Member Reviews

Not going to lie this book was a lot darker than I expected and a lot creepier than I expected.... but in the best ways possible. I was not expecting the horror aspects but I also thought that it was amazing (which is rare for me because I am usually a bit of a chicken) but this book read like a movie and I thought it was amazing. I thought at first it was going to be sort of a domestic thriller, but when the paranormal and horror aspects came out my mind was blown. I thought Claire and Steel were interesting characters individually but together I was honestly... I don't even know what to say. This book was GOOD. I think London Clarke is a brilliant author who I would be a little scared to see what goes on in her head, even though I am also amazed by it!

A very well executed gothic story, which could easily be turned into a Netflix production :)
The chilling and gothic atmosphere slowly builds up and will give you goose bumps all over. A pleasurable late-night reading!

Anything by London Clarke is a must-read for me and this book was no different. Truly an original story that took me on a ride. Surprising twists and an unforgettable ending left me wanting more. Of course when there's a hunky villain, it makes all the more intriguing.

In The Neighbor we follow a woman named Claire who is recently divorced with children. She lives in prestigious community where everyone knows everyone, until a new neighbour moves in and seems to take an interest in her. Soon after, she starts seeing strange things and her children start sleepwalking.
So, firstly I thought this book was a thriller. It is most definitely a full on paranormal horror! But it was my kind of horror. It messes with your head with a slow build up and then by 50% it goes full on demons and possession. I really enjoyed it, the creep factor was very well crafted and it was genuinely freaking me out. It reminded me a bit of The Southern Book Club's Guide to Killing Vampires at the start, but I actually thought it was better.
I did feel like the ending was a bit rushed, especially compared to the slow build up in the rest of the book. All hell breaks loose and it loses a bit of it's realism. I also felt it was a bit too quick of a fix and I would have liked more information on the other spirits, Levi and Steele as this was glossed over near the end.
But other than that, I loved it!

The Neighbor was a creepy, paranormal thriller that took every day, normal life events and twisted them up into macabre unexpected events that sneak up on you. While I considered the first half of the book a bit slow to ramp up to the twists and turns, I was gripped to keep reading every page by the spot on pacing.. The quiet concern that with every chapter increased for Claire and her children didn't let up for me. Especially as Claire explores what she once thought was unexplorable.
I enjoyed the juxtaposition between Claire being a psychologist and disbelieving the otherworldly things that invaded her sleepy, suburban neighborhood. There are a lot of events that made me think in the first half of the book, but I found myself screaming at Claire a few times to open her eyes. Though it made sense for her to be skeptical of the spooky things happening all around her, sometimes I just wanted to shake her to examine things a little deeper. But, one she breaks out of her logical shell?
All. Of. The. Things.

Also huge thank you and shout out to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the ARC of this one to read and review!
From the start the atmosphere of this book was tense and frightening, set in a secure community it's made even scarier by the thought of something going wrong and spoiling the idyllic lifestyle they've all made for themselves. I love the whole secure/gated community thing, it makes it feel so much creepier when things start to go wrong...
We're introduced to Claire (who seems like she's one bit of bad news away from becoming completely unhinged) and her family of 4 girls. Throughout the book the 5 of them play key roles in making the story, the children act like proper children of their age too, which gave it a real relatable feel.
And then once we start to meet others in the community and Steel... Well, the characters just absolutely made this book for me. They were so well crafted and linked with each other and the story so well. I felt as if I knew them personally, which made it easier for the rest of the book to influence me.
As the backstory builds, so do the creepiness levels, shadows and bumps in the night become frequent, and the book started to really unnerve me. I'm not usually easy to scare but this book definitely managed to scare me.
The author did an excellent job with setting the scene and making us feel as though we were there, we were hearing things go bump in the night, we felt the way Claire did, we too were drawn in by characters in the book that we shouldn't have been...
And the supernatural element was weaved so effortlessly into the story that even someone who doesn't believe in those kinds of things couldn't help but be drawn in and enjoy the rollercoaster that was this story.
I did worry as we got deeper into the book that there may be too much going on, too many strands and plot lines to bring together, but as we neared the end of the book and it eventually reached it's conclusion everything just seemed to fall perfectly into place.
The whole story from start to finish, including the smaller plot lines were absolutely made to work together and flowed perfectly. Every single plot used within this book was superb in it's own right.
I finished this book and felt not only a profound sense of fear, but also a sense of awe. I hadn't read anything so scary for a very long time, I was covered in Goosebumps towards the end and read it with my eyes open so wide I'm surprised they didn't pop out of my sockets!
On the whole, The Neighbour by London Clarke was a superb read, and I will definitely recommend it anyone who is in need of a good thrill...

