Member Reviews

The concept of this book was compelling. Not your typical isolated location whodunit but a more intimate version. Instead of the more common 'how much can you really trust the stranger from room 10' it was a more sinister and personal 'how well do you know your own spouse'.

I read the whole book in a relatively short period and found it an easy enough read, though personally I didn't find it overly tense or dramatic enough to wax lyrical. 

I didn't like Adam, Amelia or Robin, though this two-sides-to-every-coin, he-said-she-said element added mystery and it did keep me questioning whether my opinion of their character was correct or if I was just being played by another narrator.
I just didn't feel like they were overly developed as characters. Or at least, it felt like we were told alot about them but it was a bit heavy on the tell don't show method. This may have just been down to the fact that quite a bit of the background was given in the form of letters narrating the past.

I've read a few other reviews which applaud all of the twists. I loved the reveal of Robin and her role and I genuinely thought it worked well and was a twist. A lot of effort had been made to craft my understanding in one way only to be like, YOU FELL FOR IT!


I did not feel like we were given enough of a lead in to pick up on this plot. There wasn't much foreshadowing. There was quite a bit of time dedicated to the October Red herring but very little given to this storyline.

Another however.

The role of Amelia in Adam's early life was just too neat. Why would she take the risk of getting involved? Surely you would just stay as far away as you could? It just felt too neat and tidy. This ruined the ending for me a little. In fact I would have preferred it if it had just been revealed that it had been Adam in a car with some friends or something.

Both storylines also came to a head really late in the book. I felt the earlier stages of the plot could have done with some more serious drama. Actually having a narrative voice from Robin killed a lot of the tension for me.  I'd have been more creeped out getting to 75% having just seen some unknown figure going in and out of the Chapel or faces at the window. Knowing it was Robin from the start took the edge off.

Overall I loved the creepy setting and the whole idea behind the plot but I did feel that it needed a bit more drama early on, or at least more suspense over the 'who' of Robin.

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I received this book from the publishers via Netgalley for a review. Draws you in and hooks you till the end well worth a read.

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Adam and Amelia are heading to Scotland to try to save their marriage. The holiday stay that Amelia won in a raffle has come at precisely the right time to her mind, although Adam would rather be anywhere else but here. And when they arrive to find the converted chapel they are meant to be staying in is locked up, leaving them trapped out in a snow storm, it's only the beginning...

This feels like one of those books I need to read again to see how it all fitted together. I enjoyed the creepy setting of a converted chapel on the edge of a Scottish loch. I particularly liked the way that Adam's inability to recognise faces impacted on his relationships and the story as a whole - it was very inventive. The three narrators aren't the most likeable of characters and, much like in the tradition of Gone Girl, you have no idea who is plotting what or whose word to trust.

With thanks to Netgalley for a free copy of this book in return for an honest review.

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I always enjoy Alice Feeney's writing and with beautiful writing and a shocking twist, this new thriller does not disappoint either. The plot revolves around a couple who travel to the Scottish Highlands as a last-ditch attempt to save their marriage, but when their weekend break takes a dark turn, secrets start to surface and they are left wondering if they can really trust each other. Dark, twisty, and beautifully written, I raced through this - highly recommended!

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Adam and Angela are trying to save their marriage, each for different reasons. Angela’s won a weekend at an old chapel in Scotland, so this is a make or break trip. Unfortunately the weather is dreadful and there’s something really off about the chapel.

This story is told from the points of view of the 3 main characters, and also in a series of letters from wife to husband on their wedding anniversaries but she never gives them to him to read. The setting in Scotland is very evocative, so spooky, cold and snowy, very effectively written, but despite that I found I couldn’t like any of the characters, except Bob, the Labrador. It’s a very twisting tale, a bit slow in parts but then ratcheting up to a breathless pace towards the end. There is also an excellent twist which I really hadn’t expected. I can see why this is being made into a series but I’m still not sure if I enjoyed it or not. I also didn’t really care what happened to the characters, but I’ll certainly watch the Netflix series with interest.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.


