Member Reviews

What a fun arc to read about a unicorn queen. I love fantasy novels and this was such a fun concept.
Tessa has been having blackouts and when her family disappears she ends up in a magical world with her ex and her potential soulmate. But who is telling the truth? Who can help save her family and her from eternal damnation?

Absolutely stunning cover. A very intriguing read that keep me hooked throughout, lots of weird stuff happening

Perfectly written for the target audience of 12-13 yr olds, this quest will fill every wish in a romantic's heart.

I really enjoyed some parts and was a bit meh at others, sadly I think overall it really wasn’t for me but for someone much younger (though I regularly read middle grade and YA) this just was not my thing

fun read but I did not expected for this book to very action packed. has potential in the character's arc but felt let down by the writing style. doesn't add up to the 17 year old writing to me.

Wow this is brilliant, I loved every single minute of it . The characters were amazing there was lots to love and doubts about their trust so you are kept on your toes. You get a real connection with them and find yourself willing them on to succeed. I will admit fantasy I only dabble in as I find I only like a certain kind and this was a big hit with me I am so happy I found it. The story-line for me was so unique and intense I was on the edge of my seat and reading until late into the night to find out what happens. I did start reading it 3 months ago and thought It had been deleted from my kindle I was devastated as the story had just stayed in my head all that time. Then out of the blue I found it again and couldn't put it down. It will stay in your mind for a long time to come it was that good. I have to say I loved the cover. I loved the fact tessa couldn't remember her past and how the story has to go through the different stages until it all comes together nicely. The family connections were very heartwarming. All the twists and turns in this story just created a story for me that clearly stood out and put it a league above the rest. I recommend this book for 15 plus to adult who love fantasy stories that just engross you.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishing team for creating this truly stunning magical, action packed, full of atmosphere and tension story. I can not wait to read more of this authors books.
The above review has already been placed on goodreads, waterstones, Google books, Barnes&noble, kobo, amazon UK and my blog https://ladyreading365.wixsite.com/website/post/winged-by-michelle-guerrero-booksgosocial-5-stars
Under either of the following names ladyreading365, lady Reading365 or ladyc reading

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a copy of this book!
Alright let's break this down:
Characters: Characters were kind of meh and pretty stereotypical. We had the goody too shoes love interest and the bad boy love interest. The love triangle really didn't do anything for the story in my personal opinion. Would've been a much more interesting story if goody too shoes fully turned evil. Cyrus was a much more interesting choice. Then the actual bad guy Seth was built up to be done with very quickly. Tessa was that stereotypical YA protagonist and could've had a better story arc to be honest.
Atmosphere: There wasn't enough time spent anywhere to build up any kind of atmosphere. The house that goody too shoes built for her was a cool moment in the story, but that was it.
Writing: Writing was fine. Nothing to complain about.
Plot: Plot followed the typical story of our protagonist being having a secret. Then their family is kidnapped. They have to save their family, but they need to learn to use these powers. Save their family. Oh and there's a love triangle. But this time she's a unicorn!
Intrigue: There was no intrigue built up since this followed similar tropes I've seen before.
Logic: It stayed within its own logic.
Enjoyment: Overall this book is meh. I gave it three stars. It wasn't terrible, but it didn't bring anything new to the table either.

A book where the main character can transform into a unicorn - novel idea!
Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work. There is a lot left unexplained and undeveloped. The characters are wooden and the author relies too much on descriptions of how attractive they are.

The premise sounded interesting and unique as I never read anything about unicorn queens before. But I was sadly very disappointed with the book. I DNFed it at around 30%.
First of all, it's definitely on the younger side of the YA genre.The writing style didn't click with me, and the main character was insufferable. What bothered me the most was that the characters weren't introduced properly and that their actions clashed with what we were told about them. I didn't care about any of the characters or the plot, which I found very predictable and sadly not as unique as I expected. It sometimes even felt incomplete or confusing. I also didn't like the romance element, I found it very cringey and cheesy. Otherwise I liked how the places and events were described, I didn't have hard time picturing that (but as stated previously, characters in that places and events are a totally different matter). The pacing itself was also quite nice.
I'd recommend this book to younger YA readers who'd maybe like to get into urban-ish fantasy genre with a bit of romance.

