Member Reviews

I adored this sweet story that found loveable, hotel maid, Molly, smack dab in the middle of a murder mystery. It was a feel-good read for anyone who champions the underdogs in life.

The Maid by Nita Prose was a nice easy read with a quirky main character, Molly. It's one of those stories where you want to become a surrogate mum to Molly to help her navigate the mess she ends up in.
The story is set in the Regency Grand hotel, where Molly works as a maid. She is fastidious and conscientious worker who takes great pride in her work. Unwittingly, Molly gets caught up in a drug syndicate as well as a murder and everything starts to unravel in her neat, ordered, rule abiding life.
Really lovely ending, with some lovely characters coming to help her in the end. A nice feel good story that will charm.

This book really suprised me, I dont know if I didnt read the blub properly but it really wasnt what I expected, in a great way. It gave me Eleanor Oliphant vibes which is one of my favourite books of the last few years. The main character Molly has social interaction issues. Her gran has been her lead all her life but she has recently died and now Molly is struggling to cope in the world without her. Through no fault of her own she finds herself at the centre of a murder enquiry after a dodgy businessman is murdered in the hotel where she loves working.
I loved Molly she was so pure and such a great main character. I flew through this book in a few days which is testament to how good it was as I am not a fast reader. I thought the murder mystery, whilst not overly complicated, was still a great whodunnit.
All in all I think this book had a bit of everything and was really enjoyable.

I really enjoyed this book. I have one gripe however, I could not locate the city that the hotel was set in. This may not be a problem for others but I find it helps with my understanding of the story. I was disorientated because I felt initially that all the action was in England, but then dollars were mentioned and then in the later stages of the book terms which sound more American came to the fore.
That said, the characters were well drawn with a few believable twists at the end. The character of Molly as someone who does not recognise facial expressions, with an old fashioned countenance, an inability to see what others would see and an ability to become invisible is a wonderful creation. Yet, I never felt that I wanted to put the book down because I was anticipating someone taking advantage of Molly in a violent way. The more minor characters are well drawn as well. The location, in an up market hotel and the goings on seemed believable.
The book deals with the dangers of being an illegal immigrant, misplaced trust, friendship, loyalty, hard work and the grey areas of life, where it is not always obvious what is the right thing to do or what is the wrong thing to do. Judge Molly badly if you want to. I did not.
Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this book.

I was quite eager to read this book, and so I would like to extend my gratitude to Harper Collins for sending me a copy. Reading the plot, I imagined the book to be full of intrigue and mystery.
The central character Molly the maid is well developed and quirky, which makes you like and dislike her in ways that probably reflect ones one perspective of how events unfold.
The book does have a good narrative and the slow build of intrigue does keep you turning pages - but! in my opinion, I was a little disappointed that Molly isn't the blood-hound so-to speak as I had hoped. (and I am thinking about the Miss Marple's of old). Without saying too much about the plot, but essentially, she's a maid and on an ordinary day finds a high profile guest dead in his suite. What follows is a rather simple step by step investigation trying to find the culprit, but its during this part of the book, that I felt the focus changes too much from central to supporting characters and this changes the pace and dynamic of the book and just ends up leaving the conclusion less extraordinary than it could have been.
Overall a good read - but perhaps a missed opportunity to take it in a different more enduring direction.

I absolutely adore Molly the maid! If you come away after reading this and not liking her, we can never be friends.
The way Molly spoke was unique and so sweet. I also enjoyed how there were little hints that she wasn't 100% as sweet as she looked.
I enjoyed the writing style and thought the pacing was brilliant.
If there is going to be another book written about Molly I would definitely read it.
Light, humorous, and a bit of delightful cosy fun!
Read it now.

