Member Reviews

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Molly is an eccentric maid at the Regency Grand Hotel and she lives her life to exacting standards, just like her work. After her gran dies, Molly is trying to understand all of the complexities of life by herself. Caught up in the murder of one of the regular guests whose room she cleans, Molly must rely on friends she didn't realise she had, to help her prove her innocence, because Molly is now prime suspect🧐

3⭐- I was very much looking forward to this book from the blurb, and have to say I had a bit of an up and down relationship with it. Molly is clearly on the spectrum and she reminded me of Eleanor Oliphant (whom I love!). But unfortunately where I found Eleanor endearing, I found Molly very annoying at times. Now to be fair the plot rolls along nicely and I think the story itself and the supporting characters really save the book, so I would still recommend it as an easy Cluedo style read

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The Maid, Nita Prose

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: General Fiction (Adult),

Well, I wasn't sure about this book, but it proved to be a great fun read, full of little surprises. And the bad guys get it – always a bonus, I do hate when they escape.
Its very slow starting though, and I struggled there. Molly is different, I'd guess she has autistic traits, something my family are very familiar with. I recognise in myself her tendency to take words at face value, her issues with social cues, though thankfully I have nowhere near her problems. Her gran has done a wonderful job, every family should have one like that! A wonderful lady.
I loved Molly, loved her, though it took me a while to understand her with that slow start. I so felt for her when she was being ridiculed by others, or was shamefully taken advantage of. Sadly that's life, some folk do pick on those who are in any way different, but she had some wonderful friends and as the story progressed she made more. She needed them. Eventually her differences, her issues, her way of seeing things another way, turned out to actually be a strength and saving grace.

In essence its what I've always shied away from ready – a cozy mystery – maybe I need to widen my tastes as though I wouldn't reread I did enjoy this. Its got some terrific and very relatable characters, real issues and scenes, though you do need to suspend belief a bit ;-)

Stars: Four, a divergence from my usual tastes, a really unusual and interesting story.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

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Molly Gray, a maid at the Regency Grand Hotel, has her world turned upside down when she stumbles across the body of a wealthy guest, dead in his suite.

Molly’s unusual behaviour makes her a lead suspect in the police investigation and we follow her as she navigates life without her beloved Gran, making new friends and dealing with deceitful colleagues, to solve the mystery of Charles Black’s murder.

Molly is obviously neurodivergent and the author tries to aim for a loveable quirky Eleanor Olyphant personality, but for me it just misses the mark and I couldn’t warm to her.

The first third of the book was very slow and the constant cutesy rhyming (‘a tissue for your issue’, ‘dead in his bed’, etc) was grating. It was only as other characters were introduced and joined Molly’s team, that the pace picked up and she became a more likeable and well-rounded figure.

The story does make you empathize with Molly though, as she is manipulated by many of those around her, and, as things progress and Molly and her friends team up to crack the case, the narrative becomes more heart-warming with a focus on friendship and appreciating our differences.

A fun, light-hearted murder mystery jaunt with a nice twist.

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I have received an ARC from Netgalley and Bloomsbury Publishing and this is my honest review.

Let me tell you first that I am not a “cosy read” person. I enjoy suspense and dark themes and not necessarily happy endings. My first “cost read” was “House on the Cerulean Sea” and I still don’t understand the hype around it.

Back to The Maid, the title character Molly the maid is a pure and innocent character who has a unique view on our world. She has recently lost her Gran who brought her up and helped her to make sense of the world so currently she is in a doe-eyed child’s state, getting used to her new normal.

The book is entirely from her perspective and although she tells us her surrounding character’s reactions to things she says, I wonder if she was an unreliable character story teller or not. The syrupy bits got boring for me after a while and seeing the entire - limited world view from Molly’s perspective was a little tiresome after a while.

