Member Reviews

This book is packed with wonderful information about pronouns and gender identity. The illustrations are beautiful. I love the geometric shapes and pride flags as well as the diversity of the people depicted in the book. There is information for parents sharing this book with their kids and template letters at the end for parents to share their child's pronouns with a teacher or a friend and their family. This is a great resource for kids and their parents!

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This book was so well done and very informative. All the information is presented in a way that's easy to understand which makes the prospect of trying to understand pronouns a little less daunting. The art style was so engaging and I loved the diversity of characters shown throughout the book! While this book is a great way to introduce kids to pronouns, I think many adults would have a lot to gain from reading this as well. The resources at the end were so thoughtful, and I especially enjoyed having the pronoun chart. I definitely would recommend this to anyone who is just beginning to familiarize themselves with pronouns or finds themself to be struggling to understand it!

Thanks to NetGalley and the author/artist for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I thought this was a great book at teaching pronouns with excellent illustrations and didn't overcomplicate the subject, and is set out in a way that both children and adults would be interested.

I really like the guide at the back for adults and the chart and glossary.

I thought the two letters were very good to send to school or parents of another child their children’s preference for pronouns.

I hope that this book is in every classroom for children to read and share. I will definitely be buying my son who is a trainee teacher a copy for his class.

Thank you for the advanced copy.

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In a beautifully illustrated, bite-size take on gender identity and pronouns, Corrigan provides readers of all ages with the framework to learn and understand more about evolving language when it comes to who we are. The explanations and definitions were insightful without being overbearing and were combined with boldly colored words to highlight the vocabulary taught within. Including a helpful guide for parents and other adults was the icing on the cake! This book certainly deserves to have a regular place in libraries and schools.

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This was such a cute book! It did a great job at teaching pronouns in a way that children can understand. I really like that there is also a guide for adults as well as a pronoun chart an, glossary, and a sample letter for letting people know your child's pronouns all in the back of the book. I hope this book is put into classrooms, because it is a great resource for kids to have.

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As an adult, I found this book useful. I enjoyed that it was a story-like version of introducing personal pronouns, biological sex, and gender identity. I felt like it covered the entire spectrum and offered a great conversation surrounding how we talk to and respect other people. I also particularly liked that the illustrations were diverse, which is so important when normalizing new concepts.

My only complaint about this book was that I felt that it was at two different reading levels. While I felt parts were at the kindergarten level, I thought others were a little above that. This makes it challenging to recommend at which age group we should be using this book. I do, however, believe, that it is never too early to start these conversations with our children and this book is an excellent help.

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This is a children's non-fiction book that teaches all about pronouns. Narrated by two kids, children are able to learn that pronouns are important, that one's pronouns may not match their appearance or the sex that was assigned to them at birth and that one's pronouns should always be respected.

The illustrations are cute and I appreciated how in the end, there were suggestions about how a parent should approach a teacher or another parent in case their kid uses a different than expected pronoun.

Granted, this book leaves out all the struggle that comes with realizing your gender identity is different than the one society expects you to have or the discrimination and the bullying that unfortunately comes with it (because unfortunately, many people are horrible.)
But whatever, this is a children's book after all, and maybe if we our selves are gentle about such topics and educate the kids, maybe the younger generation won't be as cruel as the ones before.

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This book was helpful for me as someone who works with young adults. The descriptions were clear and this would be a wonderful reference book for any age. However, I am interested in seeing the physical copy so that I can look at how the illustrations enhance the writing.

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ARC was provided by Netgalley for an honest review.

I absolutely adored this book. I’ve been getting into children's books lately and this is one to add to my shelves. I think that this is the perfect book to start out with in teaching children about gender pronouns, what they mean, and how to properly address people with different gender identities. The illustrations are not only cute, but each page is easy to follow. It’s a great mix of illustrations, and information that the pages don’t feel crowded with facts, it’s perfectly laid out. I highly recommend it.

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A beautiful and fun way to inform everyone in your life! Perfect for kids to learn about gender and pronouns and great for adults who need an updated perspective.

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The best beginner friendly book for identifying gender and understanding pronouns as how to address people with different gender identities.

The illustrations are great. The presentation is effortless to read and go through.

Highly recommended.

This book needs to be in every home, library and and every educational institute.

I as an adult gained so much from this book.

Thank you, author/artist and the publisher, for the advance reading copy.

