Member Reviews

Review for 'His Other Woman' by Louise Voss.
Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Louise Voss, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous
Publication date 2nd July 2021.
This is the first book I have read by this author.
I was originally drawn to this book by its intriguing cover, synopsis and title. The synopsis stated that that this book is 'Perfect for fans of Nicole Trope, Kerry Fisher and The Silent Daughter.' I am a huge fan of Kerry Fisher and Nicole Trope and the so am looking forward to seeing if this lives up to this statement. I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Bookouture. I have yet to read a book published by Bookouture that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).
This novel consists of 58 chapters. The chapters are short to medium in length so possible to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!
This book is based in England, UK 🇬🇧 and France 🇫🇷. I always enjoy when books are partly or fully set in the UK as I'm from Wales and have sometimes visited areas mentioned in the book. This makes it easier to picture where the scenes are set at times. I have in fact visited and gone on holiday in England on many occasions so am looking forward to possibly recognising name places.
This book is written in first person perspective and the main protagonists are Alanda, Liam and Katya. The benefits of third person perspective with multiple protagonists are that it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters more, what they are thinking and what they are doing. It feels like you get to see the whole picture and not miss out in anything.
Wow!!! Well done Louise, I was not expecting that ending!! This book is beautifully written and filled with vivid descriptions that really set the scenes for the reader. The synopsis, cover and title suit the storyline perfectly.
The storyline is an absolutely captivating rollercoaster ride of emotions. It is filled with love, loss, excitement, adventures, sadness, grief and much more. There is tension and suspense throughout and I most definitely did not expect that ending so a huge congratulations to Louise for creating an unpredictable romance!!! I was completely invested in the storyline which kept me turning the pages until late at night. It wasn't just the ending that gave me a surprise but there were a few other twists and turns in there that I was definitely not expecting!!! An absolutely compelling and heartbreaking read, get the tissues out at the ready!!
I was completely invested in all the characters and felt that each character was unique with their own pros and cons. There were times when I felt deep sympathy for some and then at other times that same character really annoyed me and I would 'switch sides' so to say. I can't go into any more detail than that really as it will give too much away and spoil it for future readers. I will say that I was completely shocked and quite disgusted with one of the characters behaviour. I will also say I especially felt for Liam when I discovered his story of his brothers suicide and his mother's Alzheimers, both of these really touched close to home for me. All of the characters were well developed and strong along with being realistic.
Congratulations Louise on an absolutely gorgeous book that left me turning the pages late and hunting down the tissues!!! Looking forward to your next novel!!!
Overall an emotionally packed compelling page turner that will have your heart in your throat.
Genres covered in this book include Romance Novel, Contemporary Romance and Domestic Fiction amongst others.
I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as fans of Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult, Nicole Trope and Kerry Fisher.
353 pages.
This book is just 99p to purchase on kindle via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!
Rated 5 /5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews
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@LouiseVoss @Bookouture @Bookworm1986 @bookworm86

Beautiful. Heart breaking. A tear jerker of a read that makes you think, question, feel, sympathize. Felt for every one of the characters. Just beautiful.

His Other Woman isn't my favourite genre but I thought the description sounded interesting. I found it to be a bit of a slow burner which I honestly never really got into. I'm sure if you are a fan of this type of book it will be a hit but it just wasn't right for me.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

A triangular love story combined with dementia and the dilemma that ensues. This part of the story was good and interesting upto two thirds of the way. Then suddenly the whole plot becomes ridiculous with all the characters behaving selfishly and foolishly to such an extent that I could not care less what happened to whom. It was like reading two different authors. Felt like a soap opera.