Original Review posted over on Horror Bound: https://www.horrorbound.net/blog/2021/7/9/the-neighbor-examining-female-autonomy-and-toxic-relationships-in-a-domestic-horror-setting
Claire Vogel is a recently divorced mother of four living in the idyllic suburban neighborhood of Amber Falls. She is competent, professional, and utterly dedicated to providing her children with a pleasant and peaceful home environment. That is until a new neighbor moves in next door. Steel Nolan is young and handsome, and though she’s not quite sure she’s ready for a serious relationship, Claire quickly finds herself romantically involved and from here, things begin to take a turn for the worst. Dark figures begin to stalk through Claire’s home. Disembodied voices torment her and her children, and Claire’s eldest daughter, Annalen is not quite herself. In fact, she appears to be someone (or something) else entirely.
At first, Claire convinces herself that these strange happenings are manifestations of severe stress. But a series of tragic events soon strike Amber Falls, and it seems they can all be linked back to Claire’s new boyfriend whose past, we discover, is tainted by dark satanic rituals, tribal ceremonies, and a spate of women, both missing and murdered. Steel’s presence also begins to unearth memories from Claire’s childhood, memories she thought she’d buried a long, long time ago. As this section of Clarke’s novel unravels, we get some really disturbing scenes that touch upon childhood abuse and trauma. These scenes are not exploitative in any way but are dealt with in a remarkably sympathetic manner which by the end, contributes greatly to the overall growth and development of our main character.
Clarke’s use of the suburban setting is also used to maximum effect. The bland sameness and depressing materialism of this out-of-town neighborhood is perfectly captured by the dutiful housewives that people its ‘ultra-modern,’ high-ceilinged homes. Gen Painter, for example, pregnant and already scrambling to organize and control her two screaming kids, is continuously at the behest of her beer-guzzling husband, Trey, while Agnes Frankenson, slips into a catatonic state when her house is suddenly vacated of its male occupants. Yet, Clarke cleverly plays with the symbolic dichotomies that are typically attached to this passive, feminine landscape. When she finally figures out what’s going on in Amber Falls, Claire uproots the image of the apathetic and obedient homemaker. She actively pursues Steel, and mobilizes herself to do battle against the evil, inhuman forces she has unconsciously allowed to invade her life, her children, and her family home.
Clarke’s novel really ramps up in the closing chapters as domestic horror is expertly blended with the page-turning traits of the psychological thriller. An exorcist makes a brief appearance, and we also get a taste of Korean folklore when Claire’s elderly Korean neighbor steps in to give a hand. The folkloric elements of Clarke’s text are only fleetingly touched upon as the dokkaebi, the shapeshifting entities summoned to Amber Falls, are boiled down to hurried descriptions and definitions. We learn only that these sinister creatures are ‘attached to objects’ that have been ‘stained by human blood,’ but further research reveals a far more complex mythology with these creatures oftentimes performing as benevolent, harvest-giving spirits among fishing communities, and many rural and remote Korean villages. In saying this however, Clarke does effectively preserve the mythological link between the dokkaebi and the natural world. The eerie construction site next door provides a doorway to the past, violent storms conjure inexplicable paranormal activity, and Claire’s backyard eventually becomes a battleground for human souls as the story draws to a well-executed and satisfying close.
In a style similar to Grady Hendrix’s The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires then, The Neighbor is a gripping, suspenseful read that not only delves deep into issues of spiritual faith and trauma, but examines the importance of female autonomy, and the ties that bind us to toxic and damaging relationships. Clarke’s approach to horror is the stuff of nightmares but there is also an unexpected tenderness at play as she brings to light the trials and tribulations of motherhood, and the extraordinary lengths to which a parent will go to protect their children. Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable contribution to the horror genre from a writer who obviously knows how to weave a truly excellent tale.
A word of thanks to the author, London Clarke, and the team over at NetGalley who kindly provided me with a free Kindle copy of The Neighbor in exchange from an open and honest review.

