more of Briseis.

The concept of the story is fascinating, with many reveals throughout as learn with Briseis about her heritage and more about the powers she has held all her life. With the support of her lovely parents and new friends, along the way she starts to uncover the history.

I enjoyed all of the details on various plants, the growth and many uses of flowers was fun to see. Able to feel how important they're and the impacts upon Briseis, her emotions and gaining control throughout.

Theres not much i can say about the plot without giving anything away, but i did adore the mythology in this tale and various magical aspects. Plenty of twists and turns, i didn't expect yet were handled perfectly and i was in awe.

I am addicted to this authors writing, very beautifully done with incredible world building and character growth. Briseis is a wonderful mc, with flaws as she is still finding herself and trying to make friends despite having to always hide a part of her. She is just a lot of fun and i enjoyed going on this adventure with her.

Briseis parents Mo and Mom are beautiful, i loved their relationship and how much they all care for each other. Their little family is so sweet and supportive, how they protect and care for one another. Also make for many hilarious scenes, as they are adorable and full of humor.

Marie and Karter were wonderful too, i was a huge fan of both of them and how they impacted Briseis as helped her find her way in a new town.

Slow burning feels between Marie and Briseis are great. Im rather glad they didn't jump straight into instalove and that still pure longing, getting to know each other. While their admiration and care for one another is obvious.

Overall its an amazing read, with a cliffhanger ending thats very fitting and leaves me excited to read the next book!

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TW: poison, parental death, mentions of murder

Rep: f/f parental relationship, mc (f) has interest in another f side character, adoption

Thank you NetGalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for granting me an eARC of this book! All views and opinions discussed here are my own.

I enjoyed this book perhaps for the first 40% on a surface level but as I was reading I did find issues with the writing and the characterisation but I was hoping that the plot arc would develop well enough that those issues wouldn't matter for me. Sadly, it didn't work that way and this just wasn't a winner book for me. The second half of the book just really went downhill for me in terms of the writing and the plot.

The pacing was quite slow for me and it felt like it took quite a well for the characters to get anywhere but then you have the last 10% and it felt so rushed and so much happened in that short space of time that it was hard to keep track of exactly what was happening. The plot was interesting but the pacing made it less compelling.

The characters I struggled with; they all felt quite one note and didn't really feel developed for me. Our main character was so naïve and bizarrely trusting of every single character she met! She told them half her life story without taking a second to think about them, and yet her parents who know all about her, she fails to tell anything to until the last minute. And honestly they barely had any reaction. It was just bizarre writing for me. She builds relationships with these new people so quickly but they're barely developed themselves.

I like the plot idea but sadly the execution just didn't stand up for me.

Pub: 29th June 2021

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What a treat! Kalynn Bayron is a great writer and this is a true yarn. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher.

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After reading Cinderella is Dead earlier in the year, I couldn’t wait to read this book. When I finally found the ARC I pressed the request button so quickly. When I got the email to say that it was now waiting on my NetGalley shelf, I was filled with joy.

The story follows Briseis, a teen with a gift that not only gives her the power to grow plants from tiny seeds with a single touch, but also revives plants that have died.

When her birth mother’s sister passes away, she is left a huge estate in rural New York. So for the summer, Briseis and her moms stay there until they decide what to do. Surrounded by nature, Briseis feels a sense of freedom that she never felt before. But not everything is how it seems, when she reads mysterious letters, finds hidden rooms, an apothecary, and a walled garden that holds some of the deadliest plants in the world.

I read this book in two sittings, because it was just so good. The writing flowed well, the story was gripping and I adored the characters. This book has everything I love, plants, magic, mystery, supportive family, and a brilliant main character.

The only downside, is that now I have to wait for the second book!!

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An explosive, rich and magical story full of witchy vibes and so much intrigue!!! I loved learning about Briseis' magic along with her and felt like her journey and growth throughout this book was incredible!!! The ending caused me so much stress and I can't believe the size of the cliffhanger it's left on!! I will not know peace until the next book is out.

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