Member Reviews

Many thanks to Net Galley for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review.
This sure is a twisty read, Alice Feeney keeps the readers attention right to the end.
Adam and his wife Amelia win a weekend break to Scotland, a weekend that they both hope will fix their marriage, or is that really what they are hoping for? They both have secrets from one another. When they arrive at Blackwater Chapel, seemingly haunted, it’s dark, cold, dusty, musty and eerie.
It’s hard to know who to trust as the story unfolds, told by Adam from his point of view and then by his wife in annual anniversary letters which she never sends. Then there is a 3rd narrator, Robin!, It’s It’s dark and twisty with a huge very clever twist 3/4 of the way through which I didn’t see coming.
A cleverly written psychological thriller. Alice Feeney fans will not be disappointed.

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I loved the authors previous books and look forward to them coming on screen/TV soon
I had read great reviews from friends and reading buddies alike and so was looking forward to reading it
So all I can say is it must be me that it fell kinda flat for
The first 25% was intriguing, building a great picture of the couple involved and the husbands ‘face blindness’ which was described really well and then them arriving in remote ( understatement ) Scotland for a weekend to try and solve their marriage problems was spooky and felt realistic
The next 50% or so I didn’t really ‘see eye to eye with’ and my mind wandered but then there was a ‘Eureka’ moment and the story picked up only to then confuse me again, I do wonder though by this time if I had given up wanting to enjoy/relate to it
The whole reason they are able to be in Scotland on this weekend is ( well for me ) ridiculous, surely no one goes on a free weekend via a prize raffle they have ‘won’ at work but was told to them via an email?, especially when the character quotes everyone else won a box of Quality Street, I sure wouldn’t
I found some of the author’s descriptions of characters odd ie ‘she wore her bitterness like a reviewer who scores books 1 star’ and this was the woman who ran the corner shop and also the main character states (referring to her husband) ‘I read a book about face blindness last year but it wasn’t good’ ( I only know of one myself that was out last year and immediately thought of it, maybe nothing to do with that book but….)
A bit too clever for it’s own good all round for me and I always try and be honest and so will say I didn’t really enjoy it but look forward to the authors next book

2 Stars

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Do love an Alice feeney twist.
This book was such a page turner I loved it.
Questioning everyone to work out if they are telling the truth or lying.
Just a great easy read.

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Wow! I don’t even know where to begin with reviewing this book as I could give so much away. All I can say is it has such a clever storyline which truly surprised me and the end was a shock! A real page-Turner and very addictive reading.

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Thank you to #NetGalley and #HQ for allowing me to read #RockPaperScissors by #AliceFeeney
Adam and Amelia are on their way to Scotland for a long weekend to try to save their marriage but do they both want to save it.
A fiendish tale with so many twists it’s impossible to put down.
A new author for me but I will be reading all her other books. Very clever plot.
Those little white lies will catch you out every time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I’m very happy to be part of the blog tour for this gripping, edge of your seat, psychological thriller.

The book is written from the points of view of husband and wife Adam and Amelie in alternating chapters. I very much enjoy this way of writing as we get to know what the characters are thinking.
We have interspersed throughout the book copies of an annual anniversary letter to Adam from his wife, giving an insight into the state of their deteriorating marriage each year. It is obvious they are beginning to grow apart as the years pass. These letters are written with the intention they will probably never be read by Adam.

We have a third narrator, Robin, and we find out where she fits in to their lives towards the end of the book. I did not see that coming at all!

Adam is a screenwriter and has been trying to get his own novel, Rock, Paper, Scissors, made into a film for years. He has a little known condition called prosopagnosia, or face blindness, which means he is unable to recognise anyone‘s face not even his own face in the mirror. We join Adam, Amelie, and Bob their Labrador as they are driving through heavy snow to get to their weekend break in a chapel in Scotland, having ignored the weather warning. Amelie won the first prize of the weekend away in a raffle where she works, Battersea dogs home, and they are both hoping a weekend away will help save their crumbling marriage. They are running out of petrol and it is like driving in a white out with the windscreen wipers on Amelies old Morris Minor struggling to cope.

