Member Reviews

First of all, I had no idea that this was part of an ongoing series so my opinions of this book are based on it as a standalone. As such, I might have felt differently about certain things had I read the previous books in the series beforehand. With that said, it did stand alone really well. I didn’t feel like it lacked anything. However, I did feel like it was overly heavy on the dialogue which didn’t really work for me.

Even though that one area stood out to me as something I disliked, there were a lot of positives. Firstly, the plot is deeply compelling. There’s enough mystery and suspense to keep you invested from start to finish. It was an interesting police procedural and quite frankly, very dark at times. And I really enjoyed how complicated and despicable the “bad guy” was. Nothing about this case was plain and simple or in any way obvious so I didn’t have the same reading mindset that I normally have while reading mystery/thrillers.

One other thing that I wanted to add is that even though the child abduction case is central to the story, it does deviate quite quickly. As such, it might appeal to readers who would normally avoid stories involving harm to children. And likewise, it might appeal less to readers looking for a twisty child abduction thriller.

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So this is a direct follow on in story from the last book in the series. We are a year in the future, but the repercussions from what happened back then are still unfolding.
Unfortunately, I read this back in October 2019 (two years ago now), and I don’t have the best memory, so I did find it hard to get back into the story. I remembered what had happened to Aiden quite quickly as that is something you just don’t forget, but it took me a little longer to remember the circumstances surrounding his attack and who all the other characters were. So, this definitely can’t be read as a stand-alone book and needs to be read as part of the series.
It was a fantastic read, though, once I’d got all my ducks in a row and remembered everything. The way the story weaves lots of different aspects throughout it and brings it all together at the end was cleverly done.
The ‘baddie’ was certainly machiavellian and very interesting. It was great when he became pretty blazon about his endeavours and really gave Imogen a run for her money.
The storyline as a whole was exciting and kept me captivated. One night I’d put the book down to go to sleep but had to pick it up again just to read a little more! It really gripped me. All of the characters were likeable (except Jarvis, but I don’t think he’s supposed to be!) and you feel really invested in what is going on.
I can’t wait for the next instalment of this series; I just hope I don’t have to wait another two years!

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What a fast and exciting read! If you have read the previous books, you will easily drop back into the familiar characters of DS Imogen Grey and her peers. If not the book would work as a stand-alone as there are descriptions which catch you up on the underlying story / relationships.
The tension pulsed throughout the book, from the main thread of child kidnap, to ransom demands, violence, stolen identities, life ‘inside’ and even the long term consequences of male rape (which was dealt with superbly).
The story felt real and I was tense for a lot of the book, I found myself willing characters on to making good decisions. There was never a moment when I couldn’t imagine the events clearly in my mind
A fabulous, fast, heart-stopping read!

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This wasn't for me, I'm afraid.

It's one in a series and I just couldn't get into it at all. It starts well as a young boy is abducted and this abduction is seen by someone taking revenge; thus putting him in a difficult position.

I think the title is misleading as I was expecting a chilling / halloween thriller; when this is an OK detective story.
If you are clear that it's a detective story in a series; this may be for you.

I'm grateful to NetGalley and Avon books for the opportunity to preview, I just found it a difficult, disappointing read.

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When six-year-old Marcus is taken from outside his house on Halloween it shakes his quiet neighbourhood to the core. Everyone was ready for a night of trick-or-treating. Now the unthinkable has happened. As Detective Imogen Grey arrives to question Marcus’s parents, they tell her there has been a mistake. Their son is just fine. But if that’s true, where is Marcus? Imogen becomes locked in a race against time to find the missing child and uncover the truth. Can she discover what’s happened to Marcus before it’s too late?

I have always been a big fan of this series and I love getting to see the character developments with each installment. This book was not my favourite in the series, it is a bit slow and I thought it lost its way in the middle. The case is harrowing, most of Diamond's books are, but I did not find it particularly enthralling and I was bored with it. Having said that, I did still enjoy it and wanted to get to the end.

The area I did love was catching up with Imogen Grey and Adrian Miles. I adore them as two separate characters and I enjoy reading about the relationship and seeing how it develops with each read. To really enjoy and appreciate this book you do need to read the previous books, you can still enjoy the plot but you would miss out on the references made throughout. The book before this one is integral to the plot.

'Trick or Treat' is a good read from Diamond but it is not my favourite and I did think it was disappointing. As always, I did love being reunited with Grey and Miles.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for an advance copy.

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After reading this book I want to read the others in the series. It's Halloween and Marcus like all little boys loves dressing up for it. Whilst out playing on his bike he is forced into the back of a van. There is a witness but he daren't come forward.
It is upto imogen to try and find the boy before time runs out.There are so many twists in this book you will not be able to put it down.

