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Geraldine Verne’s Red Suitcase is the second novel by Australian author, Jane Riley. Retired librarian Geraldine Verne has been a widow for three months, and she’s not coping too well. She’s not yet ready to let Jack go: his urn is inside her battered red cabin-luggage-sized four-wheeled suitcase, so he can be with her all the time. She can even twirl him round, have a dance together.
Jack was as close to the perfect husband as she could get: clever, and much funnier and more romantic than you’d expect an accountant to be. He was an adventurer, and their trips to exotic places on butterfly-spotting tours were always exciting. The Butterfly Room in their house is testament to that. This was a man who, even in his last weeks, set up a cryptic conundrum, clues for his Geri-pie to follow to his final, sentimental gift for her.
Their good friend, and widower of Geri’s best friend Pam, Len Goodman is trying to get Geri to come out to Bingo, to the club, but she’s resisting: “The thing was, when it was only Jack and me in the house, it felt like he was still with me, but in the presence of others, it was disturbingly clear that he was very much gone.”
Geri knows she should try but: “It wasn’t that I no longer cared, rather I felt less bothered, as if I was hooked up to an IV drip of apathy, a slow transfusion of listlessness.” She really prefers to stay inside and just watch what happens in the street: the kids across the road with their lemonade stall, the passing parade of life.
Panic attacks mean she can no longer make herself walk out to get the newspaper, and shopping online is coming in very handy. She does wish the neighbours would stop trying to involve her in things like Neighbourhood Watch and the community Nature Strip gardens (Jack’s innovation a decade earlier). “I felt stuck in a loop of self-isolation and brain fog, and no good to anyone. I knew the outside world didn’t mean to badger, but I wanted to hide from it.”
Len tells her she may have Complicated Grief Disorder; Geri thinks she’s feeling “every form of CGD – from Crotchety Geriatric Disorder to Common Garden-variety Disinterest.”
Then a trip and fall, a trip to hospital, a sprained wrist and twisted ankle: with the best of intentions, Len organises Meals on Wheels, just until he’s back from his vacation. Geri grudgingly accepts, but keeps the volunteers at a distance… except for one: Lottie seems to have a sense of humour and, despite more than forty years between their ages, they can relate to each other.
Which is handy, because it turns out they need each other. Jack’s last wish: “I don’t want you to die with me. I want you to keep on living. When I’m gone, when I’m reduced to ash, take me somewhere exotic so you can take yourself somewhere exotic too” isn’t going to happen without some help.
Riley gives the reader a story that’s sad and funny, sweet and romantic, heart-warming and uplifting, and will certainly bring to mind A Man Called Ove for some. The community that surrounds Geri is one that many would wish for in advancing years. Riley has a lovely turn-of-phrase, making this a very enjoyable feel-good read.
This unbiased review is from an uncorrected proof copy provided by NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing.

I’m sorry. I really thought I’d enjoy this based on the description but I just couldn’t get into it at all. I struggled through a little over half and then just left it. I intended to go back but never did and don’t feel like I’m missing out. Just not the book for me.

3.5 Stars
Seventy-two-year-old Geri is a widow; Jack, her husband of 50 years, has been dead for three months when we meet her. He asked her to scatter his ashes “somewhere exotic” but Geri finds it difficult to leave her house, feeling “stuck in a loop of self-isolation and brain fog.” She describes herself as “frozen in time, shackled to my self-pity, my grief, my fears.” A friend arranges for Meals on Wheels when she has a minor accident; Lottie, one of the volunteers, befriends Geri and tries to get her to rediscover her zest for life.
The book is about grief, about learning how to let go and move on. At one point Geri compares their love to a pair of shoes: “Jack and I complemented each other like a pair of shoes. A right shoe can never become a left and a left shoe can never become a right, but together they bring out the best in each other.” She has difficulty letting go “Because if I let him go, what would be left? The half that was me. One left shoe without its partner.” The red suitcase that she takes everywhere is a wonderful representation of her unwillingness to let go.
Geri is a likeable character. She is grieving and so not herself. She abandons personal hygiene and housekeeping and becomes anxious when she leaves her house, even if she has to walk only nine metres to pick up her newspaper. When a friend comes to her door, she doesn’t let him in: “I was happy to see him. I just didn’t want him to see me. To see the state I was in. How I no longer felt like the person I was before. How I didn’t know who I was anymore.”
Even though she is depressed and lonely, we are given glimpses of the Geri that could emerge if she can get past her grief. Her sense of humour is wonderful: “I slid under the covers feeling as dispirited as a non-alcoholic beverage.” Because we see these glimpses of a spirited woman, readers will cheer every positive step she takes.
I appreciated Geri’s emergence from her chrysalis. Because it is gradual, her change is convincing. And there are some steps backward too. I imagine some readers will feel that there is repetition as Geri seems to backslide into depression; I, however, found that her recovery is more realistic because of her emotional regressions.
This is one of those easy, heart-warming reads. Though it examines grief and the difficulty of moving on after great loss, it suggests there is hope: it is possible to bring new people and experiences into one’s life without dismissing or diminishing what one had with a beloved.
Note: I received a digital galley from the publisher via NetGalley.

