Member Reviews

I read this one in a day - it was brilliant! Full of twists and surprises. I was gripped straight away; wanting to find out the back story of all the characters and what was going to happen.
The characters were likable for the most part and so many little hints were dropped about their past you had to keep reading.
I enjoyed the fact the book started in the middle of the story, then jumped back to the start - knowing what was coming made it all the more tense.
Although I thought I had it worked out, I really didn't know whodunnit until right at the end! Really recommended.

Hooked from the start in this twisty psychological thriller by one of my favourite authors! It's a story about grief, love, loss, secrets, lies and how far you would go to help those you love. All the stars!!

I’ve received an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review thanks to NetGalley. I thought this novel was full of mystery and suspense. So unpredictable. It had me on the edge of my seat guessing what was going to happen next pretty much the entire book. Which I absolutely love. I’ve only read two books by Louise Jensen, this novel and her other novel I’ve read was the Sister and that was excellent as well. Definitely makes me want to read more of her work. #AllForYou #NetGalley

Rating: 2.2/5
It has been a few years since I read Louise Jensen's first three novels, which were all solid, perfectly enjoyable psychological thrillers. As other readers will appreciate, there are so many books out there, but, by comparison, so little time to read them all. As a result, it has taken until the arrival of this, her seventh book, for me to return to this author's work. Although there were aspects of it that I thought worked well, overall it left me feeling frustrated and disappointed.
"All For You" tells the story of Lucy Walsh, her husband, Aidan and their sons Connor and Kieron, with the latter being the only one of the four not to have the narrative told from his perspective. The story is divided into three parts, although "Part Three" is really little more than an epilogue.
I have to say that I found the first half of the novel pretty hard work. The story opens with quite a staccato style of writing, with very short, or even only one-word sentences frequently being employed by the author. In the opening section this is effective and succeeds in creating a sense of urgency and breathlessness. However, this same staccato technique is to be seen on numerous occasions throughout the rest of the novel too. It is overused, ceases to have the desired effect and becomes quite grating. This is one of the factors in the first half of the book that lead to it becoming overly melodramatic, rather than building tension. There are repeated references to various secrets that the principle characters are hiding, but without the nature of those secrets being divulged until much later in the story. This constant carrot-dangling and promises of "jam tomorrow" just became tiresome and boring.
With the move into the second half of the book and the arrival of "Part Two" matters did improve and there were signs of hope that many of the ills of the first half could be put aside and largely forgotten about. The pace certainly improved markedly, but some engaging and impressive elements of the story were tarnished and overshadowed by other strands of the narrative that stretched credulity and were ridiculously far-fetched.
"All For You" has its moments, but it certainly isn't Louise Jensen's best work.

A thought provoking read. Lots of twists and turns, the story did not end up where I expected. Deeply psychological the story unravels slowly and your perceptions and allegiances shift continually.

What a great read it tells the story of the Walsh family Mum Lucy,Dad Aidan and Connor and Kieron their sons and involves their close friends.
Everyone has theirs secrets what will happen if they are revealed.?
I was hooked by this story plenty of twists and turns to keep me engaged Louise Jenson knows how to set a scene brilliantly.
I thought I'd worked the ending out but I was wrong which I loved.
I would highly recommend this book.
Thank you to Netgalley and HQ for the ARC

Goodness what a page turner!!!! To start with I really didn’t like the style but the plot & the characters drew me in. And the plot was so complicated in the last few chapters. Brilliant book.

Another book that I whizzed through in a day with the gripping prologue I knew I’d be hooked. Told in different narratives I was completely captivated! Perfect for those who love a good thriller

Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Aidan and Lucy are married parents of Connor, who is college age, and Kieron who is a few years younger and has a condition that affects his liver. Weird things start happening, their best friend Fergus up and leaves his family abruptly and no one can contact him, and Connor's two best friends go missing.
I didn't love this one and I have not liked this author's recent work as much as I liked her earlier work. The issue with this one was that it was told from multiple points of view - Lucy, Aidan, and Connor, and all of them kept eluding to these secrets and things that happened in the past with not even a clue to the reader about what these things entailed. There was so much referring to these things and so little info dispensed in the first 50-60% that I totally lost interest. I started skimming just to be done with it, but then finally we got to know what some of the secrets were and things got very crazy at the end. If we would have gotten more info upfront, which wouldn't have ruined the story, I would have been more engaged throughout and would have liked this novel much more but the ending was certainly one that I could not have guessed. I may give this author one more shot, and hope for the best only based on my enjoyment of her earlier work.

Familial Domestic Suspense….
The Walsh family. A family with a lot to hide. A family with many secrets. Will it be their downfall? Suspenseful, familial domestic suspense with an intriguing storyline, some difficult themes, and a wholly credible cast of characters. Plenty of twists and turns along the way to a tense and, perhaps, unexpected denouement.