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Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Adam and Amelia go to Scotland on a weekend trip that she won at work. The place is a sort of creepy old chapel and strange things start happening as soon as they get there. The marriage seems to be pretty rocky and they could use a good weekend away. He has face blindness and can't recognize people's facial features. She has been writing him a letter every year on their anniversary for the past 10 years and while she has never let him read them, they give us some good insight into the ups and downs this couple have experienced over the last 10 years.

4.5 stars.

I cruised through this one in a day. I thought this book was a 4 star for pretty much the whole thing. The place was creepy. Weird things were happening. The marriage obviously had some issues, but we didn't know the full story. Then at 80% things went crazy and everything I thought I knew was wrong. This author is really good and throwing in a shocking twist and making you rethink everything you thought you knew. I will definitely read her next novel.

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I love this author, and I know I'm in the minority here, so I think I simply didn't gel with this book. I just couldn't get into it. I stuck it out, but felt I was thinking 'I can't wait for this to get good' and, for me, it didn't. Not that it was BAD, not at all, I just didn't find it thrilling or captivating. I hate to say it. Again, I adore this author, so this won't deter me from her future releases.

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I was sent a copy of this book for an honest review.

I've just finished reading the book. I have to say I really liked it! It was so well written and I really liked the characters. I think I must've read it within a couple of days or so. It was had me so gripped! The twist(s) were brilliant.

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Mr and Mrs Wright both know something is wrong with their marriage, and a trip to a remote part of Scotland might be just what they need to revitalise their withering relationship. What they don’t know is that someone else is lurking in the shadows of their marriage and is willing to do anything to break them. To make things worse, Adam Wright suffers from face blindness, where he can’t always recognise facial features.

I became a huge fan of Alice Feeney after Sometimes I Lie. I had never read anything quite like it and loved her writing style. She is a true wordsmith and the queen of clever metaphors and analogies. So, as you can imagine, Rock Paper Scissors had a lot to live up to, and I am thrilled to say it did not disappoint – a cleverly crafted, steady-paced, domestic thriller with an ingenious twist.

The setting of the book suited the mood perfectly – it felt cold and isolated. Although it was gradual, I could feel the rising tension. I loved how the story unfolds with different points of view, and I was especially fond of the letters Adam’s wife wrote to him but never shared with him. The couples word of the day added to the letters was a smart touch.

I think Alice’s understanding of people and their honest thoughts is phenomenal. It makes everything in this story come to life. I was fascinated by the face blindness aspect as I never knew it existed – the thought of it was terrifying. Imagine not being able to recognise your friends and family!

What a great read!

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There is no doubt that this is a cleverly written book. I really didn't figure out what was going on until it was actually revealed towards the end. Unfortunately by that point I didn't really care as I found all the characters so unlikeable. It is a good plot but quite slow at times and I got so frustrated at all the half reveals throughout. This did make me determined to finish but also annoyed me.
A lot of people seem to have loved it but it was just ok for me.

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Perfect book.
It's 5 stars for sure!!!
What a gripping mystery.

This was a very disturbing but good read.

Thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish and could not get enough of.

This is a must read for anyone who enjoys a good thriller!!
Absolutely loved the characters, the plot, the tension -  impossible to put it down.
Certainly recommended!

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I thought this book was good but not great like I was expecting. I just found it dragged a little at places but the story was interesting which kept me going. Three stars.

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My thanks to NetGalley and HQ for a copy of “ Rock Paper, Scissors” for an honest review.

I’ve read , and thoroughly enjoyed ,all of Alice Feeney’s previous books , so I was really excited to get approval to read an advanced copy of this one.
It had me hooked from the beginning, each chapter building up the tension. I really couldn’t have guessed the twist in the tale .!
This was a really well written, suspenseful and cleverly thought out book.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this and I’ll wait impatiently for The author’s next book.

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This book is remarkable, it has everything in it and it gave me serious chills. This is the best book I have read so far this year and I have read a lot of fantastic books, this one is a chill filled ride with a hell of a lot of OMG moments and unexpected twists. I could not turn the pages fast enough. I thought I knew what was happening and what was going to happen next, but then the twists came into play and it just blew me away. The characters are brilliant and I have never heard of Adam's eye condition which must be terrible to live with. I loved the words of the year which although unusual to say the least really suited the plot. On the whole the story was consistent, all the characters had substance and fire in their bellies and it was a bloody brilliant work of fiction. Alice Feeney is a very clever, although slightly twisted {but in a really good way}author and I can't wait to see what she writes next, because trust me this is a stunner of a book.

