Member Reviews

Many thanks to Netgalley/Publisher/Author for an advanced copy of this book.

I am so excited for this to come out as a physical copy, I loved it! This has to be one of the best books that I have read since joining Netgalley.

From the plot of the story to the characters, I couldn't put it down.

Molly's character is so well written and I related to her so much, shy, socially awkward, she loves her job as a hotel maid until one day she finds someone murdered in their hotel room. She then finds herself in the middle of an investigation and has no idea who she can trust at this point.

This book gave me Thursday Murder Club vibes and a "whodunnit" and I am here for it!!

Amazing read!

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I absolutely loved this book. It is one of my favourite books of 2021 as well as becoming a book that I'll happily revisit.

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Our heroine, Molly Gray, is the kind of narrator readers immediately fall in love with: quirky, a little naive, never quite fitting in with those around her – I think Eleanor Olliphant comparisons are going to be pretty unavoidable. The book focuses on the idea of invisibility - Molly, a member of the housekeeping staff at a fancy hotel, is rarely noticed by the people around her as she goes about her work, but of course her role gives her access to the private spaces of the guests and the inner workings of the hotel. When she discovers a dead body in one of the rooms she is cleaning, Molly finds herself in the middle of a complicated situation that grows increasingly dangerous. Her naivety is just on the right side of infuriating - there are times when the reader can see her about to walk into a hopelessly messy situation, but you continue to root for for her even when she makes dangerous mistakes. And despite all the crooks and villains running around, it's a book with a big heart.

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I absolutely loved this book. It is my favourite book of 2021 as well as becoming one of my all time favourites.
The main character Molly is superbly written in the first person. I loved sharing all her thoughts and feelings in her daily life. After reading this book I feel like I've met her.
Molly finds social interaction awkward and finds it hard to fit in. She loves the routine of her cleaning job at a large hotel and is brilliantly at noticing the details that other people simply wouldn't. At the same time she's funny and endearing.
When someone is found dead in one of the rooms Molly cleans it doesn't take long for Molly to become involved and even a suspect. How well does Molly know the staff and guests at the hotel? Who can she trust?
I was completely gripped by this book from page one. There were so many great characters. One of my favourites was the lovely Mr Preston but there were equally dislikeable characters with no reedeming features at all!
I loved the murder mystery part with the twists and turns and the ending was everything I wanted it to be! A brilliant psychological thriller but with amazing characters that stay with you after finishing the book. I can't wait to see what Nita Prose writes next!

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I can see that this book is definitely going to be so popular! I don't think I can compare it to anything I've ever read, the characters felt so unique, especially Molly. I love how as readers we understand more of what is happening than Molly, which I think helps lighten the tone of what could otherwise be a heavy book. I think the characters themselves are perhaps more interesting than the plot, and it's them which I will be more likely to remember, and would recommend this book based on that.

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Thanks to NetGalley, Nita Prose and Harper Collins UK for the ARC of The Maid.

I had heard great things about this from other early reviewers, so was really excited to read The Maid.

With slight Elinor Oliphant / Murder Club vibes, this is a story of Molly the Maid, who finds infamous guest Mr Black dead in his hotel room. Molly is great at cleaning up mess - almost too good, and before she knows it, she is the prime suspect in Mr Black's murder.

Clearly on the spectrum with what I assume to be autism or aspergers, Molly is living alone following the death of her grandmother. She is seen as a little 'odd' by her work colleagues, takes things very literally and sticks religiously to her routine. As such as she is vulnerable and misreads people's intentions, making her easy to manipulate.

With some parts that are emotional and others that are really quite amusing, this definitely is more of a Thursday Murder Club style who done it that a traditional thriller, and not quite the usual style I would go for,. That said, I did really enjoy it, and it was great seeing the storyline piece together as they fought to prove Molly's lack of involvement.

The book is soon to become a movie starring Florence Pugh as Molly, and I look forward to seeing how this translates to the big screen!

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I absolutely adored this book!! This was the perfect book to round of the year. This book has so much heart, and just felt so immersive and cosy. It gave me the same feels as 'dear ms bird', 'the lido', or 'eleanor oliphant'- i loved it!!!

The characters in this book were written so so well. I cannot remember the last time I have read a book where the characters have felt so real. I loved the main protagonist - Molly. She is awkward, simple and probably somewhere on the autistic spectrum - she is written so perfectly. She is innocent, but not to the extent that she is annoying, but more that your just want to give her a hug.
I would definitely say this book is more character based than focussed on the plot - the characters is what keeps you reading.
I honestly just don't know how to review this book - it was just perfect! It felt so cosy, and like a warm hug. Perfect for this time of year.

