Member Reviews

I feel so bad giving this review but I really couldn’t connect to this book. It started off all right, but I always felt like it was a bit off target. When I was 25% through, I felt as though I should’ve been closer to 80%. It was just so slow and I couldn’t connect to the main character. I can’t even remember her name now. 🤷🏼‍♀️

There was a backstory about her family and a bunch of other backstories happening that didn’t seem to drive the main narrative and rather detracted from it.

Anyway, just my opinion. Maybe I was just not in the mood for this one and others will be able to enjoy it more.

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3.5 stars

After reading this,you might think twice about online dating.

This book had good characters and interesting plot.
This one had me scratching my head a while,working out if there were connections ,why they might be there.
With enough information though that nothing felt like a twist to shock you,just the natural arc of the story.
Unger has become a name that draws me to a book now.

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So, I don’t know what I wanted from this book but whatever it was, I felt disappointed with the outcome.
I’m not sure if it was the mood I was in but this book felt erratic to me and I usually love a good thriller.

I thought the premise was interesting and I usually really enjoy Lisa’s writing but I can’t quite put my finger on what I didn’t like. The ending - I feel like it felt like everything was building up and it just <i>ended.</i> Like that was it and I wanted more.
I also felt like our MC was confusing and overall insane and I thought some parts of the story - particularly in the middle - needed fleshing out more than they were.

This isn’t a bad book to say the least. I did enjoy it and I think this would satisfy readers new to the genre but for me, it felt like it was lacking in areas I wanted it to have more in.

<i>I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</i>

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I love Lisa Unger books and this is no exception. A really clever and dark story which takes a look at the dangers of the world of online dating. A brilliant story with many many layers and likeable characters. Highly recommended xx

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This story is about Wren. She seems to have her life together. She has a highly successful career as an agony aunt, she owns her own house and has a best friend. The only thing missing is a romantic relationship. Her best friend convinces her to sign up to a dating app called Torch. She eventually meets Adam and they start a relationship. One day he just doesn’t turn up for a date they arranged. He eventually texts her a goodbye message. She tries to contact him to get an explanation but finds that all traces of him have been erased. She has been ghosted and eventually finds out that she has not been the first. She is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.

This was a 5 star read at first but as more layers of the story got introduced the less interested I was. It definitely wasn’t as fast paced as I expected and failed to keep my attention some of the time. The premise was great but the story got a little over complicated. It was just okay overall. I really enjoy Lisa’s writing and will look out for her next release.

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Lisa Unger has delivered yet again.A great modern day thriller full of suspense and mystery.
Wren Greenwood swipes yes on the online dating app to meet the intriguing Drew thinking it wouldnt lead to any future. Three months later after a crazy emotional connection without any warning he is gone , blocking his phone, deleting his Torch account and disappearing off the grid with no explanation. More confusing is the appearance of a private investigator saying Drew is responsible for the disappearance of three other women. Wren cant ignore her feelings or the mystery, leading to a deadly game where she is unsure if she is chasing or being chased .,

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This book confused me. Was wren a bad ass or was she a broken spirit? A bit of both I think. Overall, it is an interesting complex story that I found hard to pin down.

Thank you NetGalley for this arc

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The concept of "ghosting" makes for a compelling premise. Unger creates a narrative that is tense and very much haunted, with real-life horrors of bushfires and pandemics closing in on Wren. The stylistic choice of having Wren narrate her story to the "ghost" Adam was initially disconcerting, but disconcerting really worked for the tone of the book. I couldn't put it down.

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Dating apps...sometimes they can be a great experience and for others devastating, changing their lives forever.. They are definitely a world away from meeting someone naturally face to face at a party, through sport or friends. So what should we be wary of? How much of our lives to we divulge to a complete stranger and how quickly do we provide personal details to the other person. This is the story of Wren and David, a couple who meet but each have their own demons. A lot happens in a short space of time, not all of it good and it is Wren who is left looking for answers. Mostly I enjoyed the book but it did lag in the middle and my attention waned in parts. I have to say I really didn't care greatly about these characters which overall probably reflected my judgement of the book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me t o read the book in exchange for an honest review.

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As someone more than familiar with online dating, I loved the relatability of this story. It was really written nd keeps you guessing. There are so many twists and turns and the characters are so layered that it is far from predictable which is awesome. It actually took me quite a while to get through which is a nice change from blasting through a book in 2hrs but this one kept me going for days. A really good read and a realising modern twist on the dangers of today's dating

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Lisa Unger, Last Girl Ghosted, HQ Digital An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers Ltd 2021

Thank you, NetGalley, for providing me with this uncorrected copy for review.

