Member Reviews

This is a perfect fit for readers who adore second-chance romances, sizzling chemistry, and the emotional journey of rekindling lost love, as this book masterfully weaves together themes of trust, sacrifice, and the power of true love to overcome life's obstacles.

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

Man, that was a rollercoaster of a book.
It had many of my book red flags; bad editing, the FMC's character was inconsistent in some parts, the miscommunication troupe, etc.
However, I couldn't hate it! I was hooked from the very beginning, and didn't stop reading until I finished it.
Although both main characters had their flows, and they were many, they were still so loveable. I felt Risk's pain and insecurities, and Frankie's attachment issues.
One thing that got me feeling icky though was how the guys were acting and dealing with the whole worldwide stars thing. They were really lame in some parts. Complete douche bags, if I might say.
But, overall, I loved it. It was super fun to read.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

L.A. Casey has been a favourite of mine for a long time, from the moment i read Dominic.
I absolutely loved this book, second chance romance is one of my favourite tropes and then add is Rockstar it was just amazing.
The push and pull pulled at my heartstrings at times but i trusted L.A. Casey to make it right and make it right she did.

I have a hit or miss relationship with the author’s books and was pleasantly surprised that this one goes in the category of hit parts .
The story is beautiful and hilarious at times as well a sad and demanding and everything you would expect for it to work its way through all the bumpy roads towards that well deserved happily ever after

Echoes of the Heart is all over the place with feels. Happy, sad, mad...Swoony, enraged, and murderous.
I have cried, laughed, and refrained from throwing my e-reader. L.A. Casey makes sure you feel every bump in the road. Every pothole of their life, love, and reality is felt in every part of your heart.
Smile through the pain because this ever after is worth it!

This checked off everything I look for in a book. Was not disappointed. Really enjoyed this book. I will read more from this author. Must read

I love LA Casey’s writing and was so excited to read Echoes of the Heart! I was captivated from the first page to the last.
I voluntarily reviewed this book.

This was a very emotional for me second chance romance, emotional because I know the pain of losing a parent to Alzheimer's and you don't wish that on anyone, especially a person of Frankie's age. Having to choose between the love of your life and her Mother is something that no-one should have to do but somehow Frankie found the strength to do that, letting Risk go so he could become a famous rock star.
When Risk and Frankie meet by accident again ten years later, they have got older and wiser but nothing has changed about their feelings they are not complete without each other. Though the heat and the chemistry is still there between them, there are still the same obstacles to overcome before they can have a future together.
As a reader you will become totally engrossed in this story and will probably shed a few tears while reading it as I did. It will break your heart to read how these two young people's lives were ruined by circumstances beyond their control but it will be put back together as their love for each other and determination shines out through the pages as they work towards their HEA. Well written with lots of angst lots of romantic moments and definitely lots of heat!

I really enjoyed this book! It was a journey and an adventure, I literally couldn't put this book down.
From the first pages I felt like I'm a part of this story, the connection I had felt to these characters was almost overwhelming. I knew this author earlier, so I was sure it will be intense ride, but even that, Echoes Of The Heart was like a first breath of fresh air after very long break.
Higly recommend this title.

Complementary copy given for honest review and opinion from NetGalley.
I really enjoy LA Casey but this book fell flat. I could not get in to it. It seems to not have an emotional aspect that her books usually possess.

Okay this book had my least favorite tropes which was a bummer. But then I learned what's in this book. A manwhore rockstar who had drug issues. A spineless boring heroine. Ugh!!!! Nope. Nah. No way am I gonna read this anymore. Although there were pretty emotional moments but I already dislike the lead characters.

I was so into this love story! Frankie and Risk are just right for each other. They genuinely care, they have an attachment to each other that not even time can break. And you can't help but to root for them. It made me feel so much. It was devastating to read how vulnerable these 2 are and at the same time so good hearted but still have so many bad things happenning to them. It was definitely a long journey for them full of loss, abuse, addiction among other things. But this book is not about how they break. It's about how they mend their lives. And it is hard work. There's no denying that.

This is why I love L.A. Casey’s books.
I got swept away by this second chance rockstar romance… SIGH 😍
I got completely swept away by the storyline, the characters so much so to the point where I remember telling my friends that I was the apple of the eye for a musician… I got some serious questionable looks from them hahaha
But seriously, if you are in a mood for a wonderful rock star/ musician romance, Echoes of the Heart is it.

I've always been a huge fan of any book L.A.Casey writes and this book has just taken the top spot. I was hooked from the first page and didn't put it down until I had finished it. It's a beautiful second chance story, where I laughed and cried the whole way through! If you're a fan of contemporary romance, this book needs to be next on your list!

What an emotional roller coaster.. But I loved every minute of it. Made me tear up a couple of times too.. A must have

This was a very emotional read -it was packed with sadness, despair, deceit, devotion, compassion, love and most importantly forgiveness and hope. My feelings while reading this well paced book ranged from disgust, hate and sadness to love and a feeling of satisfaction. The main characters had an initial antagonistic reunion stemming from past issues of abandonment and addiction which compelled them to analyze their life and seek healthier solutions .I felt really close to and invested in most of the characters who were so well developed that you want to know more about their back story and see them get their happy ever after too. I enjoyed this book immensely and highly recommend it .Thanks Netgalley for this opportunity.

This is a 2nd chance romance, a quick and easy read by L.A Casey. The blurb sound interesting, unfortunately the story didn't quite grip me. I did kind of lose interested halfway and skimp through some pages. So it is kind of meh but not a total lost. The book might not be for me but it might be for someone else.
Thanks NetGalley for the copy, this is my unbiased review.

I liked risk I thought he was a decent H, but Frankie.... I adore. She was such an amazing h. If I had to pick sides it would be Frankie all they way. Their chemistry was steaming. Really enjoyed this book.

Echoes of The Heart is the first book I’ve read from L.A. Casey. For some reason I thought it would be a romcom and while in some parts this book is funny especially the banter between the Risk and the other members of the group, It is so much more. It’s a tale of first love and second chances. Of doing the right thing even though it breaks your heart. Frankie and Risk met at High School. Risk had a terrible childhood with abusive foster parents while Frankie, despite the loss of her father had always known love. They started off a friends but it was soon obvious to everyone that they were so much more. They were each other’s firsts & if the Gods had been listening they would have been each other’s only. Unfortunately fate had other plans for them. Just as Risk’s music career is about to take off, events involving Frankie’s mother means that she has to make the biggest sacrifice of her life and let Risk go to follow his dreams knowing it will break her heart. When he comes back into her life 10 years later the chemistry and love is still there but will the past stand in their way.
At first glance this story could be a bit of a stereotype. First time loves break up and she stays close to home living only half a life almost as if she’s Sleeping Beauty waiting on her Prince to awaken her with a kiss while the said prince is living the rock star life style with all the obligatory drink, drugs and meaningless sex on tap. When he finally does come home he blames Beauty for his screw ups. What makes this story so much more is the raw emotion the author has managed to imbue into her words. Yes, Risk is a total git for the way he treats Frankie when they first meet again but he’s hurting and lashes out trying to make her feel as bad as he does. He didn’t understand what it cost her to let him go. I cried when I read Frankie’s text messages and was praying Risk would somehow manage to see them. I became invested in these characters and was desperate for them to find some way of being together. This might be the first book I’ve read by this author but if they’re all as good as this one it definitely won’t be the last.