Member Reviews

Quan is struggling with regaining his confidence after an illness and surgery. When he decides to jump back into the world of dating, he doesn’t expect to connect with nature documentary-loving Anna, who is herself dealing with some anxiety in her own life. As Anna gets to grips with a recent autism diagnosis, as well as a family illness, Quan supports and loves her in any way she allows him to while also dealing with facing up to his own struggles.

I felt a bit disappointed in this one. I think I thought I would love this more because in the previous books, Quan was a chatacter I really loved so I was excited for his book. But I felt like the chemistry between Anna and Quan just wasn’t really there, and there wasn’t enough time given to Quan’s post-illness journey as well as Anna’s.

While I emphasized with Anna a lot with everything she was going through, I found her a hard character to connect with. The way she allowed everyone to steamroll over her about everything was very frustrating - and even the way she didn’t speak up for her dad. I did also find the heavy topic of her father’s end of life care combined with the physical romance side of Anna and Quan just a bit weird (even though I appreciate what the author was trying to do in writing about carer burnout).

The end was also very rushed I felt with a few chapters suddenly taking place over the course of 2 years.

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I really, really loved the first two books in the series and I thought The Heart Principle was wonderfully written just perhaps a little sad for my personal romance tastes!

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The third and final book in the Kiss Quotient series and I loved it!
Quan is one of my favourite characters from this trilogy, an absolute sweetheart and a bit of a softy beneath that tattooed ‘biker’ guy exterior!
I loved how patient and understanding he was with Anna, how protective of her he became and just his overall sweetness and kindhearted, selfless character in general.
I’m so glad Quan found love, after everything he had been through.
Nice little cameo from Michael as well, love their friendship too!
Love the neurodiversity representation in these books, even more so as I know it’s written from a personal perspective by the author!
4.5⭐️ from me

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It took me way too long to read this one but I'm so glad I finally have. This whole series was incredible but I've ended up reading this one at a different part in my life than I did the first two.

As someone who's currently being diagnosed with ADHD in my mid-thirties, I related to Anna massively on her journey with Autism. It's a huge adjustment to get to know your real self, understand why you do the things to do, learn about masking and un-masking, as well as learning how to live with and work with your neurodivergent brain!

Such an incredibly emotional and moving story and I truly loved it.

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I love a romance and this was perfection! This author has quickly become a favourite of mine! A great well written book with great chemistry

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I really enjoyed this one, it was a fun premise with delightful characters and a little depth within focusing on mental health.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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In fairness, 'The Heart Principle' (the third in the series) was the first of Helen Hoang's books I'd read.

After hearing many rave about 'The Kiss Quotient' I was excited to read it, but unfortunately, I didn't like this book. 'The Heart Principle' which follows burnt-out violinist Anna Sun is meant to be a romance read with an autobiographical edge.

That is not what this book is. Despite a few graphic sex scenes, this book cannot be described as a romance read. As we explore Anna's burn-out and struggles with her mental health and her family, especially considering an autism diagnosis, it seems to me like romance is the last thing she needs!

I would have loved to see an in-depth exploration of Anna's life, especially as she reacts and learns to live with her diagnosis. The themes of this book are hugely poignant and there's tons that could be said. Instead, Helen Hoang decided to package up the story as a romance. This also could've been done well, as the two characters learn to love each other as they are. Instead, it felt shallow and unrealistic. We had no understanding of why Anna and Quan were actually well-suited to each other, except for the fact that Quan had autistic family members.

This book could've been a great memoir-esque exploration into a late-life autism diagnosis. It also could've been a fun romance story. But by trying to do both, I think Helen Hoang achieved neither.

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Have some conflicted feelings but I overall I really enjoyed. It was quite difficult to sympathise with Anna but I think that was kind of the idea at first. As we go reading the book we start to understand Anna and her reason to be the way she is. The love interest was OOHH, exactly what I needed. I've read all Helen's books by now, and I will definitely keep reading it all.

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So many important topics including their differentiating grey areas Covered in this and I loved the focus on self discovery and coming of self was fantastic and loved the mixed POV. Thoroughly enjoyed

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This was an unexpectedly deep read.

The heart principle was my first read by the author and it did not disappoint. Although I did think it would be a lighter read than it was.

In addition to being a romance THP demonstrates the difficulty in caring for sick relatives. Anna’s mental health is so realistically portrayed and then the addition of Quan with his own illness must have been so difficult for Anna.

I like that there’s wasn’t too much romance and their circumstances weren’t ignored in favour for mush.

I’ll definitely be checking out the first 2 books to this series!

Thank you NetGalley for a digital arc.

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This book was so fun! I’ve read a couple of other books from this author and really enjoyed them. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this was just as good as those. I enjoyed the story and the characters were very well written.

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I really enjoyed The Heart Priniciple, it might be my favourite of the trilogy. I loved the main characters and I really liked reading about Anna's journey of discover post burnout. The romance was very cute and timely.

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An absolutely lovely read that brings to like characters that have not found their way to mainstream yet. Sweet, beautifully written and a joy. I cannot recommend this author enough.

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The Heart Principle is the perfectly imperfect romance that makes you so glad you picked it up. It has characters that have real flaws and issues that make them so easy to relate to and buy in to their story. A great read.

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Once again Helen Hoang hits all the spots with this third installment of the series. I love the story of Quan and Anna and the appearance of characters we already know and love like Michael, Khai and Stellar. This author is without a doubt an auto buy author for me. Looking forward to what is next!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of The Heart Principle.
I loved the first two books in this series as it was so refreshing to see romance books featuring neurodivergent characters.
This was a step in a different direction as it felt less romance based and more contemporary. While I appreciate that the book was important and it was very well written it wasn't what I was expecting.
It's not fault of the author but the cover and marketing of this book was very romance heavy, and while present in the book it was not the main feature. As such this impacted my enjoyment of the book.
I liked the book, but I didn't love it and I feel that's because I wasn't prepared for the content.
I look forward to Helen Hoangs future work and will make sure to research the content properly and not rely solely on an illustrated cover to decide whether the book is for me.

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I really loved this book. I’ve read the first book and really enjoyed Hoang’s writing and this was no different. I enjoyed the love story more than the first one and found that it was so comfortable to be in- a theme I love in a contemporary romance

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Meaningful, powerful & hearting wrenching! This is so much more than a romance and I love, love, loved it!

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I adore Helen Hoang as an author and her previous books are some of my favourite reads of all time, so my expectations were very high for her latest release The Heart Principle. This book did not disappoint and is my favourite book that she has written so far. This book was a powerful emotional journey and it felt real, raw and honest. This was heavier than her previous two novels and will have you sobbing as these characters fall apart and then heal throughout the book.


Months later this book still has me in a chokehold and I cannot stop thinking about it!

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