Lisa Unger has always written novels that are totally engrossing, with their multi layered characters, gripping plots, and eye to the broader aspects of human relationships and society’s problems. Last Girl Ghosted drew me in once again to a novel that kept me reading well after the light should have been out.

Ghost has several applications in the narrative. The man Wren Greenwood meets on a dating site is almost a ghost; women ghost their families and friends; men ghost women; even the multiple characters that Wren adopts could be seen as a form of ghosting of those who know her in only one of her capacities. So, we are drawn into a world where we are prepared for nothing to be as it seems. Are Wren’s friends really friends? Are the various men she meets over her lifetime to be trusted whether they are old or new friends? Is her interpretation of the past to be trusted – or even her understanding of the present?

Women in this novel are drawn into blackness because of the damage they have sustained in the past. Have they been fooled by the dating site app that their friends have encouraged them to use? Are they aware of the dangers? Is their current life so unsustainable that leaving it is the only option? Possibly they have been fooled by the idea of love, want freedom from the demands of a technologically advanced society, are desperate. In becoming such a woman and following her predecessors Wren leads us into a profound debate about the pace of society, idealism about living on the land without outside assistance and interference and the possibility of finding ‘the one’.

There are huge questions about society raised in this novel. At the same time as the questions become personal through Unger’s depiction of characters to whom the appeal of opting out of lives manufactured to overcome a damaging past is so tempting. While some of the women could be seen weak and easily manipulated, their strength is also demonstrated. They are so easily trapped – but for how long? Lisa Unger reads widely to give the behaviour she depicts verisimilitude, for example her characters’ psychic response to trauma, the Carson’s life in the outdoors and appreciation of the natural world are based on her research.

Living alongside Lisa Unger’s characters is incredibly uncomfortable. However, her recognition that redemption is possible, that love is powerful, and belief that nurture is important – a theme that underlies so much of the book, right to the resolution - almost chases away the fear. But only almost. This novel leaves a gritty feeling behind that will last. It is that kind of book – the sort that makes for thoughtful accounting of actions and behaviour, at the same time as providing an entrance to a world that may or may not be familiar, but nevertheless is engrossing, and a resolution that is believable.

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I enjoyed reading this book. It had a good story to it. I liked the variety of characters in it. It was a well written book. I have read other books by this author and ;liked them too.

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I had really high hopes for this book, but unfortunately it does not live up to them

The story twist is pretty predictable, and Wren is a confusing character.
She is this bad ass woman who can hunt and kill etc, but she is also incredibly naive and makes stupid decisions.

I would not read this book again.

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I flew through this book very quickly because there’s a new show on Netflix called Clickbait that I finished a few weeks ago and really liked. When I started this book I had to know if the ending was the same/similar to Clickbait. From the description they sounded very similar and when I started reading it felt very familiar. I am happy to say that there were enough differences to make this an enjoyable read.

Anyone who has ever tried online dating knows the fear that comes with it. You can be humiliated, embarrassed, or just rejected. On the darker side you can have your identity stolen, you can be hacked, you can be catfished, or you can be ghosted. But, if you’re brave, you may find the love of your life. You just never know.

I won’t go into what the story points are as I’m sure you could read the book jacket. What I will say is that this is a take on the worst case scenario and where it can lead.

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This is my first book by Lisa Unger and it was not a bad read. Had lots of twists and turns that kept me gripped. Looking forward to her next project! Another author added to my TBR.

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Absolutely love how the modern age dating scene becomes centre stage for an interesting thriller.
I totally recognise the online dating angst, will there be a match, ooh he might not be a jerk premise that this book starts out doing. Relatable and got me hooked in from the off. I also liked how Wren's past and current is slowly revealed.
The mystery and private investigator stuff was intriguing. This is obvious from the off its not a "normal" ghosting in the dating world.
Quite creepy, very intriguing. The ending wasn't a big reveal for me but I enjoyed the story along the way.

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I really enjoyed this book with all the twist and turns the author takes the reader on. At first the reader seems to know where the plot is headed before BAM a complete 180. The end was a bit surreal but over all an enjoyable book.

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I loved this book so much!! I’ve read a couple of books by this author and she did not disappoint!!! I was gripped

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I was disappointed with this book. Premise sounded good but writing style not to my taste. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it

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I love Lisa Unger and I’m a big Jones Cooper fan, but this just wasn’t one for me. I found it a bit slow and ploddy, and I’d guessed what was coming very early on, which made the conclusion a bit flat.

Of course incredibly well written, and treading through some familiar Unger themes. I liked the contrast of modern ghosting with olden ghosting. The use of online dating was nice. It felt like some of the intricacies of how he’d hunted the girls (through her) was a bit thrown away.

People who like thrillers will enjoy it. I just didn’t think it was her best ever.

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