EXCERPT: I stared at the clock on the wall. It said one-thirty, but surely it wasn't the afternoon already.
I sunk further into the sagging back of the chair. I felt small and sad and very sorry for myself. Things that had previously consoled or even gladdened me were no longer doing the trick. I felt out of kilter, like a crooked painting on the wall, or a cheese straw without paprika. A house with no windows. A dog with one ear. I could go on. I could go to the library and look up section 400-499 English Language to find the perfect metaphor, but would it actually fix anything? I glanced at the clock again. It was still one-thirty. Had the clock stopped? Who knew? All I did know was that I was frozen in time, shackled to my self-pity, my grief, my fears. I was like the 'i' in the middle of my name, trapped between other letters, unable to break free. I wanted to be alone, yet I was lonely. I wanted to stay home, yet I felt isolated. I wanted to be with my husband, but he was dead. Tears sprung forth as if I was chopping onions, and my heart flapped so vigorously that, had it been windy outside with no roof over the house, I may have taken off. I couldn't bear the sight of the clock looming over me, reminding me of my fate, any longer.
With a surge of adrenalin and rage, I exploded from the armchair, my focus solely on pulling the wooden-framed clock with its black numbers and unmoving hands off the wall. I saw nothing else, not even Jack. I should have, because there he was, in the way. My foot clipped the underside of the suitcase and got stuck. I upended the wheels, lost my balance, and floundered. A flaying arm knocked the christmas tree, the suitcase handle right-jabbed my chin and I fell as if in slow motion, landing with a thud on the living room floor, two suitcase wheels and five christmas tree branches needling me in the back. My right ankle was at a wrong angle and my left wrist in pain. And it was still one-thirty.
ABOUT 'GERALDINE VERNE'S RED SUITCASE': Jack had two dying wishes: that his wife scatter his ashes somewhere ‘exotic’, and that she not give up on life once he was gone. He intended to spur her on to new adventures, but despite clinging to her red suitcase, Geraldine Verne hasn’t left the house for three months.
It takes an accident for Geri to accept help from her friends, but when Meals on Wheels arrive she is mortified. Yet heartbroken volunteer Lottie brings with her more than cottage pie and custard. Like Geri, she too is struggling to cut loose.
As a gloriously unlikely friendship blossoms, Geraldine begins to feel a long-lost spark of life and a newfound confidence. Perhaps what both women needed most, after all, was each other.
MY THOUGHTS: I loved this book. I loved Geraldine. I loved Lottie. I enjoyed every tear I shed as I was reading, and every laugh that escaped my lips. And there was plenty of both. I even loved the chapter titles: 306.7 Love; Apple Crumble Days; Toilet Paper; Whisky and Cake . . .
Divided into four parts, the story is told entirely from the perspective of Geri (Geraldine), mostly in a linear timeline with occasional flashbacks in the form of memories. It is a story of grief, the grief of a woman who has lost the love of her life after more than 50 years together. Geraldine describes their relationship as being like a pair of shoes, one left, one right. They were not the same but complemented one another, they worked well together. But now that she is only one shoe . . . well, you see her problem.
She thinks that if she just pretends he's still there, and he is, then everything will be all right. She still makes him cups of tea, puts out biscuits for him, dances with him. And if she can shut out the world that is going to remind her that he's not there, all the better. But the world has other plans for Geri, as did 'Jackie-Boy'.
Geri is one stubborn lady. I have to admit to seeing more than a little of myself in her. I loved her kind heart, her sense of humor. I loved her devotion to Jack. I loved Jack.
Even the supporting characters are 'characters'. I am sure that we all know a Len, a Crystal and a Sue.
The first part of this book is sad. I cried a lot, and laughed a little. The second part I laughed a lot and cried a little. Parts three and four are mostly humorous, heartwarming and just occasionally sad.
This is the second book by this author, but the first that I have read. I will be seeking out her first.
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THE AUTHOR: Hi, I'm Jane Riley!
I was born and raised in New Zealand. After graduating from Auckland University with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in French and English literature, I headed to Europe to practise my French, got waylaid in Germany and ended up in Australia.
I have had a varied career in public relations, publishing, freelancing as a writer and editor, and launching an online e-commerce business, which involved writing a design blog interviewing makers and creators. When The Likely Resolutions of Oliver Clock was published, I achieved my dream of becoming a full-time author.
I live in Sydney with my husband, an energetic but scared-of-heights Australian cattle dog-staffy cross, and two daughters old enough to not be living at home anymore. I volunteer as an English language tutor for the Adult Migrant English Program, am learning the piano and teaching myself Italian.
DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Amazon Publishing UK for providing a digital ARC of Geraldine Verne's Red Suitcase by Jane Riley for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.
For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com
This review and others are also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...