This title might be better in a book club scenario, I feel like I might have missed some of the ongoing themes or humour, such as The Olive Garden. I’ve been to the States many times but never visited Olive Garden so not sure what kind of restaurant it is - for Molly this establishment has a very prominent role. Hopefully will find out more once the film adaption comes out.

One thing I enjoyed about the book was Gran’s character and Molly’s grief, which was beautifully entwining the whole book, felt very human and real. The rest of the book to me was syrupy and the plot wasn’t that exciting.

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I received a copy of this e-arc in exchange for an honest review thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK.

At the beginning, I didn’t think I was going to like this book.

Molly is quite a quirky character - I wondered if she maybe was on the spectrum because of her personality traits that are shown throughout the book.

I actually thought Molly would annoy me as she is far too innocent for a maid, someone I would have thought would have seen a lot of unusual things whilst cleaning hotel rooms.

I actually really enjoyed this book! I blitzed through it and I adored the ending. It was a perfect ending for all the characters - even with that plot twist that I didn’t expect!

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I was so excited when given the chance to read The Maid! I went into it expecting so much and I was sure not disappointed, the maid is definitely on by list of my favourite novels of this year; it was so hard to put done once you started reading! I loved everything Molly the maid, in a way her mannerism and the way she had an outlook on life was so heartwarming to read alongside her journey. Molly definitely was one of the best main characters from the books I’ve read and she completely stole it. The suspense, the storyline and everything about this novel was so fun to read. I loved everything about this novel and would thoroughly recommend to fellow book readers. Molly will be a main character from the novels I’ve read that I won’t forget. I’ll be looking forward to reading once again in the near future.

Thank you to Harper Collins and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review! 5*

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I read The Maid over a couple of days and found it impossible to put down. It follows the story of Molly Gray, she’s a maid at an upmarket hotel but she’s also awkward and lacking in social skills. Following the death of her Gran, Molly is trying to navigate her way through life alone. But one day her orderly life is turned upside down when discovers a dead body.

For a debut novel, this book is fantastic. I adored Molly as a character. She’s innocent and quirky and has a real depth that you become more immersed in with each chapter. I can highly recommend this book. Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK and the author for the chance to review.

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I really enjoyed this book! I didn't really know what to expect as this is a new author for me, but it was a very enjoyable read. I loved the main character Molly who could only be described as quirky. She comes across a guest lying dead in his bed and and the police are immediately interested in her as a suspect. Lots of murky goings on come to light as the investigation continues and there is quite a strong thread of humour throughout mostly provided by Molly and her way of dealing with things. It could almost be described as a 'cosy' mystery but with just enough of an edge to it.
I didn't get a strong sense of place or time from this one, I like to know exactly where and when a story is set (but that's just a quirk of mine)!. At first I thought it was a hotel in the UK but towards the end a couple of US cities are mentioned.
Definitely a wee bit different, I would certainly recommend this.

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I think it is safe to say that all of us were very keen to start this one. All of us in the group love a little but of mystery and couldn’t wait to dive into The Maid.

This was a brilliant read. I honestly couldn’t fault it and could of easily sat and devoured it in one sitting. Molly the Maid was an incredible main character. I loved her outlook on life and how black and white everything was to her. She had a sense of professionalism that went beyond the doors of her hotel and a knack for cleaning like no other. Everyone in the group agreed that Molly was the star of this book and completely stole the show.

Once we learnt more about Molly we couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. If it wasn’t for her beloved Gran we don’t know what would of happened to her. Even as she headed into her adult life she still had hardships and once we learnt more about her work colleagues my sympathy only deepened.

From the beginning all of us were desperately hoping that Molly had nothing to do with Mr Black’s murder. I would hate to see someone so sweet, kind and generous get caught up in all of that. I will admit there were a few occasions when a few in the group did doubt her and I can see why. I wasn’t entirely sure how truthful Molly was being at points. What we all hoped was that we would get answers to all the questions we had. There’s nothing worse than a book leaving the readers with more questions than answers. Luckily for us everything was wrapped up neatly and on the whole it was a satisfying ending.

