Member Reviews

This book is very thought provoking and empowering. I love the way the book was structured- first, looking inward and then outward towards our relationships with others. As mothers, it's so easy to forget that we are our own unique person that needs care. This book does a great job at going through these topics and giving us a push to take care of ourselves.

This is a beautiful book about coming back to yourself, as a woman, and rediscovering how to connect with nature and the natural self. This would be a wonderful gift for new moms or old moms, or anyone looking to learn more and/or reconnect with the natural self.

I picked up, ‘Rewildering Motherhood’, based on the title and cover blurb alone. As a new mom I was very eager to see what insight this book might bring. There is some references to other books and bible verses. Some points referenced broken down to how we need to grow as humanity regardless but emphasized as mothers. We are ever evolving and being adaptable is key.
I found this book to be helpful as coming into motherhood as a spiritual women. As a large emphasis to be open to change and be introspective. Social perspective and feminism. Motherhood=hospitality was an interesting perspective which I will have to dive into further. I definitely preferred part 1 over part 2 in this book. To be able to come into in our own. That we as women are not necessarily ‘lost’ as we become mothers to allow space for us engage with our passions. To bring awareness to ourselves what this may look like. I appreciated the thought to stop and ask ourselves reflective questions. Give ourselves grace and to realize that all is out of our control. We can choose to press pause and be introspective and allow internal growth in motherhood. Each of us has our own story and spirituality of what this looks like in our own lives unique to our own lives.
Thank you to Netgalley, Baker Academic & Brazos Press | Brazos Press and Shannon K. Evans
for this ARC digital copy.

Absolutely beautiful book about reclaiming womanhood amidst the busyness of motherhood. I love Shannon’s writing and her words always touch my soul.

This wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, though I wasn’t totally sure what to expect. I enjoyed the discussion of rewilding but for me it didn’t quite hit the spot I was hoping it to. Granted, I think I’m in a more conservative setting than the author, which might be why. I should re-read it to see what I think later.

A poignant piece on reclaiming motherhood, breaking generational curses, and authentically mothering from a position of healing and grace. A must-read for new or expecting mothers!

I think most mothers can relate to at some point questioning purpose and identity in the journey of motherhood.
Shannon is a gentle guide, leading us towards finding God and finding ourselves in the midst of caring for little people. She weaves together her personal process as well as careful research that honestly pushes the boundaries in a beautiful and meaningful way.
Reading Shannon’s words felt like taking a deep breath and releasing a heavy burden. I think even if you don’t land exactly where she does theologically, you’ll still be urged on to see motherhood in a different, more fulfilling, light.
I love this quote from her chapter on Cultivating Patience: When we cultivate patience as a spiritual practice, we learn to love ourselves for our small but earnest attempts at self-betterment; in doing so, we learn to love those around us for theirs. We begin to believe that being is higher than doing, that awareness of higher than hustle. Radical patience says, “I will not be owned by another—whether mass marketing, family members, economics, or culture.” Patience is stubborn, defiant, and unstoppable. Patience is a woman who belongs to herself.

Unfortunately, I was not a fan of much of the content of Rewilding Motherhood. I appreciated the author's aim to give women a fresh view of motherhood that represents our spirituality and wholeness as humans, not just mothers or society's views of what a mother should be. I admit, I found some parts encouraging - such as the chapter on gentleness, and those on anger and spirituality. However, much of the book made me feel judged or that I was not enough...not feminist enough, not contemplative enough, not caring enough. Something about the tone of this book, as a whole, did not sit right with me. I did take away some nuggets and that is good enough for me.
Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for an eARC. All opinions are my own.

Rewilding Motherhood is a great look at the disconnect many mothers have with themselves and their faith. For any mother at any stage of their journey solace is found in these pages. Evans draws on her Catholicism and her own motherhood journey adding mysticism, contemplation, and embodiment. It is a great source of encouragement.

This book took a minute to get into for me. It was well done and laid out nicely it was maybe to tone at first that made me pause. I did enjoy it as I moved forward in the chapters.

This book really got me out of a reading rut. Shannon's writing is beautiful and also incredibly easy to read. She is challenging and gives a lot of practical, spiritual advice for moms in a stage of life like me. Even though I didn't fully agree with each and every perspective, it was refreshing and challenging. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a reboot to their spiritual journey as a mom, or simply a fresh perspective.

