Member Reviews

3.5 stars rounded up to 4

One dark December night, in a small seaside town, a little girl is found abandoned. When her mother arrives twenty frantic minutes later, authorities release the pair, believing it to be an innocent accident of a toddler running off. But when a man is found beaten and left for dead in his apartment and a bedroom is discovered to contain a padlock and - most worryingly of all- children's toys. DS Joanna Harper begins to suspect the little girl on the seafront was not who her mother claimed.

The pace is slow to begin with as we get some background and character information. We are then taken on a dark journey which could be terrifying at times. The story is told over a dual timeline and from multiple points of view. The book combines a police procedural with a bit of folklore and mystery. The characters were an interesting bunch.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #HQ and the author #MelanieGolding for my ARC of #TheReplacement in exchange for an honest review.

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When DS Harper is tasked to investigate an attempted murder of a man called Gregor little did she know that Ruby her relative could be involved.
And what does a two year old girl Lonnie have to do with Ruby?
When Lonnie is found unattended on a cold October day by the sea the two cases seem unconnected until CCTV footage shows Ruby walking away with Lonnie and who is the mysterious Constance and Ruby pretends to be?
After facing some tough decisions DS Harper knows that somehow Ruby is involved on the attack of Gregor but her and Lonnie have just simply vanished just like Constance.
This book involves many a folklore tale that has been written into the book beautifully.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this, it was an atmospheric mystery thriller that really grabbed me, I had never heard of the folklore about the Selkies which made for a very interesting read and left the hair on my arms tingling in places. With so many stories going on, how do they intertwine? I loved the whodunit scenario and Detective Jo Harper is up against trying to unravel the mystery. Perfect for those looking for escapism.

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This was an unusual book , different to the usual psychological thriller . I loved the way the Scottish myths and legends were part of the story . Great characters and good amount of tension all the way through . It was a lovely refreshing change to read something slightly different. I definitely recommend this book , a 5 star read . I’m looking forward to more from this author

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This is a well written book and I can understand the beauty of the underlying story of Constance, Unfortunately for me though the mix of folktale and police procedural didn't really work and I found it difficult to care about any of the characters.
Thank you to netgalley and HQ for an advance copy of this book

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A very interesting take on a traditional story of serial killer/domestic abuse. I enjoyed the actual story but I did find it hard to connect with the main women characters - not sure I can put my finger on why I did not really care about their situation but I found them pretty cold with the exception of Ruby and the child.
The fantasy element is not normally my bag at all but it was done in such a subtle way that for once it did not bother me.
One of the better books I have read off netgalley in while.

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The Replacement (also known as The Hidden) is an exciting new psychological thriller from Melanie Golding. Having really enjoyed her debut novel Little Darlings I couldn’t wait to read this one.

The Replacement opens with a 2 year girl being abandoned outside a seaside shop by her mother, followed by a body of a man floating in a bathtub is found after a neighbour discovers bloody water dripping from her ceiling. The man is still alive but only just when his body is discovered. These opening chapter will have you hooked to find out if these two events are linked or not.

This is a well written book which is told through multiple voices throughout the story. The first voice is from Ruby the woman who claims to be the mother of the toddler found abandoned, the second is from the detective in charge of the case involving the man that was found in the bathtub and the third is from the injured man himself. We also sometimes hear from the little girls real mother Constance. Not only did I enjoy the story but really enjoyed the way Golding manages to mess with the readers head by including then and now timelines. Normally I’m the first one to admit I find this sort of jumping around difficult to follow but this time it worked for me and I’m glade. Now even though I was engrossed in the story and was truly shocked by some of twists and the final revelations I did find there were occasions where the pacing was a little slower compared to the other parts of the book.

As for the characters I thought they were well done. I really liked the detailed backstories of the characters, it really allowed me to understand the characters more deeply. I also liked how Golding gradually revealed the relationships between all characters. The characters are definitely an interesting bunch and while reading I changed my mind multiple times on who I liked and didn’t like.

All in all, a very enjoyable read!! Can’t wait to see what Golding has to offer next. If you’re looking for a gripping psychological thriller with a bit of folklore interwind then this is definitely a book worth trying.