I haven’t seen this one across the gram but I have to tell you, I absolutely loved this one! Five stars here! It’s twisty, you don’t know what’s real, who to trust, and where the story is going to go. Do yourself a favor and pick this one up ASAP! Out now!

This was the first book I read from London Clarke and I couldn't put it down. In fact, it is the reason why I didn't sleep much the last few nights as I was so gripped by this book.
It has a horror feel but is psychological and I won't go into detail about the book as I don't want to give the plot away but suffice to say you will very much enjoy this book. It is a cracker. I only wish I wasn't finished it. I loved the style of writing and the descriptions - a talented writer and I highly recommend this book.
Thank you to Net Galley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read The Neighbor, in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and London Clarke for kindly allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review!
Claire Vogel is a recently divorced mother of four girls and a successful counselor. She knows all her neighbors and they know her. But what they don't know is that Claire often participates in reckless behaviour to cope with hidden deep-rooted pain from her childhood. Mysterious Steel Nolan moves in next door and there's an instant connection between the two. Not long after their relationship develops, both Claire and her daughters are contending with sleep walking, shadow men and disembodies voices. Could Steel be behind the dark and evil things that are happening to Claire and her daughters?
Wow 🤯 I requested this book on a whim and I am soo glad I did! Clarke has a way of telling horror stories and making you feel scared for yourself as well as the characters. So many twists and turns which really kept the suspense and made you want to read on. She really goes in depth to explore the dark and evil places that exist in the supernatural world as well as the evil in humans. A dark romance, mystery, thriller, paranormal activity rolled into one to make for the greatest horror story! I am so intrigued by her other books so I may have to get my hands on those soon 😍

“I wouldn’t get up if I were you. Not if you’re planning to beg for the life of your children. You can do that from there. Oh, and while you’re at it, you might want to beg for your own life.”
Another new treatment of “The Exorcist” that provokes a striking atmosphere throughout its entirety, while the latter half involves experiences and emotions.
Claire Vogel, divorcee, and mother of four is contempt with her suburban milquetoast lifestyle. Her kids stabilize her primary occupancy, and she works part time as a therapist to keep her motivated and moving. She still craves attention, and we’re immediately introduced to her erotic side that is lukewarm at best, and when a new man (Steel) moves in next door, he quenches the affection that she has been longing for since her divorce.
Without elaborating too much into detail, it’s quickly realized that the mysterious neighbor is not who he says he is, and Steel kinda opens a portal to hell…
There’s too many clichés and recurring themes that occur throughout this novel of possession and faith, but as I wrote earlier, Clarke sets the right tone and mood. There’s never a dull moment and the characters are engaging enough.
Thank you to NetGalley and for providing me with an ARC for my honest feedback.

4.5 Stars!
This novel is a bit out of my genre, given I haven’t read much horror, but wowza! I was sucked right in!
Claire is a therapist, mother of 4, and newly divorced by day, but by night, she’s a confident, brazen woman who likes to draw men in, just to push them away….until she meets the new, sexy neighbor…..who is definitely not who he says he is.
This book gave me goosebumps and creeped me out to the point where I wanted to stop reading it in the dark….but, it was too delicious, I couldn’t help myself!
A special thank you to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial, and London Clarke for providing me with an ARC.

