Member Reviews

what a cast of characters! I loved this book. Totally unexpected charm and the characters are amazing. Well written and easy to read, this one will charm!

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Molly is a dedicated, utterly focused maid at a boutique, exclusive hotel. Someone who struggles with social cues and reading others, she unwittingly becomes entangled in the strange goings-on at the Regency Grand Hotel. Through her eyes, we get an engaging, interesting view of society, relationships, and the motivations for murder. I enjoyed this.

Molly is a very good protagonist. She’s on the autism spectrum, in that she struggles with reading people, understanding nuance and other social cues. She is single-minded in her focus on work, having utterly taken on board one of her grandmother’s aphorisms. She is also, in a way, perfectly suited to her role at a hotel that prides itself on exceptional service and discretion.

“The shopkeeper described you perfectly — someone who blends into the background, until she speaks. The kind of person you’d easily forget about under most circumstances.”

Molly's perspective offers some interesting narrative opportunities for the author: for example, the reader can often see what is happening in front of Molly, but she can’t always read the situation properly. Rather than making Molly seem oblivious, the author sprinkles her own innocent observations into the situation, providing an extra layer of mystery and intrigue — we come to question everyone’s motives, when they are interacting with Molly. Also, Prose doesn’t give the reader much more than what Molly sees, hears, and does — she doesn’t fill in any details to explain what Molly has missed. I found myself questioning almost every character’s involvement in the events at the hotel, and only in the final third or so of the book did everything click into place. (Certain revelations weren’t surprises, but others came as something of a relief.)

There are so many instances of casual, oblivious cruelty from the myriad cast of character who move in and out of Molly’s daily routine. Even those who think they are being kind or are her allies can exhibit prejudice and certain biases. For example, one character (who, admittedly, isn’t the most pure of heart or intent) tells Molly to not “believe what anyone says. You’re not a freak. Or a robot.” The character clearly does not realizing that what she’s actually done is inform Molly that everyone else at the hotel thinks of her as a robot, someone to be avoided, pitied, or mocked. Molly is perfectly aware of her reputation among her colleagues and superiors, but there is something especially cruel in the way people keep reminding her of it; the use of qualifying statements amended to praise or kindnesses.

Overall, then, this was a good and engaging mystery. Molly’s worldview adds plenty of interesting opportunities to make the story a bit different. It wasn’t flawlessly executed, but it’s a quickly paced novel that held my attention and kept me reading into the night — if for no other reason than I needed to know that Molly would be alright in the end. I’m not sure it really counts as one, but The Maid feels like an interesting twist on the Cozy Mystery genre.


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Molly the maid has a set of rules and she loves to work to them. Her goal is to return rooms to a state of perfection. So, we realise this is already no everyday maid.

Molly works at the Regency Grand and is happy in her work. Her beloved Grandmother recently passed away and she has no one for guidance anymore. She see things a little differently to others and unfortunately this can lead her to be taken advantage of.

Told through the eyes of Molly the reader soon begins to realise that all is not what it might be at the Regency Grand, except Molly will be last to realise, even after she finds a dead body. With Molly very much an innocent, it became worrying that no one seemed to be on Molly's side, but instead used her to their advance their gain. I grew to really detest her supervisor Cheryl and the Lothario called Rodney who Molly has set her sights on.

Initially I thought that the plot felt drawn out, but then the action really began and it got very interesting. I couldn't understand the need for the book to carry on once all the ends were tied up. However I was in for a surprise ending and what a surprise it turned out to be. I'm still mulling it all over in my mind now.

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Well now, this is a very special read. News that Florence Pugh is to star at the title character, Molly, is music to my ears. Molly is, as you’d guess, a maid in the Regency Grand Hotel. She lives a small, quiet, compartmentalised life, made all the smaller after her grandmother’s death. Her daily goals are to bring the rooms to a level of perfect sanitation, while worrying how she will pay her rent. Cleaning the rooms, no one barely notices she’s there – after all, she’s just a maid, right? But when Mr Black, a long-time hotel visitor, is found dead in his bed, this is a mess that can’t as efficiently be cleaned up. And if Molly is overlooked by so many, there’s a chance that she can see what so many can’t – and figure out what’s happening under the management’s nose. I defy you not to root for Molly; she is a gem of a character whose language and demeanour makes her stand out (often not positively for her co-workers) but she never changes who she is to make someone else happy.

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A charming story which had you wishing you could help Molly, the main character, she was very well drawn and although the word autism wasn’t mentioned Molly had challenges which you could relate to this disability. A wonderful story for a film !

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Ugh, what can I say about this absolute travesty of a novel????!!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Looking at the hype all I can say is that: I DON’T UNDERSTAND THE WORLD OF PUBLISHING. Publishing seems to be run by morons. Unfortunately editors and literary agents are gatekeepers of the publishing world, who force their appalling taste onto the world.