First things first, I'm absolutely in love with that cover - I won't lie it's what drew me to request the book in the first place - so bravo with cover enticement! The book starts with Tessa, our MC experiencing weird things recently. She believes she's starting to lose her mind, however, one day, her mother and grandma go missing and somehow, it is connected with Tessa. Turns out all those weird things aren't exactly weird, and they are happening for a reason which she needs to figure out in order to save them all. The setting of this book is very interesting. I liked the writing and the even pace. It has a total fairy-tale feel. The plot is engaging and kept me relatively interested. My biggest issue is that some of the things within the story felt unexplained to me. All in all it was a fun read.

By Michelle Guerrero
There was alot to like about this book.
One, a unicorn queen who can't remember who she is.
Two a unicorn queen.
And three unicorns.
This book was just packed full of magic, gods and unexpected turns.
Highly recommend it to fantasy lovers.

Adventure, secrets, unicorns, fae, pixies, wolves, good vs. evil, and hey, a few gods thrown in with history of their own. Characters you will root for and enough adventure and magic, and even a bit of heat (nothing graphic, but fun nonetheless).. Will be fun to see where this series leads.

Five reasons to read Winged by Michelle Guerrero. 1. You have always wanted a YA tale where the main character can turn into a unicorn. 2. You love a “who will she wind up with” catch. 3. You enjoy finding out what is happening as the main character (Tessa) does. 4. You dig stories with an Irish background. 5. You love fantasy!

Seventeen-year-old Tessa O'Sullivan has no idea magic exists. She figures she's having a rough year plagued with black-outs, memory loss, and sleep deprivation. she doesn't know her true self is bound in human form because the ancients punished her for defying them or that she ticked off a god who's bent on destroying her. When Tessa's family disappears, she thrust into a world of magic and deadly curses with two boys. Musician Cyrus Burns may be her soulmate, or a thief sent to destroy her with a kiss. And Cyrus's enemy Edric is a family friend, who also happens to be a powerful Elven King. He's Tessa's former lover from a past life and wants to keep her safe, even at the expense of her freedom. Trusting either of them is impossible when they're both keeping dangerous secrets. If Tessa doesn't save her family, they'll be lost forever, and she'll be pulled, hooves kicking, into the underworld for all eternity. She's about to learn as an immortal unicorn queen, there are some fates worse than death.
I received an arc of Winged from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. After having read many fantasy books in my time, I would have to say, Winged really didn't meet my expectations. I was excited to read this book, for I thought it would be different since it had to do with Unicorns and above all, a Unicorn Queen who didn't know of her magical self. I really just couldn't get into the book and forced myself to finish it. It took me a lot longer to finish than an average book I would've enjoyed. The plot itself, I found, was very predictable and the ending to me was very bland.
Overall, the cover art was beautiful I do believe that others, who aren't as harsh at connecting with books, will love this book. It was a beautiful story within itself, just not the one for me.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Winged by Michelle Guerrero is about Tessa, who starts having unexplainable memory loss. One day, her mother and grandmother go missing and it is up to Tessa to find them and discover what is going on with her. This is the first fantasy book that I have read where the main character is the Queen of Unicorns, which is so unique. It was a little dry for my taste, I felt like I was falling asleep while reading some chapters.
Overall, it is a fun read and if you are interested in fantasy I definitely recommend this book.

I received an eARC via Netgalley. Thank you so much Books Go Social publishing for providing me with this eARC!
"It's okay to allow yourself a moment of happiness, even when you're stuck in a storm and the lights have gone out."
Tessa (short for Quintessa) O'Sullivan has been having a rough year so far - she's been fainting, blacking out, frightening nightmares, and keeps forgetting things. She has no idea who/ what she actually is or the world of fairies and gods she's originally from. She doesn't even know magic exists.
When Tessa's Mom and Grams are kidnapped, she's thrust into the magical world she was once a part of with deadly curses. Two boys help protect her - musician Cyrus Burns, a boy who could just as easily be her soulmate as a thief, and Edric, a lifelong friend (and previously, her lover) who happens to be King of Tir Na Nog (aka faerie land).
Trusting either of them is not an option for Tessa as they keep withholding dangerous secrets from her. If Tessa doesn't break the curse on her and save her family, they will be lost forever and she'll be dragged to the Underworld forevermore. She finds out that despite being an immortal unicorn queen, there are some fates worse than death.
First of all, I have no strong feelings for this book. I enjoyed some parts and disliked some parts. If I had read this when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, I would've loved it. Sadly, as I am older than that, I didn't enjoy it as much.
Secondly, I had two main problems with "Winged" - the way it was written and the memory loss. I will say this again and again - I absolutely HATE when an author uses memory loss as a way to further the plot. It is very annoying and it makes the reader frustrated. My other problem was the way it was written. What I mean by this is when the scenes changed, I felt like I missed something because we jump. I thought I might've skipped a couple pages or something, but no, it was just the way it was written. Also, the characters while speaking wasn't done well either - I felt like they should've shown more emotion or movements while talking. Because of these issues, I sometimes found myself skimming and even worse, I couldn't picture the scenes because they weren't described (hardly) at all.
Thirdly, there was next to no worldbuilding. I couldn't tell you a single scene that actually had any descriptions about the room or place the characters were in.
The parts I DID like:
- My favorite scenes took place in Ireland
- The love triangle - I LOVED seeing Cyrus especially
- The plot - it was a nice plot, the writing was just lacking which made the book not as enjoyable
Overall, I'm pretty disappointed. I am hoping the next book I read is better.