I am very intrigued by this becoming a film, and I'm intrigued by the casting of Florence Pugh as Molly. I just hope the film keeps the heart of this book, and feels as heartwarming as the book. I will definitely be watching the film adaptation when it comes out.
I will also be recommending this book to everyone I know.

Beautiful, cosy, perfect!

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The Maid is quite the page turner, and a very enjoyable read!
I was drawn to the character of Molly, who was likeable and also vulnerable, at least to start with.
Her co-workers don't always treat her with the respect she deserves, in fact a lot of people underestimate Molly.
The story revolving around the death of one of the hotel guests jogs along at a decent pace and as Molly is the person to discover him, finds herself at the middle of the case. I certainly couldn't stop reading until I got to the end.
A pacy and enjoyable read with a satisfying ending!

Thank you to NetGalley and to HarperCollins for the opportunity to read this early copy

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Molly Gray is my new favourite literary character and will, I'm sure, be one of the most talked about in 2022 when this book is finally out there in the world! In the meantime, I've never seen a more talked about proof - the hype around this book is to be fully believed! It was a very easy five star read for me. Totally gripped from start to finish - this is a book about all the bits in between what's said and what isn't said. You'll know what I mean when you start reading it. It's about the blind spots, the red flags, we've all seen them and not seen them. At the heart of the book is a 'cosy' mystery which is gripping but doesn't detract from all of the underlying messages. Wonderful wonderful book!

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As the blurb informs you, it is rare that you see a maid while you were staying at a hotel and remain capable of describing them a few minutes later, let alone completing a full conversation with the individual. This is what makes this story so true to life. The maid could be the murderer or maybe they are not, but you will quickly suspect her of something, even though you may not know what that is that she might or might not be guilty of.
This excellent story is very different and shows you Molly the maid through her own eyes and those of her colleagues. We think she saw the murder victim just after he died, but what are we to believe given the individuals and potential close friends that we are introduced to across the first few chapters. She is such a nice person that we cannot believe the detective may think she was involved, when it is clear she wasn't, or was she?
Most of what goes on within a hotel remains unseen, through the privacy of back of house rooms and remembering that maid probably only visit your room when the paying customer is out. I instantly liked Molly, but expected that there were going to be a few twists and turns along this journey. All readers will know her grandmother quite well before turning the last page and yet she doesn't appear in this novel at all.
If nothing else, this book will make you think differently about the maids that walk the corridors and clean your room (whether male, female or other) And you may just take a little more care in what they do in case you are called as a witness to a crime in a hotel.
Although I received a free copy of this book, I will happily recommend this to my friends and anyone that requires a nice story about a nice person, yet in the background lingers crime, deception and murder. This writer kept me riveted to the very last line and I hope to read more of her books in the very near future.

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It took me a while to get into this. The story meanders along and doesn’t really pick up pace until the second half.

Spent a lot of time feeling frustrated about the reactions and behaviours towards Molly. She is very clearly autistic or has a form of Asperger’s but many characters seem clueless about this, some of them cruel.

However when the book eventually picks up pace and Molly realises that some characters are not as trustworthy, the story really starts to pick up.

This is an impressive first book despite the flaws. It did not grip me initially and I don’t know that I really enjoyed it, but I can certainly see it’s appeal and why it has been picked up for a film. Not sure I enjoyed it as such but I certainly wanted to read to the end.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my review.

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I really enjoyed this book and I loved the main character Molly. I found this story delightful and very cleverly written. There were also many quotes in the story that I highlighted along the way. It’s full of mystery, thriller and with some comedy thrown in. What more could you want in a good book? I’d recommend this to everyone!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an ARC of this superb book in exchange for my honest review.

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I was kindly allowed to read and review this book via Netgalley.

It did not disappoint in the slightest. I absolutely love Molly & her charisma. She’s does her job to perfection & likes everything in right order.

She is also ridiculously clever! Just when I thought the ending was good it got better. Cannot wait to read more by this author!

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I loved the idea of this book, and think it would translate really well into a film. However, there were some flaws that really reduced my enjoyment whilst reading.

Firstly (and most significantly) is the character of Molly - she's SO clearly coded to be autistic, but it isn't explicitly labelled that way. She's just the 'quirky', 'odd', 'special' character. As someone with autism I'm really tired of these tropes - just using some of the characteristics that fit a plot point but not being bold enough to actually use the label.