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The seventh Imogen Grey thriller, 'Trick Or Treat' is a police procedural/thriller which plays on the worst fears of any parent-the kidnap of their child.

Although this is ostensibly the incident which kicks off the story, it has many layers and facets to it, which illustrate that the best laid plans can go completely awry due to the fickle nature of human behaviour.

Dealing with the aftermath of the kidnapping, is a boy who is -rightly or wrongly-in a position to identify the kidnappers. But he, Jason, has problems of his own, as his brother is about to be let out of jail, his no good father is back on the scene, and Jason has unwittingly shared information with him that could jeopardise ever getting Marcus back.

Added to all of this, under the tension, the nail-biting and the worry for Marcus, who appears and the beginning of the novel merely to be snatched off the page, is the relationship between Imogen and her boyfriend, Adrian, ex-police officer and now security personnel. Following the conclusion of a case he was involved in, a year ago, the fallout has been emotionally and physically damaging.

But how do you ask for help when you can admit what has happened?

Dovetailing neatly between the increasingly complex nature of the kidnap, and ensuing ransom demand, is the discussion around male sexual assault. It is dealt with in such a sensitive way, from the victim, to their partner and work colleagues, it just makes you feel the twin flames of rage against the perpetrator, and a society which continues to make this a taboo topic to talk about, rise up in your blood.

Rather than  using this as a catalyst for the plot, it is shows in clear detail, how a victim of such an attack can take so long to reveal themselves, and, when they do, the overwhelming support for this person, from work and outside work, is just everything. The focus is on the victim, how he is feeling, where to get him support and also respecting his wishes.

I don't believe that I have read a more engaging storyline which deals with the raised issues so succinctly, at least in recent memory.

This is the first Katerina Diamond novel which I have read, and you can be sure that I will be going back to the start of the series and working my way through the rest of them. I am now a confirmed fan of the multifaceted, relatable Imogen Grey!

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As seen on
“Trick or Treat” is the seventh novel in the DS Imogen Grey police procedural novels, by Katerina Diamond.
Young Marcus is taken right off of his street on Halloween night, and the only person who saw the crime was a teenaged boy who was somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be, and wants to remain in the shadows. When Marcus’ parents are confronted by the police, they act as if nothing is wrong but Imogen isn’t convinced. As her investigation continues, Imogen begins to realize that the family has some skeletons in their closet, and she needs to hurry to find young Marcus before it’s too late.
Although this novel is the seventh in the series, it is not necessary to have read the previous novels before exploring this one. There is some backstory between the characters that will be missed out on without the previous six novels, but it is not enough to make a difference in the enjoyment of the novel. The plot is easy to follow and there is enough in the storyline to keep every reader engaged.
Imogen is the perfect female protagonist- she is brave, kind-hearted and is willing to accept her flaws and all of her human dysfunction. As she struggles to mend her broken relationship with her partner, Adrian, she realizes he is dealing with more emotional turmoil than she could even begin to imagine, and she shows nothing but patience and acceptable. Adrian is instantly likable and his struggles with coming to terms with a traumatic experience from his past makes him heartbreakingly honest and relatable.
The story is told mostly from Imogen’s perspective, although Adrian (and a few others) take over briefly. “Trick or Treat” has relatively small chapters, with page-turning cliff-hangers at the end of most of them, making it hard to put down. The major twist in this novel is hinted at right at the beginning of the novel, but it is so well done that there is still the element of surprise, which was delightfully unexpected. I wanted nothing more than justice for Marcus and for the perpetrator, and Diamond delivered.
“Trick or Treat” is the perfect read for fall. A police procedural with an undercurrent of emotional trauma, and, of course, the hidden-in-plain-sight psychopath all come together through Diamond’s realistic writing, her connection to the characters, and her well-developed storyline. Imogen is definitely a character who can back up an entire series of novels, and I look forward to seeing more of her!

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I need to start by saying I had never read a Katerina Diamond novel before, and I didn't realize this was book 7 of a series. That said, I really appreciated that I still didn't feel lost, when I easily could have. Everything that was mentioned from previous novels were explained enough for context and understanding what happened.

The story begins with Jason Hitchin approaching his ex-girlfriend's house when he sees Marcus Carlyle struggling with his bike. He helps the boy free and then sets off towards the house. He's only there to teach her a lesson by trashing her house, since she cheated on him. Things don't go completely to plan when he sees a white van approaching the boy who is riding his bike. Concerned, he watches through the window, knowing something bad is going to happen. He sees the van scoop up the boy, leaving his bike behind. Panicked, he calls in an anonymous tip, not wanting to admit why he was there, and flees the scene. A bit later DI Imogen Grey arrives, and the parents, at first, claim everything is fine, but then admit that Marcus was taken and they're terrified of getting the police involved. As the investigation gets underway things aren't exactly as they seem. Will DI Grey be able to find the boy in time?