Alanda is taking her husband, Liam, to the airport for a 3-week trip just so he can get away for awhile which he truly needs. Liam’s twin brother, Richard, recently committed suicide after a lifetime of alcohol and drugs. Liam wishes he could have saved him. Now, he plans to go to Madrid and walk the Camino de Santiago, something he has always wanted to do. Alanda hopes that this time away will give Liam a chance to find peace.
They have 3 children, twins Jake and Becky, and daughter Heather who is getting married before long. While Alanda would have liked to accompany Liam, she needs to be at home to help Heather with all of her wedding preparations.
When Alanda does not hear from Liam in a few days, she gets nervous. She is unable to contact him at all. Where is he and what could have happened to him?
Oh my goodness. What a story. I kept saying: What? What? What? How can you do what Liam did? Selfish? Yes. He needed to leave his family for several weeks while he found himself. Good grief. Liam was a wimp and Alanda was too willing to let him be that way. He did not THINK before he acted which makes this whole scenario so sad. I didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry at times. Alanda’s actions at finding Liam were also ridiculous. And then there’s Katya using Liam while saying she loves him. This whole group of people would make a psychiatrist rub their hands together in anticipation. However, I was entertained so I have given the book 3 stars. I’m still shaking my head.
Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Liam Lodge is in the throws of what can only be described as a midlife-crisis when he takes off on a three week trip to Spain, walking the Camino de Santiago on his own. He is in need of some space following the tragic death of his brother, not to mention the recent Alzheimer's diagnosis his mother has received. When he finally reaches Madrid, Liam calls his wife and informs her he has arrived safely, but then - he seems to disappear altogether.
With Alandra's growing concern about her husbands disappearance, she contacts the police to try and help them locate his whereabouts. Weeks turn in to months, and there is still no news from Liam and Alandra can't help but feel that the police aren't taking their concerns seriously. They seem to believe he has simply ran away and left his family behind, which she knows without a doubt he would never do.
Whilst all of this is going on in Salisbury, England, a man wakes up in a hospital in France. His leg is in plaster and he has no idea of where he is, what happened, or who he actually is. The staff have named him Jack, with no ID or mobile phone on him after he was found following his accident on the slopes, he is left sitting day after day watching the world tick by around him - with no clue as to how he ended up here. And then, he meets Katya.
When Katya is visiting her uncle in the same hospital, she starts talking to this lonesome man, and before long they find themselves in a relationship. Although Katya knows that this man with no memories had a life before they met, she can't help but want to relish in the love they share and the possibility of a future together. However, her joy is short lived when Jack is identified by his wife as a missing person, with Katya wanting to hold on to what they have, and Alandra determined to bring her husband back home to his loving family, both women embark on an emotional journey whilst trying to keep hold of the person they both love.
This was such a unique story that had me hooked from the very first page. Louise Voss has produced a cast of intriguing characters, all of whom have their own complex personalities which we learn more of as the story progresses. Liam and Alandra shared a beautiful marriage and never failed to support one another in their time of need - and unfortunately it was this undying devotion that saw Alandra waving Liam off on the journey that would lead to heartache. When Katya appears in the story, the relationship between herself and Liam is equally as enchanting. She falls in love with this man, despite knowing he has a past he is unable to remember, yet she wants nothing more than to spend her life with him. And of course Liam himself finds himself in love with two women at once, unsure of which path he should choose.
Full of emotion and drama that kept me invested to the very end, this was such a fascinating story that I simply couldn't put down.

Just when you think the worst has happened a new level appears. Alana and Liam start happily married but when he goes missing she's devastated only to later find him. Sounds great but quickly turns when she discovers he's with someone else and has no memory of her after an accident left him with amnesia. Well this made my mind spin in probably an unhealthy way at what I would do being in either of their shoes and then the introduction of the "other" woman adds her perspective too. My head was so conflicted with this scenario especially finding someone so lost more so after they've been found. A definite mind rollercoaster that left me gutted even after I finished reading it, but loved it.
I received an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley for my honest opinion.