The chapel is locked when they eventually find it but having walked around it to try to find another entrance they return to find the doors unlocked. The chapel is just as spooky as I’d hoped with locked doors hiding secrets and even a crypt. Everywhere in the chapel seems to be covered in dust so it appears no one has stayed there in a long time. There is no mobile phone signal so they are stranded without being able to call for help. There is, however, that little cottage down the road with smoke coming out of the chimney...

I will not go into the storyline any further but hope that little taster of my review makes you want to run out and buy the book immediately.

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The Scottish Highlands have been the settings of quite a few of the books I read in the last few months (it seems is the perfect setting for a good and gripping thriller) and now it has become one of these places that I have to visit at least once because it sounds – and it looks from the pictures online – incredible. The Scottish Highlands are also the setting of Alice Feeney’s gripping new thriller, Rock Paper Scissors.

The protagonists are Amelia and Adam Wright. Their marriage is far from happy and blissful and a weekend together in a remote location in Scotland is their chance to figure out whether they should keep fighting for their marriage or end it once and for all. This is a psychological thriller so, of course, there is a snow-storm that cuts them off from any communication with the outside world, someone is lurking outside their hideaway, and the secrets and lies they are keeping make it impossible to trust each other.

I have to admit that I didn’t like any of the protagonists. I found them selfish, self-centered, and obsessive, but they are also multi-layered and well-developed and I was completely addicted to their narrative. The story is told from each protagonist’s perspective and I found myself siding at times with Amelia, at times with Adam, and at times wondering how are they are still together.

The author does an amazing job in revealing the truth, the secrets they are keeping, a little bit at the time, and I was hooked to the page until the last shocking revelation that I really didn’t see coming. I have read all Alice Feeney’s novels and I can honestly say that Rock Paper Scissors is my favourite so far. Thrilling, twisty, and suspenseful, I read it in two sittings. Highly recommended!!!

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Just when you think you know what’s going on – you find out you haven’t a clue!

Adam and Amelia are off to spend the weekend in the Scottish Highlands. Married for ten years, they are heading for a remote home but when they get there it’s not exactly what they was expected – in fact, it’s not at all romantic; but then, perhaps neither of them are what was expected either . . .

I got into this story pretty quickly; the anniversary letters written over the years was a good way to catch up on what had gone previously and, although there were a few little implausible niggles here and there, they all disappeared into the ether as the story advanced. Creepy and atmospheric in places, this was definitely a character-led tale and one which grabbed me by the throat. With twists and turns galore, the revelations shocked me to the core. Definitely didn’t see them coming! An original and suspenseful novel which I’m happy to recommend and give 4.5*.

My thanks to the publisher for my copy via NetGalley and for my spot on this tour; this is – as always – my honest, original and unbiased review.

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I think that Alice Feeney should be renamed Queen of Unreliable Narrators, because she really is superb at leading the reader down the garden path, over the back gate, towards the side entrance and then turning you around twenty six times until you are so dizzy you haven’t got a clue what side is up and what side is down.

If you haven’t read any of Alice’s books before then I would strongly recommend you do, but be aware that they should all come with a warning that your head will be well and truly messed with and you might suffer a book hangover for a while.

Back to Rock Paper Scissors, this book is cleverly narrated by Mr & Mrs Wright, Adam and Amelia and also with letters written on each anniversary of their wedding for the past ten years.

When Adam and Amelia win a weekend away in an isolated Scottish village, they both see this as an opportunity to sort out their troubled marriage, however when they arrive there someone is watching them closely and doesn’t want them to succeed.

This is a very atmospheric and creepy novel which I found totally addictive and exciting. With only three narrators I was utterly convinced I could work out who was unreliable and who was telling the truth, but as usual my amateur couch detective skills let me down very badly as I was completely blown away when the truth is slowly and cleverly revealed.