I can’t say anything more without giving too much away but trust me when I say you need to read this book. Once you let Molly the Maid into your life you won’t want her to leave!

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A most unusual character. Molly is a girl who was abandoned, brought up and coddled by her grandmother, abandoned by a boyfriend who absconded with grans life savings. With no money to go to college she ends up as 5 star hotel maid. Well trained to clean meticulously, to be helpful, and to treat patrons as honoured guests. This she dedicates herself to do literally, to the extent that she blunders in where angels fear to tread, blind to any danger, a gets exploited, framed and arrested for murder. How she comes to her senses and finally recognises her friends and foes and helps to bring done the bad eggs and solves the murder and dispenses justice in her own lights makes a fascinating and enjoyable read.

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This is a hotly anticipated novel which is already being made into a film, with the excellent Florence Pugh in the titular role. Tipped for success indeed, especially as it’s not out to buy until 20th January 2022.

Molly is a young woman who lives on her own, although up until recently she lived with her gran in a cosy but not terribly comfortable flat. From the outset you as the reader knows that Molly is unusual - she doesn’t have any friends, she likes things to be neat and tidy, and she is also quite naive.
I instantly warmed to her, as a first person narrative it’s hard not to like the person speaking to you, but she is likeable, perhaps more so because her colleagues think she’s odd, and make fun of her where she can hear. There are a few sections where you think she might not be as good and pure as all that, as she fantasises about punching rude people. I guess though, that everyone’s done that. Right?

The novel is a great example of cosy crime - there is a dead body but it’s not described in detail and actually, the focus is on solving the murder rather than the blood and guts involved. When Molly finds one of her guests dead in the room, she finds the finger of blame pointed firmly at her - and she needs to find some friends to help her clear her name.

I found the location ambiguity in this really interesting - she talks like she’s from an Agatha Christie novel but something about the hotel’s location puts it in an American city. I think this is a bit of clever writing and it makes it anyplace, rather than distracting with geographical details or bloopers. I haven’t seen where the film is set - I think I thought it was something between the hotel in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York and the John Wick refuge hotel.

The writing was also littered with eggs - Faberge eggs, Mexican eggs, people were referred to as good or bad eggs. I don’t know if it’s a nod to other murder mystery novels, or an easter egg from the author (arf), or just a coincidence - it was fun looking out for them, though.

Like all good murder mysteries, I can’t talk about the plot detail too much for fear of giving the clues away. I will say that I thought it was pretty lovely, and reminded me of what a human need it is to have someone who is with you, walking this journey through life beside you.

A great present promise for Christmas (who doesn’t love a slightly delayed Christmas present?) Also, have you seen this hardback edition from Waterstones?? It’s delightful. I’m definitely putting that on my Santa wishlist.

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"The Maid" was our book club read for November and everyone loved it. Molly is the protagonist everybody was rooting for, with her straight-talking, endearing ways. Nita Prose has written an engaging and intriguing whodunit which is sure to be a popular read.

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Enjoyed this so much - Molly the Maid is quite eccentric & devoted her life to cleaning as a maid at the Regency Grand Hotel & keeping her own life orderly!
This book reminds me of Eleanor Oliphant with the lifestyle of the main character Molly!
Highly recommend!

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I am your maid. I know about your secrets. Your dirty laundry. But what do you know about me? Molly the maid is all alone in the world. A nobody. She’s used to being invisible in her job at the Regency Grand Hotel, plumping pillows and wiping away the grime, dust and secrets of the guests passing through. She’s just a maid – why should anyone take notice? But Molly is thrown into the spotlight when she discovers an infamous guest, Mr Black, very dead in his bed. This isn’t a mess that can be easily cleaned up. And as Molly becomes embroiled in the hunt for the truth, following the clues whispering in the hallways of the Regency Grand, she discovers a power she never knew was there. She’s just a maid – but what can she see that others overlook?
I was so excited to read this when I was lucky enough to be able to review it by @netgalley 🥰 molly the maid is a really loveable character who you get really attached to. I feel like we all know a molly! I was captivated by this book really early on and read it so quickly. It’s so well written and easy to follow. It has such a nice little happy ending too and overall is a really lovely book which I would definitely recommend you read!

