Member Reviews

A book like no other ! This book gave off eerie vibes from beginning to end. It had me on constant tenterhooks.
Each chapter is told from a married couples perspectives, Amelia and Adam. Adam has face blindness which was interesting to read about, I liked Adam , I felt I could trust him. Where as Amelia came across as cold and deceitful. Together these two were like oil and water. A third person, Robin also tells her story. I took an instant liking to Robin , I felt like I wanted to protect her.
This story had so many wise sayings and quotes in it, I especially liked ‘trust can’t be borrowed, if you take it away you can’t give it back.’

An excellent book with lots of twists and turns. The chapters are written by Adam and Amelia who are husband and wife. Amelia wins a raffle at work for a stay in a remote Scottish converted chapel. They arrive in a snowstorm and there are lots of creepy things going on. Adam and Amelia don’t seem to like each other much but you can’t work out who is lying to who!
It’s very intriguing to try to work out what’s going on and the relationship between the past and the present..
Very cleverly written.

This was a twisty, dark and atmospheric read!
Adam and Amelia go on a trip to a remote Scottish Chapel with their old dog Bob in a bid to save their marriage. What sounds like an idyllic place to stay turns out to be a creepy, deserted old building where weird things start happening.
With alternate narrations from the main characters, it fleshes the story out well so you think you know whats going on... I don't want to say anymore for fear of ruining it for anyone, but this, as is Alice Feeney's style, has a few twists before you finish!

I received a copy of this arc thanks to HQ Stories. I also received an e-arc copy thanks to NetGalley.
This is one of my highly anticipated reads for this year and I was super excited to have a physical copy to read.
I was very intrigued by Adam and Amelia’s relationship - it just seemed like all they did was lie to each other and surely that’s never going to end well. Especially when trapped in a chapel during a snowstorm. A very creepy setting!
I liked the different perspectives; Amelia, Adam and letters written in the past. There’s also an additional pov added later on, Robin.
I couldn’t see what the link was between these characters until about 85% through the book when everything clicked. That was when I realised exactly what was going on. And it was so cleverly written.
Another fantastic book by Alice Feeney, 100% recommended!

This has to be one of the best books that I have read in a while. It really does have that, just one more chapter feel to it. I don't want to say too much as it will spoilt it and the blurb speaks for itself.
I liked the characters in this book and it really does get you thinking. I actually had an 'omg what?!' moment with this book.. I had to go back an re think everything I had read.
If i had start this during the day I'm sure I would have finished it in one too. Really great read and cannot wait to read morw by this author.

I am afraid I just didn't connect with this book, either with the characters or the pace of the book.it was too slow, and laborious for me .You can't win them all, and I am pleased to see that other readers enjoyed it much more than I did.

I got, Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney from NetGalley for free for a fair and honest review.
Winning a weekend away in a deserted converted church, was a chance for Adam and Amelia to solve the problems with their marriage. However, after a long drive from London, with a storm coming maybe this was not have been the best of ideas.
Rock Paper Scissors is one of those mystery thrillers that is not easy to review, not because of the quality of the story but, because the book has more twist and turns than aa piece of sting left in your pocket.
The story is told from several different perspectives; however, these only change at the start of a chapter so as a reader you are never in doubt about which perspective the novel is using at the time.
What I liked about the way that the writer Alice Feeney used, the perspective changes to aid the story, was you would see what each person thought about a situation.
For example, one of the scenes early in the book one of the characters could not find their mobile phone which should have been in the glove compartment of the car. However, you find out the other person had taken it out and left it at home.
Another style thar the writer used to help in the story telling was that each year of on their wedding anniversary wife would write a letter giving the ups and downs of the marriage, in the previous year.
This allowed we as readers to see not only had the relationship had changed over time, but also add in plot points to move the story along.
As I said previously Rock Paper Scissors had about as many twist as a piece of string left in a pocket, while some of them may have been predictable and others came completely out of nowhere, all of them fitted within the story.
Which makes Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Freeney well worth your time and a mystery thriller you will not be disappointed in.

A dark , atmospheric read!
Amelia Wright and her husband win a weekend away in a chapel in Scotland, their marriage is not the best and they hope the weekend away will help to either make or break it. The chapel is very eerie and things are not as they first appear.
The calibre of Alice Feeney’s writing is excellent , the story is fast paced ,there are only three narratives throughout and this kept my interest effortlessly.
The book consists of the present day and letters from Mrs Wright to her husband on their past wedding anniversaries which could lead to confusion for the reader , but due to the excellent writing this isn’t the case.
There are many twists and turns in this domestic thriller and it certainly made for an intriguing and unique read.
Highly recommended!
Thanks to NetGalley and HQ.

