Member Reviews

I’m a little bit ambivalent about this book. It is loaded with great ideas for staying active. There are a plethora of different exercise routines to incorporate into one’s life. Taking only 7 minutes a day? I don’t think so. I know moving is important since like machines we need to keep moving or everything will freeze up. For me, chair yoga sounds doable with the best chance for me to stick with it. Maybe people bring illness on by not moving but some statements seem to do a little blaming for not exercising. Author should be a little more careful with his words. I know too many women who feel guilty enough for being ill that they do not need more.
I received a copy for free from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

I found this book very informative and engaging. I thought the illustrations were helpful. Even though I'm not 60 yet, it's good to start doing these exercises now! The book provides very practical advice and has some good fitness tips and routines that are easy to complete and get your day going.
#7MinuteFitnessStrengthTrainingforSeniorsandOver60 #NetGalley

Is this book going to change your life? Only if you want and need it to. I first want to say that I highly recommend it to 60+ people looking to be encouraged. This is so important and if you need to start somewhere than this is a good place. The author has laid out a plan that I think is doable, you could definitely tweak your plan.
He has a lot of helpful information before starting. How to use the book. Key points and benefits.
Each chapter has particulars, then the stretch or exercise and finally things to remember while doing it. Extremely helpful if you keep an open mind. I loved the part about chair yoga.
Thanks BooksGoSocial via Netgalley.

Informative on reasons why exercise is so important including illustrations and how to do stretches, use weights, exercises, yoga, and a 7 Day Strength Training Plan.

What a great book for us oldies. I was looking for something like this so I could get a bit of extra strength training in (and I am not a great exerciser other than walking) and this book gave me all the info and exercises I needed.
I am working my way through it to see what best works for me and I am very happy with what I have been doing so far.
Highly recommend!

This is a gem! The authors keep things very simple, and there are no gimmicks here, just solid advice and a program that is very easy to follow.

This book has some great fitness tips and routines. The best audience is those 60+,but it is also helpful for someone just getting back into fitness

This is an excellent informative and motivational fitness book for seniors. The exercises are easy to understand and follow. The diagrams of each exercise ensure that you are doing them correctly to prevent injury. Anyone can exercise for 7 minutes and this short amount of time should prevent burnout or injury. I found this instructional book to be an excellent source of inspiration. Can't wait to incorporate this into my daily routine.
Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this advanced review copy. In return, I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

Great helpful hints that I will keep sticking with and will also share with my mom. Anything that makes exercise more fun and helpful and targeted is worth a read. My mom has a fractured back and she has started using some of these.

From the title and description I expected thus book to give me an insight and advice Do that I could help my mother exercise a little.
Unfortunately, I don't feel that this book delivers what it says as the majority of these exercises are aimed at people who already have a certain level if fitness.
Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for this read.

As someone who fits this remit , and not really wanting to own up to the realisation that I should be taking responsibility for my fitness, I'd thought I'd give this book a try.
I'm so glad I did ! By no means a gym bunny , or someone who leaps out of bed and goes for a run every morning.. Liam Murray has just the right amount of encouragement to make you get up and do a few exercises . I will definitely keep going.

Overall, a nice reference on strength training, stretches, and a few other exercises for seniors or even those with physical limitations. I did think that a number of the exercises were pretty advanced for the target audience and perhaps would need to be tweaked or worked up to over a lengthy period of time.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

All the excuses you can think of are answered in this book, very useful practical advice and support to make a start on a regular exercise routine without going to a gym. The benefits of excessive on mood and happiness, nutrition and diabetes, muscle tone and stamina, all explained in simple terms. Never tried yoga, if you understand the benefits it might get you started, I will give it a try. Links to free resources online and charts etc to complete so you don’t feel alone. Excellent motivational book. Thank you #NetGalley for the copy to review.

A helpful book that my mom and aunt loved. I should say they made me do some of it and although I am not 60 plus it helped me too. It was a wonderful workout and it made me feel better too.

Nicely illustrated and easy to understand. Good way to get a fitness program started for us older folks. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

This book was an introduction to exercise with diagrams explaining stretching, posture, exercise and yoga for the over 60’s age group.
As I am unfit because of my age and health, I found some these exercises difficult to do. I do intend however to practice the ones I can do.
Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Very little of this book is devoted to the actual workout and little/no variation from there. Also, requires equipment. Better and more varied workout content for seniors elsewhere.

The introductory chapters about health, mental and physical, and concerns from the older citizens about these declining is interesting and all too true. There are also useful sections about diet, motivation and so on. The end of each section has a succinct summary of the main point and I found this useful - means you can avoid some of the, slightly patronising at times, comments in the main sections. I was particularly looking forward to the exercise section - without the need to go to the gym or buy loads of expensive equipment but making practical use of small amounts of time as and when at home. However, the exercises themselves really suggest that you need quite a lot of flexibility in the first place though, that you haven't "let yourself go" but are already well up on the fitness for age ladder. Yes start easy but the pictures of people already with the ability - simple stretching, the quadriceps stretch - no way am I getting a foot that high. I know the author says bend your knee in the leg stretch as far as is comfortable but just having the illustration with a knee up at chest level is off-putting - my excuse anyway. There's a lot of lying on the floor or on your knees too. Not always feasible for some of us. The workout sessions in the latter part of the book are a useful indication of what to do and could therefore be modified to your current ability (or lack of).. Overall, interesting and worth a read with good ideas and rationale but I feel that it requires more than an average level of fitness from seniors to participate now, hence it might well put off those who are well down the fitness ladder. This is a shame.. Thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

This fitness book looks great for someone who is not in poor physical condition. Years ago I taught yoga, which is part of the book's program. Many of the seniors I taught would have never been able to achieve the moves described as 'easy' without additional coaching of how to do these stretches and exercises.
For seniors who are still in reasonably good condition, this book would be perfect.

A great guide for getting seniors to exercise regularly. I found the overview on the benefits of exercise for this group highly motivating. The illustrations and instructions for the included exercises — from stretching to chair exercise, using small weights to yoga and Pilates — were easy to follow. This is just what I need to kickstart my own exercise program, starting today!
5 of 5 Stars
Pub Date: 26 Jun 2021
#7MinuteFitnessStrengthTrainingforSeniorsandOver60 #NetGalley
Thanks to the author, BooksGoSocial, and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine.