Member Reviews

I wish that I had this book when I was at school and think all schools and Libraries should have it in stock. I’m so happy that it is open, honest and doesn’t patronise, that the author wants to remove the shame from periods.I also really liked that the author goes up to menopause, because if you think people didn’t discuss periods there is even less discussion previously on menopause. I can only hope books like this make it easier on future generations
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I borrowed this for my tween daughter as she is coming up to the age where her periods will start - and its a sign of my upbringing that even typing that sentence felt uncomfortable, I dont think my generation had much knowledge about periods so I really welcome more open dialogue and discussion. This book has that as well as plenty of information for children and adults as periods start and hormones kick in, there are so many body and emotional changes on the horizon that any way of being more prepared is definitely a good idea. I can certainly see it being shared around with friends as different issues arise - one to keep on the shelf for a long while I think

Wow I wish I had this book when I was younger! I think it is brilliant! The bright colours, easy to read text and great illustrations make this book amazing! So full of guidance and information, I think this should be one for every teen! Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This book really caught my eye as I have a 12 year old daughter. I love the graphics, it's really bright and colourful. It's not a book that's going to be hidden at the back of the shelf in sombre, medical pastels, embarrassed at itself for being about periods! I love that one of the aims of the books is to get rid of the shame of periods. Half of the population have them, they're a fact of life. I remember from my own teenage years, being mortified at having to ask for sanitary towels and the like.
The author includes her own period experiences in this book, as well as how they feel, what they can look like, how someone can learn to chart them,as well as the different phases throughout the month, and a diagrams of a girls anatomy. It's aimed for girls aged 9 and over, and I think that some of it is perhaps a little too detailed for such a young age, but that's just my personal opinion. It's a great starting point, and a book that can be dipped into over the years of puberty and beyond. It briefly explores the phases beyond puberty ad talks about fertility, pregnancy and the menopause.
I love the positivity message in Own Your Period, and I'm all up for that.

I’m all for periods to not be pushed aside and to be seen as “normal”, not hush hush.
I advocate the changes that is/should be made.
No shame.
I thought this book covered a wide area and even things appertaining to Periods quite well.
The more I read though, the more I wondered what message the author wanted to make.
Yes there are a variety of aides needed to be purchased according to preference, towels, cups, period pants to wash and reuse pads to save the environment.
That’s where I was at.
I’m all for saving the environment but emphasis was on working on the younger ones for acceptance of change.
Details of why and how that would be the wisest choice.
So what happens if a person doesn’t feel comfortable with that choice and wants to carry on using pads? Will she have peer difficulty from her choice?
Be prepared for graphics in there explicit as this has to be done. I’m not so sure that everyone needs to know ALL the layout of a girls anatomy as that would have been better in a second book on sexual feelings? Arousal etc. Might be just me.
It went through to menopause which I thought at times it was all brain overload in one book.
Emotions, how to handle them, colour of blood loss and how much…
I realise it’s needed buts I found it more like an encyclopaedia of use where your brain whilst reading has too much information at once.
I wouldn’t say it’s written simply.
Yes matter of fact.
I’m reading between the lines though that this author wanted to make a point is saving the environment, all well and good, and start young yes! If a girl wants to use disposable towels, then what? Will she be ostracised.
Overall, it’s good really good acceptable information, however, it feels too much in the line of being judgemental.

A really excellent book introducing periods. Inclusive, fun and wide-ranging, it really goes a long way to encourage period positivity. I'll be recommending to all my friends with kids coming up to the age that this will be most useful for. I thought the sections on anatomy were particularly well done, and the illustrations were a delight. Thank you for putting this book on the market!

I loved this book for a few reasons:
- It’s inclusive, with illustrations depicting a lot of different people.
- It’s very informative but never boring, makes things understandable for young readers and made me wish I had this type of book to educate myself when I was younger… I probably wouldn’t have struggled as much as I did!
- It’s positive, especially in the way that it doesn’t show menstruation as something to hide or keep for yourself, but as something that everyone needs to be educated on, even people who don’t menstruate, because it’s part of biology.
- It really covers many subjects and is a perfect tool for kids and teens.
I really love this idea of owning your period. To me, menstruation has always felt like something that suddenly happened to me. I knew a few basic things beforehand but I was still very confused the day it first happened and I had no idea it would be so present in my life. For years, it really felt like I had absolutely no control over my own body, and the fact that I hadn’t been prepared and informed enough beforehand made me hate parts of my own anatomy and try to blank them out. I would’ve loved to read a book like this one when I was younger, it would’ve made my teenage years very different! Mostly I loved that it gives the reader the tools and the knowledge to be able to own their body, make informed decisions and have a certain autonomy and independence.
Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing for this eARC!

What a joy this book was! I wish I had something this colourful, informative and inclusive when I was younger.
Chella Quint has done a fantastic job!
There is a lot of information, but because of the colourful illustrations it breaks it all up and makes it easier to digest. The great thing about this book is that it is truthful. It doesn't patronise, or doesn't brush over some of the more hard-hitting/controversial topics just because it is aimed at children. I have read some books in the past that do this, and it's just not beneficial for some children that will be using this as their only guide to all things period and puberty.
Definitely recommend, and think all schools should have this in their school libraries.

It's basically a guide on anything and everything period. It goes over anatomy, the science behind periods, the attitudes around periods, the menstrual cycle, hormones, hygiene, pads, pain, etc etc.
It's informative but digestible and doesn't get lost in scientific terminology that might alienate a young reader. It's inclusive and the tone is very warm and open.
It's littered with little 'My Story' segments which adds to the warm tone. The illustrations are diverse and nice additions.
I learned a few things reading and wish I had a book like this when I was growing up. I think it would be an asset to any younger reader.