Member Reviews

True Loaf is a short story that has the vibe of a modern fairy tale.

The scene is set from the first two sentences; the reader is right away placed in the story's world. It was an interesting story about yarrow bread -- mostly involving hunting for the yarrow.

There's an ambiguous ending; I'm not sure I "got" the story. In general, I prefer endings that are more clear-cut than open-ended. I'd also rather see the girl save herself than see a man save her! But True Loaf was fairly engaging; I think I'd read more from this author.

The audiobook's narrator seemed appropriate for the story; the narrator spoke as if she were telling a modern fairytale.

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True Loaf is a modern fairytale short story inspired by the Balkan Folklore.

I didn't like it per se. It was OK, but I want more! It's too short to be judged. And I'll definitely read a long version of it.

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4/5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishing team for providing this audiobook-arc!

It was a fun audiobook that wasn't boring to me. It kept me hooked actually! I was a bit confused but i'd love to hear more interpretations of the novel/tale

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I thought this was cute but there wasn’t much to it. I wish that we could have spent more time with the characters and in this world because I think this really had promise. The ending kind of seemed abrupt as well.

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A short and sweet story, over before I knew it. Definitely exemplified classic story telling. Beautiful cover art.

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This is listed as a short story, but I did not realize how very short it would be. I did like the narrator, she did a good job. The story had some interesting elements, but it was not well fleshed out. When the man turned into a beast and attacked her in the shop were there other people around? Even outside? The ending was a spectacular let down as the whole thing seemed meaningless. I am not posting a review online because I don't post negative reviews.

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i didnt even realize how short this was until i finsihed listening, it was amazing! really cute and short while still being interesting and i love the fact it was inspired by balkan folklore!

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An enjoyable, short fairtale for modern times, about a woman in a bakery who is asked to collect a specific plant to make a particular type of bread. The audiobook narrator was very good.

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Riley, who is working in the a bakery, receives a request from a mysterious customer to bake a loaf with a special ingredient. She sets off to the forest to collect the special ingredient, Yarrow Plant, and we watch the rest unfold.

This is a cute short read that is very reminiscent of classic fairytales / folklore -- and is apparently inspired by Balkan folklore. I initially picked this up because of it’s cover which does a good job at reflecting the vibe and feel of this book. I did like the magical elements and audiobook narration though I would’ve liked something a bit longer. Still an interesting read though!

Thanks NetGalley and publisher for my copy!

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Ahhhh! I want more! Very fairytale classic theme but blended well to the modern world. This could be a great series or collection of stories.
Well narrated and intriguingly spoken. I can't stand a monotoned narrator and this was not that. Didn't do attempts at character voices but it wasn't missed either.
Great short story and fairly kid appropriate but appealing to my 32 year old fairytale loving self.
I would love to post a review on Goodreads but couldn't find it to gush about the story.

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True Loaf is a story inspired by Balkan folklore but set in a modern setting. The main character Riley works in a small town bakery. One day an unknown customer comes by and makes a special order. The story of mysterious circumstances with maybe a little bit of magic unfolds from there.

The story itself is too short to provide a backstory for any of the characters or strong character development. It has this fairy-tale-like quality to it, and it reminded me of good night stories I used to listen to when I was a child. Many things just happen without any given reason or explanation as in a classic fairy-tale. Plus, mysterious atmosphere and a few twists and turns are quite enough to keep the story interesting. I recommend it if you are looking for a good relaxing and cosy story that doesn’t take much of your time.

I want to thank Netgalley for the audio copy of this book for a review.

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It was a cute story. I thought it was going to be a children's story, but seemed more young adult/teen. The story flowed really well and had good pacing. I realize its another countries folk tale, but i really just don't understand the point of it. Is there supposed to be a message? It just ended in what felt like the middle. Still a very cute, fun story to listen to. Their are curse words so if you want to listen with kids, and don't really do curse words, beware.

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True Load by L. Austen Johnson is a modern fairytale inspired by tone, plot, structure of Balkan folklore.

Riley works in a bakery and one day was asked by a mysterious customer for a very specific ingredient. Unfortunately the bakery did not have it so,Riley sets out late in the twilight to search for it. Will she be able to complete this strange man's order?

