Member Reviews

Oh this was such a unique story!! I have never read anything quite like it and it was such an engaging storyline full of interesting characters! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

I unfortunately forgot to download the e-book on my kindle before it was archived and/or lost interest in the book because it’s been on my tbr for way too long, so I wasn’t able to read and review it (on time). Since I Must give a star rating, I’ve given it 3 stars to stay neutral/in the middle. Sorry to the publisher for not having gotten around to actually read it. I never request a book without the best of intention to read it and review it, since I know how important it is to the authors in particular. But sometimes life happens and/or reading preferences change so much that you just don’t always get around to read a certain book anymore, even though at the time of requesting I was definitely planning to actually read it of course.

I liked the story; however, the writing left a lot to be desired. The dialogue, for instance, was stiff and often felt unnatural. There were also a few plot points that needed further explanations. Although the magic system had potential, it was difficult to understand what an “indiviym” was and what it meant for Amelie to be a DeathReaper. I was left with a lot of questions. While I found The DeathReaper to be interesting, I am unlikely to continue the series. (2.5 stars rounded to 3 stars)

Sadly, this book wasn't really for me and I ended up having to DNF it. I enjoyed the premise and some of the characters were interesting enough, but the writing was a little bland for a YA book and lacked description. It was hard to visualise what was happening so I lost interest fairly quick. So sorry, I really wanted to enjoy this book!

This book needed a lot of work mainly because of a lack of consistency and explanation which made it hard to enjoy. It would have benefited from a index at the beginning or the end for world building terminology. I found myself totally lost because the author didn't supply enough information for the reader to really dig into the world.

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This book had an amazing plot, but I felt the characters were a bit hard to connect to.
Thank you kindly to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this review copy.

This story was interesting, and I felt like I wasn’t reading a finished copy???? Like it was still in the editing phase… but oh well.
The plot was interesting- our main character has powers, but has been raised to hide them at all costs… until the day comes that she can’t. Interesting,

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to review this book.
Recommend for anyone looking for a different twist on reapers.
3 stars

This was a really good read.
I enjoyed it thoroughly, it was alight fun read and I will anticipate its sequel
Amelie Weathers is a dangerous person, all because she has the power of the DeathReaper. A power she didn't want and that her parents resent her for. We follow as she learns about her powers from Kane Blackwell who is also a DeathReaper.
I thought this was a very interesting concept. We are introduced to a world of indivyms- powers that are in your DNA and control your job outlooks. However, I felt that the explanations were very lackluster and confusing. I didn't feel very connected to Amelie and her character was not very interesting to me.
However, her mentor and new host Kane were very interesting. As Amelie is exposed to his past via memories now that their souls are entwined was cool to read. I felt he was a much more fleshed-out character.
I cant wait to see where their journey leads them

I really enjoy the storyline about Amelie. The young girl lived some where that didn’t care much for her or her powers. She was always put down, Finally she meets someone like her with the same powers. This a book i would recommend but a few thing should of been changed or though out a bit more. But overall an enjoyable read.

OMG the characters I love Amelie and Kane so much. It has great world building, and unfolds beautifully.I love the growth Amelia experiences from the beginning of the story Amelia didn't enjoy much due to people judging her and intentionally hurting her. Do yourselves a favor and read it.

I am annoyed with the fact that the word ‘DeathReaper’ has a random caps letter in the middle of it.
I don’t know where to start.
Its not like I ever do.
The DeathReaper was a very ~interesting~ book.
The Synopsis:
Nineteen-year-old Amelie Weathers wishes she could live like a normal girl, yet each day she is reminded of what will never be. In the world of Indivix Corp, powers dictate your entire life—from your job, to how people perceive you—and with Amelie’s uniquely dangerous indiviym, she would be executed on the spot if her secret was revealed.
Still, it grows increasingly difficult to stay in the shadows. When she meets runaway scientist Kane Blackwell, forces beyond her control drive her into the limelight. An evil led by an Omniviym named Alexander Kord will stop at nothing to level and corrupt major cities across the country. Under Kane’s guidance and instruction, Amelie must awaken the powerful indiviym within her to protect the world from the evils that are crawling to the surface.
The Plot:
The Plot is basically the synopsis. Amelie is shunned for her what she can do even by her own parents. Well, parent.
Dangerous people are on the hunt for her indiviym. She harnesses new powers so basically that kind of novel.
The Writing:
I liked the writing it wasn’t bad. It DID fail to connect with me somewhere along 70% to 90% of the book issoke.
The Word Building:
The world building intrigued me. The whole concept of indiviym is thrilling except, I don’t know what an Indiviym means 😊
I don’t where the setting is too
I don’t know.
That’s my whole mood with this book.
I don’t know.
Yet, it was capturing.
I don’t know why.
I should stahp saying I don’t know.
We don’t get much character depth so I don’t know what to think of it…
Amelie is okay. I like it <3
This definitely was a good read except ~I don’t know~ my exact thoughts BECAUSE I DIDN’T REVIEW IT SOONER! UGH ME!
Awaiting the second book.

This book hooks you right away! The Death Reaper is a wonderful combination of modern world and magic. I love that there is science involved, however, the scientists are largely the bad guys which I feel is fairly typical in mystery style books. There are tons of twists and turns, betrayals and new friendships. This book is categorized as Teen/YA but I feel that people of any age would enjoy it. It's a fun, quick read.

I picked up this book due to the promising synopsis and genre, but I can´t help but feel a little disappointed. I was often confused at times and had to reread some paragraphs in order to understand the plot fully. The characters in this book are completely despicable, apart from Amelie and Kane, so I feel very strongly about those, specially Lyn. Amelie and Kane are two characters that I truly enjoyed, and I´m curious to see how their story will progress in the upcoming books. The world-building had a good concept, but I feel like it could be better developed. One thing that I loved about this book, was how it depicts the worst traits of human kind, specifically greed. It shows us how greed can ruin so many lives and how it affects their own selves. Overall, despite not loving this book, I´m intrigued to read upcoming novels from this author!

The story got me hooked. I really like the idea and the intrigues that are set up in the book. 🤩
The writing, however, leaves something to be desired. 😐
The world building was not fleshed out enough (I can still not tell you what a DeathReaper or Indiviym is...). There is also a lot of jumping around in the text: jumping forward in time, jumping around in POVs within the same paragraph. 😯
It all became very confusing and all over the place. 😬
What a shame, because with some portions, I was well and truly hooked. 😍 And then something extremely confusing and for no reason would happen, and I would be pulled out of the story again. 😔
I do believe this writer has a lot of potential in her ideas, she just needs to practice her writing skills and ask advice from very good editors and alpha readers. 😉
I won't be continuing with this series, BUT I will be following their career, though, since I am very curious as to what will come next. 🤩💙

I really struggled with this book - the writing and pacing didn’t work for me and I had trouble getting into it. I didn’t connect with any of the characters and lost interest very quickly.
I think it would be more suitable aimed towards teenagers rather than young adults due to the simple tone and lack of descriptive writing.
The overall premise is incredibly promising, but unfortunately wasn’t executed very well, in my opinion.
Thank you to the publisher for the ARC, and best of luck to the author.

A complete rollercoaster of a read. Starts of nice and slow and then you're hit with the deep dive followed by twists and turns. Spectacular in every way!

Thank you for allowing me to preview this title. I did not finish reading it, putting it down at 30%. There was a tremendous amount of world building but the story seemed lost in it and was just moving to slowly for me. It was just not my cup of tea. I wish you all the best with your endeavor.

“Let me be the first to welcome you to the Isle of Labanan.”
In this story, we follow nine-teen-year-old Amelia Weathers who wishes to live a normal life. The powers you have can dictate your entire life depending on the type and amount of power you wield. Yet Amelia lives with a secret and if anyone found out, she would be killed without a second thought.
As she grows older, her secret becomes increasingly difficult to contain until she meets Kane Blackwell who happens to be on the run from Indivix Corp, the company that would kill Amelia if they found out her secret.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book as it was, in a way, different from other fantasy books but contained a similarity at the same time. I found the plot to be (at the majority of the time) fast paced and had a lot of twists that i didn’t expect. For the parts of the story that were slower paced, we get to learn more about Amelia, her power and see more into the relationships between her and other characters.
The book was written really well but at times it felt like we were expected to know certain information before hand which made some of it confusing. There are also multiple POVs in this book but sometimes it was hard to figure out who’s perspective we were reading from as there were no titles to same who it was.
“My indiviym was a plague.”
I love the growth that Amelia goes through from the beginning of the story Amelia didn’t really enjoyed much due to people judging her and intentionally hurting her. Amelia was described as being hollow, numb and a shell of herself. As the story progresses, Amelia begins to feel more comfortable in her skin with the help of Kane, despite others still being horrible.
“Death itself followed Kane’s every move.”
Kane, our other main character, who happens to come across Amelia while on the run from Indivix Corp, also had a secret which was accidentally discovered. I enjoyed reading about the progress in Amelia and Kane’s relationship and how Kane helped Amelia to feel happier and safer while around him. Amelia’s secret begins to be easier to contain with the help of Kane, who teaches her control over her indiviym.
The book ended on a cliff hanger which left me with many questions and i cannot wait for the second book to come out so that i can find out more.
Trigger Warnings:
- Graphic injury
- Thoughts of suicide
- Child abuse
- Torture
Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review and thank you to Freya Daree for writing a brilliant book!

It was an ok story but it was very hard to work out whose voice was being used as there was no name headings when the voice changed, I don't know if this is because it hasn't been completely edited or was intentional but it was very off-putting. There were too many voices added so keeping them straight was tricky in this sense too.
I felt the world building wasnt as it could have been and the underlying power system wasn't explained well enough to fully understand it.
It's not one I would read again