I would like to thank the publisher HQ and NetGalley for my eARC in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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The Replacement is Melanie Golding's highly anticipated latest book and I loved it!
It's a remarkable and unique mixture of crime thriller, psychological drama and folklore.
The crimes include a lost or stolen child, and a man found just alive in his bathtub with a serious head injury. Are they linked? A complex storyline follows the resolution of these crimes.
The folklore surrounding Selkies was fascinating, believable and beautifully written. The quotes from ancient folklore set the scene well.
I’d like to thank H.Q. and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A little girl is found abandoned by the seaside. A man is found badly injured in a bathtub. Two seemingly unrelated crimes. But when DS Joanna Harper begins to investigate, she quickly realises that the two crimes may be linked. Not only that, but the mother who appeared to claim the abandoned child is someone Joanna recognises - it's her estranged daughter, Ruby....

I loved the original slant on a traditional crime thriller in "The Hidden", and the introduction of the selkie myth as the novel progresses lends it an element of the supernatural while lending equal weight to the more rational explanations, therefore pleasing both those readers who enjoy magical realism, and those who want their thrillers rooted in reality - a clever and deftly executed compromise.

Ruby's backstory is well-told, and her relationships with Constance and Gregor gradually unravelled in a way that is both intriguing and gripping, and I also loved the well-realised relationships and twisted family dynamics within the Harper family. This is a novel I enjoyed from the outset, and which drew me further and further in the more I read. It's beautifully written, the characters are interesting and three dimensional, and the extra plot elements - the Harper family discord, Constance's insistence that she is a selkie - lifted what could have been a great but typical thriller into something greater and more memorable. I loved this novel and will be thinking about it for a long time,

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher, who granted me a free ARC copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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A mix of folklore around Selkies and police procedural gives this book a unique storyline.

A little girl, Leonie, is found alone outside a seaside shop in the cold and the shopkeeper contacts the police. Social Services arrive but as her mother arrives at the same time, distraught over her daughter who ran off, no action is taken.

At the same time DS Joanna Harper is at the scene of a man found in a bath with a serious head wound. He has a faint pulse but it does not look good for him.

What is the connection between these two events?

Ruby is a loner. She had a troubled upbringing and now lives alone in a council apartment. When she meets ‘Yoga Guy’ whom she has been watching from her window, she thinks this could be the start of something. A relationship at last. Unfortunately Yoga Guy has secrets. Including the fact his ex is living with him with their daughter. As Ruby gets to know his ex and their child she begins to realise he has a dark controlling side.

Why is Constance staying with him? What is this ‘skin’ she says he has hidden and without which she is unable to leave?

A deliciously dark and creepy tale which will have you addicted.

I loved little Leonie, and also found Ruby and Constance to be well written and I enjoyed getting to know them. Gerard was a fabulous baddie!

Melanie Golding has a real talent for writing books set in the ‘real world’ but incorporating folklore. I can’t wait to read what is next from her.

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Surprisingly unexpected. A creative and unique mythological-psychological thriller. Unsure at first about the folklore element to the story, I was more intrigued by the detective elements. However, Melanie’s brilliant writing captured me and the subtle tales were brilliantly, gradually intertwined which made it feel real rather than outlandish. The folklore aspect really sets this book out from the crowd of the generic crime murder mystery story and was an interesting part of the story. Also, an interesting take on mental health at the beginning which unfolds grippingly.

The characters and plot were very well written and thoroughly enjoyable. I couldn’t put the book down. Can’t wait to read ‘Little Darlings’ now. Would highly recommend!

A huge thanks to NetGalley, HQ publishers and Melanie Golding for this book and the chance to review.

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I’d like to thank H.Q. and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Replacement’ by Melanie Golding in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

A young child is separated from her mother, the authorities are called and soon after Ruby arrives saying she’s the child’s mother and takes her home. DS Joanna Harper is called out when a man is found floating in an overflowing bath and although it looks to be accidental Joanna thinks he’s been struck on the head. As they recover his body the paramedic pronounces that he’s very much alive.

