Member Reviews

This author is one of my favorite historical authors! This book was no exception. All the characters in this book were so very well done. The story very well written. I loved that she talked about what happened to women after returning from war reporting. It was ok while at war, but when they return to the US, they aren’t affording the same opportunities.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley

A wonderful historical novel by Ella Carey. Great story line with characters that were likable and relatable. It was interesting to explore such an important time in our history through the eyes of a female reporter.
Thank you Ella Carey, Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to review this novel. .#TheLostGirlofBerlin #NetGalley

Kate Mancini is a female journalist reporting on the aftermath of WW2. Travelling through Berlin in 1946, Kate spots a girl, alone, mute, hungry, scared. She takes her to a place of safety before returning home to the US.
The Lost Girl of Berlin is an historical novel set in the aftermath of WW2. The world is adjusting to peace. Men and women are negotiating the changed circumstances.
Kate is a young woman, determined to prove herself equal to any male journalist. She has a solid friendship with many of the male correspondents in Berlin but none of their opportunities. The gender politics were infuriating as Kate is judged by virtue of being a woman rather than her worth as a journalist.
One man in particular, Rick, sees Kate as his equal and wishes to start a relationship with her as well as supporting her career. However, his family is wealthy and has strict expectations about his future life and wife. Are the couple fated to stay apart?
Alongside this stalled romance and the career trials, there are other perspectives and subplots. There is the unhappiness of Rick's mother and the uneasy sibling relationship Kate has with her sister Bianca. The rescue of orphan Mia and her subsequent story is emotional. It allows us to see the softer side to Kate which contrasts with the hard headed journalist persona.
The Lost Girl of Berlin is an emotional and heartwarming story of love and peace.

Kate Mancini is the only woman in the group of war correspondents in Berlin, 1946. Wanting to tell the balanced truth in the aftermath, she is thwarted at every turn. Kate has been told that Americans want to hear their news from a “man” and only want to get back to “normal.” Kate gets her lucky break when she is sent to report on the trials in Nuremburg. While in Berlin, handsome reporter Rick Shearer, assists her in rescuing an orphaned girl from the ruins. Carey’s character development of Rick’s gentle approach to the speechless, scared blue eyed girl, will endear readers to the dashing reporter. After ten months of traveling Europe together, Kate is conflicted. She has no room in her life for husband and family-only the goal of landing a contract with a major news agency. After returning to New York City, readers will be enthralled with their blossoming romance and the iconic sites of the city. Ellen Carey gives readers hope when Kate lands a broadcasting job at WNYR and Rick’s career takes off with his own radio show. Meanwhile, Rick’s wealthy, powerful father, Willard, devoted but fearful wife Frances and Kate’s starry-eyed sister, Bianca, add immersing threads of betrayal, blackmail, and bullying. Readers remain on edge and incensed but hopeful that goodness will win overall. The fear and suspicion of Communism and McCarthyism has infiltrated American society, and no one is off limits; not even popular broadcaster, Rick Shearer. Carey’s exacting research makes this novel an eye-opening history lesson and her words evoke deep emotion in the heartwarming love story of the orphan girl who fights her way back home. In The Lost Girl of Berlin readers will be frustrated and fascinated, but in the end, fulfilled.

The setting of the book is around 1946. Kate Mancini was with an assignment of war journalists, investigating the conflict and its repercussions. Kate was the main lady in the gathering and not settled to tackle down her work just like the men. At the point when the gathering was going to their decrepit convenience after the day by following procedures, Kate saw a young lady with many exposed feet, and a torn dress sitting on the means of a home which would have been excellent in case it was anything but a shell. The driver wouldn’t stop, however, Kate and another journalist, Rick Shearer, strolled back to where the young lady was. Thus started the most appalling, unfortunate, and shocking time of their lives.
The young girl was quiet, and Kate suspected, around 4-6 years of age. Some way or another the youngster promptly confided in Kate. Kate felt a connection between herself and the child. At the point when Rick had a spot for her to be protected, they left her there with Rick’s companions, contemplating whether they’d at any point see her once more. Life pushed ahead, Kate and Rick got updates about the kid who was still quiet. Furthermore, the journalists got back to New York after ten months from Germany. It was years after this incident, Rick was blamed for something awful, that impacted everything Kate had earned in her life. Would Rick confront jail? Could Kate save him? Read the book to know more.
“The Lost Girl of Berlin” is the second installment in the “Daughters of New York” series by Ella Carey and it was brilliantly executed. I ended up getting attracted to one more post-WWII story. Beginning from the conflicts and extending to 1951, the story happens in both Berlin and New York. Kate is a magnificent female lead character, I first considered her to be a news reporter in Berlin wanting to save a conflict vagrant. I was then wonderfully shocked by the sudden course by the sudden course the story took. This was not just with regards to the cataclysmic destruction from the conflict but instead the spot of ladies in this developing world. The two leads are amazing and the impediments they face integrate into well with every one of the subjects of abundance and status, family, society, inconsistent compensation and openings, new worker bias, too even the new job of the TV is news revealing. This is a rich story where I completely liked all that Kate went through and how she endured in devoting her life to such countless regions. This is a rousing story that should not be missed. Kate is a courageous woman who the readers will cherish. Notwithstanding the numerous tragic difficulties that come to her direction, she never surrenders and her flexibility, strength, and stability to take the necessary steps for those she loves will have the readers intrigued by the story till the end.

