Member Reviews

From the beginning of this book I was cheering for the main character, Nell, a very likeable character. It was obvious from very early on what the ending would be but there were still some surprising twists in the storyline. The description of Northumberland was perfect and I imagined myself on the windy shores. A easy and light-hearted read and a great form of escapism.

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Oh how I needed this!

I love anything Sophia writes, and I always binge her novels, and this was no exception. I read it in two sittings, and am annoyed with myself that I didn't pace myself! But that can't be helped, because I loved it. I can't wait for her next one already!

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Nell Mason is extremely happy with her life – or at least, that’s what she tells herself. She’s lucky to have a high-powered job as a lawyer, even if it does come with an eccentric set of billionaire divorce clients. And she’s absolutely fine living with her sweet, if slightly dull, boyfriend Gus in their London flat where they have very sensible sex once (OK, sometimes twice) a week. She’s definitely not stuck in a rut.

But when Nell bumps into a childhood friend and first love Arthur Drummond who broke her heart fifteen years ago, she’s more than a little shaken. Can she ever get over her first love?

This is a lovely, easy read, perfect in the sun with a cocktail or glass of wine and overall gives you a feel-good feeling.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.


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Nell’s got life sussed, high powered job as a divorce lawyer, nice flat, steady boyfriend and a corkscrew that does something important to the wine when you open it what more could you want? Life’s going well if not very exciting until Nell’s mum decides to leave her dad who promptly has a heart attack. Nell goes home to look after him only to find that the boy next door (which just happens to be a very large stately home) she was in love with for most of her formative years has come back from America and is getting divorced! And he’s still as hot as ever. But Nell’s happy right? She doesn’t want the one that got away?
This was very good and funny and it’s got an Irish wolf hound in it too which is never a bad thing. There was too much Gus and not enough Art and I liked Nell reconnecting with her old chums. The flashbacks felt real too, the misunderstanding that occurs felt like something actual teenagers would do which is rarer than you would think and it’s a good contrast to adult Nell who does actually act like a grown up for the most part.

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A lighthearted book about love and relationships, an enjoyable read, I did laugh out loud at some parts. However it was also quite insightful about relationships and I am sure lots of readers could identify with some of the situations that Nell found herself in! It also had good family interaction that really did ring true.. Overall an enjoyable and feel good read.

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This wasn’t a story about two people meeting up again after many years, happening to be single and carrying on from where they left off. Nell and Art both had so much going on in their lives, ‘baggage’ if you want to call it that. Their story was much more complicated. They had so much to figure out but like most romantic fiction, everything works out in the end.

Enjoyable, cute read!

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Eleanor, more familiarly known as Nell, is the protagonist in this novel which you might describe as raunchy chick lit if you were searching for a category. Although she has been with Gus, her boyfriend, for eleven years it gradually turns out that she has never got over her childhood friend, Art. This makes it more of a never getting over first love novel and, if you like that kind of thing, this one does it rather well.

Eleanor’s life in London is fine on the surface but there are definite cracks. First off, nobody could want to live with Gus who is a bit too smart for his own good and more than a little unaware in romantic situations. It makes you wonder why Eleanor has settled down with him but it all fits in with her life as a trainee corporate lawyer in a slightly trendy London with smart friends and exciting restaurants as well as enormously rich clients. As a reader, you’re being hit over the head with how this life doesn’t quite suit Eleanor, still a Northumberland girl at heart.

Well, what do you think might happen next? You could guess that something happens to take her back home and the immediate cause is the funeral of Art’s dad, the local landlord and stately homeowner. I should mention that Art is astronomically rich – a necessity in this kind of plot. However, it is less likely that you’d be able to guess why she has to stay around but it involves her mum running off with Luigi, the new Italian coffee shop owner and her dad breaking his leg. And, surprise surprise, Art is still around sorting out the property.

A whole lot of extraordinary things happen linked to her friend Lucy telling her porkies about Art at a party many years ago, her misunderstanding him, he misunderstanding her, rumours that he’s selling up for development and so by definition bad, and even a situation at the corporate lawyers office which leads to her quitting. It takes quite a few pages to reach the happy ending and a bit of suspension of belief as well.

There’s a lot more happens in the story, quite a lot of vascillation and panic and why is it that whenever the heroine accidentally meets up with the hunk in this sort of story she looks like she has just been dragged out of bed, through a hedge and smeared with chocolate sauce? It’s a light summer read, probably improved if your husband has annoying habits and goes on about the technical problems of cooking Moroccan delicacies from Waitrose while you do the washing-up and then you have to have sex with him to show you’re grateful for the dinner. You can also have a few fantasies about your first love and look them up on Facebook or, maybe, perhaps not!

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This is a light, easy read which I did enjoy reading, in the end. It is a story full of secrets, people, hiding things and mix-ups. I found the beginning of the story rather protracted and just wanted it to get going, so much so I found myself wanting to skip ahead, but I didn't of course. The last third of the story was great and I really enjoyed finding out what had happened in the past for Nell to behave the way she did.

Nell has a high powered job as a lawyer and she is working hard for a promotion. Her boss is a misogynistic, controlling and rude man with no redeeming qualities. Her boyfriend, Gus, is a pain, to be honest, controlling and a snob. Nell has to return home twice, once for a funeral and then when her Dad breaks his leg and this is where the story gets going. I really liked Nell's character, she tries to please everyone; never an easy task. She reunites with Art, her first love, something she doesn't ever want to have to do. I really liked Art, he was sweet and confused by Nell's response to their meeting after so long.

Overall this is a good story but I thought it could have been so much better. I only really liked the two main characters, the others were just annoying and rather cliched, to be honest, I also found the plot very predictable, which was a shame. It is a story that I am sure many will enjoy though.