Geraldine is having a hard time dealing with the death of her beloved husband Jack - so much she carries his ashes around with her in a red suitcase. This is a sweet story about overcoming grief and loneliness and learning to move on in life with the help of friends, even making new friends along the way. Like life, this book has some sadness along with a bit of humor. I recommend this enjoyable novel. Thanks to author Jane Riley, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley for providing a copy of this book for an honest review.

A Lovely book. Geri's husband, Jack, dies and his last wish is that she take his ashes somewhere exotic. Geri can't bear to take herself out of the house and doesn't know how she'll honor his last request. It takes old friends, new fiends, and young friends to help Geri find a way. Chapter and section headings based on the Dewy Decimal System were a nice touch.

Geraldine’s hubby of 50 years passes away and during the whole book she grieves for him in ways I’ve never heard anyone doing. She lugs him around in a red suitcase and takes him everywhere with her. It’s a very touching book and heartbreaking at times. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

What a delightful read from a new author to me. Geri's husband has died and left her alone, They were never blessed with children, but had many friends. However, Geri doesn't want to be consoled by them and develops a fear of leaving her home. After an accident, Geri begins receiving meals from Meals on Wheels and with the help of a new friend she meets through this service, Geri learns to let go and live again.
This story tells of the unbearable grief of the loss of a spouse.. Told through a series of chapters cleverly entitled--some even referencing the dewey decimal system, Geri communicates her love story in such a way the reader feels she simply is having a conversation with an older friend. Though the subject matter is depressing, the first person narrator has such a way with words and descriptions, the reader will cry and chuckle at the same time. The writing was exceptional. You will walk away glad you took this grief journey with Geri!
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest opinion. Honestly one of the best reads of the year so far.

A beautiful story of grief in all its forms and the slow recovery that follows from a loved one passing. I adored the character of Geri.

I absolutely loved this book and the main character Geraldine. She gripped my heart from the first chapter and never let it go. The author created an amazing character who seemed so real she could have been my mother or grandmother. The storyline was a mix of laughter and tears that spoke to me and I read late into the night to finish the book. I was sad to be done and I will miss Geraldine. I haven’t read such a. heartwarming story in a long time. A must read for anyone looking for a reason to smile amd appreciate life. ❤️

Geraldine Verne's Red Suitcase tells the story of a widow who can't quite find it in herself to be free after he husband's death. After years of a wonderful marriage, Geri loses her husband and her freedom. Even though he wants her to be free, Geri finds herself at home, wheeling Jack's urn of ashes in a red suitcase everywhere she goes. She doesn't leave her house for months, and when a friend sends her a Meals on Wheels subscription, Geri is at first angry, but is surprised to become friends with one of the volunteers. As Geri helps Lottie survive her own heartbreak, she starts to take the first steps out of the house and out of grief.
I loved Geri, but most of all, I LOVED Jack. Geri's processing of Jack's death helps us to learn more about him too, and oh my gosh, is it heart-breaking. It reminds me of books like A Man Called Ove or Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. I loved the references to baking and butterflies and traveling, and just found this book so sweet. At times it gets a little trite, but it wasn't too cliche for me. I recommend it!