The protagonist is an Eleanor Oliphant, a “quirky” character with an unchecked diagnosis. A trend that is not cute. If your character has autistic desires, just make fucking autistic. Stop appropriating diagnoses, just because you present certain features as “cute” and “heroic”. I’m not even sure what year that is novel is supposed to be set in; there is a timeless with constant features to cups of tea and sandwiches. A famous person gets murdered, and our insipid protagonist gets implicated. Our baddies are all stereotyped drug dealers, with bizness on the side. Ugh!!! A waste of time!!!

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Molly the maid likes everything just so and at the Regency Grand Hotel the rooms she cleans are just about the only things that are. When Molly finds a rich regular hotel guest dead in his room things for Molly start to unravel. People she thought were friends turn out to be anything but and good deeds aren’t all that they seem. When the police arrest her for murder Molly finds support in unexpected places.
This was ok, I liked the idea and I liked the characters however the execution was a little bit simplistic at times. The writer is a great pains to point out that being different is ok even though at times it can make you vulnerable. Although Molly’s exact difference is never defined she just has some vague interpersonal issues. I found the detective two dimensional and incredibly stupid. And of course the hot dude turned out to be a wrong ‘un. Sigh. It’s always the pretty ones.

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What a page turner! Molly the maid is such an insightful and complex character and I found she gave me the same warm feeling inside as Britt-Marie and Eleanor Oliphant did. This was a lovely cosy mystery and I want a follow up so badly. There’s so many dark and unexpected aspects that pop up in this story which really added to the whole experience. Nita Prose has proved to be a fab mystery writer, can’t wait to see more from her 😊

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I was looking through Netgalley a few weeks ago (always a dangerous pastime) and saw The Maid as I was searching. The cover caught my attention – brilliant design, as did the tag line. I remember seeing a few bloggers receive and review this one and it sounded like just the sort of read I was looking for so I requested and was lucky enough to receive it.
I was right, it was exactly the sort of book I enjoy and I quickly fell in love with Molly. Her narration was charming and it was easy to warm to her as a person. While Molly obviously has a different way of looking at the world to others, very literal, follower of the rules and always keen to do the right thing she never came across as helpless even when she was being ruthlessly manipulated by others. She was a strong character who was also very warm.
We meet Molly as she’s feeling a bit adrift in the world after the death of her Grandmother who helped her to interpret the world around her. Molly’s happy place is her work as a maid at the Regency Hotel where she takes great pleasure in returning rooms ‘to a state of perfection’. Yet not everything at the hotel is as it first seems as Molly uncovers during the course of the book.
It was heart breaking at times being able to see what Molly couldn’t and I wanted to step in and tell people to take her seriously when they were ignoring her because they had dismissed her due to her difficulties interpreting people at times.
I loved how she never gave up though, and with the right people on her side giving her a team to work with she pushed on even when things were really tough.
The supporting cast were brilliant too, it was very clever how we saw things through Molly’s eyes while still getting the picture of what else was going on as well. A well crafted novel that kept me hooked, this was a great read.

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Molly the maid is an innocent who takes life too seriously, and has had a very sheltered upbringing .
When she finds the hotels' VIP guest dead in his room, a chain of events sparks that leads to unexpected consequences.
I really couldn't work out if Molly was American, or English. I also think she might be on the autistic spectrum.
But I found the book to be a charming, and heartwarming, story of how she slowly blossoms in the midst of adversity to become the woman she's meant to be.

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Wow what a book. The story is not a startlingly new idea or particularly clever but the book as a whole is just delightful. Molly, as the main character, is a joy. At the beginning I must admit I wondered where it was going and perhaps, if I'm honest, I would say it was a bit slow and too detailed but after a few chapters I was hooked. What began as basically a description of Molly's simple life story and rather dull job, ramped up into a mystery with great characters involved, both wonderful and bad. I look forward to the film being made although I do hope it is cast well and does not spoil my fantastic view and images of Molly and her friends!

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Well hold onto your hats as this will be one of the most talked about books of 2022. Already picked up for a film and I am not surprised it is a fantastic journey through the life of a maid who discovers a body in the hotel where she works. To say much would give the game away but it twists and turns as the story flows.
The characters are magnificent this is a slow burner of a book as it takes it time to tell the story and introduce the characters and draw you in. It is not until about half way through that the book twists and really picks up pace.
This is easily the best book I have read this year and if it does not win a host of award there is no justice in the world. I just hope the film is as strong as the book.

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The Maid is a strong and engaging thriller that will translate well to screen as the film rights have been picked up – I can’t wait to see how this be interpreted into a movie! Taking the anonymous and oft forgotten character of the maid is ingenious and that opening chapter with its portentously sinister omniscience hooked me instantly. I did find it extremely frustrating throughout  that none of the other characters seemed to realise Molly appears to be on the autistic spectrum, so I was creaming out for someone to realise and advocate for her. It does lead to the best plot as it plays on others taking advantage of her straightforward scrupulous thinking however, with a really satisfying ending. It is reminiscent of Eleanor Oliphant, especially with her exacting descriptions, and the slow reveal of details – all in all a great read.