Secondly, it's a little slow to get going. Some of the chapters aren't particularly gripping or entertaining. I did unfortunately find myself skipping through parts because it just wasn't as interesting as I hoped. However, nearer the end things do get moving and the resolutions definitely make up for some of the earlier disappointments, but the autism part wasn't able to be salvaged.

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Molly Gray is not like everyone else. She struggles with social skills and misinterprets the intensions of others. Her gran used to interpret the world for her, codifying it into simple rules that Molly could live by. Since gran died a few months ago, twenty five year old Molly has to navigate herself with gusto into her work as a hotel maid. Her unique character, along with her obsessive love of cleaning and proper etiquette, make her an ideal fit for the job. But Molly's orderly life is turned on it's head, the day she enters the suite of the infamous and wealthy Charlie Black.

Molly is proud to be a maid at the Regency Grand Hotel. Molly has a mild form of autism but she cleans her rooms to perfection. But when Molly finds a dead body in one of her rooms, she pretty soon become the prime suspect. Molly has a fine cast of wonderful, believable characters who are only too willing to help prove Molly's innocence. Molly is a delightful character who you can't help but like. I loved the authors style in writing this book. The first 25% of the book mainly tells us about Molly and her background. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #HarperCollinsUK #HarperFiction and the author #NitaProse for mu ARC of #TheMaid in exchange for an honest review.

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There wasn’t much tension or intrigue in this mystery, so it was kind of a slog to read. The reveals were either very obvious or blandly told late in the game that it left no real time for any fallout or meaningful characterisation to occur. I was bored at the start and thought I’d gain interest when everything kicked off but it just never happened. The characters were all fairly wooden and Molly was at times written inconsistently. I wasn’t entertained and the more meaningful themes fell flat I guess this falls into the category of cosy mysteries which I didn’t know before reading and now know probably isn’t for me so while I really disliked this I’m also not the target audience it turns out! Liked the idea of this book in theory but not in execution.

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One for lovers of Eleanor Oliphant, The Maid by Nita Prose is a fantastic read. The story revolves around a hotel Maid - Molly - and the death of one of the hotel guests. I loved the different hotel characters - it reminded me of the TV series Hotel Babylon. We learn a lot about Molly, her back story and her difficulty in 'reading' the nuances of life without her Grandmother to explain. The story starts slowly, but soon picks up pace and the last 40% was unputdownable! A gentle murder mystery with a resolution that was very satisfying for the reader.
With thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I keep seeing amazing reviews for this book, and it seriously deserves everyone of them, When I started reading this book I honestly thought I was going to struggle with it but I love to be proved wrong, and books like this are one of the reasons I love reading so much, because somewhere along the way I fell in love with Molly’s character. She is honestly one of the best literary characters since Eleanor Oliphant. Molly is one of those characters that you just can’t help loving, and rooting for all the way, and hoping that she comes out on top. This book has so much heart and you won’t help but feel a little bit emotional along the way. It will make you frown but ultimately smile. This story is just brilliantly written, and plotted, and just perfect right to the end. I will be recommending this book to everyone I can in 2022.

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What a deeelightful read! As Molly Maid would say. Molly is a such a complex character yet simple in her ways. Her life has not always been easy and it really breaks your heart to find out about her schooling and how people treat her. Luckily she has people who truly care about her and warn her off the bad eggs. The Grand Regency hotel is anything but- full of shady characters and people who are too rich. This book was such a cosy crime, perfect wintery, escape read that Christie herself would be proud off. Great narrative, full of animated characters and truly loved every minute (apart from Molly's arrest).

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper for my proof copy.

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Molly Gray is a proud maid and is not like everyone else. She struggles with social skills and misreads the intentions of others. Her Gran used to interpret the world for her, codifying it into simple rules that Molly could live by. Since Molly’s Gran passed, Molly has been navigating life on her own. Molly’s life is upended the day she finds Charles Black dead in his bed. What follows is a clue-like whodunnit that will keep you captivated from start to finish. The twists and turns keep on coming.

I fell in love with Molly Gray. She is such an amazingly, charming character. The writing was enchanting. The entire novel is narrated by Molly and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her. This story exceeded my expectations in every way!! I also just learnt the story is being turned into a movie!!

If you’re a fan of mystery then definitely pick this one up on release Jan, 2022.

Thank you to @NetGalley and #HarperCollinsUK for providing me with a review copy!

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