This was such a great book that I got lost in the pages. A wonderful story that left me on the edge of my seat with what would happen next. Highly recommend this book!!

From New York to Berlin, with Love
Historical fiction can be a beast to review. When I love it, I can write forever about the accurate depictions, stirring imagery, and clever insertion of characters into real life events. But, when I don’t love it, it becomes hard to frame a review that doesn’t feel overly critical of a book that might be very enjoyable to other readers. Unfortunately, this is the predicament I find myself in with writing my review of The Lost Girl of Berlin. In a nutshell, the story itself is sweet, if a bit trite, with multiple Happily Ever Afters, but overall lacked the feeling of historical authenticity that is a must-have for me.
See the source image
What I Loved: The beginning of the book was full of promise, with rich descriptions of immediate post-war Berlin, and the atrocities visited upon the German people by the victorious Russian army. I appreciated that time was spent delving into the fact that the suffering of the German people was often overlooked by the media because it wouldn’t make for a positive viewing and listening experience in America. I also felt that the portrayal of the trials and tribulations of being a driven, intelligent female in a male dominated industry during a time when women were being systematically relegated back into the role of house wife and doting mother, was well done. The notion that a return to the pre-war social order was something that would be desirable, and possible, was given a thorough examination over the course of the book, from several different view points, giving a balanced historical perspective of the issue. Kate’s anguished decision-making, sacrifices, and focus on her personal career growth were both inspiring…and frustrating.
See the source image
What I Didn’t Love: As the story progressed, the feeling of historical authenticity began to wane, with truly important events seeming to fade completely into the background. And while these events should never dominate a work of fiction, I enjoy books that allow the events to exert a palpable influence on the characters, making them seem more real and relatable. If the Red Scare had received more detail and focus throughout the story line, I would have been more apt to feel drawn into the action. In fact, by the time Rick’s “trial” arrived, it seemed almost anticlimactic, compared to the relationship dramas that had unfolded up to that point. Finally, as previously mentioned, Kate’s rather single minded devotion to her career, to the detriment of a child she supposedly cared so deeply about, and the pain of a man that she pledged to be in love with, made her come off as selfish, and not all together real. Personal sacrifice is admirable, but not when it comes at the cost of others. It was this lack of connection to the main character, that made it difficult for me to appreciate the book as a whole.
Overall, if you love romantic fiction, more so than historical fiction, The Lost Girl of Berlin will be enjoyable. The writing is solid, and with the exception of the main character, the development arcs are very good, and many of the personalities are truly engaging. In particular, when the story of Mia, the German orphan, finally emerges, it is heartbreaking; and the knowledge that it indeed could have been much worse, gives real depth to the closing of the plot line. This book would be a fine addition to your last days of summer reading list.

A lovely read about the love between little Mia and two reported.
The end of the earth is where these two people go to to provide love, a home and security for Mia.
The book was a good read, although I felt it was lacking a more in-depth storyline about Mia. I felt waiting till the end was too late and throughout the book would have made fir a more captivating read.

There is so much packed into this book, and I found it hard to let go of the characters. Kate and Rick are journalists who were traveling in post war Europe, when they come across a young girl, mute from her terrible experiences. Bringing Mia to safety will have consequences later on in the book as McCarthyism rears it’s ugly head. Kate was trying hard to break into the man’s world of political reporting, but after the war, even though women held all kinds of roles, there was a desire to revert back to the woman as homemaker. Kate fights hard to move forward in her career at the expense of her love life, but Rick keeps reappearing in her life. I loved the book and highly recommend it to lovers of historical fiction. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

Another great book by this author I have loved all of her historical novels and this was no exception. The storyline was great as were the characters and you were very quickly drawn into their lives and the post war issues. Definitely recommended for fans of this genre.

Thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book for an honest review.
I enjoy Ella Carey's books and this was no exception. Kate and Rick rescue an orphan in Berlin which sets off a chain of events that could spell disaster for one or both of them. Enjoyable read; especially enjoyed Kate's fight to report real news and her coverage (briefly) of the Goering Nuremberg trial.

I was very excited to get the opportunity to review The Lost Girl of Berlin as I thought the plot sounded very exciting and I was not disappointed. It was a fantastic read and I can't wait to read more from the author in the future.

Kate Mancini has worked hard to become a journalist. She is talented, driven and focussed, but no amount of talent, drive or focus can change the fact that the powers that be can't get past the fact that she is a female. They therefore think that she is only capable of reporting on issues that would be of interest to women.
Every now and again, Kate manages to get an opportunity for serious reporting. One of those is the opportunity to be the only woman journalist on a tour of post war Berlin, seeing the broken and damaged country that is left behind in the aftermath of the conflict. One day, as she is being driven through the streets of the Soviet controlled area of Berlin, Kate sees the forlorn figure of a young girl, seated on the stops of a destroyed house. Along with her fellow reporter, Rick Shearer, Mia finds her way back to the ruined house and finds the girl, still seated on the steps.
The young girl, Mia, is starving and is so traumatised by what she has endured that she can't speak. Kate is determined that she needs to find Mia's family, but Kate is only in Berlin for a few days so Rick arranges to place Mia with some old family friends.
They return to New York where, despite the fact that Kate reported on the Nuremberg trials, she still cannot get a permanent role on radio. One of the issues that face any women in the industry is that they can't get jobs because they will just go and get married and have kids. Mia therefore tries to resist her attraction to Rick.
She not only faces opposition from within the radio station but also from within Rick's family, because she is not from the right kind of family, coming from an immigrant background.
Whilst Kate starts out in print and radio, the most interesting part of the story is as she begins to make the move into the early days of television. She is given the opportunity to cover the electoral conventions which really opens doors for her career, with her unique ability to cover both in depth political news as well as giving it a female spin.
No matter how busy she is, Kate never forgets the little girl that she helped save, or Rick, so when he finds himself in trouble, it could be that Kate has the information needed to help save him.
When I read the first book in this series, I was excited to see where the trilogy was going to go. There was a whole group of interesting secondary characters in the world that Carey had created. The fact that this went in a different direction was a surprise to me. But to be fair, I don't think that the author did anything to suggest otherwise, but as a reader I did make an assumption. There is a loose connection between the first book and this one, but this is one of those occasions where there really, truly is no need to have read the first book in the series.
This was a really interesting story about a pioneering journalist, inspired by a real woman. I am going to be careful not to make any assumptions in relation to the next book in the trilogy. I will just wait and see what it has in store for us!

Love, love, love this novel! I can’t praise it enough. So many twists and turn and above all truth, a truth that even women today face prejudice in the workplace and in life. It’s lovely to see this part of history. Not a lot of novels. Continue about after the war, but this is very refreshing and highly recommend a read.

I find myself drawn to yet another post WWII story as I find them so intriguing. Mind you, this story really is rich in detail especially given its shorter length. Ella Carey is yet again packing a punch and writing another fabulous tale.
‘Editors say the war is done. That folks don’t want anything negative. They have moved on.” She studied the floor. “But how can that possibly be? If people saw this…”
Starting from the war’s conclusion and stretching to 1951, the story takes place in both Berlin and New York. Kate is a wonderful female lead, so strong and determined. You first see her as a news correspondent in Berlin desiring to save a war orphan. I was then pleasantly surprised with the unexpected route the story took. This was not just about the catastrophic devastation from the war but rather the place of women in this newly emerging world order. Kate is determined to pursue her journalistic passions despite so many doors being closed to her, deftly refusing to be shunted to housewife duties of any form.
‘… a dark reality unfurled deep down inside. The woman who married Rick … would be expected to be a full-time wife, a society host ... A journalist from the Village would never do, especially one, who had political leanings. Keeping her career and her relationship with Rick would be all nigh impossible..’
Ella Carey’s novels just hit the mark for me time and again. From the contrasts of the clean up of Berlin and the Russian demarcation, to the role of women in a man’s world, to the impending communism culture and fears that burgeoned in America at this time. It is all written so well and convincingly. To switch from the appalling conditions of Berlin to the vibrant wealth of New York is confronting.
The two leads are excellent and the obstacles they face tie in well together with all the themes of wealth and status, family cultures, unequal pay and opportunities, new immigrant prejudice, to even the new role of the television in news reporting. There is just so much to learn and read about all woven flawlessly into the story of Kate and Rick. Add in Mia’s war orphan experience towards the end and wow … just amazing storytelling.
‘Mia’s silence felt like the silence of so many German people. Too afraid to speak, too afraid to draw any attention to themselves.’
Ella Carey has certainly cemented herself as a firm favourite author of mine. This is a rich tale where I fully appreciated all that Kate went through and how she persevered in dedicating her life to so many areas. A truly inspiring tale that is not to be missed.
“I’ve worked honestly to get where I’ve got, and I think women deserve exactly the same opportunities as men. I don’t believe in anything different. And I only hope that things change, one day, in America.”
This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The quoted material may have changed in the final release.