★★ 2.5 stars
Ok so this book was not what I was expecting. I don't usually read women's fiction unless it's an author I like who writes across genres and given that this author has co-written several thrillers with Mark Edwards, it's my fault entirely for requesting a book I assumed to be domestic thriller or suspense. However, I plunged in as the premise sounded engaging and promised an interesting story. And it was...to a point. But it lost it somewhere about 60 % through and left me feeling what was the point.
After losing his twin brother to suicide and placing his mother who is suffering dementia into a home, Liam Lodge is encouraged by his wife and children to embark on a three week break trekking the Camino de Santiago in Spain. But once he arrives in Madrid, a poster advertising skiing invites him to make a snap decision to change his plans and travel to Les Gets in France to spend a few days skiing before continuing on his planned route. He texts his wife Alandra to let her know he has arrived in Madrid but decides to say nothing of his change of plans until he arrives at the ski resort. Having taken out a new credit card for his travel expenses, he resolves he has enough for a few nights' stay and hire of ski equipment.
And then he disappears.
Back home in England, Alandra is beginning to worry when she has heard nothing more after his text from Madrid and soon the hours turn into days and then weeks as the family now worry for his safety. Liam is usually so predictable that it is not like him to not keep in contact and let them know he is safe and well. No updates, no nothing. They report his sudden disappearance to the police who send them a Family Liasion Officer, PC Harding, who Alandra's son Jake nicknames "PC Laptop" due to his small stature making him a small PC. However, the family feel the police are not taking Liam's disappearance seriously, believing him to have run off and left his family. But Alandra knows Liam would never do that. Particularly with youngest daughter Heather's wedding coming up, which ultimately goes ahead without her father and brother Jake walks Heather down the aisle in his place.
When the weeks turn into months with still no clue as to Liam's whereabouts, Jake starts a social media campaign on Twitter, Facebook and other platforms in the hope that someone somewhere has seen his father. And then one day, a promising lead gives the family hope that maybe Liam is still alive.
Meanwhile in a hospital in France, a man wakes with his leg in traction and plastered from hip to foot. He has no idea who he is, where he is or what happened to him. The hospital have named him "Jack" but know nothing else about the man who was found on the ski slopes having crashed into a tree. He had no ID on him, no phone, no wallet - nothing. No one knows who he is...not even him. Each day he sits in his hospital bed watching the hustle and bustle of the ward. And then he meets Katya.
On sojourn from her complicated life in London, Katya is visiting her sick uncle when she notices the man in the bed opposite is struggling to communicate with the staff, some of whom don't speak English. She translates for him as needed and before long spends time talking with him whilst her uncle sleeps. When her uncle passes away suddenly, Katya has no reason to continue visiting the hospital...except that she does...to see the man they call Jack. He has no family and no idea who is so therefore no one visits him. Over time, the two become close and when the day comes that Jack is finally to be discharged, he has nowhere to go. So Katya offers him the spare room at her uncle's flat where she has been staying...at least until she prepares it for sale.
Katya and Jack grow closer and, although she knows he probably has a family somewhere and that his memory will one day return, Katya cannot help but seize the moment and relish what she now has with Jack. It isn't long before they become a couple and in the weeks after, Katya announces that she is pregnant. Jack is over the moon and Katya is thrilled to discover his excitement at the prospect of becoming a father. The couple know Jack more than likely had a life before her but he promises her that what they have now in this moment is what matters and that he loves her.
And then Katya receives a phone call. Jack has been identified and his wife is looking for him. Katya knew this would all come to an end...but she holds on for just a few more days before telling him. But she doesn't get the chance. A knock at the door one evening while they are sitting down to dinner brings an unexpected visitor.
And Jack's past comes flooding back as soon as he sees the woman standing at the door.
What ensues is a complicated journey for Alandra, Liam and Katya as they navigate the new reality of their situation. For Alandra, she thought once she found Liam everything would be straightforward and they would return to their lives back in Salisbury, England. For Katya, she hoped life with Jack would be her new beginning despite knowing that one day it could all end. For Liam, he finds himself in a quandary of being in love with both women and not wanting to hurt either of them. But he has a three decade history with Alandra and three children he adores. With Katya he had something new and different, even if it wasn't quite real. So which road does he choose? And how does he tell Alandra of the new life he is expecting with Katya?