There may be nothing new under the sun, as Ecclesiastes tells us, but Shannon K. Evans puts a fresh spin on motherhood, from the Biblical to the cultural expectations, moving on to contemporary ideals. The idea of women as more than mothers has been taking off for at least half a century, to the point that feminism has come under assault and some women yearn for the days when it was "enough" just to want to be a wife and mother. (I've heard this from Millennial women who are half my age..) Even if this book offered nothing "new," it would be offering much-needed reminders, because even though we hear marvelous insights and inspiring words, we tend to forget them, or fail to internalize them. One of the fresh twists we get from Evans may amount to her appropriating another term, "rewilding," but she grabs this ball and runs with it and SHE SCORES.
As a prairie-planting guerilla gardner and contemplative, I say "Bravo!" to this analogy:
“To rewild a piece of land is to allow it to return to its original state: biodiverse and flourishing as nature intended," Evans writes in her introduction. "Rewilded land will look unkempt to the outside observer, but in actuality it is thriving--a fact proven by its self-regulatory and self-sustaining ecosystem.” So, too, motherhood may be stripped of centuries of order and structure as we challenge old assumptions and ideals.
This is not a conventional "Christian" book exhorting us to live up to the standards of saints and martyrs. This is a liberating view of mothering for anyone from any religion or walk of life. (I might dare to assert that this is a book for thousands of generations of women, not "birth persons" or men who seek to become pregnant.)
Not surprisingly, Evans has read and quoted "Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype" by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, but Evans is very well-read and has done a great job of internalizing the wisdom of many women authors. She quotes the best of them, from the saints to contermporary writers like Sue Monk Kidd and Terry Tempest Williams.
Certain themes in this book reminded me of another classic, "Diapers, Pacifiers, and Other Holy Things" by Lorraine M. Pintus. In 1995, PIntus wrote of praying while on her knees, scrubbing floors, praying through all the daily chores of wife/motherhood. Evans adds to this:
“The vast majority of the living that you do takes places within the walls of your home, with the people you most take for granted....The way we speak, not just about our own bodies but to the souls under our roof, is sacred. Equitable division of household labor is sacred. Sex is sacred. Scrubbing toilets is sacred. Planting a garden is sacred....When I say sacred, I don’t just mean that these everyday actions are worthy of our time and protection, but that they are an actual portal to the divine life...the people and actions that make up our lives are seeds of divine encounter. If we treat them as seeds must be treated—with intentionality, care and consistency—they will sprout, blossom, and bear fruit..”
Another book came to mind as I read this one: "A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband 'Master' "by Rachel Held Evans. Here again was a young woman, very well read, with meticulously researched ideas and insights. You can read both books without coming across any redundancy of information.
Evans touches on so many writers and mystics, I need to take notes and review the names and quotes, trying to retain all this information, and above all to internalize some of these concepts. My Kindle is packed full of highlights - so many great lines and insights to share. It will take me a long time to summarize the best of the best, and I am seriously overdue in reviewing this book, so I will mention just a few insights that stayed with me:
"Where is the icon of the mystic with one baby on the hip, a toddler crying at their feet, cooking dinner with one hand, trying to finish work on a laptop with the other?"
"... the myth of the ever-accessible mother: the mother who will always give tirelessly, smile tenderly, respond patiently, and accept the hand she has been dealt with endless grace and ease."
"Real mothers lose it, pick themselves back up, dost off their ego, hug their child, and try it again."
Evans is not exclusively Catholic in her belief system. She quotes Jewish and Buddhist scholars, feminists, contemporary essayists, and of course the saints. "All manner of events transpire in life," Buddhist priest Karen Maezen Miller reflects in her book "Momma Zen," reminding us that we should abandon the idea of failure and mistakes: Only in the mind, "our judging, critical, labeling mind," do we experience *mistakes.* Words like 'There you go again," and and "why can't you get it right" comprise a "nonstop narrative" to our lives.
Some readers like the discussion questions at the end of each chapter. I've been seeing it in a lot of books lately. I skip these parts. I'd give this book five stars for the themes, wisdom quoted from the saints, and inspiring ideas, and pretend I didn't see the annoying and intrusive questions for readers to ponder and discuss.
Thank you to Brazos Press, Shannon Evans, and NetGalley for providing a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Based on the idea of letting natural spaces go back to the way they were when they were left to be wild, Shannon Evans's latest book encourages moms of all ages and stages to do the same. This was a refreshing look at the call of moms in the lives of our children, and an encouragement to me to give myself grace in this season of littles. If you're a mom, you will appreciate this book!

This book is an absolute gift. I've already started planning out who will be receiving this as a present, because there are so many women I know who would benefit from it. The author manages to be both calming and challenging in her language; her voice is strong and gentle as she tenderly massages emotionally sore places. I highly recommend it.

