Member Reviews

Being a big fan of all things Atwood - novels, short fiction, poetry and essays - I fully expected to to enjoy this. I did not. Very difficult to follow, unsure what the reader is supposed to take away from this short piece. I did enjoy the recognizable cadence and Atwood turns of phrase, but overall really missed the mark for me.

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I am a huge Margaret Atwood fan, but this book just did not do it for me. I know it was a short story but I kept finding myself going back a few pages because I was so confused what was going on.

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Margaret Atwood introduces the reader to two characters she met when she and her partner lived in Provence in her semi-autobiographical short story, Two Scorched Men. John is a curmudgeonly Englishman who seems to have nothing good to say about pretty much anything and Francois is an easy-going Frenchman. Despite their personality differences, these two men have been fast friends for decades. The story is told from the perspective of the narrator and tells of her own friendship with these two men, a friendship even she at times finds odd and even sometimes burdensome, but one that will stay with her long after she has left Provence

Normally I’m not a fan of short stories - it takes an exceptional writer to bring a story to life in such a short space, But, then, Margaret Atwood is one of the best living story tellers and this tale is just one example of why. She takes a small, mostly seemingly uneventful moment from her own life and, in a very few pages, brings two very different characters to life in a way that makes the reader feel they know them or at least would like to.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley & Scribd for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

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I always love Atwood’s prose and this short s novella is no different. In such a quick amount of time, she captures humor, grief and friendship. Highly recommend.

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I’m always delighted to read something new by one of my favorite authors, Margaret Atwood. This short story is a sort of tribute to some WWII veterans Ms. Atwood knew as landlord and neighbor during an extended stay in France in the nineties.

John and Francois are friends who are very different in temperament. They are, unsurprisingly, marked by the war, and carry their emotional scars with varying degrees of acceptance. Their stories unfold to reveal the ways in which they navigate through life post trauma and how they support one another despite their divergent personalities.

I found this story very engaging and it left me wanting more! Ms. Atwood’s signature writing style lends itself well to this short form. If you are an Atwood fan, make sure to give this one a read! You can find it on, a subscription short fiction program.

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Thank you Net Galley and Scribd for the digital ARC of this touching short story by Margaret Atwood.

We are all dealing with grief and personal losses, with the stress of not being able to meet friends and family, during this pandemic. Reading this very short story I felt a sense of loneliness overwhelm me; of the inability to hold on to people and places dear to me. Of times gone by.

The story draws from characters and places in the author’s own life, “Two Scorched Men” is a semi-autobiographical tale about the author’s time in Provence where she spent a year with her partner and daughter. At its center is a friendship between two very different and eccentric men whose lives were transformed by World War II and by personal tragedy. The story is a tribute to the power of connection and resilience. The unnamed narrator is possibly Atwood herself.

I felt these were stories heard by Atwood and stories are meant to be passed on. People live on through the words they uttered. We can find solace in friendship and laughter in remembering. An important lesson being highlighted in these difficult times. Thank god we can be here for each other.

Of deep resonance were the descriptions of nature and walks around the house the narrator lives in. They come alive and the power of description stays with the reader long after the story is read and closed.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Scribd for an ARC of Margaret Atwood’s newest release, Two Scorched Men, in exchange of an honest review.

Truly Margaret Atwood needs literal introduction in both the book world and the real world. Her words stick with you long after you have seen them on the page, and her latest short story is simply another great hit. The characters and story is based on her own personal life, and it serves as a reminder to readers that while nothing lasts forever you should cherish the things you have been given in the moment.

The story is quirky, fast placed, funny, and also heartbreaking all at the same time, a task that is not easy for a novella that doesn’t even hit 40 pages. But that is the beauty of Atwood’s work, and it was truly an honor to get to read an advance copy of her newest story.

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'Two Scorched Men' is a short novella by Margaret Atwood that captures the memories and lives of two men, Francois and John. It beautifully captures the moment in the time that the author met them and how they shared their stories. Within this short time, we get a real feel for the personalities of the two men and how the traumatic incidents of war can be carried through life.

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Little more than a short story, but written by a masterful pen. The characters, protagonists of the author's time spent in Provence, are vivid, as is the memory of their friendship. Such a succinct text could be described as an exercise in style, but the depth to which it transports the reader is unique and inimitable.

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What a quirky little novella! I am the biggest Margaret Atwood fan and was so excited when I saw this one on here! It takes a little time to get connected to the character but by the end you're left with a wonderful Atwood-esque message.