A happy/sad story about Geraldine Verne who is unable to cope after the death of her much loved husband Jack. She withdraws into herself and her home, stays in her nightdress all day and forgets to bathe and eat. At the same time she is embarrassed by herself and will not let her friends help her.
Geri keeps her husband 'alive' by putting his ashes and some selected memorabilia in a red suitcase which she talks to and takes everywhere with her. She seems to be sinking beyond recall, but life has a way of dragging you back, and a new friend plus a couple of near disasters with the suitcase eventually show her a new future.
This is a sweet story told with humour and kindness. I enjoyed the author's style and the way she writes her characters. Even Jack, although he is only represented by the red suitcase, shines as a lovely man who you would like to have met. There are kind neighbours, library staff and meals on wheels volunteers all of whom are looking out for people like Geri and are willing to lend a hand. It makes one feel positive about the human race!
A very enjoyable and comforting read with a satisfying ending.

Awww. With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, I sadly put own Geraldine Verne's Red Suitcase.. I have read other novels of this genre...;Widowed older lady (or man) grieving the death of a beloved long-term spouse. But Jane Riley's book was simply delightful reading, beginning to end. Quirky Geri, having lost a few of her marbles after her Jack's death can still turn a phrase that makes you stop and re-read it because it is so perfect.
After 50 years of a wonderful marriage, losing her husband makes Geri kind of weird. She stops cleaning her house, eating meals, or going out. She keeps her husband's ashes in a red wheeled suitcase which she takes everywhere.
Fortunate to have good friends and neighbors, and a young and caring Meals on Wheels deliverer, Geri works her way back to life in Riley's charming and cleverly written book. It has enough suspenseful moments to keep you interested. But i urge you, hang around for the flying finish.
Thank you to Lake Union Publishing for the chance to spend a few hours in good company.

There was so much to consider reading Geraldine Verne's Red Suitcase by Hand Riley. Geraldine went through many relatable steps in her attempt to move forward in her life.

This was a beautiful, sympathetic story showing grief in all its forms and the slow recovery that follows from a loved one passing.
I absolutely loved Geri as a character - she was witty, quirky and loving - I really felt for her throughout her journey of rediscovering life. There were so many details in this that demonstrated just how low grief can bring you - from having two cups of tea to the sheer panic of losing the suitcase and it's contents. But it's also a wonderful reminder of life and how joyous it can be. Of how important friendships are - old ones and new ones - in bringing someone back and of helping them find joy again in life.
I loved how the relationship between Geri and Lottie wasn't just one-way - that they both actually needed each other. I also loved the interweaving of the backstory between Geri and Jack and the use of the Dewey Decimal System throughout the book which gave her grief so much context.
Absolutely wonderful book and I would highly recommend.
**Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read an advanced e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own **

Geraldine Verne the main character has been mourning the passing of her husband Jack, and does not know how to get on with her life.
This is a wonderful story of Geri's, slow progress to rejoin society. Her friends have tried to get her to go out and do things, but Geri would rather sit at home with Jack's ashes, which she takes with her everywhere in a red suitcase. The red suitcase was one of a matching set that she and her husband used when they traveled, in search of his passion, Butterflies.
Eventually with the help of two children, an old friend and a young woman who worked for meals on wheels, Geri finally started to slowly relive a life her husband wanted for her, and to fulfill one of his dying wishes.
I loved the character development and the issues that arouse, to make Geri once more, step out of her comfort zone.

I love these types of books, sad but uplifting at the same time. Isn't that how real life really is? What a beautifully written novel. While with a serious undertone it still has many funny, joyful moments. I don't understand the low ratings for this title as I adored it. It is well structured and accurate on several levels such as the personality of the main character and the detail of the different journeys she takes...both mental and physical.
I read this book in one sitting, not only because it is short but because I enjoyed being on Geri's journey so much. The best thing I took from this novel was the fact that Geraldine didn't do this on her own. It took a community that included old friends and new. All. The. Stars.

Geraldine "Geri" was sort of alright, but i did not feel that the character had much development , but some - yes. But the story was boring.

An interesting tale of a widow’s grief. How to let go? How to get up in the morning? How to keep friends from giving up on you? It did get a bit slow in the middle but never enough to make me want to quit Geri’s story. This will appeal to anyone with a beating heart.

Being of "a certain age" I love reading about older characters I can relate to. Geri, the main character in this novel is and elderly lady who can't see the point of going on with her life after losing her husband of 50 years to cancer. She can't and doesn't want to let go of grief. Then she meets a young woman Lottie, who is going through a hard time in her life too, and can't let go either. Despite being so far from each other in age they form a friendship finding in each other something they have been missing:a mother/ grandmother figure and a daughter/granddaughter.
I loved the cast of supporting characters as well. It was good to see waht a great support net a good community and friends can offer.
It was heartwarming to see how Geri opens up to life again and how Lottie can set herself free at last.
There was also an unexpected turn at the end of the book that I loved.