After ‘Little Darlings’ I was looking forward to reading ‘The Replacement’ but I’m afraid I didn’t enjoy it as much as I’d expected. It had an interesting start but then became slow and a bit disjointed and although I liked the character of Ds Joanna Harper and enjoyed the parts where she was investigating, I couldn’t warm to Ruby and the folklore element soon lost my interest. Unfortunately it wasn’t the police mystery I was expecting and as I skimmed through parts of the story I realised I wasn’t interested enough to read the book in its entirety. From the number of positive reviews this novel has received I know my opinion be in the minority for which I apologise but this is one of those books that just wasn’t for me.

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This book is brilliant. There is not a word out of place and the characters are just spot on all of which, along with a perfectly crafted story, helps create an intense and fast paced addictive read. I love psychological thrillers and stories with myths and folklore so you blend the two together you create the perfect book in my eyes. The way Melanie Golding takes her observations of real life and manages to seamlessly entwine folklore in to them to create a brilliant and believable story is great. I loved this book and Little Darlings so she will definitely be a go to author for me in future.

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This is a great book. I read it on holiday and literally couldn't put it down.
The plot is brilliant and it's a real page Turner.

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The Replacement by Melanie Golding is unlike any other book I’ve read. When I read the book synopsis, I didn’t take on board the folklore mentioned. I thought I was reading a story of a lost child, and a seemingly unconnected man who had been attacked at home, many miles away; a police procedural/psychological thriller.
When the folklore element appeared, I was a little surprised, but it was very gently and naturally brought into the narrative. Over time, more of this folklore is shown to us, and enriches the read.
The book has many twists and turns, both in storyline and in the background of two of the central characters, which adds to the complexity of the relationships and how the story plays out. Little Leonie is such a lovely character too, such a sweet nature.
By the end of the book, you realise the book’s title, The Replacement, has multiple meanings. I enjoyed the book, and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a police procedural, with a slightly unusual twist. 4* from me.

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An interesting twist on the usual thriller with the story tied up with the legend of the selkie. There was a definite otherworldly feel to it and enough twists and turns to keep the story moving at a good pace.

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The Replacement is another wonderful story full of folklore and mythology from the very talented Melanie Golding. This rime the folklore is cleverly mixed with an engrossing Police procedural and it works wonderfully. A really engrossing read and highly recommended.

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This is the highly-anticipated second book from Melanie Golding after her debut novel ‘Little Darlings’ was such a hit!
It was certainly a really different and intriguing read. I hadn’t been expecting anything less after the strangeness of ‘Little Darlings’. So I went in expecting the unexpected, and that is what I got.
The whole way through, you aren’t really sure what to make of what is going on. There are intertwining chapters of past events and present ones. We are also seeing an investigative side to the story from Jo Harper. The characters are so bizarre I just couldn’t get my head around Constance at all until all of a sudden, you can. You find out what makes her tick and what has happened to her, and everything starts to become a little clearer.
The ‘coat’ element was a bit too far-fetched for my liking, though. I could accept what Constance thought and felt about herself, but not leaving the horrible situation because of her ‘coat’ just went a bit too far. Especially the amount of time that passes where she doesn’t manage to find it but then suddenly does. That felt a little weak. I can understand some of the bad reviews because of the folklore element that this ‘coat’ fell into. If you are not into that kind of thing and just want to read a good thriller, then this book probably isn’t for you. However, I don’t think it made up enough of the book to annoy me that much it was just a bit unrealistic.
The story as a whole was really enjoyable. I liked how the past and present parts collided. That was all very well written. It had a perfect twisty turvy ending and kept me on the edge of my seat, holding my breath quite a few times.
A solid four-star read.

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I have just finished reading this book and would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in this genre of book. If I had to give anything negative it would be that I didn't read it quick enough! I loved it and was hooked quickly. There were tears at the end too, just how one of the characters felt after everything that had happened to them and everything they'd been through. I would happily read this book again at a later date.

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This book is brilliant, I was hard put to stop reading and do anything else, but now I have finished I am bereft.
Really well plotted with great characters and such a well written story.
At first I was not sure in the first few pages, I thought it was going to be airy fairy, but it hooked me in and got grittier and grittier, but still compelling.
It was a great blend of mystic happenings and psychological thriller. Masterful, I loved it.

Review placed with Waterstones

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