Member Reviews

A well explained book that brings Albert Einstein to real person status and at the same time clearly puts his work into simplistic terms. A book that I would recomend any person to read be they young or old as it is a fascinating read and I am sure that every reader will find something new about Albert that they did not knw, however trivial it may seem. It is an easy read that males science come alive and understandable. Albert has always been one of my favourite people as he had such an charisma about him and this book brings that alive. How I would have loved to meet him and even hunt for his socks for him.

I loved this! So fun to read and it’s greatly written. Any way to disseminate science and key figures in science to more people and I’m game - and this book was great to succinctly round up a great overview of one of the greatest and most eminent scientists of all time - Einstein.
Einstein has such an interesting life and it makes for great reading, from his early childhood, to his many pitfalls and false starts in his career, personal life and his career aspirations and many many fantastic scientific discoveries and contributions he’s made throughout his life is all included in this book.
I had previously thought I’d know a fair amount about Einstein but it seemed I had more to learn! Even though this book is aimed at a younger audience (which this book is so amazingly suited for) I still learnt a lot and learnt a few new things about this unique scientific legend.
I’d definitely recommend this fun and informative read if you’d like to know more about Albert Einstein’s life and the finds he made during his life as well as the bits before, after and in between. It’s also fantastically illustrated and I loved the layout.
It was great to learn and read more about the scientist and read about his life in a more personal way that really humanised him and brought forth a different side to the man beyond all the formulas and complicated physics. The book also managed to lay the foundations to much of his complicated work in such an understandable and easy to comprehend way and I really enjoyed it!