This book has been talked about so much and I was delighted to be approved to read an APC of it and my goodness I was not disappointed.
Often these sorts of things can be a let down after all the hype but this book totally gripped me to the point that I felt like I fell down a rabbit hole into Molly the Maid's world.
I hate to risk spoiling anything but I will offer a short intro. We are introduced to the rather reclusive life of Molly, who works as a maid at the prestigious Regency Grand Hotel. She is often overlooked and blends into the background, but when a wealthy hotel guest Mr Black passes away, Molly might be the one person who can work out what really happened.
In many ways it reminded me of Eleanor Oliphant and the writing is utterly beautiful. I cannot recommend it highly enough and just warn you that you might lose yourself to it for a little while.

I loved this book.
Molly the maid is unusual. She knows it, in part because others call her weirdo and treat her differently. She loves her job working in a grand hotel where she ‘returns rooms to perfection’.
One day her routine of polishing and scrubbing is disrupted when she finds a guest dead in bed. She is soon not alone any more but part of a small disparate group who work together to solve the mystery of his death.
Charming and compelling this is a warm read and the character of Molly is a wonderful creation.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a review copy

Molly is a maid in a nice hotel who keeps herself to herself. One morning when cleaning a room she finds a guest dead in his bed and she becomes involved in a murder investigation. The concept is interesting but the execution is a bit clumsy and the book doesn't grip you the way it should. After about the halfway point it became a bit of a slog unfortunately.

I was really looking forward to reading this new book as I thought the description of hotel, murder, The Maid sounded interesting , plus it has already received some great reviews, however I'm clearly not getting as much from it as others have. Unfortunately it fell a bit flat for me. I enjoyed it but felt the whole thing was a little bit underwhelming. I hate to down a book but just felt it's plot and twist at the end could have been more imaginative. For me it was one of those reads where I kept thinking I like that but.......
I liked the characters but felt they were a little 2 dimensional
The plot was good but could have been so much more
The read was engaging but a bit predictable
The ending a little uninventive and happy ever after
Sorry I will still give it 3 stars though

I completely loved this! I totally got Eleanor Oliphant vibes and was so infuriated by how Molly was taken advantage of!

Within the first few pages I was endeared to Molly the maid and narrator of the story. She seemed so innocent. Prose immediately tugs on the heart strings when Molly describes how her difficulty with social skills has left her alone and friendless despite her unassuming and kind demeanor.
Reading from Molly's perspective alternately warms and breaks the heart. I'm not sure and it isn't explained what kind of mental difficulties Molly has but her misunderstanding of virtually every social cue makes you want to congratulate her strength whilst simultaneously wrapping her in cotton wool.
It's easy to see through the lies and manipulation employed by those around Molly at the Regency Hotel, seeking to take advantage of her beautiful nature. Prose drops in just enough hints to alert the reader that something inherently wrong is happening at the hotel but not exactly what or by whom.
The Maid is an emotional ride that reminds us of the best and worst human behaviours whilst uncovering the shocking truth behind the death of Mr Black.
An easy read with a golden heart, perfect for a cosy evening.

Loved The Maid by @nitaprose a heartwarming story of Molly, a young eccentric woman who works as a maid at an upscale hotel and gets caught up in a murder at the hotel.
I loved Molly - she was written so well and was so endearing! The story was well-told, well-paced, and the secondary characters were also loveable and memorable. I would love to see a sequel with Molly!!!
This book is out January 20, 2022 and I urge you to pick it up when it comes out!!!! A story with both a good plot, a mystery and great, loveable characters - a definite hit for me. 5 solid glowing stars.
Thanks to @harpercollinsuk and @netgalley for this early reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

