Member Reviews

This was a quick and enjoyable retelling of the story of Daedalus and Icarus. It was easy to read and yet had enough complexity in the plot that it would hold the attention of most children aged 6-11.
I liked that in addition to the attempt to leave the island using homemade wings, the story also included other attempts like building a boat and sailing away. This repetitive try/fail cycle goes well with the myth genre of the story and would help children be able to retell the story easily.
I wasn't sure about some of the 'facts' asserted in this version that Daedalus actually created the minotaur, then trapped it in the labyrinth and was the one who killed it. I might be wary of using this book in a topic on Ancient Greece as it could leas to confusion with the Theaseus and the Minotaur story.
Overall a quick, easy, enjoyable read.

I really enjoyed this.
I knew of the rough story of Icarus, but this book really helped to fill in the gaps.
I feel like it explained everything very clearly - when myths can sometimes get a bit complicated. The illustrations were a bit naff however. I'm no artist, but with a story like this I feel like there could have been so much more to these pictures.
I think this book is perfect (bar the illustrations) for a younger reader to enjoy and learn from.