Member Reviews

Summer read? Check. High school and queer romance? Check and check.
If you need to read something light and easy on the mind, then “My Summer of You” is it. Nagisa Furuya tells us the story of two boys, Saeki and Wataru, who start out as friends and then moves on into something more.
In many ways, it reminded me of Bloom by Kevin Panetta, which I read earlier this year although I enjoyed that book a bit more than this one. Here, we have Saeki who every boy wants to be, and every girl wants to be with. But Saeki has eyes only for Wataru. Reserved with everyone else, Saeki is quite garrulous with Wataru who is, many times, nonplussed by his presence and wonders why a boy like Saeki chose him.
However, their bond grows through the summer with their mutual love for movies. There are some turns the story takes towards the latter half, which was really unnecessary, IMO.
Overall, a cutesy read, fitting neatly into the lazy summer beach romance genre.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for my copy.

I really loved how realistic and sweet this manga was! I love me a friends to lovers romance and this was such a sweet slow-burn version of it. Watching their friendship evolve as they explored their sexualities and feelings for each other was such a joy.

If you are looking for a no-drama, realistic friends to lovers story with beautiful summer setting, 'The Summer of You' is it for you.
Additional points for movie buff characters.

4/5 star
Aaaahhh sooooo cute!!! I loved these two characters and the things they went through throughout the summer! I definitely want vol 2!

This is read from right to left (rather than the usual left to right), and I got used to that quite quickly and it didn't put me off. I really wanted to love this book. Don't get me wrong it's a sweet story, but I didn't really gel with one of the characters. I wanted to like him more than I did. That being said I would read the second volume in the series, if indeed there is one, to find out what happens with these 2 characters.

I really liked this manga. The art was easy to follow and I felt that their romance wasn’t rushed and felt genuine. Would definitely buy this to add to my collection. It was very short and sweet.

This was an okay read but I didn't really warm up to the characters. The story was alright but again I didn't ever really get invested in it.

I liked the plot because I was waiting to know more and more, so obviously as soon as I started it I had to finish it super fast, BUT I didn't like the characters that much, I mean, I understand their personalities, but I feel like something was missing.

I really enjoyed both the art style and the plot of this graphic novel and would definitely recommend this to friends, especially those that are fans of the heartstopper series as I found this to be reminiscent of that. I thought this was a great, quick read and found myself quickly immersed in the storyline and thought the characters were engaging.

Chiharu Saeki and Wataru Toda are two high school students who share a common hobby: They love to watch movies. After they meet, they become fast friends, until one day, when Chiharu confesses his love for Wataru. Wataru says that Chiharu's confession doesn't bother him, and the boys continue throughout their summer, going to pilgrimages to see film spots from their favorite movies. But the more time he spends with Chiharu, Wataru realizes that he may not only be as unaffected by Chiharu's confession as he claimed to be, but those feelings may also be mutual...
If this manga have to be compared to anything, it would be a hot chocolate cake because it was soft, fluffy and warm. I honestly loved the book. From the storyline to the illustrations everything seemed so good.
It is probably the best BL manga I have read till now. Honestly, it is difficult to tell how I felt while reading it because it just made my day so much better. It was so romantic and dreamy. Omg!🥺
Do read this book.

This is the first BL manga I have got to read on NetGalley and I was so excited to read "The Summer of You" by Nagisa Furuya. I loved it so much!!!!
The art style is beautiful and lovely to look at, the character design is subtle and warm, and the atmosphere is fizzing and bubbling in intensity as the relationship between the two characters builds, too.
The summer storm symbolism is very strong in this volume,the first of more to come, which I will definitely pick up as a physical copy! A must buy!
This really couldn't be anything less than a 5 star rating, could it?! It had to be!

Overall, this was a very middle of the road manga for me. I have issue re Chiharu’s childhood and how that fits into the overall story. I think the story would have worked just fine without it and probably made it better.
On the hole (excluding the mentioned storyline) I liked The Summer of You. If was a nice story and didn’t make the change from friendship to relationship too fast. I thought the pacing was done well for the length of the manga and appreciate Wataru’s emotional journey. The art was pleasant and as a standalone I think it does fine.

This was really cute and is definitely something I’d like to read more of. The characters friendship is sweet and even after one of the boys admitting feelings, they still get on so well and things blossom. I liked seeing how they first met and that their sexuality and who they are attracted to wasn’t a big thing that had to be named. While that’s great, sometimes it’s nice to just read and discover things as you go.

This was such a sweet and wholesome story. Their relationship felt so real and the dialogues were well-written.
And the bonus stories were so cute!! I really liked the art style too. I need more!

The truth is that I did not have high expectations because it is a one-volume manga and although there are some very good ones, most of them do not fully develop the characters and this is not the exception, even so I liked it, it is a beautiful story, i highly recommended for those who are starting reading BL manga

It's more of a 3.7 star. If it's possible for a book to be the same level of endearing and sad, this book achieved it. These boys are unlikely best friends, and I loved that everyone in their school was just...confused by their friendship but they just fit together.
There were a few awkward parts in the story telling. And toward the end in the "bonus" parts I wasn't sure if Wataru had really accepted his feelings or the relationship or if they were just like awkward friends again but then they kissed again so...
And Saeki just moving away like whoop gone was odd. Like I said just awkward spots in the storytelling. But that happens in manga sometimes. Maybe I'm just being harsh bc I've had a bad reading month haha. It was still very cute and I liked it. I would definitely read more.

This was such a sweet friends to lovers story and a breath of fresh air. Usually lgbt manga has a lot of toxic masculinity and horrible situations arise but this was such a refreshing read. It was realistic and a cute manga to pick up if you just need a break from the hustle and bustle of fantasy etc.

This magna follows the story of 2 high school boys. This was so cute and adorable. I thought the characters were well developed and relatable. I thought that their storyline together and apart were entertaining and easy to follow. This was a very easy and entertaining read. I highly recommend this! I can't wait for the next volume.

The Summer of You follows two boys, Wataru & Chiharu, in which Chiharu confesses his feeling and love towards Wataru, which wonderfully, doesn’t bother or push Wataru away, but along the way, Wataru starts to come to terms with his own feelings.
This was a short and sweet coming of age manga, and I adored the bonding between both boys and how their feelings advanced for each other. It’s a really soft read, the art is lovely and I’m definitely looking forward to the next volume.

Beautiful storytelling and excellent graphics! I really enjoyed this one. At first, I was not sure about the backstory, but when I found out I was like woooow, did not expect that. I thought the story was centered only on the relationship evolving from friendship to love, but I got to acknowledge so much more about the main characters.
Can not wait to read more from this author!