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I read it in three days and could barely put it down. A great read when you want to lose yourself in a book and forget the world.

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Just how wrong could I be!
Just how wrong could her peers be!
Just how wrong were the Police!

The Maid.
I was drawn to the blurb and thank goodness I took the chance. I was so dedicated to this book.

That was before I saw this:


*Film rights snapped up by Universal, with Florence Pugh set to star as the title character

No wonder! I loved Molly. She was so different in getting the hotel rooms restored to “perfection” after the guests moved out. Conscientious, loyal, clean, exact and saw things in sometimes odd ways than you or I. She spoke in ways that were “unusual” so at times stood out.

This made her vulnerable at times.

Her family background, her aloneness and her life. But she loved her job.
She also had a chap that she was sweet on. It was cute.

The vulnerability of Molly, to me, was plain to see. She’s alone. And she even sees herself as a nobody. I felt sad for her.

This was so dam good.

Debut novel I’m told.

When this is released I’m going to buy this for my book shelf.

It’s a story how everyone deserves to be seen.
It’s a mystery that you will love.

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I raced through this book as I couldn’t wait to know what happened to Molly the hotel maid after she found the body of a wealthy guest in his room when she went in to clean.Molly is a very memorable character,who takes pride in her work ,in spite of being different from her co-workers.She is recovering from the loss of her beloved grandmother and leads a lonely life.When things become problematic for her,she needs to rely on the small group of friends she has .
Molly is a wonderful character and it’s not surprising that the film rights of the book have already been bought .I was cheering her on to the very end ,and was entirely satisfied with the outcome. I loved this book.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in return for an honest review which reflects my own opinion.

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This is an intriguing thriller, told in the unique voice of Molly the Maid, who's an 'old soul' and sees the world through a slightly naive, rose-tinted view. When she discovers an important hotel guest dead in his bed, she finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation and a web of secrets that just keeps growing. I loved the themes here, about friendship, trust and the importance of not taking things at face value, but I did feel that the clues for the wider mystery were laid out a little too clearly for us, even if they weren't for Molly. It's really enjoyable, and a fun solve, but I think the twists could be a little more surprising if they were hidden slightly better!

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Early reviews were flitting about my social media recently and I had yet to read one that wasn’t entirely complimentary, so I knew even before I started it that I was in for a good read.

Nita has spent many years editing other novels and has clearly perfected her craft through seeing what others do and learning from it, in order to produce this masterpiece. It’s hard to believe this is her first novel as it is so perfectly crafted that I cannot see any flaws.

Molly Maid is such a unique and compelling character. She is simply glorious and gives us such an insight into her different way of thinking. There are a multitude of other characters - some better than others - who all do their best to carry the story, but it is through Molly’s heartfelt narration that we really fall in love. In fact, I felt so angry with some of the other characters on Molly’s behalf, she really shouldn’t be so underestimated.

For someone who has lost her fair share of people over the years, the description of Molly’s grief after losing her gran is one of the best fictional descriptions I’ve read, it is so close to reality that it’s heartbreaking.

At its heart, this is a murder mystery, but not like we know. There’s no twists or red herrings; as the reader we know who is good and who is bad, it’s just for Molly - and us - to convince everyone else.

On a side note, I also learnt from this book that when you post someone’s bail money, you don’t actually pay there and there, only if they flee. That’s something I never knew. Who says you can’t learn from fiction books?

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Having finished this last night, i really enjoyed it. Molly the Maid initially needs looking after and protecting - her simplistic straightforward way with people is the thing that ends her in trouble, the people she thinks are her friends are not.

The book very quickly draws you in, the story is narrated by Molly, her approach is refreshing, and her language reflects her naivety and unsophisticated approach to life and the people she meets. She did remind me of Eleanor Oliphant character created by Gail Honeyman.

The book is likeable because you want Molly to be protected, her quirkiness is a likeable trait that endears her to you as she navigates the murder of Mr Black. Molly has some true friends, and perhaps is not as naive as would first appear at the close of the mystery.

Released in Jan 2022 and film rights have already been sold, I can see this doing really well. I certainly raced through it.

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I loved the debut novel by Nita Prose, I fell in love with Molly instantly, her innocence, her naivety, her wonderful quirkiness, I know someone with these quality’s and it made me relate to her so well. She loves her job at a fabulous hotel and takes it very seriously indeed, so seriously that it ends up getting her in trouble as she try’s to be so loyal to very undeserved people who she assumes are her friends.
This story grips you all the way through it and there are twists you don’t see coming, All through it I kept thinking what an amazing movie this would make, so I’m looking forward to seeing it on the big screen. Thank You so much to the publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this early proof.

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