True Loaf was a quick audio book but I loved every minute of it. I definitely would love to read more! I did not realize it was a very short story until it was already over. I actually listened to it twice because I liked it so much.

The cover is super cute, it gives me cozy fall vibes. It was what drew me to this audiobook book.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher of True Loaf by L. Austen Johnson for a copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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True Loaf is short story inspired by Balkan Folklore. We follow Riley, who is working in a bakery when a strange man comes in with an odd request. Not wanting to let him down Riley ventures into the forest to obtain a Yarrow Plant at twilight. The plot develops quickly from there and with this being a short story I don't want to say any more and keep this spoiler free.

I was drawn to this purely by the cover I think it it is so pretty and very sweet. Once I realised it was based on Folklore I knew this would be something I could enjoy. The story it's self very much feels like a mildly dark fairytale, but still very magical and whimsical. It is a very short read but it is an enjoyable one. The printed edition is only 19 pages long and the audio only 15 minutes long. I listed to the audio version of this and I think the narrator did a very good job and it felt like someone was telling you a bed time story.

My only issue with this was that I felt like there was something missing. The story is very much just a series of events that just happen I fell like folklore and fairytales always have a lesson to be learned in them. This however could be something that went over my head not being well versed in Balkan Folklore.

My review may seem low but I rarely give short stories a 5 star unless they totally blow me away and the story was just missing that one element for me to give it a 4 star rating. Thank you to NetGalley and the author to make this available in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first ever audiobook. Short and sweet. What better way to dip a toe into that particular pool than with a short story?

It had very strong fairytale vibes, but of the mildly dark variety. It was very whimsical and magical in its setting and descriptions. However, I feel there was something missing story wise. Typically, these short, fantastical stories are supposed to leave the reader with a message or teaching. Listen to your elders, don't walk alone in the woods, don't trust strangers, etc. And, at one point, I even thought I knew what the moral of the story was going to be. But it turned out I was wrong, and there was no real moral. The ending was very open, and kinda confusing. Things escalated quickly, seemingly out of nowhere, and were resolved just as lightening fast. Or, actually partially resolved, since I was left with more questions that answers.

Is there symbolism attached to different types of yarrow in Balkan Folklore? Is it believed magical creatures inhabit those magical forests? Are people not warned not to go traipsing throw the woods at night? I wish the story would have delved a little deeper into the lore aspect. Also, I feel like the title, which I assume is a play on "True Love", is a little misplaced, since there's no real romantic aspect to this story in the least.

I really liked the narration, however. I kept feeling like Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast was reading me a bed time story.

*Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review*

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I am shocked that I was so invested in such a short book because I loved this quick story and definitely need more of this!!

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This was short and sweet--well, maybe short and spooky--It was perfect for my morning rainy walk and perfect for starting to warm up the Halloween vibes I always want to feel as we draw deeper into August. I would definitely recommend this for someone who just wants a quick story and likes darker, slightly spooky fairytales.

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Listened to this audiobook in the car on the way to the supermarket with my mini me in the car too. I didn't like the narrators voice for the first minute or so but I quickly came to love it. This short story felt like the beginning of a much longer story which I would love to read. My son enjoyed the story and it was a perfect short car journey family listen.

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This Balkan fairytale inspired short story is about a baker who finds herself in the woods looking for an ingredient for a special request from a customer.

I’m not sure I’ve ever had such a hard time deciding on a rating before. Initially, I wanted to go with 3 stars because I have so many questions, I want more story, all that good stuff, but, then I checked myself because this is a short story (and why I usually don’t like short stories - they always leave you wanting more).

I would love a who books of short stories that are all connected to this.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Lore and Lyre, and L. Austen Johnson for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Have you ever sat in front of a fireplace and had your elder tell you a story? No? Umm... Have you ever sat around a campfire and told stories with your friends, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night? Again, no? Wow, I'm sorry... Well, imagine this... you're sitting in a warm dark room, and there's a fire in the fireplace. The winter winds are knocking at the window panes, but you don't mind because you have a nice cup of hot chocolate, a fire, and a cozy blanket. Then, your grandmother comes in and starts to weave a tale from her childhood. As you sink into her words, the feeling of warmth starts to come from within, and you find yourself hanging on her every word... That's the feeling True Loaf gave me. Far too short but wonderfully told.

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