Up to this point, I really enjoyed the story. It was heartfelt and tragic as the search for Liam ensued while his life was beginning again as Jack, suffering retrograde amnesia, with the beautiful and younger Katya. While it is a mystery for his family, the reader knows exactly where he is even if neither party knows what's happened. And yet there is still an element of mystery to the story to come which is revealed later and I was shocked, and not in a good way.
The journey from here on in became annoying and irritating and left me shaking my head at the ludicrousness of the situation. I could not believe after all that the direction the story then took. I don't think Liam was the only one suffering a mid-life crisis as it was utterly ridiculous the decisions and directions taken in the wake of his return. There was a lot of eye-rolling and disbelief that plummeted this story from the 4 stars of the first half of the book to a disappointing 2 stars by the end.
It only takes a split second to make an impromptu decision...and everyone in this story has to live with the consequences of their stupid and selfish choices. Sadly, mine was to choose this book without first checking its genre because I think it would have made a far better tale as a thriller than an exploration into stupid decisions.
I would like to thank #LouiseVoss, #Netgalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #HisOtherWoman in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you to @bookouture and @LouiseVoss1 for this advanced copy of His Other Woman in return for an honest review. His Other Woman is due to be published on 2nd July 2021 and you can get a copy here.
Description 🔖
Alanda and Liam are in their mid-fifties and happily married with three grown up children. After a devastating family bereavement, Liam needs some time to clear his mind so signs up for a solo three week walk around Spain. The entire family support him on this endeavour and rally around to see him off on his travels.
A couple of days later, they’re unable to contact Liam. He has vanished completely. Fast forward a couple of months and Liam has zero memory and has fallen in love with another woman. Once Alanda is able to locate him, which woman will Liam decide he loves more?
General Thoughts 🤔
I spent the first half of this book questioning what on earth I would do if I was in this situation; and not just from one perspective. The answer is I really do not know, but what I do know is that it would be absolutely devastating for all parties involved. This story was certainly emotionally gripping and got it’s claws into me. Especially during the awkward moments when Alanda, Liam and his new woman Katya were all together in the same room. I could feel the tension leaping off the page.
The second half of the book kind of dropped off a little for me. Nowhere near to the point where I wanted to stop but I didn’t think that it was as dramatic as the first half. The emotional tug was a lot more subtle and the story was more of a slow burn. I struggled to get my head around some of the decisions that were made by all of the characters but I think that that’s a good thing. Everyone makes bad decisions for the right reasons, or certainly for what they believe to be the right reasons.
Characters 👬👭👫
I have thought about the characters in this book long and hard and I am still undecided about them. I can’t decide if I liked them or not but I think it’s because I have tried to put myself in their shoes and the truth is, I just can’t. I don’t know what I would do if I was any of them. Nobody was to blame for any of the dramas that unfolded and that meant that I was clinging onto the hope that somehow, everyone would end up living happily ever after.
What happened to Liam was terrible and I felt like he was dealt such a bad card after he returned home. A part of me expected him to just pick up where he left off, but I also understand that it just wasn’t that simple for him.
I felt huge amounts of sympathy for Alanda whilst Liam was missing and also once she found him. I think I would have likely reacted in the same way. But then afterwards, I found her to be at the worst selfish and at the least, foolish. She actually made me feel a bit frustrated.
Writing Style ✍️
This is the first Louise Voss book that I’ve read and I’m pleased to report that I really enjoyed her writing. The story was told from multiple perspectives which I am always a fan of. She definitely has a special gift for creating emotional tension. There were chapters/sections of the book where I felt like I was living the scene myself.
What I didn’t know until finishing, is that this is the first non-crime fiction book that this author has written in quite some time and as a crime fiction fiend, I definitely would like to read some of her earlier work.
Conclusion & Scoring 🎖️
I gasped many times, I’m fairly sure I audibly said WTF a few times and I was all in with this story. It was emotionally draining at times and a bit of a slower churn at others. All of that said, I think it’s obvious that I enjoyed reading His Other Woman. I know lots of my friends will too, so I will definitely be recommending this book.