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who loves a good thriller. It got off to a great start with the prologue. It really drew me in and sparked my interest straight away, forcing me to read long into the night. This was a gripping story, full of red herrings and many twists and turns. The suspense was high, but I wish that some of the secrets could have been revealed earlier in the story. I was a little frustrated times that I didn’t know what was going on. I felt such empathy for all the characters and what they were going through, particularly Kieron – there were times when I wanted to cry for him, and his family. Those of us with healthy children are so blessed. I liked the author's writing style, including the clipped/one word sentences which I don't normally enjoy. Here, they added to the drama. The only things I found disappointing were the ending, which I found unbelievable, and the proofreading errors which I found irritating.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced review copy in return for an honest review.

Told from the different perspectives of the Walsh family. a family hanging on by a thread.
I particularly liked the relationship between the Mum and teen it speaks volumes about the challenging and emotive experienced in the complex world of parenting a teen.
A family thriller full of suspense, suspicion. drama and twists and turns aplenty.
A talented author who knows how to build the tension to a crescendo and bring the characters to life.

Lucy is mother to her two sons, Kieran and Connor. Lucy has given up her career as a surgeon to look after Kieran.
The story is told from the perspective of Lucy, husband Aidan and Connor.
It flips from character to character and I struggled to keep a check on each of them, their story and all of the secrets and lies.
As soon as I thought I had the measure of everyone I was thrown a curveball. This book wasn’t an easy read, it wasn’t one I could read a couple of chapters, do something else and go back to it because for me it was hard work.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

I was expecting to really enjoy this book and was delighted to be offered an ARC but I'm sorry to say this is one that I just could not finish. Maybe I will go back - I hate not finishing books . I have found the plot to be too opaque to draw me in and I haven't yet managed to care about any of the characters. The allusions to the wrong that the young people have done have irritated me.

Wow! This book is amazingly hard to put down as there is so much going on, and so many questions about what is going on.
Highly recommended!

Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. 'All for You' was gripping with the tension building from the start. Jensen built a lot of empathy for Connor. The conclusion was unexpected.

I took a little while to get into this story but boy did it suck me in when I did!! Lucy, mother of two boys Kieran and Connor lives a very stressed life. She has given up work to care for her very ill son Kieran. That's where the story starts and then we hear about other factors that have added to Lucy's stress....
This story has a hidden depth that I didn't initially see. As I read more, I found lots more to the story and I don't want to give it away!!! Rest assured, you will love this book, be surprised by this book and had a lot of feelings about the situation you find Lucy and her husband Aidan in. So I highly recommend you read it!!!
Thanks to Netgalley for the free ARC book for an honest review

All For You follows Lucy, her husban Aiden, and her son Connor as she tries to keep her family together after an event shooks their family.
The story is told from the three points of view of the main characters. Can you trust any of them?
This book was great! I enjoyed trying to figure out the various mysteries involving this family... I would never have guessed!
Disclosure: I would like to thank the publisher and author for my advanced review copy of the book. This is my honest review

Another superb thriller from Louise Jensen. I raced though this book as I really couldn’t put it down, full of lots of red herrings to keep you in suspense until the very end, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

All For You is an incredibly twisty thriller that explores the fragility of a person’s mind, and what a seemingly ordinary person is capable of when driven to despair. Narrated from three different perspectives, the novel pushes the sub-genre of domestic noir not only into that of crime but also borders on the gothic.
Lucy is an orthopaedic surgeon who has given up her career to care for her sick teenage son, Kieron. She is characterised as a caring wife and mother, and with her perspective being delivered through a first-person narrative, is the character that the reader becomes mostly invested in. But like most first-person narratives, it is what is left out that makes this narrator so unreliable. How far can we trust her?
Aiden is a vet, and Lucy’s husband. With his own dedicated chapters, his perspective is told through a focalised third-person narrator. We learn very early on that he’s hiding a secret – but this isn’t as obvious as it first appears. As the anonymous person behind Aiden’s secret is revealed - as well as the secret itself – you won’t be able to turn those pages fast enough to discover what is going on! Although my first thought as to who this person was turned out to be wrong, it was relevant to something much further in the past. I’m not saying any more than that! Omg this is sooo twisty, you wouldn’t believe!
Connor is Lucy’s eldest son. He also has his own focalised third-person chapters. The novel’s prologue reveals something terrible has happened to Connor, and with his two best friends (Ryan and Tyler) recently having gone missing, it is the events leading up to Connor’s disappearance that the story centres around.
As the narrative flashes back in time, we see Connor, Ryan, and Tyler starting back at sixth form. It is revealed that whilst away at summer camp, a teenage dare went wrong and something terrible happened to Connor’s girlfriend, Hailey. I don’t want to include any spoilers so won’t say what happens or who exactly Hailey is – but it is the events surrounding the accident and what Connor and his friends did that summer that give a sense of unease and feeling that something even worse is about to happen. However, as the novel reaches its conclusion, its title All for You becomes even more significant. As somebody who devours psychological thrillers by the bucket load, there aren’t many twists that I don’t see coming – but I can honestly say this shocking conclusion left me gobsmacked.
I would recommend this book for anybody who enjoys a really twisty read, where the absurd and the possible merge.