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This book has a well constructed plot and had a healthy amount of twists and reveals that weren't always obvious.
However, because of the way the story is presented, at times it feels like you are reading info dump and those parts are really difficult and tiresome to get through. I was also a little disappointed with the ending, it felt rushed and a bit unbelievable.
Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Adam and Amelia are spending the weekend in the Scottish Highlands. The remote location is perfect for what they have planned. But when their romantic trip takes a dark turn, they both start to wonder – can they trust the one they’re with? Because every couple tells little white lies. Only for Adam and Amelia, the truth is far more dangerous.

Having read this, I can safely say that Feeney is definitely building a reputation for shocking, electrifying reads! I found myself gripped by this from the beginning and was enjoying seeing where it was going to go and then Feeney throws in a shocking twist that I really did not see coming. It completely changed the plot and once it was revealed, I could see the clever trail Feeney had been laying throughout the read. From there, Feeney throws in a few more reveals and plot twists and ends the book in a very satisfying way.

Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the plot but I also loved Feeney's style for writing this. We have chapters set from the perspectives of Adam and Amelia, as well as letters written on each of their anniversaries. The letters really offer an insight into the couple and allow the reader to read between the lines and understand them that little bit more.

I simply loved reading this, Feeney has the perfect plot, as well as a beautiful, remote and isolating location and characters whom I formed a connection to and wanted to see what would happen next. 'Rock Paper Scissors' made for a very gripping read.

Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for an advance copy.

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I raced through this gloriously dark and twisted tale in a matter of days. A romantic weekend away which is meant to save a marriage quickly takes a less than romantic turn as strange happenings occur at the remote Scottish chapel where they're staying. Told from the perspective of both husband and wife and their mysterious neighbour, the narrative is interspersed with letters from wife to husband, providing a bit of the history to the characters.

Brilliantly crafted characters who are just likeable enough, a twisty plot and an end that you can't see coming - what's not to love!

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What beautiful writing. A complex and unsettling story where none of the characters are at all likeable in my opinion. A strange Scottish Chapel, a snow storm, lots of myths and confusion. Weirdness abounds.

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Adam and Amelia win a weekend away to Scotland. As a last ditch attempt at saving their marriage they escape to an old chapel conversion together. All is not as it seems and it soon becomes clear someone else isn't so keen on them mending their relationship or getting home at all.

An absolute masterclass in suspense! The changing perspectives leaves you flitting from one outcome to another. Mixing past and present while dropping hints and clues to the plot leaves you guessing all the way through.
The twist that I was anticipating after reading many books by Alice Feeney was such a curve ball it was totally unexpected. It's clever, thrilling writing kept me glued to the story, it was perfectly paced, revealing snippets of information and hints to build that tension and sense of foreboding, allowing you to see but not join the dots until the reveal. The plot was intricate and brilliant, leaving you totally puzzled at how this story is going to pan out until you are meant to, a perfect thriller.
Another fantastic read by Alice Feeney, they get better and better every time!
Thank you to Netgalley, HQ and Alice Feeney for the ARC copy.

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I've enjoyed all previous Alice Feeney books (except I Know Who You Are) and her latest release was just as good. It follows one married couple, Adam and Amelia, who take a weekend vacation in the hope to save their marriage. However, their getaway takes a dangerous turn and dark secrets start coming to light.

The plot was super enjoyable. It was fast-paced and full of red herrings. I was making theories the whole time I was reading and I found it hard to understand what was really going on. The two point of views (Adam's and Amelia's) were super ambiguous and unreliable, I couldn't decide who to trust. The book was also told through letters which recount the past and they were great, although only at the very end you realize how much!

I really didn't see the twist coming. It was quite clever and, although I would like to re-read the book in the future to search for the clues, I think it was very well constructed and it was shocking without being too over the top.

Highly recommended!

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