First, let’s all just take a moment to admire this gorgeous cover. 😍 I swooned when I saw it—such beautiful cover art! @shannonkevans’s words inside are just as much a work of art.
In her introduction, she writes: “To rewild a piece of land is to allow it to return to its original state: biodiverse and flourishing as nature intended. Rewilded land will look unkempt to the outside observer, but in actuality it is thriving--a fact proven by its self-regulatory and self-sustaining ecosystem” (xi).
This book is a fascinating, mystical ode to this idea of rewilding as it pertains to motherhood. I particularly loved her chapter on the spiritual teaching of household labor. The book as a whole is much more mystical than what I usually read, but the lessons I can apply to my role as a woman, a homemaker, and a mother, are powerful. I loved the meditations/spiritual practices Evans provides at the end of each chapter.
My favorite part of the book is the chapter on incarnational theology for mothers:
“The vast majority of the living that you do takes places within the walls of your home, with the people you most take for granted. If you are called to a life of incarnation, of bearing witness to the reality of a God who is fully present, then the minutiae of home life are what matter most. To live incarnationally in our homes is to treat life as sacred. The way we speak, not just about our own bodies but to the souls under our roof, is sacred. Equitable division of household labor is sacred. Sex is sacred. Scrubbing toilets is sacred. Planting a garden is sacred....When I say sacred, I don’t just mean that these everyday actions are worthy of our time and protection, but that they are an actual portal to the divine life...the people and actions that make up our lives are seeds of divine encounter. If we treat them as seeds must be treated—with intentionality, care and consistency—they will sprout, blossom, and bear fruit. And we will kneel on holy ground” (147-148). Powerful, right?
Thank you for the ARC, @brazospress, in exchange for my honest review.

I have been a fan of Shannon Evans since I first encountered her. A seeker who challenges herself and everyone who reads her to go deeper, she is not satisfied with the status quo, and she won't let us be, either. This makes her books a soul challenge in the best of ways. Because isn't soul challenge, after all, what a life in faith is all about?
Rewilding Motherhood is pointed toward motherhood, but it was not so much as mother, but as woman that I interacted with this book. I am a traditional kind of gal who has been dragged by God, through life experiences, into a less traditional view of many (though by no means all) things surrounding faith. In Evans work I find myself looking at the familiar, but also taken beyond my comfort zone.
What does it mean for women of faith, having grown up in a structure where faith is defined by the male, not the female, experience? What if those male-driven norms train us to damage ourselves by more and more self-emptying instead of recognizing that without good mental health, we can't really nurture those in our care? What does our compulsion to control tell us about our inner life? Why do we insist we ought to be seeking contentment? What if our lack of contentment is a holy clarion call?
Rewilding Motherhood asks hard questions--at times liberating, at times resonating so deep, it's like a gong went off in my soul, and at times well beyond what I'm comfortable contemplating. Not everything in this book landed on fertile ground. Some of it I am not ready for. Perhaps I never will be. But faith is not here to make us feel good. It's here to challenge us to grow, and this book does that.

I loved this and the passages within this book. It was very refreshing to read as a mother to a toddler and being pregnant. It is better than reading any other pregnancy/motherhood book.

In Rewilding Motherhood, Shannon K. Evans takes the concept of rewilding and attempts to apply it to feminine spirituality. For years, women have been told that motherhood will complete them. But many women still long for a deeper spiritual connection with God. Evans encourages women to use motherhood as an opportunity to connect with a deeper knowledge of God and self. Topics include: identity, work-life balance, and solitude.
I was really excited about the premise of this book. I think there's a lot here to explore. However, the first chapter was so full of red flags. From the first page, the author asserts that society has told women that they'll be fulfilled from being mothers. This statement alone is completely contrary to today's view of motherhood which has been greatly devalued. Evan goes on to talk about how women have sacrificed themselves on the alters of their husbands and children. Not only did I find this statement offensive, but also untrue. There's was so many condescending statements just within the first few chapters of this book; I became so frustrated with the author that I just couldn't go any further. All in all, Rewilding Motherhood felt very poorly researched, very self-helpish, and incredibly judgmental. I just can't recommend this book for anyone.
*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

It’s time to “reimagine motherhood as the spiritually empowering experience it should be.” --Shannon K. Evans
I’ll be honest--I typically avoid Christian books on motherhood.
When Rewilding Motherhood popped up in my available advance reader copies, I quickly dismissed it.
Most Christian books on motherhood are too sappy, too gender-stereotyped, too shaming.
Rewilding Motherhood is not your mama’s Christian motherhood book.
It is feminist. It is gutsy. It is contemplative. It will cultivate a deeper spiritual practice for mothers who want to engage their hearts and spirit in the midst of the demands of motherhood. I even think it will encourage non-mothers who want to grow in contemplative practices too.
I highly recommend Rewilding Motherhood for any woman who is spiritually hungry for more.

This book is so beautiful and hearwarming. As a new mother myself, the advice Shannon Evans gives is so timely for this period of my life. She does a wonderful job of mixing practical insights and a conversational tone with deep thoughts and eloquent writing. I loved this book.