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Arc provided by Netgalley for an honest review.

This was a lovely and concise book that does a good job at introducing pronouns and gender identities in a way that will be easy for children to understand. I really liked the illustrations and conversations between the characters as well as the glossary at the back of the book.
It would be nice if schools could start including books like these in their health and sex education courses, this is something that is missing from students’ education.

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Super valuable resource to help people adapt to social customs that will create more welcoming and safer circles for people. I think this book is best suited for kids that are a little older (like 8 and up) but then again I really don't know much about elementary education, so maybe the earlier the better? Either way, it's a good book to have in a child's library.

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This book is an absolute must for raising children in the twenty-first century! It’s definitely a book that adults need to read with their children, as there is a lot of information and it’s a topic that will require some guidance. The book may also be suitable as a quick guide for teens or adults, who like straightforward explanations.

The author introduces the concept of pronouns and explains the difference between biological sex and gender. The book then shows how to use pronouns in line with gender identity, and exemplifies cisgender, transgender, non-binary and intersex gender identities. It addresses the importance of using correct pronouns, and models introducing yourself with your pronouns, as well as asking for the correct pronouns.

The book contains plenty of tips and resources for adults, including a pronoun chart, glossary of terms and sample letters for parents to inform school or parents of friends of the pronouns their child has chosen.

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The Pronoun Book by Cassandra Jules Corrigan is a very important book which details information about pronoun usage. To begin with, pronouns are defined and explained according to traditional assigned gender. The book then details gender identity and explains what cisgender, transgender, non-binary, agender, bigender, genderqueer, and gender fluid means. The book also explains what neo-pronouns are and how to use them. I really liked how the book said not to assume gender based on appearance and that using the correct pronouns demonstrate respect for the individual. It further tells how language grows and evolves through the years and how neo- pronouns may have been used as early as 1858. The book also has tips/ resources for adults. One of the most important tips is to ask for what pronoun an individual uses and how it is the correct pronoun, not a preferred pronoun. It explains the difference between singular and plural they/ them and has a pronoun chart. It also contains sample letters for teachers and friends’ parents for children who use different pronouns. At the back the author also included books that are of related interest.
This book is amazing. Although it is a children’s book, adults could probably read and learn some new information as well. I have an advanced degree and I learned some new information which is critical to ensure that all people feel heard, included, and respected. Kudos to Corrigan for writing such a great book on this topic!

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This is a nice sweet book about different pronouns and how to respect others with their pronouns. I think it's a really useful guide for everyone!

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The Pronoun book is a fantastic introduction of what pronouns for children. It is factual and free of opinions, yet told in a fun way with beautiful illustrations and with references to characters throughout. At the end of the book there is information for adults, which consists of a variety of ideas and resources for them to help support their children in learning and respecting pronouns particularly when they are different to their own.

Whilst this is intended as a children's book, I would also like to add that it is perfect for adults ,who may be lacking in understanding and want something bitesize to improve their own knowledge of what pronouns are, why people may choose less common pronouns, and why it is important we use and respect whichever pronouns people choose to use. At the age of 25, I personally learnt about neo-pronouns, which my knowledge of was very minimal, reinforcing the fact that we can all take something from this book.

Overall, a great gift for children (and people of all ages). The only fault is I wish it was around when I was a child.

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This is a fantastic book for kids (and some adults) of all ages! It simply, yet beautifully, presents psychoeducation on the importance of being more aware of #genderidentity and acknowledging and respecting it because our biological sex does not dictate our gender identify.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Jessica Kingsley Publishers for providing this early reader's copy.
First of all, this book is utterly charming!
There is a clear progression of starting with pronouns and terms that are more widely used and then progressing to all sorts of non-binary gender identities and terms.
This book is perfect for introducing any child to the simple use of different pronouns.
There is a glossary in the back, two letter templates to help out parents with a transgender child, tips on how to avoid misgendering anyone, and suggestions for further reading.
The art is well suited for a children's book, being colorful and showing people and children with a variety of intersectional identities.
Reading this was a joy and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to give a child education on gender identities or a way to process their feeling about their own gender identity.

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This is a great book about Pronouns. I think this is a great book to read with children. The tips for adults are a great addition to this book, aswell as the pronoun chart and the glossary of terms, making it simple to follow at a glance. The sample letters at the back as well as recommended books are also great. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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