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I've read other books by this author and have always enjoyed them and this one is no exception.
There is a certain amount of escapism in reading them and the characters are usually likeable.
This, to me, is a beach read or as weather permitting right now a garden read. Recommend ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Nice easy read, as with most romance novels the ending is pretty predictable but it is a good story taking you on the journey to the finale.

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A perfect summer read...i enjoyed following the characters stories. Funny, charming, romantic...I couldn’t stop reading

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I really enjoy Sophia’s stories so was thrilled to get a preview copy courtesy of Netgalley. And I’m glad to say I wasn’t disappointed.

Nell’s a high-flyer, determined to make partner at the prestigious London law firm she works at. She and her boyfriend Gus have their 5 & 10 year plans, their weekends of routine cafe stops and museum visits, as well as a common view on marriage - it isn’t for them.

But then Nell pops back up north for the funeral of her dad’s former employer (a Lord and father of Nell’s first love Art) and things start to unravel slightly.

A two minute conversation with Art stirs up old emotions and when Nell’s mum drops a bombshell and Nell has to head back home for a longer trip things come to a head.

Is Gus the one for her? Does she want that partnership in the law-firm? How much longer can she put up with Prince Pervert and Gideon, the boss from hell?

Full of S MC’s usual wit and warmth, ‘Did you miss me’ is another winner. A thoroughly enjoyable story packed with great characters and a heroine I’d love to go for a bottle of wine with.

Read it, it’s perfect for a sunny day in the garden.

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I am a massive fan of Sophia money coutts but I’m not absolutely in love with this story. It breaks my heart to say it as I loved her other books.
I really struggled to connect to the main character and felt it was too far into the book that things began happening. I got to about halfway through and struggled on till the end.

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Nell is a successful lawyer in London, trying to make partner. She lives with her boyfriend Gus - your typical London power couple. She’s been with him for 11 years but they aren’t married - because Gus doesn’t believe in marriage. She was brought up in Northumberland and still thinks about Art, her first love who let her down badly.

That’s what drew me in to read this book and that part of the book I really enjoyed.

However!!!!!! Nell is one of the few likeable characters in this book, Art being the other and possibly Nell’s parents. The rest are like caricatures! From the brother, who’s a work shy womaniser, Nell’s boss who’s borderline misogynist, her mother’s boyfriend who literally is SuperMario, her partner Gus who’s a controller. It’s as if Sophia Money-Coutts has thought of a basic character and taken it to an absolutely ridiculous level and frankly it spoiled the book for me. Had she have had the same characters with a fraction of the idiosyncrasies they would still have been pretty extreme cartoon characters.

It’s a shame because the storyline is good and the two main characters, Nell and Art are very likeable. It’s also the reason why I’m only awarding two stars instead of the four I would probably have awarded had the whole thing not been quite so ridiculous.

My thanks to the author, the publishers and NetGalley for an advanced reader e-copy in return for an honest review.

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This is a nice, easy read, full of humour and likeable characters. There is a lot going on in Nell's life - busy job, obnoxious boss, dependable but slightly boring boyfriend who is somewhat controlling, lazy brother, a dad who likes to spend too much time at the pub with his friends and a mum who is looking for a replacement partner, and also the re-appearance of an old flame.

Nice bit of escapism.

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I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was raw and honest and not normally the type of book I would read, but it was such an interesting glimpse into the life (and lessons therein) of the author. I admire her greatly for being (often) brutally honest, and within the pages I found themes that have been troubling me in recent years. The author managed to put into words, things that I struggle to find the words for. And whilst she did not supply the magic answers I was looking for, I was left with a feeling of “Oh thank goodness, it’s not just me!” A wonderful personal memoir and a truly interesting read.

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Loved this book. Nell is a divorce lawyer in London when her dad falls and breaks his leg and she's forced to go and look after him. Things then start to change very quickly in her life.

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Absolutely loved this! I’ve love Sophia Money-Coutts’ other books so if you are a fan, this is a must read. It’s well written, witty and has great dialogue. Really well developed characters as well! Perfect for bringing on your summer holidays!

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I enjoyed reading this book but not as much as 'What Happens Now' which was hilarious, this wasn't as funny but still an excellent read. Sophie is master at taking a dig at the monied classes either from the aristocracy or the nouveau riche in well paid jobs. Heartwarming tale about stepping back from the frenzied shallow modern world, without being Covid related. I felt the ending was a little rushed and as a result maybe a little over long in the middle as I wanted more and felt some aspects were just getting going. There were still some very funny descriptions, the over-the-top 21st birthday party for a start but also the more mundane local pub quiz in a down to earth Northumberland pub..

An ideal book to escape with for a lighthearted warm read.

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I’m in LOVE with this book!

I sat down, expecting I’d be reading this over the course of a week like usual. But NO.
Warning! Read this book only if you have a whole evening free! Preferably with no work the following day, because I stayed up until 3 am and left the husband and children to fend for themselves. Lots of burnt food and a destroyed bathroom by all accounts. However it was all worth it because I adore this book!

It’s a more modern Bridget Jones, and prefect for those of us born in the 1990s! The main character makes so many iconic references, so if you were born in the 90s, you’ll feel a great deal of nostalgia! It’s great, the chemistry between the two (who you will be rooting for and absolutely roll your eyes at a certain man) is beautifully written.

The twists and turns, although a bit obvious still is done in good way. And I loved the ending! This is a pull at your heart, make you laugh and sob in solidarity kind of book perfect for the modern lady!

Five stars, and it’s rare that I give such high marks!
This book will make you a fan of Sophia!

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