A simply, but not simple, wonderful book. Thank you #NetGalley and #EllaCarey.
I truly enjoy all of Ella Carey’s work because the element of historical realism is always there. I find my myself learning more each time I have one of her books in hand, in this case the post WW II sectoring off of Berlin, the red scare and McCarthyism.
The characters caught up in that era, Kate, Rick and Mia are so real you can nearly see yourself walking beside them through the pages. The struggles of death, grief, classism and relationships effect the three of them as they do us all. They struggle, but preserve to an all’s well ending.
Great book, once again, Ms. Carey.

I had a difficult time deciding my rating for The Lost Girl of Berlin. There were parts that I really enjoyed learning about (women in journalism in the 1940s, Soviet-run post-war Berlin), but the assisting storylines (particularly Bianca and Willard) were not very enjoyable. I found the wrap up at the end between Frances & Willard to be a bit unbelievable and Bianca’s grudge against her sister was very childlike and hard to believe was coming from an adult. Overall, this was not one of my favorite WWII historical fiction book.

This story is set in post WWII Berlin and New York. Kate is with a group of other journalists in Berlin with she finds Mia, an orphan sitting on the steps of what once must have been a grand house. Mia does not speak.
Kate and fellow journalist Rick finds a home for Mia and gets regular updates on the girl. When tragedy strikes and Rick is accused of being a communist sympathizer, who is going to save him? Will Kate be the one to bring the truth out or will the child, Mia be the one to save the day?
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for this advanced readers copy. This book released on July 12, 2021.

OMG this was such a wonderful, powerful story, it had me from the very first page until the very last page.
Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read this wonderful story.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.

In The Lost Girl of Berlin, as in the first book in the series, A New York Secret, the main female protagonist is a woman struggling to be acknowledged in a male dominated profession.
In Berlin at the end of World War II, Kate Mancini, the only woman in a group of journalists, and her fellow journalist, Rick Shearer, find a young German girl sitting cold and forsaken on the steps of a bombed out mansion. The child is so traumatised that she does not speak, but is willing to go with them. Unable to take her back to America, they leave her under the protection of a German family known to Rick.
Back in New York, Kate and Rick pursue their journalistic careers. For Kate, getting a meaningful position is difficult even though she successfully filed a story on Hermann Göring's trial from Nuremburg. Wanting to report on important political matters, she is condemned to write articles on what the male bosses believe women are most interested in – fashion, hairstyles, matters of the home and how to catch a man. Angry, incredulous and resigned, but never giving up her dream, Kate accepts the briefs she is given. These lead to becoming a radio presenter and delving into the new medium of television, although the stories she presents are still superficial. Before the cameras, her appearance is all important and sadly what she will be judged on rather than her reporting. Meanwhile, Rick's career is very successful.
Despite their stalled relationship due to family interference, Kate and Rick never forget the German girl they rescued. When Rick is accused of being a communist sympathizer, his career, family reputation and freedom are jeopardised. Kate believes she can save Rick from imprisonment, but none of them are prepared for the heartbreaking tale that is revealed at his trial.
Once again I have been thoroughly engrossed in an Ella Carey novel. This novel was one of contrasts. It begins in a devastated Berlin, highlighting the appalling conditions as the clean up begins, where the basic necessities of life are lacking, but fear and distrust is plentiful engendered by the presence of Russian soldiers. Then the story switches to vibrant New York, undamaged by the war but touched by it in other ways, where women are now expected to return to domestic life now that the men are returning from the war.
Carey's story also depicts class differences where the wealthy are very protective of what they have and unite against any would be interlopers who threaten the status quo. Family life, feelings towards immigrants, new inventions and the political scene also shape the world in which the characters deal with their own personal struggles. And speaking of characters, the Morellis, who featured in the previous novel, make a showing which nicely links the two novels.
The Lost Girl of Berlin is a great addition to Ella Carey's new series.