Woah! This was a thrill ride and it did not disappoint. Lonely single mother, of four girls, Claire doesn’t have much going on in her life but the mundane routines and being a therapist. Her husband left her and has remarried. New neighbor Steele is just her answer to not being lonely anymore.. he’s handsome and single and a bit mysterious. After a while, she starts to hear voices and seeing shadows. Claire is not superstitious or believes in God, so she’s not sure how to confront what’s happening. She feels as if she’s slowly loosing her mind.
This book was a slow build of creepiness to super startling at moments. Facing Demons, inner and outer, can bring out the worst in us!
Will definitely read more from this author

Im really glad I read this great book as I'm not really into ghost stories, but this has changed my mind on them. I could not put it down and was reading late/early into the morning. I finished it in 2 days. Thank you

This slow paced what seems to be domestic thriller ends up turning into supernatural horror.
I’m not a huge fan of slow paced books, but this one was enough to keep me wanting more. Definitely a great choice for a Bookclub!

The neighbor is a classic horror novel. I loved every twist and turn and never expected what the neighbor would end up being and how a moms love could conquer it all. Looking forward to adding this book to my bookshelves one day soon !

The neighborhood ladies do more wine drinking than talking books at their Book club get together. Tonight the hot topic is the new neighbor! One of the ladies has been eyeing him from across the street and claims to have the scoop on him.
She announces that his name is Steel Nolan, thirty-five-ish and single. Apparently, Dawn rushed him at the mailbox and got the low down! The ladies sit attentively on the edge of their seats listening to all the gossip she has to share.
Claire is a mom of four and she should know better than to get involved so soon after her divorce! BUT, the abs of Steel are calling her in more ways than she knows! Claire's neighbors soon notice she is glowing like an ember. Her cheeks blush whenever they mention Steel's name. Perhaps having a torrid affair with the hot neighbor can do that.
The pace doesn't let up much as super creepy things begin to happen in the house - Annalen, her 14 year old daughter has taken up singing The Cat's in the Cradle . Her five year old, Paris' stuffed cat keeps showing up in various locations with glowing, glassy eyes. She thinks he blinked at her once. Shadows, voices, and alarms going off are making Claire feel like she is caught in a nightmare that she can't pull herself out of.
Genre is Horror, although it is not the slasher/blood and gore type. It is more of haunted house tale of good vs. evil. I laughed many times as I side-eyed a few creaks and noises in my own house. I'd just say to myself, "Okay stop in now"!
A very fun, witty read that provided shivers, page turning entertainment, and a soft spot for several characters. I'll read what ever London Clarke writes next!

Definitely weird and definitely haunted or perhaps better words might be sinister and devilish.
Claire Vogel a newly divorced mother of four, lives in a prestigious neighborhood where everyone seems to know one another. When a man moves in next door, Claire is curious and finds that Steel Nolan is quite her cup of tea. Claire does like to take risks as it is the way she experiences her thrills, and Steel does indeed seem to be quite a risk. In the past Claire had experienced something that seem to encourage the risks she takes and the more she interacts with Steel, the more bits and pieces of that memory return to her.
They start a steamy romance, and soon mysterious and sometimes deadly things start happening to her neighbors, and then to Claire and her children. Steel does seem to be the man of what dreams are made of but as things continue, situations arise that take on a more sinister intent, Claire realizes that what she originally thought to be her heart's desire might be turning into a frightening trip into evil doings.
AS Claire faces reality, she comes to the realization that not only is she in danger but also her daughters seem to be traipsing on the doorstep of hell, especially her oldest daughter. It's a harrowing time and one where the reader wonders if Claire and her daughters will survive the onslaught of malevolence and vileness.
People who like traveling down a hellish road in their reading, will definitely enjoy this one.
Thank you to London Clark, Bookouture, and NetGalley for a copy of this dark book.

This was creepy, this was atmospheric, this was amazing. Most horror novels try but do not succeed. It's difficult to write horror. London Clarke did the dang thing. This is a supernatural, horror novel about a too-close neighbor and his actual intentions. This is my first book from Clarke but it won't be my last.

Claire has four kids, and her husband has recently left her and quickly remarried. So when all the neighborhood ladies notice the gorgeous new neighbor, Steel Nolan, at first, Claire is not sure she’s ready to begin any kind of relationship. But Steel is so gorgeous and charming and hard to resist. The rest I will leave for you to discover.
London Clarke, who I had never read before, does a great job building the creepiness and parallels to other well-known horror tales, while keeping the story totally original and fun. This writer has a truly twisted and elaborate imagination, and I loved it!