I really wanted to love this book but there were just too many moments that took me out of the story.

What I liked:
- The way the main story was crafted and told.
- The way the twists were surprising but not unexpected
- The character relationships
- I found the villain and the arc of the villain's character really fascinating.

What I didn't like:
- Some of the choices that were made. Some of them led me to feel like there was an attempt to make the book longer than it actually needed to be. Again, this is as someone who has never read anything by the author or in the series before.
- How far into being a "monster" a particular character was pushed.
- That a traumatic experience defined one of the characters for the first 3rd of the book. Now this was the first of the series I'd read so if I had read the others I might feel differently about this one.

Overall, it was an enjoyable thriller, just not my favorite. In spite of being book 7 of a series, I do think it could be read as a stand alone; just know that maybe it won't be the exact same experience without the history of the other books.

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This is book #7 in the DS Imogen Grey series. Whilst it is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone book, although there are references to previous books. We are taken straight into the plot of the book when six-year-old Marcus is snatched from outside his house. There’s only one witness, a teenage boy, who reports what he has seen to the police, but when the police visit the street to investigate, they find no reports of any children missing.

This is a series where I’ve read some of the previous books, but not all of them. As such, I knew Imogen’s character and really liked her. Professionally, she’s a strong character, but her personal relationship with her boyfriend, Adrian is reaching breaking point. Adrian is retired from the police, and is now working for a security firm. He has his own personal issues going on, which is the main cause of their relationship problems. I really felt for both characters throughout this book, Imogen because she has no idea what is going on with Adrian, and Adrian for everything he has been, and continues to go through. His storyline is particularly heart-breaking and this gives a gripping secondary story to the kidnapping plot where he tries to discover who was behind his horrific attack. They work really well as a couple, and I found myself rooting for them both being able to overcome everything.

The kidnapping of young Marcus is a twisted storyline, which had me hooked from the first page. It is a great police procedural plot, with plenty of twists, turns and red herrings. I loved watching the team trying their best to work it all out, and there was lots of mystery involved. The plot was really well worked out, and I didn’t guess where it was going until very late in the book, and it kept me in suspense throughout. It was a great thriller of a read and, along with Adrian’s storyline, it kept me turning the pages quickly until the end. I shall certainly be going back to read the other books of the series, and eagerly awaiting the next book to see where Imogen and Adrian’s storyline goes from here! This was a fantastic read, which I would definitely recommend.

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2/5 - the two star rating is for the actual thriller part of the story.

The cover and title of the book caught my eye. I was looking for a Halloween thriller and based on the blurb that’s what I thought I’d get. No. I was wrong. There is so little about the actual abduction case and a whole lot of Imogen’s personal life, which was boring.

Sadly, I began to speed read (not skim) just to find out who abducted the six year old boy. I wish I had enjoyed this authors writing still but that was a no go as well. The prose was clunky and uninteresting.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me an ARC for this book.

Also there are many typos and grammar issues. I hope for a traditionally published book those errors will be fixed by release day.

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This is the 7th outing for DS Imogen Grey and her Partner Adrian Miles. One of the main storylines in this book relates to a previous book so you will be more knowledgeable if you have read the previous novels. Six year old Marcus disappears from the front of his home onHalloween. DS Grey is heading the team investigating the disappearance with her team. Adrian is working in private security having retired from the police force. I loved ho all the characters came together and that all had personal struggles they were dealing with.
This was a great read and the storyline for Adrian was obviously well researched.
Can’t wait for book 8.
Thanks to Avon books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
#AvonBooks #NetGalley

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A 'treat' from Ms Diamond. with this story starting with a young boy dragged off his bike and kidnapped on Halloween in a quiet street. Luckily, a little thief, Jason, filmed some of it from a house opposite but this was the house he was not supposed to be in and he didn't report it for a few days.

Detective Imogen Grey and her team take a twisted journey to find the culprits, with some superb action stuff trying to find a man with a few other names/families. Excellent stuff and, helpfully, Jason finally reported the crime.

The book also deals with Imogen's detective partner, Adrian Miles, who had a major problem and was still suffering from an attack. Whilst this attack took place in an earlier book in the series, this did not detract from Ms Diamond writing about it sympathetically or needing to read the previous book.

My only really slight criticism is the fact that I was waiting for more action around Halloween or Guy Fawkes but this faded away after the opening chapters. I still enjoyed it though.

Thanks to Net Galley and Avon Books UK for the chance to read and review.

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Why would anyone deny that their child has been kidnapped? That's the question Imogen Grey must deal with when she responds after a witness calls the police. Young Marcus was plucked off the street in front of his home. The canny readers knows there's more than meets the eye here. Diamond's ace with procedurals as well as with characters. Grey's partner Jason is coping (or not really coping) with something bad that happened in the last book (which I missed). DCI Kapoor is terrific. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. No spoilers from me- this is a complex and satisfying read.

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From start to finish this was a book that had me desperate to keep reading. Although our last meeting with Imogen Grey and Adrian Miles was tough to read, I didn’t think Diamond could top it…but she has. Trick or Treat is an explosive thriller, deftly twisting a number of elements, that I would urge people to read.
With such emotional investment in these characters I found it hard to see the depths to which they’d plunged, though they are - superficially at least - doing okay. Adrian is working for a security firm and Imogen is making strides in her own career…but the spectre of that attack hangs over their heads and is brought to the fore in a way that you can’t help but reel at.
Trick or Treat opens with a teenage boy breaking into the home of his ex-girlfriend, determined to make her pay for the humiliation he feels for coming from the wrong kind of home environment. While there he oversees two men in a white van kidnap a young boy. Jason takes a picture of them, and calls the police but determined to avoid trouble (something his family seem drawn to) he says nothing. Surprised that there is no TV announcement about the missing boy, Jason is unsure what he should do next.
Under the guise of investigating the anonymous call Imogen knocks on the door of the Carlyles. They claim to know nothing, but their behaviour is suspicious and Imogen quickly establishes the wife’s hiding their son’s kidnap after receiving a call instructing them not to contact the police. Before we know it, there's a kidnap investigation underway and lots of other things running alongside.
While Imogen is busy with this investigation we get little snippets into the mindset of Adrian. Busy with his own investigations as he tries to work out who might have been responsible for his attack it is evident that these seemingly separate incidents are going to be linked...but nobody could foresee exactly how.
No spoilers here, but we get some familiar faces turn up and there's plenty to keep you occupied. The investigation itself is a humdinger, and there's a truly emotional focus on Adrian and the after-effects of his attack. For me the jury is out on Jarvis (still think he'll be more important in subsequent events) but the ending certainly sets up what promises to be a most interesting development.
Huge thanks to NetGalley for allowing me access to this prior to publication in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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DS Imogen Grey #7

When six year old Marcus is taken from outside his house on house on Halloween, there is only one witness: a frightened teen determined to keep himself hidden. After an anonymous tipoff, Detective Imogen Grey is called out to an expensive Exeter street, caught up in the buzz of the holiday. But when the police visit Marcus's house, his parents claim everything is fine. Imogen is sure there is more to the family than meets the eye.

Jason was the only witness to Marcus's abduction and when DS Imogen Grey arrives at his house, Marcus's parents, Peter and Sara tell Imogen that Marcus is fine, he's just out for trick or treat.

This is a well written, multi-layered and not your typical child abduction story. It's also gripping as you'll need to know exactly what is going on. There's lots going on in the book and I was pulled in from the first page. The story can be difficult to read in places. The pace was slow but there were plenty of twists and surprises.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #AvonBooksUK and the author #KaterinaDiamond for my ARC of #TrickOrTreat in exchange for an honest review.

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Katarina Diamond keeps you guessing from start to finish, my kind of author! Young Marcus Carlyle is outside his house, riding his bike when he is snatched off the street. Curiously, it's not his parents who ring the police but an anonymous caller. DS Imogen Grey is tasked with finding Marcus but this is no ordinary kidnapping. It's the start of a cat and mouse game with a particularly clever, cruel individual. Meanwhile, Adrian Miles is fighting his own personal battle (as per the previous book.) He's trying to hold it together while also searching for his rapist. Ultimately, this search will bring further strife for Adrian. As usual, I loved this Katarina Diamond book, she's in a league occupied by the best. Thank you NetGalley for my advance copy.

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3 for neutral! I need to make sure I’ve read prior in series; plus I just couldn’t do another missing child book at this time. Will update when/if able to finish at a later date.

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This is my first book by Katerina Diamond and when I requested it, I did not realize it was part of a series about Detective Imogen Grey. the book sucked in from the first page. Some of the twists I was able to predict but I still really enjoyed the book. I will be looking for more books from his author and series.

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Trick or Treat is the 7th book in the DS Imogen Grey series.
I have recently read the first book in the series. A classic sort of police procedural. While the book can be read as a stand alone, I definitely missed some important information in the books in the series that I have not read yet.
In Trick Or Treat a young boy is kidnapped and the police need to find him before it is too late. With a title like this I expected more of a Halloween theme. It takes place at Halloween time but that is all.
I liked the characters and felt a little more invested in them than I did with the first book. I imagine I would feel even more so if I had read them all in order. I will be reading the rest of the series and look for other works by this author.

Thanks to netgalley and Avon Books UK for the arc

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