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Fantastic book! This has to be the new Eleanor Oliphant. Gripping storyline at The Regency Grand Hotel. Molly the maid is a loveable heroine. I could not put this down. Fantastic!!

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What a great book with an unusual plot about a maid. A guest is found dead and Molly is drawn into the murder enquiry. The character portrayal is very well done as Molly seems to be a loner and has learnt life lessons from her Gran. I was hooked on the story as Molly is drawn further into the plot and I was sorry to finish the book. Well done to a new author.

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This starts off as different, fresh and unpredictable but once the police are involved it rapidly goes downhill.

From this point Molly the maid stops being tolerable and quirky and becomes really irritating and I completely lost interest
With little gems like "A tissue for your issue," proffered when someone cries it takes quite a bit of patience to make it to the halfway point.
She seems to be OCD about hygiene but wipes her shoe soles with a cloth that she doesn't wash or burn but saves on her cupboard floor. Not the cleanest of actions!

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What a remarkable book! "The Maid" by Nita Prose captures perfectly the culture and way of life of the "unseen" in society, personified excellently in this book. Molly loves her job and her Gran, and nothing really should stand in the way of that. Unfortunately she is taken advantage of, as so often happens to "innocents" in her position. Luckily this is resolved by the end. Would love a sequel.

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Four and a half stars for this Murder mystery set in the Grand Regency Hotel and narrated by Molly the Maid, a lovable character who takes great pride in her work, misses her Gran and whose life takes a turn for the worse when she comes across a dead body in one of the luxury suites.

As we learn more about Molly’s life, her view of the world and how others around her view Molly, this easy to read story unfolds to a satisfying conclusion.

I will be saying hello to the cleaners when I next stay in a hotel as well as letting their trolley into the lift.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair review

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Look at that tagline - 'I am your maid. I know about your secrets. Your dirty laundry. But what do you know about me?'

Sounds fabulous, yes? I'll admit I was intrigued and am grateful to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

The story follows Molly the maid - a dedicated employee of the Grand Regency Hotel. She is used to cleaning up the mess left by people, until one day she discovers the dead body of the wealthy Mr Black in his room. Soon, Molly realises that this is one mess she cannot clean up...especially as there are some very dark secrets at the hotel.

Molly herself is an absolute triumph of a character - I was astonished to learn that Nita Prose is a debut author as the writing felt so sophisticated and confident. I loved that the narration is unreliable - Molly doesn't read people or their intentions well and the reader is kept on tenterhooks with their fears about what Molly has got caught up in without her realising. Little clues are given throughout the story that the reader has to decode because Molly cannot. That said, she is absolutely charming and a pleasure to meet.

The other striking thing for me was the setting - I loved the opulent hotel with its veneer of respectability hiding all kinds of underhand dealing. The setting is also strangely timeless and without a definitive sense of place - the reference to dollars placed it in the US, but there was very little to pin down time or place otherwise. It is clearly modernish, but the vague sense of time and place made it oddly relatable - this could almost be any hotel in any city.

The characterisation is beautifully done - there are some great heroes and villains emerging throughout the book, plus some who we really fear that Molly is reading incorrectly. Her relationship with the barman, Rodney, is so sad to read about as she is just so trusting and I felt so indignant at her treatment by her line manager!

I read this with a group of bloggers and I found it so difficult to stop at the points we agreed to discuss the book - I wanted to race on and find out what happened. I thought that the final section was slower paced than I wanted, but I cannot fault the ending at all.

I'd recommend this wholeheartedly to those who enjoy mysteries with quirky and engaging characters. Based on this, Nita Prose is definitely an author to watch out for in 2022 and beyond.

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