Another enjoyable, twisty standalone novel which I would recommend.

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3.5 stars. Rock Paper Scissors is one of those stories that make you want to go back to the beginning and question everything as soon as you finish reading the last page. It is so twisty it almost made me dizzy with all the turns and reveals. But it also made me wonder if there’s such thing as too many twists. The quirky structure, with the words of the year; traditional anniversary symbols and names; and cute little pictures for every chapter, definitely added some charm, but I didn’t like the contrived writing style, which was brimming with cringing similes and metaphors, sometimes several in one sentence. The book is definitely readable and has the “WTF I just read?!” moment so I am sure it will appeal to many readers.

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What a book!! I loved His & Hers so I couldn't wait to get my hands on this and dare I say it, this is better than His & Hers! I read it in 24 hours, so that clearly shows how I hooked I was!

Rock, Paper, Scissors is the tense and fast paced telling of love, ambition and trying to find love once again. What should have been a weekend of reconciliation and bonding takes a dramatic turn and secrets that were never to see the light of day are unveiled. From the creepy chapel, to the snowstorm, to the unhappy married couple, you know you are in for a good ride from page 1!

The narrative is excellent and really atmospheric. Despite reading this in the sun while on holidays, I felt like I was in the snowstorm in the Scottish Highlands with our protagonists. From the stressful car journey to the relief of finally arriving at their destination, I really felt like I was in the backseat experiencing everything with Adam and Amelia. The description of the chapel and the surrounding area is so vivid and really well done. I could so clearly picture entering the cold and dusty building and experiencing the creaks and whispers that welcomed the characters in every room.

I also loved the characters, there are very few in the book but they are so strong. I found Adam's Prosopagnosia so interesting. I had never heard of this condition before and thought Feeney seamlessly and so powerfully integrated how important a role this condition plays throughout the whole book. I thought the tension between both Adam and Amelia was super palpable and I felt we got to know each of them on a really personal level. You go through times of feeling sorry for them, feeling frustrated with them and then taking one side over the other. The emotions are high and the reader becomes completely captivated by them. And then there is the mysterious Robin, the 'ghost' of the chapel you could say. I found her super intriguing and couldn't wait to see what role she would play in the book.

The twists and turns that take place are fantastic!! I didn't see them coming and was blown away! Feeney is a queen at making the reader see one thing and then she unveils something so surprising that we can't help but be in awe of how we did not see it coming. The twists are not at all cliche and are so clever, I actually wish I could read this again without knowing what is going to happen.

So you have probably guessed it, huge fan of this book! I honestly love Feeney's style and am sad that we will likely have to wait another while before her next book.

A big thank you to Net Galley for letting me read it before it was published.

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This was an underwhelming read for me. The story of Adam and Amelia in the haunted chapel in the Scottish Highlands for their romantic getaway, was so slow and plodding, it seemed like it would never get going. It did eventually, but it was all a bit implausible, with selfish, not very likeable protagonists. It didn’t hold my interest, but I’m sure it will appeal to many readers. Just not to this reader.
My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy of this book, I wish I could have liked it more. 2.5 stars

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Rock, Paper, Scissors. Alice Feeney. 3/5 🕯🗝

Things have been wrong with Mr and Mrs Wright for a long time and a weekend away is supposed to be the perfect fix. Adam is a workaholic screenwriter with face blindness, every year they’ve exchanged gifts based on traditions but this year may make or break the marriage. Amelia thought she won this trip randomly but nothing is a coincidence, somebody is lying and not everybody gets to live happily ever after.

I loved Alice Feeneys I Know Who You Are and Sometimes I Lie, this new release however though I enjoyed I had the twist very quickly.
Nevertheless this book is an enjoyable atmospheric thrill offering with elements of the Gothic sewn in. Told through different perspectives so you never quite know where you stand. Alice Feeneys novels are being picked up for adaption and it is easy to see why, she gives a good thrill.

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A cracking page turner! This is not a book to be read on your own in the middle of the night… it’s haunting, exciting and makes you keep reading more!

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I’ve been so excited to read this and it didn’t disappoint. It was such a fast paced book I literally didn’t want to put it down. There were so many twists and they kept coming, I loved it!

There was so much happening and at points there was moments I was confused but then when it made sense it was brilliant. I love Alice’s writing and how everything flows together.

I did quite like Robin’s character and I felt for her especially towards the end. I have so many questions about the ending and I’m still wondering so much!!

It was a brilliant thriller and I honestly recommend anyone to read it if you want to be shook!

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I have never read anything by Alice Feeney and it is now my mission to read all of her books.

This book was insane, it is brilliantly written and had me hooked from the first page. I read it in two sittings, just couldn't put it down. There are some brilliant one liners throughout this book and  "There are forests less shady than my wife" has to be my favourite.

I didnt see the twist coming at all and it really rounded the book off perfectly.

What a brilliant book! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Thanks netgalley for this interesting book that I really enjoyed.
I did find it a little bit confusing while reading but it all came to an interesting end if you had the patience to read it all.
Adam and Amelia and Bob the dog went to the Scottish highlands in a terrible storm to save their marriage.
Adam had won a weekend away in a raffle and they went to this amazing converted chapel.
There was lots of secrets in their marriage,
You have to read the book to work out who was Robin, who was the famous writer, and who was writing all the anniversary messages, it’s not who you think it is.
Well done Alice Feeney I,loved this book even though I got lost in the middle.

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Sooooo twisty! I loved it. really really full of surprise and intrigue, I couldn't put this down. Ever since I read HIS AND HERS I've not been able to get Alice Feeney out of my mind, and so I've been working my way through her back catalogue. ROCK PAPER SCISSORS is a fantastic edition to a long list of great books by a supremely talented author.

The married couple in this one are on the verge of a marriage breakdown, they need something to ultimately save their relationship, so why not take a little holiday up to Scotland? Sounds safe enough, but what follows is a dangerous weekend full for terror and deceit.

I can't give any more away, but you should definitely give this one a go if you are fans of Alice Feeney's work already, or love a creepy domestic thriller.

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A gripping, thrilling read! A couple in a last-ditch chance to save their marriage go to the Scottish Highlands to stay in a chapel. It's creepy, chilling and brilliant!

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What a turbulent ride this book was! It is a mixture of pure thriller, psych thriller and domestic chaos!
When Adam and Amelia head for Scotland for the weekend to try and save their marriage, neither of them could have suspected the outcome the two nights would bring!
Right from the beginning, you are drawn in by the bickering couple in a snowstorm in the middle of Scotland. Each of them has their little lies and secrets that are drip-fed to you throughout the book as the story starts to be pieced together. These little tidbits really keep you glued to the book, and I could not put it down!
That first night in the chapel really had my hairs standing on end; it was just so creepy! Once Robin was introduced, I immediately felt scared; there was just something unfettered about her that made her a loose cannon; you didn’t know what she was capable of.
I really enjoyed the letters that were being written on the anniversaries; this gave us an insight into the marriage and how it was slowly spiralling out of control.
The twist, though, just blew my mind, I didn’t guess anything, and I had to sit and cogitate for a moment to get my head around it. I sat and tried to think back whether there’d been any signs, but it was just so expertly done. I haven’t been taken by surprise like that in a while, so I tip my hat to the author for managing what so many fail to do these days!
This is undoubtedly a brilliantly unparalleled story, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I actually finished it a few days ago, and I’ve not been able to stop thinking about it!
The author is certainly a brilliant writer. I have her down as one of my favourites, but when I started to read this, I found myself not being able to remember what I’d previously read of hers. This is because every book is just so different; there is nothing to remind you of her other books. They are unique and fabulous in their own rights, and this is certainly no exception. I would definitely recommend not just this book but all of the author’s previous books too!

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