Member Reviews

Enjoyable and heartwarming with a little festiveness!
I really enjoyed this, it's a wonderful second-chance,/will-they-won't-they/ Christmas avoider who slowly changes her mind about the season romance! I loved the writing and how it flicked back and forth between the characters, I have always preferred this kind of narrative it really allows me to get to know each of the characters in turn, the story is so enjoyable and not just about Christmas it's, it's full of heart and warmth and genuine emotion. I liked the progression and the journey the characters go on, its steady pacing keeps you turning the pages, though I didn't think the ended suited the overall story but other than that it's very enjoyable and definitely a recommended read!

I thoroughly enjoyed this one and had a lot of fun reading it. I really liked the plot and the authors writing - this is my first book of hers but I would definitely reach out for more of her work.

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

This was my first time reading a book from the author but I am delighted to say I thoroughly enjoyed the story and I look forward to reading more books from the writer in the future!

I am way behind the times in reading this but definitely should have picked it up much sooner, I don’t think I’d realised how much of an emotional and heart tugging story this was going to be….
The book has chapters from both Josie and Max’s points of view which I really like in a book as you get to know what both of the characters are feeling and it gives a wholesome feel to the book.
Josie is such a realistic, and down to earth character that I think we can all relate to in part which makes you really sympathise with her and it’s almost as if you’re going through everything with her, both the highs and the lows!
I also actually really liked Max, from the start you get the sense that he’s holding something back that’s causing him quite a bit of emotional pain but I would never have guessed what it was, boy did that come as a shock!
This book left me feeling a little shaken and unsteady, wanting to grab those near to you and hold them that little bit closer. Such a powerful and moving book and I don’t think I’ll get over that ending in a while! It’s almost a little bit of a shame as the rest of the book was really good too and I was really enjoying it and you just can’t picture it going the way it does.
Before I ruin it I’m just going to say, do yourself a favour, grab a box of tissues, get tucked in for the night and get reading!

Not really for me sadly but I sure many others will enjoy , just not my cup of tea I’m afraid
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy in return for an honest review

Josie never looks forward to Christmas as it is just an annual reminder of the enormous loss she suffered 20 years ago.
Max had plans in New York for Christmas and now he is stuck in London for a few extra days...all alone.
When they quite literally bump into each other both see this as a chance to actually enjoy Christmas.
After a disappointing DNF for our last buddy read last month Sharada picked the much praised Always in December by Emily Stone which was hopefully a safe bet of a good read. It did not disappoint!
We had both heard it was a tearjerker but that's all we knew so we were on tenterhooks throughout as to when our emotions were going to be hit hard. It definitely delivered on that front, although I didn't cry I had a serious lump in my throat and was completely blindsided. In fact I was surprised numerous times by the way Josie and Max's story twisted and turned over the course of a year. I don't think I have ever wanted a pair to get together as much as this couple. They were both so good for each other but misunderstandings and circumstance kept getting in the way. However I did feel at one point the course of true love did seem extraordinarly drawn out. I didn't find this book overly Christmassy so really could be read any time and it captured a few of my favourite cities perfectly. With this book Emily Stone has combined romance, intrigue and emotion which always makes for the perfect page turner.

didn’t really warm to this, unfortunately. couldn’t see an initial spark between the two main characters and felt a mismatch of personalities

Lovely book to read. It was slow in parts. The book was well written. Good plot. Like a plot from a Christmas movie. Had me in tears in parts. I expected a great read. But the ending blew my mind. Not what I was expecting at all

3.75 stars, rounded up to 4 - Not a story to be read by anyone who wants or needs to be cheered up by a nice, cosy romance in fact a pack of tissues should be issued with it! Josie, as she does every Christmas, posts a letter to her parents but on this occasion there’s a mishap in the form of Max, a handsome stranger of course. They spend a few days together plus manage to be in the same place several times but nothing really goes on. There’s constant interruptions when anything of consequence is about to be said, something I hate. It is eminently readable, very easy to get into and involved in and the cover is great. But a happy book - NO!

Oh this was lovely. Such a gorgeously romantic Christmas read; it's wonderful escapism! I loved it, it's well written and leaves you wanting more

Overall this book just wasn’t for me. It’s a pleasant read by all means, but I just couldn’t relate to the characters as much.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. While I enjoyed certain aspects of this book I struggled with some of it. I will look out for other books from this author as I did like the style of the writing it was more the content

I enjoyed most of this book, but, as a fan of happily-ever-after-type endings in this genre I didn’t like the ending, this spoilt the book for me. I realise that not everyone gets the happy ending, but it was kind of sprung on us, although in hindsight hints were spread into the latter part of the book, and ended a little too abruptly.

This was a cute easy read! A little formulaic but an incredibly easy read and great to just fill up the time.

I started reading this book twice and whilst I loved the first section in December I just struggled with the rest. I think it's because I could feel all the sadness and heartache coming and I'm just not in the right frame of mind to be crying right now.
I'll pick this one up later but I loved the writing style and will be keeping an eye out for the authors other books!
Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Always, in December by Emily Stone was a lovely book. Well written, heartwarming but also heartbreaking. I smiled and cried throughout, I loved it. Looking forward to the next book by Emily.

I’ve seen nothing but glowing reviews for this book but I’m afraid it just didn’t work for me.
The writing was super clunky in places, and I didn’t find the love story at all moving. If anything, the characters just annoyed me.
I’d have been forgiven for thinking, given the cover and title, that this would be a nice uplifting, Christmassy read. But I’d say I would rather have read it at any other time than Christmas. It thoroughly depressed me.
Thanks to the publishers for gifting me a digital copy to review. I guess I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for this one this time.

I really liked the first half of the book. Boy meets girl, they have a misunderstanding then sort it all out and live happily ever after. Except it doesn't get sorted out, and they spend a year being morons, with really stupid reasons for not being together.
I also had major issues with the ending. It's supposed to be happy ever after in this genre. If I want a realistic portrayal of life I wouldn't be reaching for this genre.
Stay away unless you want to get annoyed, and then sob.
Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review

This was the perfect book to curl up with on a winter's afternoon though be warned - if you are looking for a light read with a neatly wrapped up story that will leave you feeling warm and cuddly, this may not be for you. But if you want a heartwarming, enjoyable story that will also bring you to tears then you should read this book.
Christmas is a difficult time for Josie as she lost her parents on Christmas Eve when she was a child, She is on her way to post the letter she writes every year to them when she knocks Max over. Max is stuck in London because his flight to the USA is cancelled - they end up spending Christmas together, but Max leaves suddenly without explanation. Their paths cross again over the course of the next year, but Max is keeping a secret that threatens to come between them.
I flew through the book and fell in love with the characters and appreciated that it had a depth to it that I hadn't expected. It's a tale of love and loss that manages to be both heartwarming and heartbreaking and I loved it!