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A short semi autobiographical story about two men Atwood had the opportunity to meet and know. The story revolves around their friendship and bond. Both are unique and quirky in their own right, both having been affected by ww2. Although it's only a small glimpse of a simple point in time, we get to feel the connection and resilience of these two men. In true Atwood style I'm always left with wanting more, in a good way. I just don't ever want her stories to stop.

Thank you to netgalley and scribd for an advanced readers copy. Publish date 8/4/2021.

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Two Scorched Men is a heartfelt story about two men whose lives have been impacted by dueling threads of war, tragedy and friendship. Both men served in WW 11, one in the French resistance and one as part of the Irish army. The story highlights the stark realities of these men's life experiences with poignancy and kernel of humor while highlighting the camaraderie that keeps them soldiering on.

Evidently, the story is loosely based on Atwood's personal experiences in Provence.

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A delightful piece of short fiction that captures the simultaneous dream-like vividness and blurred edges of memory.

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Thank you NetGalley and Scribd for the opportunity to read this short story by Margaret Atwood.

Two Scorched Men is a novella of two men she once knew, both survivors of WWII. It is heart-warming and heart-breaking at the sametime. Rich with humor, harsh realities and beautiful words flowing effortlessly to the end of the men's journey in life.

A quick but powerful short story on the history two men who she befriends while living in France.

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I'm thankful to netgalley and Scribd for approving this title. The fact that this novella is by Margaret Atwood made me read this book. It's short and is an excerpt on the life of two men, one a life rampaging through war and another through ailments. This was a pretty confusing book and I had to go through it again for a review. I believe it's more of a philosophical book with focus on life's brevity, relationships and human suffering.

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Despite its short length this novella manages to convey a rich personal history, namely of two men that Atwood knew while living in Provence. This is an exploration of the way in which war affects the individual, the moderating role of personality in the way those effects manifest, and the bond created between those involved. It goes without saying, really, that the writing in this book is excellent, it's by Margaret Atwood. A quick but powerful short read.

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This is an interesting, brief short story about two men the author and her partner knew while living in France. Both men were veterans of WWII and are quite the characters. It’s entertaining and insightful even while very brief. I think this took me about 20 minutes to read.
Thanks to @netgalley and @scribd for an advanced copy of this book. It will be released on 8/4/21.

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Two Scorched Men is a story of two men, who developed an unlikely friendship during the world war II. Their references were taken from two men Margaret Atwood know personally and this story is her tribute to her memories with them.

This is a story of ordinary days, countryside bars and banters, mansions, mistakes, rebukes and recollections of life lived, albeit erratic ones. I don't need to write anything about the writing. It is a given.

This book can be read in less than an hour but it will make you realize that at the end of the day, we are all humans and we are all alike.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!
Margaret Atwood is always amazing. Love her writing. This shorter story is a fairly quick read and a little different than other stories you might expect from her. I found it interesting to read a story based on real people she knew. The story is a good reminder that all we really carry with us as we grow older is our memories.

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“I used to believe that having a good memory was a blessing, but I am no longer sure. Maybe forgetting is the blessing.”

Thank you NetGalley and Scribd for providing me with an ARC of this book.

I was really excited when I got approved for a Margaret Atwood book. And I couldn’t expect anything less. I did feel a bit detached at first but soon I got the hang of it. This was short even for a novella but I enjoyed reading it. Especially after the beginning part which was, I am not gonna lie, it was actually really confusing and boring.

It did go in a slow pace but I think that was what this book needed. Atwood is expressing her gratitude to two of her real-life friends and that is what the ‘two men’ is based on. It was fascinating to read about the daily lifestyle during the war and after the war and how it affected many of its participants.

The two men here are John and François who met each other during their war service and bonded. John is an Englishman who rages at everything and I mean E V E R Y T H I N G except probably his sweet wife whom we don’t meet so we don’t know if that fact is true. François is a Frenchman who is funny, witty and choses to become a playwright after his service to the war. His plays aren’t exactly enjoyable and they also tend to include cockroaches and something stupid. After both of them cross 70, John constantly blames himself for any harmful incidents that happen to François telling to the narrator that he should be the one that should have experienced it.

By the end, this book is really good and it’s a short read so it doesn’t take much of your time. Atwood has her own style which I cannot help but bow down to. My only problem with this book is that the writing didn’t keep me hooked and it could have been more attached. It sure was touching but it just didn’t have the right dish to it. Excluding that, I loved this book and hope you will too!

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