It is difficult to believe this is a debut novel and is one of my favourite reds this year.
Molly Gray is a maid at the Regency Grand Hotel and is seen by others as a bit of a strange one. She is certainly different to most of her fellow workers and struggles with social skills that leads to many misunderstandings. For many years her gran used to guide her through life by giving her a list of rules to live by, but since her death a few months ago, twenty-five-year-old Molly has been struggling through all by herself.
Molly loves her work as a maid and approaches it with lots enthusiasm, spending far more time cleaning than others making it her dream job. While carrying out her daily chores she enters the suite of the wealthy Charles Black and discovers him dead in his bed. It is not long after that, mainly due to her awkwardness and lack of social skills, that she becomes the lead suspect. She becomes embroiled in a web of deception as she discovers friends she was not aware of to help uncover the truth.
I really enjoyed this one and couldn’t put it down, reading it in one sitting. The book is narrated by Molly, who is a great quirky, fun character. Like I said I can’t believe this is a debut novel which only bodes well for future novels. Excellent cosy crime novel that I highly recommend.
I would like to thank both Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you so much to HarperCollins UK for approving my request to read this much anticipated and lauded book. Molly is a maid (yes, she knows!) working at the Regency Grand Hotel and she’s different. She doesn’t pick up on social cues, she’s literal and she’s armed with a basketful of aphorisms that she dishes out throughout the day. She’s the best maid at the hotel; meticulous, hard-working and professional. But one day, she finds a dead body in a hotel room and things begin to unravel. Molly isn’t quite who she seems and things aren’t quite how they look.
Reading this book was like being on a rollercoaster. A little slow at first, like the crawl of the car up to the top of the slope. Then you’re released into a narrative that barrels through twists, turns, dips and ascents and you arrive a little breathless at the end. And my, what an ending!!!
All I can say without giving anything away is that you should absolutely believe the hype about this book. I couldn’t put it down. Literally up until the wee hours desperate to see what happened and now I have a book hangover from lack of sleep. Thank you and brava, Nita Prose. .

With grateful thanks to netgalley for an early copy in return for an honest opinion.
I was rather intrigued by the cover and synopsis of this book and I can say it was quite a jolly book in the respect that it kind of reminded me of a rather young miss Marple it was a nice enjoyable read.

Thank you #NetGalley and #HarperCollinsUK for a digital advanced reader's copy of #TheMaid by Nita Prose in exchange for a genuine review.
This was an okay read for me a 2.5/5 but rounded up to a 3-star rating. It was extremely predictable but I guess what makes up for it was the way the story was told in her eyes (She was such a charming and naive character) - that's what kept me going. The plot was interesting and loved the idea of it - this socially awkward person finding a dead body in the room where she was cleaning. I felt like there were parts where what happened was really out of character for Molly and was written just for the sake of a 'twist'. I prefer books as well that give out clues and would include the reader in trying to solve the mystery rather than the readers being spoon-fed of the answers. This wasn't a bad book but just isn't the book for ME. It was a quick read for me but nothing about it is memorable - sadly, I might forget about this book a few months from now. I guess if you are into cozy predictable mysteries - then this book might be for you.

I've been really struggling to get into books recently. I adored this, it was intriguing and there was just so much depth to the main character. Could not put it down.

Molly is a remarkable character and such an engaging narrator. Her speaking style is unusual, quite formal and old-fashioned, with much of what she knows and many of the rules she lives by having been learned from her beloved grandmother. She is also a consummate professional, taking note of everything she is taught in training sessions, and takes enormous pride in restoring hotel rooms to perfection. On the other hand, she is extremely naive, she's lonely since her gran died, and whilst I found myself smiling a lot, I also felt sad that she was so misunderstood.
It's a wonderful story. Yes, it revolves round a murder and other serious crime, but is told in such a light-hearted way that it is utterly charming. I understand that film rights have been agreed. I imagine it will translate perfectly from page to screen, and I hope nothing gets changed.

3.5 Stars
I enjoy a cozy mystery with a tiny cast of characters.
Molly the maid is not like most people. She struggles with social cues and misinterprets situations and conversations all the time. Following the passing of our gran, her only relative, she has to navigate the world by herself for the first time.
Molly and her colleagues at the Regency Grand Hotel are shaken when Molly finds a dead body in one of the rooms.
I found this a little frustrating to read, mostly because of how some of the other characters treated Molly. There were some situations that Molly was led into and manipulated into.
It was however lovely to see friendships and relationships develop, along with support for Molly.