This was an interesting book. Not at all what I thought it was going to be. A great look into all aspects of relationships.

I love the contemporary novels of Louise Voss especially her debut To be Someone but this is my first time reading one of the author's crime novels. Overall this was a mixed read for me. I loved the Salisbury setting of this novel, as it's a city I love and am familiar with. The novel starts slowly and it took me some time to get into, I didn't particularly engage with or connect to the characters and for this reason didn't feel invested in the novel. It did however pick up pace about half way through and I found myself more engaged and engrossed.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital ARC.

I really liked this book, despite it not being the sort of book I usually read, I felt the ending wasn't as good as it could have been, however I did still enjoy it. I was very invested in the 3 main characters and wanted desperately to know what was next for each of them as the book went on.
I would definitely recommend His Other Woman to others

I’m not usually a family drama fan but I liked the synopsis of this book. It was a slow start but I enjoyed to story and was interested in where it was going. This was the first book I’ve read by the author but I would definitely read more.

Liam Lodge is about to embark on a three week trip to Spain, walking the Camino de Santiago. He's going alone on a mid life crisis trip, hoping to find some space after the tragic death of his brother and his mother's recent Alzheimer's diagnosis. Reaching Madrid, he phones his wife to say he has landed. And then he disappears.
It's a well written debut which I found difficult to put down., with an interesting plot containing twists and turns a-plenty. It's also an emotional read as the family try to trace Liam. And if searching for him is stressful, when they eventually do track him down, the situation goes from bad to worse.
Told from Liam, his wife Alanda and his 'other woman' Katya's viewpoints although there were moments which seemed a little far fetched, all in all, it worked for me. And at the end when I least expected it, there was a real sting in the tail.
I would like to thank Louise Voss, Bookouture and Netgalley for an ARC of His Other Woman in exchange for an honest review.

There seemed to be a lot of karma going on in this story. It kept me reading because it was interesting to see how a nice gesture from his family could turn out so bad. When the family finally finds Liam, things don't make sense to them, and it was like they were putting the pieces together to determined what happened.
There is a lot going on in this story, lots of unexpected things, many things that they have to decide, and what life is like when Liam comes back.
It was a great read, it took me on a journey that I was glad was someone else's life, but it also showed me that you have to ride out what is happening to see where it is going to bring you.

Alanda thought her husband was going on a hike in Spain to deal with his pain over the death of his twin. When he doesn't turn up on time, there are searches and alerts and all sorts of things. Turns out, Liam went skiing in Switzerland and landed in the hospital with a broken leg and no memory. Somehow, he builds (quickly) a relationship with Katya. This has an interesting plot that sucks the reader in and then quickly turns implausible. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC, Will make a good beach read.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC.
This was my first book by Louise Voss. I have to say in all honesty, that I just didn't care for this book. I just wanted it to be over with, and almost quit it. Maybe it was because I was not interested after all in the whole "memory loss" thing. It just seemed far fetched to me. This on was just a miss.

Wow- what a book! After 30 years of marriage + 3 kids, her husband decides to take a two week trip...all alone. When he changes his plans last minute without telling his family, loses his phone and has an accident...everything changes. I don't want to give much away about this book, but you will be on the edge of your seat for this one.

After losing his brother and his mother having to go into a home with dementia Liam is encouraged by his wife and children to go on a 3 week break to Spain.While his at the airport he makes a spur of the moment decision to go to France skiing and tell no-one.
After the family hear nothing from him for weeks they contact the police but no-one knows where he is and there's no trace of anyone fitting his description.
What follows is a complicated series of events that turns everyone's lives upside down.
Loise voss first non-crime book for years and she's written a winner.A very enjoyable read and I recommend it.
Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

Imagine your husband of 30 years wanting to go away for 3 weeks of hiking because he’s having a mid-life crisis. He decides not to go hiking and goes skiing instead without telling his family. He wakes up in a hospital with no memory and meets Katya, the other woman. This book grabbed me from the very first page and it was a quick read. It was a nice change of pace from all the psychological thrillers I’ve been reading lately. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest opinion.