Rating 4.5/5
I knew that this would be a book that I would enjoy because I have really enjoyed other books by this author but wow this is twisted…in a brilliantly entertaining way of course but twisted in a way I wasn’t expecting and it got to the point that I was struggling to keep my eyes open because I wanted to read just a little bit more, it is definitely addictive reading.
It is so difficult to go into too much detail for books like this because the impact is in not having much detail before you start what I will say though is that it is clever and captivating, it has a lot of strands that all pull together in an ingenious way. The remote Scottish setting is fantastic really adds to the chilling atmosphere that the plot creates and there are secrets and lies from the start right until the very end. I loved the fact that I was constantly questioning the characters, wondering whose account was more accurate and what would become of the marriage at the end of the trip.
What I do enjoy about a book of this genre is thinking that you have figured something out about the plot that then gets completely blown out of the water by what actually happens, and I feel like this is something that Alice Feeney does very well. She makes you think you have an idea about what is maybe going to happen, lulls you into a false sense of security and then pulls the rug from under you but with maximum impact and style.
I really want to talk more about this book but I would hate to say something that would spoil it for someone else so what I will say is that I would definitely recommend it, it is a story that I have been thinking about since I put it down and I feel like I could pick up any Alice Feeney book and know that it is going to be great.

Adam and Amelia's marriage is on the rocks, so when (out of the blue) Amelia wins a weekend away in a converted chapel in Scotland she decides its make or break time. They arrive in a snow storm and soon discover their weekend retreat isn't quite what they expected.
The Chapel is definitely not somewhere I'd choose to stay. Everything is covered in dust. Doors that were locked suddenly open. Its a really eerie place and Alice Feeney writes this so well it really does give you the chills.
The story is told from alternate POVs of Adam and Amelia and letters that are written to Adam each wedding anniversary. I enjoyed the letters as they gave a deeper insight into the relationship and was a clever way to tell what's really going on.
In typical Alice Feeney style there are lots of twists that you just won't see coming. You think you have a good grasp on what's happening then she smacks you with another twist that will leave you breathless.
I would recommend this book to people who love an eerie thriller that will keep you on your toes.

I had an absolute blast reading this book. It took me all round the houses and back again via several dead ends and 180s along the way. I spent a good part of the book thinking I had it all sorted and the rest of the time refining and changing my second guessing until I was so dizzy I just gave up and went with the flow... making this, for me, a great psychological thriller.
Adam and Amelia have won a weekend away. A break they really do need as things have been a bit strained between them of late. It's all a bit make or break to be honest. But as you would expect from a book of this genre, especially given what I have already said and things aren't quite what they seem at face value. And that's all I am going to say about the plot as this really is one of those books where you really need to go in as blind as you can...
Characterisation is always good with this author and this book is no exception to that. It's hard to say much more on this but within their roles, every character, and there aren't many, is excellently described and plays their parts with aplomb.
We hear alternately from both main characters and then there are letters interspersed throughout too. I found this a very effective way of driving the plot forward.
Pacing is perfect and follows the narrative throughout. It's slower at the start as it sets it all up but, oh my days, when it really gets going...! Phew what a ride, especially when it starts to deliver shock after shock. And. That. Ending... Wicked!
Ok, for full disclosure, there were a few things that I did irk me a tad. A few little niggles but, to be honest, I was having so much fun with the rest of what I was reading that I was happy to take on for the team and accept things at the face value they were presented at and move on.
All in all a cracking addition to what is shaping up to being a very impressive back catalogue. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

Creepy but amazing storyline although I found it hard to sympathise with a man who blamed others for the decisions he made
Can’t mention at what point but I did gasp out loud at one bit

This book was filled with so many twists that I found myself having to stop every now and then to get my head around what was happening and to whom.
The chapters, written in first person POV, alternate between the main characters and are interspersed with the letters written to Adam by his wife on their wedding anniversary each year. Letters that Adam never reads. The letters are a thought proving insight into their lives together over the years and after each one, I was left wondering what was going to happen to them both.
The twists in the storyline were excellent, with many layers of secrets and deception unfolding throughout the book. Highly recommend this title to anyone who enjoys the psychological thriller genre.
Many thanks to Alice Feeney, HQ and NetGalley for the review copy.