Having read a variety of fantasy novels, I have to say this, this is my first book with a UNICORN QUEEN, and what a charmingly sweet book this turned out to be.
It was that beautiful cover image that drew me to the book but I absolutely loved 17-year-old Tessa’s journey. Set in the fantasy world of unicorns, gods, demons, pixies, and what not, Winged is also a coming-of-age story of Tessa and the discovery of her true self.
Tessa is suffering from constant blackouts and insomnia. Plagued by dreams which make no sense, her life takes a new turn with the arrival of musician Cyrus Burns. Attic cleaning leads to the discovery of an old grimoire and an amulet, Tessa then begins to piece together her truth and destiny. But the roads to discovery are not easy as she faces danger at each corner and hidden truths about Edric and Cyrus come to the fore.
The setting of the fantasy novel is fantastic, Tir Na Nog comes alive with the vivid description by the author but what I loved the most is the character of Tessa. She is an immortal unicorn queen but it was hilarious to see the teenage human surfacing at all times trying to come to terms with her newfound power and those inner monologues were refreshing. The romantic triangle provides the necessary angst especially with the added tension of both Edric and Cyrus keeping things to themselves in the name of love.
The tale flows along beautifully with the kind of immersive storytelling that it was hard for me to land back into the real world. The thread of the plot is in a similar vein to many others but the author’s magical descriptions are thoroughly delightful. The ending did leave me a little confused but probably there’s a series is in the making and I do look forward to reading it.
Bewitched 4 stars 💦 💦 💦 💦
Many thanks to Net Galley, BooksGoSocial, and the author for a chance to read and review this book. All opinions are expressed voluntarily.
This review is published in my blog https://rainnbooks.com/, Goodreads, Amazon India, Medium.com, Facebook, and Twitter.

“That’s what she said” Tessa and Cy said at the same time.
Seventeen-year-old Tessa O’Sullivan has no idea magic exists. She figures she’s having a rough year plagued with black-outs, memory loss, and sleep deprivation. She doesn’t know her true self is bound in human form because the ancients punished her for defying them or that she ticked off a god who’s bent on destroying her.
I was hooked on the synopsis and when reading the first chapters I was really intrigued because the way Michelle Guerrero wrote it, she didn’t give anything way with what kind of magical characters you were reading about, it had me questioning, wondering, and just needing to figure it out. Winged was well written and an easy read for the range of young adult, it had more romance, drama, and enough action to keep it out of middle grade.
The plot was character driven but with enough plot driven to keep my interest. I loved how it had just enough fantasy mixed into our modern era time period with it. When reading the words, I was able to picture what was going on due to the attention of details. I love how she was able to use all the different types of characters in this book too, not just a protagonist and antagonist but a healthy dose of all of them.
The reason I rated this book at 4.7 was a love/hate reason, I loved not knowing what kind of magical/fantasy this was about, I mean I know that the cover has a unicorn on it but that does not mean it wouldn’t be about witches, fairies, or any other mythical character. The beginning of the book was a little slow at first but once you got past the boom page it took off for and I was not able to put it down and felt that I could relate to Tessa in my teen years. Oh, sweet Tessa, she not only had 1 love interest but 2 and they were good looking too!!
I was sad to end the book but happy to see that there will be a squeal to this, and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for Tessa and the gang.
Thank you NetGalley for allowing me a chance to read to this for my honest review and thank you Michelle Guerrero for writing this wonderful book.

I really enjoyed this novel. I found it wonderfully unique and couldn't put it down. I would highly recommend. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

It was a good book and I enjoyed reading it. It had a great storyline and characters. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book.