Mr & Mrs wright have won a weekend away in scotland at an old house. The book starts with their journey there is the car and we realise that their marriage is not happy.
The story is told in the present Time and also through letters that Mrs wright pens to her husband on every anniversary but she does not actually give him the letters!
I don’t want to give anything away about the book!
I found the storyline quite confusing at times and by the end of the book, asking myself “what about this/that”.
Now I love a thriller and this was certainly that but I felt a lot was going on for me through the book.
It’s seems it’s a very popular book but unfortunately for me, it didn’t work as good.
I was looking forward to this book and had seen it online a lot. I have read this author before and loved them.
I hope this seems a fair review ♥️
#netgalley #rockpaperscissors #thriller

When I read the description of Rock Paper Scissors it immediately appealed. The setting sounds like my idea of paradise, a remote location in the Scottish Highlands but obviously this trip is going to be anything but paradise for Adam and Amelia.
Once I picked this one up, I did not put it down. It was just such a page turner with all its twists and turns and an ending that I did not see coming.
Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for my ARC.

Wow! What a book!
This is the third book I have read by Alice Feeney and this is my favourite.
Adam and Amelia win a holiday away in a remote chapel in Scotland. They are hoping it brings them closer together as they have been having a few marriage problems.
Adam has facial blindness (which I had never heard of before) and he can't recognise faces, including his wife's.
I loved the setting and the creepy chapel and even though both characters weren't that loveable, I loved reading about them. There were a few twists in this book and I didn't see any of them coming. One of the twists was so good, I had to stop reading and take it all in and re-read to make sure I read it correctly. Loved the ending as well.
A great thriller. One of the best I have read in a while
5 stars for me

This was truly a mindfuck.
A couple who have supposedly won a weekend away in the Scottish Highlands come to learn of the many secrets they have both been keeping. The story is told by Adam and Amelia as well as a yearly letter. I loved Rock Paper Scissors and just can't believe how good a writer Alice is!
Thanks to the publishers, NetGalley and the author for my review copy!

This is a great book that certainly has a few surprises in store.
Adam and Amelia are driving to Scotland to celebrate their wedding anniversary and it’s clear there’s some tension between the couple.
When they arrive there’s a bad snow storm and the converted chapel doesn’t look too welcoming.
Strange noises are heard and things start happening to the couple so I wondered if this would become a horror story but it soon changed again.
We also read the letters sent to Adam on previous anniversaries, that he’s never seen, and again it’s clear that all is not good between the couple.
This is a gripping read that I really enjoyed.
Thanks to HQ and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

When Amelia wins a weekend in a remote Scottish chapel she cannot believe her luck and thinks it could be just the thing to help save her marriage to Adam. However, once they arrive at the creepy chapel things soon become sinister...
Do you ever really know the person you are married to? This psychological thriller will leave you wondering....
A great, if slightly disturbing read.

An atmospheric and moody domestic thriller full of secrets, deceit and malice!
Rock Paper Scissors was an intriguing thriller with elements of the paranormal, which was mainly told from Mr and Mrs Wright's POVs. It switched between the present timeline in Scotland, to the past, via yearly unsent anniversary letters from Mrs Wright to her husband. I enjoyed these letters, as they showed us what she really thought and felt because they were a diary of sorts, since she never intended to give them to her husband! I also loved the word of the day and year included in the letters (yes I'm a geek!).
Adam Wright suffered from Prosopagnosia, a form of face blindness, which both saddened and horrified me; imagine not being able to recognise faces, even the face of your wife! Despite feeling empathy for Adam over his neurological condition, I didn't like him at all! A screenwriter and a workaholic, Adam was cold and distant. All of the characters were pretty unlikeable and untrustworthy to be honest! Except Bob the dog! I loved him!
Alice Feeney described the remote chapel really well, with the cold dampness, the strange creaking noises and whispering, the lights going out.. It was a creepy and chilling place. The setting and the Scottish weather also added to the eerie feeling and sense of horror. I definitely wouldn't want to stay there!
Rock, paper, scissors is a timeless game I used to play as a child, and now my own children play it. Mr and Mrs Wright used it to help them make decisions, and I'm not jut talking about who is going to put the kettle on! The game made reoccurring appearances throughout the book, which I liked, and the final use of it was inspired! It horrified me, but also made me smile in an evil way!
Although I enjoyed this book, I did find the middle part a little slow, and it took me a few days to get through that section, but also I am very busy, since it's the school holidays 🤷♀️It was suspenseful, and the tension built nicely. The last part however was excellent, and I stayed up late to finish it! The main twist totally threw me! It shocked me, and made me question everything, so clever! I kept saying OMG to myself!
The ending was unsettling in a good way and is worth all the stars!
On another note, was it me, or did this book throw some shade on another book featuring Prosopagnosia? I haven't read any other books featuring this condition, so didn't know which book it referenced, but it definitely felt like some tea was being spilt there?!
If you're looking for a book stuffed with lies, secrets, slow building tension, clever twists and manipulative characters, then definitely try this one! ❄❄❄❄